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Extended system descriptions

The famous "goat soup" algorithm that generates those strange and wonderful system descriptions

The enhanced versions of Elite - all except the BBC Micro cassette and Electron versions, in other words - not only come with an extended text token system in addition to the standard token system, but they also support extended system descriptions. These appear at the bottom of the Data on System screen, so for Lave we get "Lave is most famous for its vast rain forests and the Lavian tree grub", like this:

The Data on System screen for Lave in the BBC Micro disc version of Elite

Some descriptions are fairly rudimentary: poor, unloved Rigeti, for example, is a "revolting dump":

The Data on System screen for Rigeti in the BBC Micro disc version of Elite

Other descriptions are simply bizarre. Raale is "very fabled for the Raalian edible poet":

The Data on System screen for Raale in the BBC Micro disc version of Elite

while the planet Tiinlebi is "most noted for the Tiinlebian mountain slug and its inhabitants' exceptiona loathing of food blenders":

The Data on System screen for Tiinlebi in the BBC Micro disc version of Elite

These extended system descriptions are generated by what game co-author Ian Bell calls the "goat soup" recipe, using nothing more than the power of the extended text token system. We take a look at the recipe below, but first a note on overrides.

System description overrides

The extended system descriptions generated by the "goat soup" recipe described below can be overridden in certain circumstances, particularly during missions. These overrides are only shown if you are docked at the system in question, and they are shown in capital letters to attract attention.

The rules for overriding an extended system description are as follows:

  • If the current system number matches entry number n in the RUPLA table...
  • And the galaxy number and mission status match entry number n in the RUGAL table...
  • Then show token number n from the RUTOK table instead of the normal "goat soup" extended system description

So, for example, if we are at Usleri in galaxy 1 during mission 1, then we match the eighth entries in the RUPLA and RUGAL tables, so we display the eighth token from the RUTOK table, which is:


The two ERND tokens randomly expand into one each of the following lists:


so we could end up chasing a killer scoundrel, a lethal rogue, or even a vicious whoreson beetle headed flap ear'd knave (and refreshing the page by repeatedly pressing f6 will randomly run through all sorts of other combinations).

Interestingly, the last invective is "WHORESON BEETLE HEADFLAP EAR'D KNAVE" in the disc version, but by the time of the 6502 Second Processor version, it had been changed to "WHORESON BEETLE HEADED FLAP EAR'D KNAVE". This is actually a quote from Shakespeare, specifically from Act 4 Scene 1 of The Taming of the Shrew, where Petruchio calls a servant "a whoreson beetle-headed, flap-ear'd knave!". So the 6502 Second Processor version contains the correct quote, unlike the original disc version. Sadly, the NES version changes it to a rather simple "WRETCH", which is just not the same.

There are some other overrides of interest, all of which occur irrespective of mission status, so these will always be shown if you dock at the following systems:

  • Teorge in galaxy 1: "THE COLONISTS HERE HAVE VIOLATED INTERGALACTIC CLONING PROTOCOL AND SHOULD BE AVOIDED" (this is a reference to The Dark Wheel, the novella that came with the game; the character Elyssia Fields hails from Teorge, so this is a rare example of the novella influencing the game content, rather than the other way round)
  • Arredi in galaxy 3: "COMING SOON: ELITE II" (actually, it would be nine more years before Elite II would hit the shelves, and it would be a rather different game to the original planned version of Elite II)
  • Anreer in galaxy 3: "THE INHABITANTS OF ANREER ARE SO AMAZINGLY PRIMITIVE THAT THEY STILL THINK STILL THINK A*****R IS A PRETTY NEAT GAME" (this is a swipe at Aviator, which came out the year before Elite; it's a bit harsh, I feel, as I still think Aviator is a pretty neat game... because it is)
  • Anreer in galaxy 3: "THE INHABITANTS OF ANREER ARE SO AMAZINGLY PRIMITIVE THAT THEY STILL THINK ***** ****** IS 3D" (the Aviator message was changed to this slightly more cryptic version in the 6502 Second Processor and BBC Master versions; I'm not sure what the starred-out name is here, but my guess is Cylon Attack)

For the most part, though, extended system descriptions are not overridden, and they employ the "goat soup" recipe. Let's see what that entails.

The "goat soup" recipe

The extended system description for a system is displayed by the PDESC routine, as follows:

  • First, we check for overrides as described above, and if there is an override in place, we show that instead of the "goat soup" string.
  • Assuming there is no override, the system's s1 and s2 16-bit seeds are copied from QQ15(3 2) and QQ15(5 4) into the random number seeds at RAND to RAND+3. This ensures that the ERND tokens that make up the extended system description always choose the same tokens for the same system, as the random numbers generated are always the same.
  • Then DETOK is called to print extended token number 5.

Note that in the BBC Micro disc version, extended system descriptions are only shown when docked, as there isn't enough free memory for the PDESC routine during flight. In the advanced versions, where there is more memory available, the extended descriptions are always shown.

That's it... though that hardly touches on the complexity of the last step, which is a textbook exercise in recursion. Extended token 5 looks like this:

  "{lower case}{justify}{single cap}[86-90] IS [140-144].{cr}{left align}"

Stripping out the formatting, the token is "[86-90] IS [140-144]."

The first part is pretty easy, as [86-90] expands to one of the following:

  • 86 = {selected system name}
  • 87 = THE PLANET {selected system name}
  • 88 = THE WORLD {selected system name}
  • 89 = THIS PLANET
  • 90 = THIS WORLD

So Lave starts with token 86 followed by " is " (i.e. "Lave is "), while Reorte and Zaonce start with token 89 and " is " (i.e. "This planet is "). And then we start to expand token [140-144], which leads to a seemingly never-ending Inception-level token-within-token-within-token recursion that can produces some really complex descriptions.

The fully expanded token tree is shown below, but it's so big that perhaps an example is in order. Here's Lave's extended system description again:

  "Lave is most famous for its vast rain forests and the Lavian tree grub"

This is formed by the following steps, where each step does just one of the following expansions (using the token syntax from the deep dive on the extended text token system):

  • Choose a token from a token range (using the ERND token type from the extended text tokens), so for example [61-65] represents a choice of tokens 61-65, and [61] indicates that token 61 is our choice
  • Convert a token into its text form, so [23] converts into "most", for example, as that's the text that extended token 23 represents
  • Convert a token into a jump token (using the EJMP token type from the extended text tokens), so for example [86] expands into {3}, or jump token 3, which displays the current system name
  • Expand a token into a collection of other tokens (using the ETOK token type the extended text tokens), so for example [62] expands into "{17} [155-159] [160-164]", which starts with jump token 17, which displays the system name adjective by taking the system name, removing any trailing vowels, and appending "-ian", which in this case gives us "Lavian"

Here, then, are the steps for displaying the extended system description for Lave:

  [86-90] is [140-144]
  [86]    is [140-144]
  {3}     is [140-144]
  {name}  is [140-144]
  Lave    is [140-144]
  Lave    is [141]
  Lave    is [21-25] [16-21] for [61-65]                       and [61-65]
  Lave    is [23]    [16-21] for [61-65]                       and [61-65]
  Lave    is most    [16-21] for [61-65]                       and [61-65]
  Lave    is most    [19]    for [61-65]                       and [61-65]
  Lave    is most    famous  for [61-65]                       and [61-65]
  Lave    is most    famous  for [61]                          and [61-65]
  Lave    is most    famous  for its [26-30] [31-35]           and [61-65]
  Lave    is most    famous  for its [29]    [31-35]           and [61-65]
  Lave    is most    famous  for its vast    [31-35]           and [61-65]
  Lave    is most    famous  for its vast    [34]              and [61-65]
  Lave    is most    famous  for its vast    [125-129] forests and [61-65]
  Lave    is most    famous  for its vast    [127]     forests and [61-65]
  Lave    is most    famous  for its vast    rain      forests and [61-65]

  ...and [61-65]
  ...and [62]
  ...and the {17}                    [155-159] [160-164]
  ...and the {system name adjective} [155-159] [160-164]
  ...and the Lavian                  [155-159] [160-164]
  ...and the Lavian                  [158]     [160-164]
  ...and the Lavian                  tree      [160-164]
  ...and the Lavian                  tree      [164]
  ...and the Lavian                  tree      [115-119]
  ...and the Lavian                  tree      [117]
  ...and the Lavian                  tree      grub

Or, to expand these choices into the same format as the fully expanded decision tree below, the description for Lave looks like this:

 86 = {selected system name}
 141 = [
        23 = MOST
        19 = FAMOUS
        61 = ITS 
              29 = VAST
              34 = [
                    127 = RAIN
        62 = THE
             {system name adjective}
              158 = TREE
              164 = [
                     117 = GRUB

The fully expanded recipe

The surprisingly large data structure shown below is the fully expanded "goat soup" decision tree, which is responsible for generating all the system descriptions from nothing more than the system seeds and the extended recursive tokens. This is the expanded version of Ian Bell's original worksheet for the recipe, which is shown in the fourth image on his design page; not surprisingly, his tree spilled off the bottom of the sheet of paper. Note that the tree below contains the correct spelling of "weird", which was misspelled as "wierd" in the disc and 6502 Second Processor versions, but was fixed in the BBC Master version.

It's worth remembering that this entire tree comes from the simple command to print extended token 5, and it's a great example of super-efficient procedural generation as applied to the English language. The edible poets would be proud, I'm sure.

