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Playing BBC Micro disc Elite on the BBC Master

How to download and play the original disc version of Elite on the BBC Master

The Elite Compendium is a great way to enjoy BBC Micro Elite in combination with my other hacks - see the download page for details. Or you can play classic BBC Micro Elite on the Master by choosing one of the following:

To load BBC Micro disc Elite on a BBC Master, simply insert the disc image and press SHIFT-D-BREAK (or SHIFT-D-F12 on most emulators). The disc will automatically load if you're playing it in a browser.

Incidentally, this hacked version only works on the BBC Master, and will not work on the BBC Micro. BBC Micro owners should, of course, play the original disc version instead.

Release history

BBC Master disc Elite has had the following releases:

  • 2022-12-19 - Initial release
  • 2023-02-22 - Released a flicker-free version (with flicker-free ships and planets)

You can check the release for a given disc image by loading the disc and typing *TYPE README to display the credits. The build date is at the end.