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List of all macros

[6502 Second Processor version]

This index contains every macro that appears in the source code for the 6502 Second Processor version of Elite, grouped by category.

Drawing ships

EDGEMacro definition for adding edges to ship blueprints
FACEMacro definition for adding faces to ship blueprints
VERTEXMacro definition for adding vertices to ship blueprints


DKS4 (I/O processor)Scan the keyboard to see if a specific key is being pressed


ITEMMacro definition for the market prices table


FNE (Loader 1)Macro definition for defining a sound envelope


CHARMacro definition for characters in the recursive token table
CONTMacro definition for control codes in the recursive token table
ECHRMacro definition for characters in the extended token table
EJMPMacro definition for jump tokens in the extended token table
ERNDMacro definition for random tokens in the extended token table
ETOKMacro definition for recursive tokens in the extended token table
ETWOMacro definition for two-letter tokens in the extended token table
RTOKMacro definition for recursive tokens in the recursive token table
TOKNMacro definition for standard tokens in the extended token table
TWOKMacro definition for two-letter tokens in the token table

Utility routines

MVE (Loader 2)Move a one-page block of memory from one location to another