 86 = {selected system name}
 87 = THE PLANET {selected system name}
 88 = THE WORLD {selected system name}
 140 = [
        21 = VERY
        22 = MILDLY
        23 = MOST
        24 = REASONABLY
        25 = (blank)
        16 = FABLED
        17 = NOTABLE
        18 = WELL KNOWN
        19 = FAMOUS
        20 = NOTED
        61 = ITS 
              26 = ANCIENT
              27 = [
                    130 = FUNNY
                    131 = WEIRD
                    132 = UNUSUAL
                    133 = STRANGE
                    134 = PECULIAR
              28 = GREAT
              29 = VAST
              30 = PINK
              31 = {sentence case}
                    190 = {random word}
                    191 = {system name adjective}
                          {random word}
                    192 = {system name adjective}
                           170 = KILLER
                           171 = DEADLY
                           172 = EVIL
                           173 = LETHAL
                           174 = VICIOUS
                    193 = INHABITANT
                    194 = {system name adjective}
                          {random word}
                    185 = PLANT
                    186 = TULIP
                    187 = BANANA
                    188 = CORN
                    189 = {random word}WEED
                   {lower case}
              32 = MOUNTAINS
              33 = [
                    180 = PARKING METERS
                    181 = DUST CLOUDS
                    182 = ICE BERGS
                    183 = ROCK FORMATIONS
                    184 = VOLCANOES
              34 = [
                    125 = TROPICAL
                    126 = DENSE
                    127 = RAIN
                    128 = IMPENETRABLE
                    129 = EXUBERANT
              35 = OCEANS
        62 = THE
             {system name adjective}
              155 = [
                     170 = KILLER
                     171 = DEADLY
                     172 = EVIL
                     173 = LETHAL
                     174 = VICIOUS
              156 = MOUNTAIN
              157 = EDIBLE
              158 = TREE
              159 = SPOTTED
              160 = [
                     225 = SHREW
                     226 = BEAST
                     227 = BISON
                     228 = SNAKE
                     229 = WOLF
              161 = [
                     230 = LEOPARD
                     231 = CAT
                     232 = MONKEY
                     233 = GOAT
                     234 = FISH
              162 = [
                     46 = WALKING TREE
                     47 = CRAB
                     48 = BAT
                     49 = LOBST
                     50 = {random word}
              163 = [
                     120 = POET
                     121 = ARTS GRADUATE
                     122 = YAK
                     123 = SNAIL
                     124 = SLUG
              164 = [
                     115 = WASP
                     116 = MOTH
                     117 = GRUB
                     118 = ANT
                     119 = {random word}
        63 = ITS INHABITANTS'
              165 = ANCIENT
              166 = EXCEPTIONAL
              167 = ECCENTRIC
              168 = INGRAINED
              169 = [
                     130 = FUNNY
                     131 = WEIRD
                     132 = UNUSUAL
                     133 = STRANGE
                     134 = PECULIAR
              36 = SHYNESS
              37 = SILLINESS
              38 = MATING TRADITIONS
              39 = LOATHING OF
                    41 = FOOD BLENDERS
                    42 = TOURISTS
                    43 = POETRY
                    44 = DISCOS
                    45 = [
                          81 = CUISINE
                          82 = NIGHT LIFE
                          83 = CASINOS
                          84 = SIT COMS
                          85 = {sentence case}
                                235 = [
                                       71 = {random word}
                                       72 = {system name adjective}
                                             160 = [
                                                    225 = SHREW
                                                    226 = BEAST
                                                    227 = BISON
                                                    228 = SNAKE
                                                    229 = WOLF
                                             161 = [
                                                    230 = LEOPARD
                                                    231 = CAT
                                                    232 = MONKEY
                                                    233 = GOAT
                                                    234 = FISH
                                             162 = [
                                                    46 = WALKING TREE
                                                    47 = CRAB
                                                    48 = BAT
                                                    49 = LOBST
                                                    50 = {random word}
                                             163 = [
                                                    120 = POET
                                                    121 = ARTS GRADUATE
                                                    122 = YAK
                                                    123 = SNAIL
                                                    124 = SLUG
                                             164 = [
                                                    115 = WASP
                                                    116 = MOTH
                                                    117 = GRUB
                                                    118 = ANT
                                                    119 = {random word}
                                       73 = {system name adjective}
                                            {random word}
                                       74 = {system name adjective}
                                             170 = KILLER
                                             171 = DEADLY
                                             172 = EVIL
                                             173 = LETHAL
                                             174 = VICIOUS
                                       75 = [
                                             170 = KILLER
                                             171 = DEADLY
                                             172 = EVIL
                                             173 = LETHAL
                                             174 = VICIOUS
                                            {random word}
                                       66 = JUICE
                                       67 = BRANDY
                                       68 = WATER
                                       69 = BREW
                                       70 = GARGLE BLASTERS
                                236 = {system name adjective}
                                       225 = SHREW
                                       226 = BEAST
                                       227 = BISON
                                       228 = SNAKE
                                       229 = WOLF
                                       240 = MEAT
                                       241 = CUTLET
                                       242 = STEAK
                                       243 = BURGERS
                                       244 = SOUP
                                237 = ITS
                                       76 = FABULOUS
                                       77 = EXOTIC
                                       78 = HOOPY
                                       79 = UNUSUAL
                                       80 = EXCITING
                                       230 = LEOPARD
                                       231 = CAT
                                       232 = MONKEY
                                       233 = GOAT
                                       234 = FISH
                                       240 = MEAT
                                       241 = CUTLET
                                       242 = STEAK
                                       243 = BURGERS
                                       244 = SOUP
                                238 = [
                                       245 = ICE
                                       246 = MUD
                                       247 = ZERO-{single cap}G
                                       248 = VACUUM
                                       249 = {system name adjective} ULTRA
                                       250 = HOCKEY
                                       251 = CRICKET
                                       252 = KARATE
                                       253 = POLO
                                       254 = TENNIS
                                239 = [
                                       71 = {random word}
                                       72 = {system name adjective}
                                             160 = [
                                                    225 = SHREW
                                                    226 = BEAST
                                                    227 = BISON
                                                    228 = SNAKE
                                                    229 = WOLF
                                             161 = [
                                                    230 = LEOPARD
                                                    231 = CAT
                                                    232 = MONKEY
                                                    233 = GOAT
                                                    234 = FISH
                                             162 = [
                                                    46 = WALKING TREE
                                                    47 = CRAB
                                                    48 = BAT
                                                    49 = LOBST
                                                    50 = {random word}
                                             163 = [
                                                    120 = POET
                                                    121 = ARTS GRADUATE
                                                    122 = YAK
                                                    123 = SNAIL
                                                    124 = SLUG
                                             164 = [
                                                    115 = WASP
                                                    116 = MOTH
                                                    117 = GRUB
                                                    118 = ANT
                                                    119 = {random word}
                                       73 = {system name adjective}
                                            {random word}
                                       74 = {system name adjective}
                                             170 = KILLER
                                             171 = DEADLY
                                             172 = EVIL
                                             173 = LETHAL
                                             174 = VICIOUS
                                       75 = [
                                             170 = KILLER
                                             171 = DEADLY
                                             172 = EVIL
                                             173 = LETHAL
                                             174 = VICIOUS
                                            {random word}
                                       66 = JUICE
                                       67 = BRANDY
                                       68 = WATER
                                       69 = BREW
                                       70 = GARGLE BLASTERS
                               {lower case}
              40 = LOVE FOR
                    41 = FOOD BLENDERS
                    42 = TOURISTS
                    43 = POETRY
                    44 = DISCOS
                    45 = [
                          81 = CUISINE
                          82 = NIGHT LIFE
                          83 = CASINOS
                          84 = SIT COMS
                          85 = {sentence case}
                                235 = [
                                       71 = {random word}
                                       72 = {system name adjective}
                                             160 = [
                                                    225 = SHREW
                                                    226 = BEAST
                                                    227 = BISON
                                                    228 = SNAKE
                                                    229 = WOLF
                                             161 = [
                                                    230 = LEOPARD
                                                    231 = CAT
                                                    232 = MONKEY
                                                    233 = GOAT
                                                    234 = FISH
                                             162 = [
                                                    46 = WALKING TREE
                                                    47 = CRAB
                                                    48 = BAT
                                                    49 = LOBST
                                                    50 = {random word}
                                             163 = [
                                                    120 = POET
                                                    121 = ARTS GRADUATE
                                                    122 = YAK
                                                    123 = SNAIL
                                                    124 = SLUG
                                             164 = [
                                                    115 = WASP
                                                    116 = MOTH
                                                    117 = GRUB
                                                    118 = ANT
                                                    119 = {random word}
                                       73 = {system name adjective}
                                            {random word}
                                       74 = {system name adjective}
                                             170 = KILLER
                                             171 = DEADLY
                                             172 = EVIL
                                             173 = LETHAL
                                             174 = VICIOUS
                                       75 = [
                                             170 = KILLER
                                             171 = DEADLY
                                             172 = EVIL
                                             173 = LETHAL
                                             174 = VICIOUS
                                            {random word}
                                       66 = JUICE
                                       67 = BRANDY
                                       68 = WATER
