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Multiplication and division using logarithms

Faster multiplication and division routines by using logarithm lookup tables

This deep dive is a work in progress. It covers the logarithm version of the multiplication routines in the advanced versions of Elite, specifically the FMLTU and LL28 routines.

Let's look at the following multiplication of two unsigned 8-bit numbers, returning only the high byte of the result, as implemented in the 6502 Second Processor version of FMLTU:

  (A ?) = A * Q

or, to put it another way:

  A = A * Q / 256

Let La be the a-th entry in the 16-bit log/logL (high byte/low byte) table, which means that it has this value:

  La = 32 * log(a) * 256

Let Ar be the r-th entry in the antilog table, which means that it has this value:

  Ar = 2^(r / 32 + 8) / 256

These are all logarithms to base 2, so this is true:

  a * q = 2 ^ (log(a) + log(q))

Let's reduce this. First, we have the following:

  log(a) + log(q) = (log(a) + log(q)) * 1
                  = (log(a) + log(q)) * (32 * 256) / (32 * 256)
                  = (32 * log(a) * 256 + 32 * log(q) * 256) / (32 * 256)
                  = (La + Lq) / (32 * 256)

Now we calculate La + Lq.

1. If La + Lq < 256, then:

    log(a) + log(q) < 256 / (32 * 256)
                    = 1 / 32


    a * q = 2 ^ (log(a) + log(q))
          < 2 ^ (1 / 32)
          < 1

so, because this routine returns A = a * q / 256, we return A = 0.

2. If La + Lq >= 256, then:

   La + Lq >= 256


   La + Lq = r + 256

for some value of r > 0. Plugging this into the above gives:

    log(a) + log(q) = (La + Lq) / (32 * 256)
                    = (r + 256) / (32 * 256)
                    = (r / 32 + 8) / 256

and plugging this into the above gives:

    x * y = 2 ^ (log(a) + log(q))
          = 2 ^ ((r / 32 + 8) / 256)
          = Ar

so we return A = Ar.

In summary, given two numbers A and Q, we can calculate A * Q / 256 by adding La and Lq, and then either returning 0, or using the result to look up the correct result in Ar.

Division can be done in the same way, but we subtract the logarithms instead of adding them - see the LL28 routine for an example.