.DODKS4 LDY #2 \ Fetch byte #2 from the block pointed to by OSSC, which LDA (OSSC),Y \ contains the key to check, and store it in A DKS4 \ Include macro DKS4 to check whether the key in A is \ being pressed, and if it is, set bit 7 of A STA (OSSC),Y \ Store the updated A in byte #2 of the block pointed to \ by OSSC RTS \ Return from the subroutineName: DODKS4 [Show more] Type: Subroutine Category: Keyboard Summary: Implement the #DODKS4 command (scan the keyboard to see if a specific key is being pressed)Context: See this subroutine in context in the source code References: This subroutine is called as follows: * OSWVECS calls DODKS4
This routine is run when the parasite sends a #DODKS4 command with parameters in the block at OSSC(1 0). It scans the keyboard to see if the specified key is being pressed.
Arguments: OSSC(1 0) A parameter block as follows: * Byte #2 = The internal number of the key to check See page 142 of the "Advanced User Guide for the BBC Micro" by Bray, Dickens and Holmes for a list of internal key numbers
Returns: OSSC(1 0) A parameter block as follows: * Byte #2 = If the key is being pressed, it contains the original key number from byte #2, but with bit 7 set (i.e. key number + 128). If the key is not being pressed, it contains the unchanged key number
Macro DKS4 (category: Keyboard)
Scan the keyboard to see if a specific key is being pressed
When the parasite sends an OSWORD command to the I/O processor (i.e. an OSWORD with A = 240 to 255), then the relevant handler routine in the I/O processor is called with OSSC(1 0) pointing to the OSWORD parameter block (i.e. OSSC(1 0) = (Y X) from the original call in the I/O processor)