                                       69 = BREW
                                       70 = GARGLE BLASTERS
                                236 = {system name adjective}
                                       225 = SHREW
                                       226 = BEAST
                                       227 = BISON
                                       228 = SNAKE
                                       229 = WOLF
                                       240 = MEAT
                                       241 = CUTLET
                                       242 = STEAK
                                       243 = BURGERS
                                       244 = SOUP
                                237 = ITS
                                       76 = FABULOUS
                                       77 = EXOTIC
                                       78 = HOOPY
                                       79 = UNUSUAL
                                       80 = EXCITING
                                       230 = LEOPARD
                                       231 = CAT
                                       232 = MONKEY
                                       233 = GOAT
                                       234 = FISH
                                       240 = MEAT
                                       241 = CUTLET
                                       242 = STEAK
                                       243 = BURGERS
                                       244 = SOUP
                                238 = [
                                       245 = ICE
                                       246 = MUD
                                       247 = ZERO-{single cap}G
                                       248 = VACUUM
                                       249 = {system name adjective} ULTRA
                                       250 = HOCKEY
                                       251 = CRICKET
                                       252 = KARATE
                                       253 = POLO
                                       254 = TENNIS
                                239 = [
                                       71 = {random word}
                                       72 = {system name adjective}
                                             160 = [
                                                    225 = SHREW
                                                    226 = BEAST
                                                    227 = BISON
                                                    228 = SNAKE
                                                    229 = WOLF
                                             161 = [
                                                    230 = LEOPARD
                                                    231 = CAT
                                                    232 = MONKEY
                                                    233 = GOAT
                                                    234 = FISH
                                             162 = [
                                                    46 = WALKING TREE
                                                    47 = CRAB
                                                    48 = BAT
                                                    49 = LOBST
                                                    50 = {random word}
                                             163 = [
                                                    120 = POET
                                                    121 = ARTS GRADUATE
                                                    122 = YAK
                                                    123 = SNAIL
                                                    124 = SLUG
                                             164 = [
                                                    115 = WASP
                                                    116 = MOTH
                                                    117 = GRUB
                                                    118 = ANT
                                                    119 = {random word}
                                       73 = {system name adjective}
                                            {random word}
                                       74 = {system name adjective}
                                             170 = KILLER
                                             171 = DEADLY
                                             172 = EVIL
                                             173 = LETHAL
                                             174 = VICIOUS
                                       75 = [
                                             170 = KILLER
                                             171 = DEADLY
                                             172 = EVIL
                                             173 = LETHAL
                                             174 = VICIOUS
                                            {random word}
                                       66 = JUICE
                                       67 = BRANDY
                                       68 = WATER
                                       69 = BREW
                                       70 = GARGLE BLASTERS
                               {lower case}
        64 = {sentence case}
               235 = [
                      71 = {random word}
                      72 = {system name adjective}
                            160 = [
                                   225 = SHREW
                                   226 = BEAST
                                   227 = BISON
                                   228 = SNAKE
                                   229 = WOLF
                            161 = [
                                   230 = LEOPARD
                                   231 = CAT
                                   232 = MONKEY
                                   233 = GOAT
                                   234 = FISH
                            162 = [
                                   46 = WALKING TREE
                                   47 = CRAB
                                   48 = BAT
                                   49 = LOBST
                                   50 = {random word}
                            163 = [
                                   120 = POET
                                   121 = ARTS GRADUATE
                                   122 = YAK
                                   123 = SNAIL
                                   124 = SLUG
                            164 = [
                                   115 = WASP
                                   116 = MOTH
                                   117 = GRUB
                                   118 = ANT
                                   119 = {random word}
                      73 = {system name adjective}
                           {random word}
                      74 = {system name adjective}
                            170 = KILLER
                            171 = DEADLY
                            172 = EVIL
                            173 = LETHAL
                            174 = VICIOUS
                      75 = [
                            170 = KILLER
                            171 = DEADLY
                            172 = EVIL
                            173 = LETHAL
                            174 = VICIOUS
                           {random word}
                      66 = JUICE
                      67 = BRANDY
                      68 = WATER
                      69 = BREW
                      70 = GARGLE BLASTERS
               236 = {system name adjective}
                      225 = SHREW
                      226 = BEAST
                      227 = BISON
                      228 = SNAKE
                      229 = WOLF
                      240 = MEAT
                      241 = CUTLET
                      242 = STEAK
                      243 = BURGERS
                      244 = SOUP
               237 = ITS
                      76 = FABULOUS
                      77 = EXOTIC
                      78 = HOOPY
                      79 = UNUSUAL
                      80 = EXCITING
                      230 = LEOPARD
                      231 = CAT
                      232 = MONKEY
                      233 = GOAT
                      234 = FISH
                      240 = MEAT
                      241 = CUTLET
                      242 = STEAK
                      243 = BURGERS
                      244 = SOUP
               238 = [
                      245 = ICE
                      246 = MUD
                      247 = ZERO-{single cap}G
                      248 = VACUUM
                      249 = {system name adjective} ULTRA
                      250 = HOCKEY
                      251 = CRICKET
                      252 = KARATE
                      253 = POLO
                      254 = TENNIS
               239 = [
                      71 = {random word}
                      72 = {system name adjective}
                            160 = [
                                   225 = SHREW
                                   226 = BEAST
                                   227 = BISON
                                   228 = SNAKE
                                   229 = WOLF
                            161 = [
                                   230 = LEOPARD
                                   231 = CAT
                                   232 = MONKEY
                                   233 = GOAT
                                   234 = FISH
                            162 = [
                                   46 = WALKING TREE
                                   47 = CRAB
                                   48 = BAT
                                   49 = LOBST
                                   50 = {random word}
                            163 = [
                                   120 = POET
                                   121 = ARTS GRADUATE
                                   122 = YAK
                                   123 = SNAIL
                                   124 = SLUG
                            164 = [
                                   115 = WASP
                                   116 = MOTH
                                   117 = GRUB
                                   118 = ANT
                                   119 = {random word}
                      73 = {system name adjective}
                           {random word}
                      74 = {system name adjective}
                            170 = KILLER
                            171 = DEADLY
                            172 = EVIL
                            173 = LETHAL
                            174 = VICIOUS
                      75 = [
                            170 = KILLER
                            171 = DEADLY
                            172 = EVIL
                            173 = LETHAL
                            174 = VICIOUS
                           {random word}
                      66 = JUICE
                      67 = BRANDY
                      68 = WATER
                      69 = BREW
                      70 = GARGLE BLASTERS
             {lower case}
        65 = ITS
              76 = FABULOUS
              77 = EXOTIC
              78 = HOOPY
              79 = UNUSUAL
              80 = EXCITING
              81 = CUISINE
              82 = NIGHT LIFE
              83 = CASINOS
              84 = SIT COMS
              85 = {sentence case}
                    235 = [
                           71 = {random word}
                           72 = {system name adjective}
                                 160 = [
                                        225 = SHREW
                                        226 = BEAST
                                        227 = BISON
                                        228 = SNAKE
                                        229 = WOLF
                                 161 = [
                                        230 = LEOPARD
                                        231 = CAT
                                        232 = MONKEY
                                        233 = GOAT
                                        234 = FISH
                                 162 = [
                                        46 = WALKING TREE
                                        47 = CRAB
                                        48 = BAT
                                        49 = LOBST
                                        50 = {random word}
                                 163 = [
                                        120 = POET
                                        121 = ARTS GRADUATE
                                        122 = YAK
                                        123 = SNAIL
                                        124 = SLUG
                                 164 = [
                                        115 = WASP
                                        116 = MOTH
                                        117 = GRUB
                                        118 = ANT
                                        119 = {random word}
                           73 = {system name adjective}
                                {random word}
                           74 = {system name adjective}
                                 170 = KILLER
                                 171 = DEADLY
                                 172 = EVIL
                                 173 = LETHAL
                                 174 = VICIOUS
                           75 = [
                                 170 = KILLER
                                 171 = DEADLY
                                 172 = EVIL
                                 173 = LETHAL
                                 174 = VICIOUS
                                {random word}
                           66 = JUICE
                           67 = BRANDY
                           68 = WATER
                           69 = BREW
                           70 = GARGLE BLASTERS
                    236 = {system name adjective}
                           225 = SHREW
                           226 = BEAST
                           227 = BISON
                           228 = SNAKE
                           229 = WOLF
                           240 = MEAT
                           241 = CUTLET
                           242 = STEAK
                           243 = BURGERS
                           244 = SOUP
                    237 = ITS
                           76 = FABULOUS
                           77 = EXOTIC
                           78 = HOOPY
                           79 = UNUSUAL
                           80 = EXCITING
                           230 = LEOPARD
                           231 = CAT
                           232 = MONKEY
                           233 = GOAT
                           234 = FISH
                           240 = MEAT
                           241 = CUTLET
                           242 = STEAK
                           243 = BURGERS
                           244 = SOUP
                    238 = [
                           245 = ICE
                           246 = MUD
                           247 = ZERO-{single cap}G
                           248 = VACUUM
                           249 = {system name adjective} ULTRA
                           250 = HOCKEY
                           251 = CRICKET
                           252 = KARATE
                           253 = POLO
                           254 = TENNIS
                    239 = [
                           71 = {random word}
                           72 = {system name adjective}
                                 160 = [
                                        225 = SHREW
                                        226 = BEAST
                                        227 = BISON
                                        228 = SNAKE
                                        229 = WOLF
                                 161 = [
                                        230 = LEOPARD
                                        231 = CAT
                                        232 = MONKEY
                                        233 = GOAT
                                        234 = FISH
                                 162 = [
                                        46 = WALKING TREE
                                        47 = CRAB
                                        48 = BAT
                                        49 = LOBST
                                        50 = {random word}
                                 163 = [
                                        120 = POET
                                        121 = ARTS GRADUATE
                                        122 = YAK
                                        123 = SNAIL
                                        124 = SLUG
                                 164 = [
                                        115 = WASP
                                        116 = MOTH
                                        117 = GRUB
                                        118 = ANT
                                        119 = {random word}
                           73 = {system name adjective}
                                {random word}
                           74 = {system name adjective}
                                 170 = KILLER
                                 171 = DEADLY
                                 172 = EVIL
                                 173 = LETHAL
                                 174 = VICIOUS
                           75 = [
                                 170 = KILLER
                                 171 = DEADLY
                                 172 = EVIL
                                 173 = LETHAL
                                 174 = VICIOUS
                                {random word}
                           66 = JUICE
                           67 = BRANDY
                           68 = WATER
                           69 = BREW
                           70 = GARGLE BLASTERS
 141 = [
        21 = VERY
        22 = MILDLY
        23 = MOST
        24 = REASONABLY
        25 = (blank)
        16 = FABLED
        17 = NOTABLE
        18 = WELL KNOWN
        19 = FAMOUS
        20 = NOTED
        61 = ITS 
              26 = ANCIENT
              27 = [
                    130 = FUNNY
                    131 = WEIRD
                    132 = UNUSUAL
                    133 = STRANGE
                    134 = PECULIAR
              28 = GREAT
              29 = VAST
              30 = PINK
              31 = {sentence case}
                    190 = {random word}
                    191 = {system name adjective}
                          {random word}
                    192 = {system name adjective}
                           170 = KILLER
                           171 = DEADLY
                           172 = EVIL
                           173 = LETHAL
                           174 = VICIOUS
                    193 = INHABITANT
                    194 = {system name adjective}
                          {random word}
                    185 = PLANT
                    186 = TULIP
                    187 = BANANA
                    188 = CORN
                    189 = {random word}WEED
                   {lower case}
              32 = MOUNTAINS
              33 = [
                    180 = PARKING METERS
                    181 = DUST CLOUDS
                    182 = ICE BERGS
                    183 = ROCK FORMATIONS
                    184 = VOLCANOES
              34 = [
                    125 = TROPICAL
                    126 = DENSE
                    127 = RAIN
                    128 = IMPENETRABLE
                    129 = EXUBERANT
              35 = OCEANS
        62 = THE
             {system name adjective}
              155 = [
                     170 = KILLER
                     171 = DEADLY
                     172 = EVIL
                     173 = LETHAL
                     174 = VICIOUS
              156 = MOUNTAIN
              157 = EDIBLE
              158 = TREE
              159 = SPOTTED
              160 = [
                     225 = SHREW
                     226 = BEAST
                     227 = BISON
                     228 = SNAKE
                     229 = WOLF
              161 = [
                     230 = LEOPARD
                     231 = CAT
                     232 = MONKEY
                     233 = GOAT
                     234 = FISH
              162 = [
                     46 = WALKING TREE
                     47 = CRAB
                     48 = BAT
                     49 = LOBST
                     50 = {random word}
              163 = [
                     120 = POET
                     121 = ARTS GRADUATE
                     122 = YAK
                     123 = SNAIL
                     124 = SLUG
              164 = [
                     115 = WASP
                     116 = MOTH
                     117 = GRUB
                     118 = ANT
                     119 = {random word}
        63 = ITS INHABITANTS'
              165 = ANCIENT
              166 = EXCEPTIONAL
              167 = ECCENTRIC
              168 = INGRAINED
              169 = [
                     130 = FUNNY
                     131 = WEIRD
                     132 = UNUSUAL
                     133 = STRANGE
                     134 = PECULIAR
              36 = SHYNESS
              37 = SILLINESS
              38 = MATING TRADITIONS
              39 = LOATHING OF
                    41 = FOOD BLENDERS
                    42 = TOURISTS
                    43 = POETRY
                    44 = DISCOS
                    45 = [
                          81 = CUISINE
                          82 = NIGHT LIFE
                          83 = CASINOS
                          84 = SIT COMS
                          85 = {sentence case}
                                235 = [
                                       71 = {random word}
                                       72 = {system name adjective}
                                             160 = [
                                                    225 = SHREW
                                                    226 = BEAST
                                                    227 = BISON
                                                    228 = SNAKE
                                                    229 = WOLF
                                             161 = [
                                                    230 = LEOPARD
                                                    231 = CAT
                                                    232 = MONKEY
                                                    233 = GOAT
                                                    234 = FISH
                                             162 = [
                                                    46 = WALKING TREE
                                                    47 = CRAB
                                                    48 = BAT
                                                    49 = LOBST
                                                    50 = {random word}
                                             163 = [
                                                    120 = POET
                                                    121 = ARTS GRADUATE
                                                    122 = YAK
                                                    123 = SNAIL
                                                    124 = SLUG
                                             164 = [
                                                    115 = WASP
                                                    116 = MOTH
                                                    117 = GRUB
                                                    118 = ANT
                                                    119 = {random word}
                                       73 = {system name adjective}
                                            {random word}
                                       74 = {system name adjective}
                                             170 = KILLER
                                             171 = DEADLY
                                             172 = EVIL
                                             173 = LETHAL
                                             174 = VICIOUS
                                       75 = [
                                             170 = KILLER
                                             171 = DEADLY
                                             172 = EVIL
                                             173 = LETHAL
                                             174 = VICIOUS
                                            {random word}
                                       66 = JUICE
                                       67 = BRANDY
                                       68 = WATER
                                       69 = BREW
                                       70 = GARGLE BLASTERS
                                236 = {system name adjective}
                                       225 = SHREW
                                       226 = BEAST
                                       227 = BISON
                                       228 = SNAKE
                                       229 = WOLF
                                       240 = MEAT
                                       241 = CUTLET
                                       242 = STEAK
                                       243 = BURGERS
                                       244 = SOUP
                                237 = ITS
                                       76 = FABULOUS
                                       77 = EXOTIC
                                       78 = HOOPY
                                       79 = UNUSUAL
                                       80 = EXCITING
                                       230 = LEOPARD
                                       231 = CAT
                                       232 = MONKEY
                                       233 = GOAT
                                       234 = FISH
                                       240 = MEAT
                                       241 = CUTLET
                                       242 = STEAK
                                       243 = BURGERS
                                       244 = SOUP
                                238 = [
                                       245 = ICE
                                       246 = MUD
                                       247 = ZERO-{single cap}G
                                       248 = VACUUM
                                       249 = {system name adjective} ULTRA
                                       250 = HOCKEY
                                       251 = CRICKET
                                       252 = KARATE
                                       253 = POLO
                                       254 = TENNIS
                                239 = [
                                       71 = {random word}
                                       72 = {system name adjective}
                                             160 = [
                                                    225 = SHREW
                                                    226 = BEAST
                                                    227 = BISON
                                                    228 = SNAKE
                                                    229 = WOLF
                                             161 = [
                                                    230 = LEOPARD
                                                    231 = CAT
                                                    232 = MONKEY
                                                    233 = GOAT
                                                    234 = FISH
                                             162 = [
                                                    46 = WALKING TREE
                                                    47 = CRAB
                                                    48 = BAT
                                                    49 = LOBST
                                                    50 = {random word}
                                             163 = [
                                                    120 = POET
                                                    121 = ARTS GRADUATE
                                                    122 = YAK
                                                    123 = SNAIL
                                                    124 = SLUG
                                             164 = [
                                                    115 = WASP
                                                    116 = MOTH
                                                    117 = GRUB
                                                    118 = ANT
                                                    119 = {random word}
                                       73 = {system name adjective}
                                            {random word}
                                       74 = {system name adjective}
                                             170 = KILLER
                                             171 = DEADLY
                                             172 = EVIL
                                             173 = LETHAL
                                             174 = VICIOUS
                                       75 = [
                                             170 = KILLER
                                             171 = DEADLY
                                             172 = EVIL
                                             173 = LETHAL
                                             174 = VICIOUS
                                            {random word}
                                       66 = JUICE
                                       67 = BRANDY
                                       68 = WATER
                                       69 = BREW
                                       70 = GARGLE BLASTERS
                               {lower case}
              40 = LOVE FOR
                    41 = FOOD BLENDERS
                    42 = TOURISTS
                    43 = POETRY
                    44 = DISCOS
                    45 = [
                          81 = CUISINE
                          82 = NIGHT LIFE
                          83 = CASINOS
                          84 = SIT COMS
                          85 = {sentence case}
                                235 = [
                                       71 = {random word}
                                       72 = {system name adjective}
                                             160 = [
                                                    225 = SHREW
                                                    226 = BEAST
                                                    227 = BISON
                                                    228 = SNAKE
                                                    229 = WOLF
                                             161 = [
                                                    230 = LEOPARD
                                                    231 = CAT
                                                    232 = MONKEY
                                                    233 = GOAT
                                                    234 = FISH
                                             162 = [
                                                    46 = WALKING TREE
                                                    47 = CRAB
                                                    48 = BAT
                                                    49 = LOBST
                                                    50 = {random word}
                                             163 = [
                                                    120 = POET
                                                    121 = ARTS GRADUATE
                                                    122 = YAK
                                                    123 = SNAIL
                                                    124 = SLUG
                                             164 = [
                                                    115 = WASP
                                                    116 = MOTH
                                                    117 = GRUB
                                                    118 = ANT
                                                    119 = {random word}
                                       73 = {system name adjective}
                                            {random word}
                                       74 = {system name adjective}
                                             170 = KILLER
                                             171 = DEADLY
                                             172 = EVIL
                                             173 = LETHAL
                                             174 = VICIOUS
                                       75 = [
                                             170 = KILLER
                                             171 = DEADLY
                                             172 = EVIL
                                             173 = LETHAL
                                             174 = VICIOUS
                                            {random word}
                                       66 = JUICE
                                       67 = BRANDY
                                       68 = WATER
                                       69 = BREW
                                       70 = GARGLE BLASTERS
                                236 = {system name adjective}
                                       225 = SHREW
                                       226 = BEAST
                                       227 = BISON
                                       228 = SNAKE
                                       229 = WOLF
                                       240 = MEAT
                                       241 = CUTLET
                                       242 = STEAK
                                       243 = BURGERS
                                       244 = SOUP
                                237 = ITS
                                       76 = FABULOUS
                                       77 = EXOTIC
                                       78 = HOOPY
                                       79 = UNUSUAL
                                       80 = EXCITING
                                       230 = LEOPARD
                                       231 = CAT
                                       232 = MONKEY
                                       233 = GOAT
                                       234 = FISH
                                       240 = MEAT
                                       241 = CUTLET
                                       242 = STEAK
                                       243 = BURGERS
                                       244 = SOUP
                                238 = [
                                       245 = ICE
                                       246 = MUD
                                       247 = ZERO-{single cap}G
                                       248 = VACUUM
                                       249 = {system name adjective} ULTRA
                                       250 = HOCKEY
                                       251 = CRICKET
                                       252 = KARATE
                                       253 = POLO
                                       254 = TENNIS
                                239 = [
                                       71 = {random word}
                                       72 = {system name adjective}
                                             160 = [
                                                    225 = SHREW
                                                    226 = BEAST
                                                    227 = BISON
                                                    228 = SNAKE
                                                    229 = WOLF
                                             161 = [
                                                    230 = LEOPARD
                                                    231 = CAT
                                                    232 = MONKEY
                                                    233 = GOAT
                                                    234 = FISH
                                             162 = [
                                                    46 = WALKING TREE
                                                    47 = CRAB
                                                    48 = BAT
                                                    49 = LOBST
                                                    50 = {random word}
                                             163 = [
                                                    120 = POET
                                                    121 = ARTS GRADUATE
                                                    122 = YAK
                                                    123 = SNAIL
                                                    124 = SLUG
                                             164 = [
                                                    115 = WASP
                                                    116 = MOTH
                                                    117 = GRUB
                                                    118 = ANT
                                                    119 = {random word}
                                       73 = {system name adjective}
                                            {random word}
                                       74 = {system name adjective}
                                             170 = KILLER
                                             171 = DEADLY
                                             172 = EVIL
                                             173 = LETHAL
                                             174 = VICIOUS
                                       75 = [
                                             170 = KILLER
                                             171 = DEADLY
                                             172 = EVIL
                                             173 = LETHAL
                                             174 = VICIOUS
                                            {random word}
                                       66 = JUICE
                                       67 = BRANDY
                                       68 = WATER
                                       69 = BREW
                                       70 = GARGLE BLASTERS
                               {lower case}
        64 = {sentence case}
               235 = [
                      71 = {random word}
                      72 = {system name adjective}
                            160 = [
                                   225 = SHREW
                                   226 = BEAST
                                   227 = BISON
                                   228 = SNAKE
                                   229 = WOLF
                            161 = [
                                   230 = LEOPARD
                                   231 = CAT
                                   232 = MONKEY
                                   233 = GOAT
                                   234 = FISH
                            162 = [
                                   46 = WALKING TREE
                                   47 = CRAB
                                   48 = BAT
                                   49 = LOBST
                                   50 = {random word}
                            163 = [
                                   120 = POET
                                   121 = ARTS GRADUATE
                                   122 = YAK
                                   123 = SNAIL
                                   124 = SLUG
                            164 = [
                                   115 = WASP
                                   116 = MOTH
                                   117 = GRUB
                                   118 = ANT
                                   119 = {random word}
                      73 = {system name adjective}
                           {random word}
                      74 = {system name adjective}
                            170 = KILLER
                            171 = DEADLY
                            172 = EVIL
                            173 = LETHAL
                            174 = VICIOUS
                      75 = [
                            170 = KILLER
                            171 = DEADLY
                            172 = EVIL
                            173 = LETHAL
                            174 = VICIOUS
                           {random word}
                      66 = JUICE
                      67 = BRANDY
                      68 = WATER
                      69 = BREW
                      70 = GARGLE BLASTERS
               236 = {system name adjective}
                      225 = SHREW
                      226 = BEAST
                      227 = BISON
                      228 = SNAKE
                      229 = WOLF
                      240 = MEAT
                      241 = CUTLET
                      242 = STEAK
                      243 = BURGERS
                      244 = SOUP
               237 = ITS
                      76 = FABULOUS
                      77 = EXOTIC
                      78 = HOOPY
                      79 = UNUSUAL
                      80 = EXCITING
                      230 = LEOPARD
                      231 = CAT
                      232 = MONKEY
                      233 = GOAT
                      234 = FISH
                      240 = MEAT
                      241 = CUTLET
                      242 = STEAK
                      243 = BURGERS
                      244 = SOUP
               238 = [
                      245 = ICE
                      246 = MUD
                      247 = ZERO-{single cap}G
                      248 = VACUUM
                      249 = {system name adjective} ULTRA
                      250 = HOCKEY
                      251 = CRICKET
                      252 = KARATE
                      253 = POLO
                      254 = TENNIS
               239 = [
                      71 = {random word}
                      72 = {system name adjective}
                            160 = [
                                   225 = SHREW
                                   226 = BEAST
                                   227 = BISON
                                   228 = SNAKE
                                   229 = WOLF
                            161 = [
                                   230 = LEOPARD
                                   231 = CAT
                                   232 = MONKEY
                                   233 = GOAT
                                   234 = FISH
                            162 = [
                                   46 = WALKING TREE
                                   47 = CRAB
                                   48 = BAT
                                   49 = LOBST
                                   50 = {random word}
                            163 = [
                                   120 = POET
                                   121 = ARTS GRADUATE
                                   122 = YAK
                                   123 = SNAIL
                                   124 = SLUG
                            164 = [
                                   115 = WASP
                                   116 = MOTH
                                   117 = GRUB
                                   118 = ANT
                                   119 = {random word}
                      73 = {system name adjective}
                           {random word}
                      74 = {system name adjective}
                            170 = KILLER
                            171 = DEADLY
                            172 = EVIL
                            173 = LETHAL
                            174 = VICIOUS
                      75 = [
                            170 = KILLER
                            171 = DEADLY
                            172 = EVIL
                            173 = LETHAL
                            174 = VICIOUS
                           {random word}
                      66 = JUICE
                      67 = BRANDY
                      68 = WATER
                      69 = BREW
                      70 = GARGLE BLASTERS
             {lower case}
        65 = ITS
              76 = FABULOUS
              77 = EXOTIC
              78 = HOOPY
              79 = UNUSUAL
              80 = EXCITING
              81 = CUISINE
              82 = NIGHT LIFE
              83 = CASINOS
              84 = SIT COMS
              85 = {sentence case}
                    235 = [
                           71 = {random word}
                           72 = {system name adjective}
                                 160 = [
                                        225 = SHREW
                                        226 = BEAST
                                        227 = BISON
                                        228 = SNAKE
                                        229 = WOLF
                                 161 = [
                                        230 = LEOPARD
                                        231 = CAT
                                        232 = MONKEY
                                        233 = GOAT
                                        234 = FISH
                                 162 = [
                                        46 = WALKING TREE
                                        47 = CRAB
                                        48 = BAT
                                        49 = LOBST
                                        50 = {random word}
                                 163 = [
                                        120 = POET
                                        121 = ARTS GRADUATE
                                        122 = YAK
                                        123 = SNAIL
                                        124 = SLUG
                                 164 = [
                                        115 = WASP
                                        116 = MOTH
                                        117 = GRUB
                                        118 = ANT
                                        119 = {random word}
                           73 = {system name adjective}
                                {random word}
                           74 = {system name adjective}
                                 170 = KILLER
                                 171 = DEADLY
                                 172 = EVIL
                                 173 = LETHAL
                                 174 = VICIOUS
                           75 = [
                                 170 = KILLER
                                 171 = DEADLY
                                 172 = EVIL
                                 173 = LETHAL
                                 174 = VICIOUS
                                {random word}
                           66 = JUICE
                           67 = BRANDY
                           68 = WATER
                           69 = BREW
                           70 = GARGLE BLASTERS
                    236 = {system name adjective}
                           225 = SHREW
                           226 = BEAST
                           227 = BISON
                           228 = SNAKE
                           229 = WOLF
                           240 = MEAT
                           241 = CUTLET
                           242 = STEAK
                           243 = BURGERS
                           244 = SOUP
                    237 = ITS
                           76 = FABULOUS
                           77 = EXOTIC
                           78 = HOOPY
                           79 = UNUSUAL
                           80 = EXCITING
                           230 = LEOPARD
                           231 = CAT
                           232 = MONKEY
                           233 = GOAT
                           234 = FISH
                           240 = MEAT
                           241 = CUTLET
                           242 = STEAK
                           243 = BURGERS
                           244 = SOUP
                    238 = [
                           245 = ICE
                           246 = MUD
                           247 = ZERO-{single cap}G
                           248 = VACUUM
                           249 = {system name adjective} ULTRA
                           250 = HOCKEY
                           251 = CRICKET
                           252 = KARATE
                           253 = POLO
                           254 = TENNIS
                    239 = [
                           71 = {random word}
                           72 = {system name adjective}
                                 160 = [
                                        225 = SHREW
                                        226 = BEAST
                                        227 = BISON
                                        228 = SNAKE
                                        229 = WOLF
                                 161 = [
                                        230 = LEOPARD
                                        231 = CAT
                                        232 = MONKEY
                                        233 = GOAT
                                        234 = FISH
                                 162 = [
                                        46 = WALKING TREE
                                        47 = CRAB
                                        48 = BAT
                                        49 = LOBST
                                        50 = {random word}
                                 163 = [
                                        120 = POET
                                        121 = ARTS GRADUATE
                                        122 = YAK
                                        123 = SNAIL
                                        124 = SLUG
                                 164 = [
                                        115 = WASP
                                        116 = MOTH
                                        117 = GRUB
                                        118 = ANT
                                        119 = {random word}
                           73 = {system name adjective}
                                {random word}
                           74 = {system name adjective}
                                 170 = KILLER
                                 171 = DEADLY
                                 172 = EVIL
                                 173 = LETHAL
                                 174 = VICIOUS
                           75 = [
                                 170 = KILLER
                                 171 = DEADLY
                                 172 = EVIL
                                 173 = LETHAL
                                 174 = VICIOUS
                                {random word}
                           66 = JUICE
                           67 = BRANDY
                           68 = WATER
                           69 = BREW
                           70 = GARGLE BLASTERS
        61 = ITS 
              26 = ANCIENT
              27 = [
                    130 = FUNNY
                    131 = WEIRD
                    132 = UNUSUAL
                    133 = STRANGE
                    134 = PECULIAR
              28 = GREAT
              29 = VAST
              30 = PINK
              31 = {sentence case}
                    190 = {random word}
                    191 = {system name adjective}
                          {random word}
                    192 = {system name adjective}
                           170 = KILLER
                           171 = DEADLY
                           172 = EVIL
                           173 = LETHAL
                           174 = VICIOUS
                    193 = INHABITANT
                    194 = {system name adjective}
                          {random word}
                    185 = PLANT
                    186 = TULIP
                    187 = BANANA
                    188 = CORN
                    189 = {random word}WEED
                   {lower case}
              32 = MOUNTAINS
              33 = [
                    180 = PARKING METERS
                    181 = DUST CLOUDS
                    182 = ICE BERGS
                    183 = ROCK FORMATIONS
                    184 = VOLCANOES
              34 = [
                    125 = TROPICAL
                    126 = DENSE
                    127 = RAIN
                    128 = IMPENETRABLE
                    129 = EXUBERANT
              35 = OCEANS
        62 = THE
             {system name adjective}
              155 = [
                     170 = KILLER
                     171 = DEADLY
                     172 = EVIL
                     173 = LETHAL
                     174 = VICIOUS
              156 = MOUNTAIN
              157 = EDIBLE
              158 = TREE
              159 = SPOTTED
              160 = [
                     225 = SHREW
                     226 = BEAST
                     227 = BISON
                     228 = SNAKE
                     229 = WOLF
              161 = [
                     230 = LEOPARD
                     231 = CAT
                     232 = MONKEY
                     233 = GOAT
                     234 = FISH
              162 = [
                     46 = WALKING TREE
                     47 = CRAB
                     48 = BAT
                     49 = LOBST
                     50 = {random word}
              163 = [
                     120 = POET
                     121 = ARTS GRADUATE
                     122 = YAK
                     123 = SNAIL
                     124 = SLUG
              164 = [
                     115 = WASP
                     116 = MOTH
                     117 = GRUB
                     118 = ANT
                     119 = {random word}
        63 = ITS INHABITANTS'
              165 = ANCIENT
              166 = EXCEPTIONAL
              167 = ECCENTRIC
              168 = INGRAINED
              169 = [
                     130 = FUNNY
                     131 = WEIRD
                     132 = UNUSUAL
                     133 = STRANGE
                     134 = PECULIAR
              36 = SHYNESS
              37 = SILLINESS
              38 = MATING TRADITIONS
              39 = LOATHING OF
                    41 = FOOD BLENDERS
                    42 = TOURISTS
                    43 = POETRY
                    44 = DISCOS
                    45 = [
                          81 = CUISINE
                          82 = NIGHT LIFE
                          83 = CASINOS
                          84 = SIT COMS
                          85 = {sentence case}
                                235 = [
                                       71 = {random word}
                                       72 = {system name adjective}
                                             160 = [
                                                    225 = SHREW
                                                    226 = BEAST
                                                    227 = BISON
                                                    228 = SNAKE
                                                    229 = WOLF
                                             161 = [
                                                    230 = LEOPARD
                                                    231 = CAT
                                                    232 = MONKEY
                                                    233 = GOAT
                                                    234 = FISH
                                             162 = [
                                                    46 = WALKING TREE
                                                    47 = CRAB
                                                    48 = BAT
                                                    49 = LOBST
                                                    50 = {random word}
                                             163 = [
                                                    120 = POET
                                                    121 = ARTS GRADUATE
                                                    122 = YAK
                                                    123 = SNAIL
                                                    124 = SLUG
                                             164 = [
                                                    115 = WASP
                                                    116 = MOTH
                                                    117 = GRUB
                                                    118 = ANT
                                                    119 = {random word}
                                       73 = {system name adjective}
                                            {random word}
                                       74 = {system name adjective}
                                             170 = KILLER
                                             171 = DEADLY
                                             172 = EVIL
                                             173 = LETHAL
                                             174 = VICIOUS
                                       75 = [
                                             170 = KILLER
                                             171 = DEADLY
                                             172 = EVIL
                                             173 = LETHAL
                                             174 = VICIOUS
                                            {random word}
                                       66 = JUICE
                                       67 = BRANDY
                                       68 = WATER
                                       69 = BREW
                                       70 = GARGLE BLASTERS
                                236 = {system name adjective}
                                       225 = SHREW
                                       226 = BEAST
                                       227 = BISON
                                       228 = SNAKE
                                       229 = WOLF
                                       240 = MEAT
                                       241 = CUTLET
                                       242 = STEAK
                                       243 = BURGERS
                                       244 = SOUP
                                237 = ITS
                                       76 = FABULOUS
                                       77 = EXOTIC
                                       78 = HOOPY
                                       79 = UNUSUAL
                                       80 = EXCITING
                                       230 = LEOPARD
                                       231 = CAT
                                       232 = MONKEY
                                       233 = GOAT
                                       234 = FISH
                                       240 = MEAT
                                       241 = CUTLET
                                       242 = STEAK
                                       243 = BURGERS
                                       244 = SOUP
                                238 = [
                                       245 = ICE
                                       246 = MUD
                                       247 = ZERO-{single cap}G
                                       248 = VACUUM
                                       249 = {system name adjective} ULTRA
                                       250 = HOCKEY
                                       251 = CRICKET
                                       252 = KARATE
                                       253 = POLO
                                       254 = TENNIS
                                239 = [
                                       71 = {random word}
                                       72 = {system name adjective}
                                             160 = [
                                                    225 = SHREW
                                                    226 = BEAST
                                                    227 = BISON
                                                    228 = SNAKE
                                                    229 = WOLF
                                             161 = [
                                                    230 = LEOPARD
                                                    231 = CAT
                                                    232 = MONKEY
                                                    233 = GOAT
                                                    234 = FISH
                                             162 = [
                                                    46 = WALKING TREE
                                                    47 = CRAB
                                                    48 = BAT
                                                    49 = LOBST
                                                    50 = {random word}
                                             163 = [
                                                    120 = POET
                                                    121 = ARTS GRADUATE
                                                    122 = YAK
                                                    123 = SNAIL
                                                    124 = SLUG
                                             164 = [
                                                    115 = WASP
                                                    116 = MOTH
                                                    117 = GRUB
                                                    118 = ANT
                                                    119 = {random word}
                                       73 = {system name adjective}
                                            {random word}
                                       74 = {system name adjective}
                                             170 = KILLER
                                             171 = DEADLY
                                             172 = EVIL
                                             173 = LETHAL
                                             174 = VICIOUS
                                       75 = [
                                             170 = KILLER
                                             171 = DEADLY
                                             172 = EVIL
                                             173 = LETHAL
                                             174 = VICIOUS
                                            {random word}
                                       66 = JUICE
                                       67 = BRANDY
                                       68 = WATER
                                       69 = BREW
                                       70 = GARGLE BLASTERS
                               {lower case}
              40 = LOVE FOR
                    41 = FOOD BLENDERS
                    42 = TOURISTS
                    43 = POETRY
                    44 = DISCOS
                    45 = [
                          81 = CUISINE
                          82 = NIGHT LIFE
                          83 = CASINOS
                          84 = SIT COMS
                          85 = {sentence case}
                                235 = [
                                       71 = {random word}
                                       72 = {system name adjective}
                                             160 = [
                                                    225 = SHREW
                                                    226 = BEAST
                                                    227 = BISON
                                                    228 = SNAKE
                                                    229 = WOLF
                                             161 = [
                                                    230 = LEOPARD
                                                    231 = CAT
                                                    232 = MONKEY
                                                    233 = GOAT
                                                    234 = FISH
                                             162 = [
                                                    46 = WALKING TREE
                                                    47 = CRAB
                                                    48 = BAT
                                                    49 = LOBST
                                                    50 = {random word}
                                             163 = [
                                                    120 = POET
                                                    121 = ARTS GRADUATE
                                                    122 = YAK
                                                    123 = SNAIL
                                                    124 = SLUG
                                             164 = [
                                                    115 = WASP
                                                    116 = MOTH
                                                    117 = GRUB
                                                    118 = ANT
                                                    119 = {random word}
                                       73 = {system name adjective}
                                            {random word}
                                       74 = {system name adjective}
                                             170 = KILLER
                                             171 = DEADLY
                                             172 = EVIL
                                             173 = LETHAL
                                             174 = VICIOUS
                                       75 = [
                                             170 = KILLER
                                             171 = DEADLY
                                             172 = EVIL
                                             173 = LETHAL
                                             174 = VICIOUS
                                            {random word}
                                       66 = JUICE
                                       67 = BRANDY
                                       68 = WATER
                                       69 = BREW
                                       70 = GARGLE BLASTERS
                                236 = {system name adjective}
                                       225 = SHREW
                                       226 = BEAST
                                       227 = BISON
                                       228 = SNAKE
                                       229 = WOLF
                                       240 = MEAT
                                       241 = CUTLET
                                       242 = STEAK
                                       243 = BURGERS
                                       244 = SOUP
                                237 = ITS
                                       76 = FABULOUS
                                       77 = EXOTIC
                                       78 = HOOPY
                                       79 = UNUSUAL
                                       80 = EXCITING
                                       230 = LEOPARD
                                       231 = CAT
                                       232 = MONKEY
                                       233 = GOAT
                                       234 = FISH
                                       240 = MEAT
                                       241 = CUTLET
                                       242 = STEAK
                                       243 = BURGERS
                                       244 = SOUP
                                238 = [
                                       245 = ICE
                                       246 = MUD
                                       247 = ZERO-{single cap}G
                                       248 = VACUUM
                                       249 = {system name adjective} ULTRA
                                       250 = HOCKEY
                                       251 = CRICKET
                                       252 = KARATE
                                       253 = POLO
                                       254 = TENNIS
                                239 = [
                                       71 = {random word}
                                       72 = {system name adjective}
                                             160 = [
                                                    225 = SHREW
                                                    226 = BEAST
                                                    227 = BISON
                                                    228 = SNAKE
                                                    229 = WOLF
                                             161 = [
                                                    230 = LEOPARD
                                                    231 = CAT
                                                    232 = MONKEY
                                                    233 = GOAT
                                                    234 = FISH
                                             162 = [
                                                    46 = WALKING TREE
                                                    47 = CRAB
                                                    48 = BAT
                                                    49 = LOBST
                                                    50 = {random word}
                                             163 = [
                                                    120 = POET
                                                    121 = ARTS GRADUATE
                                                    122 = YAK
                                                    123 = SNAIL
                                                    124 = SLUG
                                             164 = [
                                                    115 = WASP
                                                    116 = MOTH
                                                    117 = GRUB
                                                    118 = ANT
                                                    119 = {random word}
                                       73 = {system name adjective}
                                            {random word}
                                       74 = {system name adjective}
                                             170 = KILLER
                                             171 = DEADLY
                                             172 = EVIL
                                             173 = LETHAL
                                             174 = VICIOUS
                                       75 = [
                                             170 = KILLER
                                             171 = DEADLY
                                             172 = EVIL
                                             173 = LETHAL
                                             174 = VICIOUS
                                            {random word}
                                       66 = JUICE
                                       67 = BRANDY
                                       68 = WATER
                                       69 = BREW
                                       70 = GARGLE BLASTERS
                               {lower case}
        64 = {sentence case}
               235 = [
                      71 = {random word}
                      72 = {system name adjective}
                            160 = [
                                   225 = SHREW
                                   226 = BEAST
                                   227 = BISON
                                   228 = SNAKE
                                   229 = WOLF
                            161 = [
                                   230 = LEOPARD
                                   231 = CAT
                                   232 = MONKEY
                                   233 = GOAT
                                   234 = FISH
                            162 = [
                                   46 = WALKING TREE
                                   47 = CRAB
                                   48 = BAT
                                   49 = LOBST
                                   50 = {random word}
                            163 = [
                                   120 = POET
                                   121 = ARTS GRADUATE
                                   122 = YAK
                                   123 = SNAIL
                                   124 = SLUG
                            164 = [
                                   115 = WASP
                                   116 = MOTH
                                   117 = GRUB
                                   118 = ANT
                                   119 = {random word}
                      73 = {system name adjective}
                           {random word}
                      74 = {system name adjective}
                            170 = KILLER
                            171 = DEADLY
                            172 = EVIL
                            173 = LETHAL
                            174 = VICIOUS
                      75 = [
                            170 = KILLER
                            171 = DEADLY
                            172 = EVIL
                            173 = LETHAL
                            174 = VICIOUS
                           {random word}
                      66 = JUICE
                      67 = BRANDY
                      68 = WATER
                      69 = BREW
                      70 = GARGLE BLASTERS
               236 = {system name adjective}
                      225 = SHREW
                      226 = BEAST
                      227 = BISON
                      228 = SNAKE
                      229 = WOLF
                      240 = MEAT
                      241 = CUTLET
                      242 = STEAK
                      243 = BURGERS
                      244 = SOUP
               237 = ITS
                      76 = FABULOUS
                      77 = EXOTIC
                      78 = HOOPY
                      79 = UNUSUAL
                      80 = EXCITING
                      230 = LEOPARD
                      231 = CAT
                      232 = MONKEY
                      233 = GOAT
                      234 = FISH
                      240 = MEAT
                      241 = CUTLET
                      242 = STEAK
                      243 = BURGERS
                      244 = SOUP
               238 = [
                      245 = ICE
                      246 = MUD
                      247 = ZERO-{single cap}G
                      248 = VACUUM
                      249 = {system name adjective} ULTRA
                      250 = HOCKEY
                      251 = CRICKET
                      252 = KARATE
                      253 = POLO
                      254 = TENNIS
               239 = [
                      71 = {random word}
                      72 = {system name adjective}
                            160 = [
                                   225 = SHREW
                                   226 = BEAST
                                   227 = BISON
                                   228 = SNAKE
                                   229 = WOLF
                            161 = [
                                   230 = LEOPARD
                                   231 = CAT
                                   232 = MONKEY
                                   233 = GOAT
                                   234 = FISH
                            162 = [
                                   46 = WALKING TREE
                                   47 = CRAB
                                   48 = BAT
                                   49 = LOBST
                                   50 = {random word}
                            163 = [
                                   120 = POET
                                   121 = ARTS GRADUATE
                                   122 = YAK
                                   123 = SNAIL
                                   124 = SLUG
                            164 = [
                                   115 = WASP
                                   116 = MOTH
                                   117 = GRUB
                                   118 = ANT
                                   119 = {random word}
                      73 = {system name adjective}
                           {random word}
                      74 = {system name adjective}
                            170 = KILLER
                            171 = DEADLY
                            172 = EVIL
                            173 = LETHAL
                            174 = VICIOUS
                      75 = [
                            170 = KILLER
                            171 = DEADLY
                            172 = EVIL
                            173 = LETHAL
                            174 = VICIOUS
                           {random word}
                      66 = JUICE
                      67 = BRANDY
                      68 = WATER
                      69 = BREW
                      70 = GARGLE BLASTERS
             {lower case}
        65 = ITS
              76 = FABULOUS
              77 = EXOTIC
              78 = HOOPY
              79 = UNUSUAL
              80 = EXCITING
              81 = CUISINE
              82 = NIGHT LIFE
              83 = CASINOS
              84 = SIT COMS
              85 = {sentence case}
                    235 = [
                           71 = {random word}
                           72 = {system name adjective}
                                 160 = [
                                        225 = SHREW
                                        226 = BEAST
                                        227 = BISON
                                        228 = SNAKE
                                        229 = WOLF
                                 161 = [
                                        230 = LEOPARD
                                        231 = CAT
                                        232 = MONKEY
                                        233 = GOAT
                                        234 = FISH
                                 162 = [
                                        46 = WALKING TREE
                                        47 = CRAB
                                        48 = BAT
                                        49 = LOBST
                                        50 = {random word}
                                 163 = [
                                        120 = POET
                                        121 = ARTS GRADUATE
                                        122 = YAK
                                        123 = SNAIL
                                        124 = SLUG
                                 164 = [
                                        115 = WASP
                                        116 = MOTH
                                        117 = GRUB
                                        118 = ANT
                                        119 = {random word}
                           73 = {system name adjective}
                                {random word}
                           74 = {system name adjective}
                                 170 = KILLER
                                 171 = DEADLY
                                 172 = EVIL
                                 173 = LETHAL
                                 174 = VICIOUS
                           75 = [
                                 170 = KILLER
                                 171 = DEADLY
                                 172 = EVIL
                                 173 = LETHAL
                                 174 = VICIOUS
                                {random word}
                           66 = JUICE
                           67 = BRANDY
                           68 = WATER
                           69 = BREW
                           70 = GARGLE BLASTERS
                    236 = {system name adjective}
                           225 = SHREW
                           226 = BEAST
                           227 = BISON
                           228 = SNAKE
                           229 = WOLF
                           240 = MEAT
                           241 = CUTLET
                           242 = STEAK
                           243 = BURGERS
                           244 = SOUP
                    237 = ITS
                           76 = FABULOUS
                           77 = EXOTIC
                           78 = HOOPY
                           79 = UNUSUAL
                           80 = EXCITING
                           230 = LEOPARD
                           231 = CAT
                           232 = MONKEY
                           233 = GOAT
                           234 = FISH
                           240 = MEAT
                           241 = CUTLET
                           242 = STEAK
                           243 = BURGERS
                           244 = SOUP
                    238 = [
                           245 = ICE
                           246 = MUD
                           247 = ZERO-{single cap}G
                           248 = VACUUM
                           249 = {system name adjective} ULTRA
                           250 = HOCKEY
                           251 = CRICKET
                           252 = KARATE
                           253 = POLO
                           254 = TENNIS
                    239 = [
                           71 = {random word}
                           72 = {system name adjective}
                                 160 = [
                                        225 = SHREW
                                        226 = BEAST
                                        227 = BISON
                                        228 = SNAKE
                                        229 = WOLF
                                 161 = [
                                        230 = LEOPARD
                                        231 = CAT
                                        232 = MONKEY
                                        233 = GOAT
                                        234 = FISH
                                 162 = [
                                        46 = WALKING TREE
                                        47 = CRAB
                                        48 = BAT
                                        49 = LOBST
                                        50 = {random word}
                                 163 = [
                                        120 = POET
                                        121 = ARTS GRADUATE
                                        122 = YAK
                                        123 = SNAIL
                                        124 = SLUG
                                 164 = [
                                        115 = WASP
                                        116 = MOTH
                                        117 = GRUB
                                        118 = ANT
                                        119 = {random word}
                           73 = {system name adjective}
                                {random word}
                           74 = {system name adjective}
                                 170 = KILLER
                                 171 = DEADLY
                                 172 = EVIL
                                 173 = LETHAL
                                 174 = VICIOUS
                           75 = [
                                 170 = KILLER
                                 171 = DEADLY
                                 172 = EVIL
                                 173 = LETHAL
                                 174 = VICIOUS
                                {random word}
                           66 = JUICE
                           67 = BRANDY
                           68 = WATER
                           69 = BREW
                           70 = GARGLE BLASTERS
 142 = [
        51 = BESET
        52 = PLAGUED
        53 = RAVAGED
        54 = CURSED
        55 = SCOURGED
        56 = [
             CIVIL WAR
        57 = [
              170 = KILLER
              171 = DEADLY
              172 = EVIL
              173 = LETHAL
              174 = VICIOUS
              155 = [
                     170 = KILLER
                     171 = DEADLY
                     172 = EVIL
                     173 = LETHAL
                     174 = VICIOUS
              156 = MOUNTAIN
              157 = EDIBLE
              158 = TREE
              159 = SPOTTED
              160 = [
                     225 = SHREW
                     226 = BEAST
                     227 = BISON
                     228 = SNAKE
                     229 = WOLF
              161 = [
                     230 = LEOPARD
                     231 = CAT
                     232 = MONKEY
                     233 = GOAT
                     234 = FISH
              162 = [
                     46 = WALKING TREE
                     47 = CRAB
                     48 = BAT
                     49 = LOBST
                     50 = {random word}
              163 = [
                     120 = POET
                     121 = ARTS GRADUATE
                     122 = YAK
                     123 = SNAIL
                     124 = SLUG
              164 = [
                     115 = WASP
                     116 = MOTH
                     117 = GRUB
                     118 = ANT
                     119 = {random word}
        58 = A
              170 = KILLER
              171 = DEADLY
              172 = EVIL
              173 = LETHAL
              174 = VICIOUS
        59 = [
              135 = FREQUENT
              136 = OCCASIONAL
              137 = UNPREDICTABLE
              138 = DREADFUL
              139 = DEADLY
        60 = [
              135 = FREQUENT
              136 = OCCASIONAL
              137 = UNPREDICTABLE
              138 = DREADFUL
              139 = DEADLY
             SOLAR ACTIVITY
 143 = [
        21 = VERY
        22 = MILDLY
        23 = MOST
        24 = REASONABLY
        25 = (blank)
        16 = FABLED
        17 = NOTABLE
        18 = WELL KNOWN
        19 = FAMOUS
        20 = NOTED
        61 = ITS 
              26 = ANCIENT
              27 = [
                    130 = FUNNY
                    131 = WEIRD
                    132 = UNUSUAL
                    133 = STRANGE
                    134 = PECULIAR
              28 = GREAT
              29 = VAST
              30 = PINK
              31 = {sentence case}
                    190 = {random word}
                    191 = {system name adjective}
                          {random word}
                    192 = {system name adjective}
                           170 = KILLER
                           171 = DEADLY
                           172 = EVIL
                           173 = LETHAL
                           174 = VICIOUS
                    193 = INHABITANT
                    194 = {system name adjective}
                          {random word}
                    185 = PLANT
                    186 = TULIP
                    187 = BANANA
                    188 = CORN
                    189 = {random word}WEED
                   {lower case}
              32 = MOUNTAINS
              33 = [
                    180 = PARKING METERS
                    181 = DUST CLOUDS
                    182 = ICE BERGS
                    183 = ROCK FORMATIONS
                    184 = VOLCANOES
              34 = [
                    125 = TROPICAL
                    126 = DENSE
                    127 = RAIN
                    128 = IMPENETRABLE
                    129 = EXUBERANT
              35 = OCEANS
        62 = THE
             {system name adjective}
              155 = [
                     170 = KILLER
                     171 = DEADLY
                     172 = EVIL
                     173 = LETHAL
                     174 = VICIOUS
              156 = MOUNTAIN
              157 = EDIBLE
              158 = TREE
              159 = SPOTTED
              160 = [
                     225 = SHREW
                     226 = BEAST
                     227 = BISON
                     228 = SNAKE
                     229 = WOLF
              161 = [
                     230 = LEOPARD
                     231 = CAT
                     232 = MONKEY
                     233 = GOAT
                     234 = FISH
              162 = [
                     46 = WALKING TREE
                     47 = CRAB
                     48 = BAT
                     49 = LOBST
                     50 = {random word}
              163 = [
                     120 = POET
                     121 = ARTS GRADUATE
                     122 = YAK
                     123 = SNAIL
                     124 = SLUG
              164 = [
                     115 = WASP
                     116 = MOTH
                     117 = GRUB
                     118 = ANT
                     119 = {random word}
        63 = ITS INHABITANTS'
              165 = ANCIENT
              166 = EXCEPTIONAL
              167 = ECCENTRIC
              168 = INGRAINED
              169 = [
                     130 = FUNNY
                     131 = WEIRD
                     132 = UNUSUAL
                     133 = STRANGE
                     134 = PECULIAR
              36 = SHYNESS
              37 = SILLINESS
              38 = MATING TRADITIONS
              39 = LOATHING OF
                    41 = FOOD BLENDERS
                    42 = TOURISTS
                    43 = POETRY
                    44 = DISCOS
                    45 = [
                          81 = CUISINE
                          82 = NIGHT LIFE
                          83 = CASINOS
                          84 = SIT COMS
                          85 = {sentence case}
                                235 = [
                                       71 = {random word}
                                       72 = {system name adjective}
                                             160 = [
                                                    225 = SHREW
                                                    226 = BEAST
                                                    227 = BISON
                                                    228 = SNAKE
                                                    229 = WOLF
                                             161 = [
                                                    230 = LEOPARD
                                                    231 = CAT
                                                    232 = MONKEY
                                                    233 = GOAT
                                                    234 = FISH
                                             162 = [
                                                    46 = WALKING TREE
                                                    47 = CRAB
                                                    48 = BAT
                                                    49 = LOBST
                                                    50 = {random word}
                                             163 = [
                                                    120 = POET
                                                    121 = ARTS GRADUATE
                                                    122 = YAK
                                                    123 = SNAIL
                                                    124 = SLUG
                                             164 = [
                                                    115 = WASP
                                                    116 = MOTH
                                                    117 = GRUB
                                                    118 = ANT
                                                    119 = {random word}
                                       73 = {system name adjective}
                                            {random word}
                                       74 = {system name adjective}
                                             170 = KILLER
                                             171 = DEADLY
                                             172 = EVIL
                                             173 = LETHAL
                                             174 = VICIOUS
                                       75 = [
                                             170 = KILLER
                                             171 = DEADLY
                                             172 = EVIL
                                             173 = LETHAL
                                             174 = VICIOUS
                                            {random word}
                                       66 = JUICE
                                       67 = BRANDY
                                       68 = WATER
                                       69 = BREW
                                       70 = GARGLE BLASTERS
                                236 = {system name adjective}
                                       225 = SHREW
                                       226 = BEAST
                                       227 = BISON
                                       228 = SNAKE
                                       229 = WOLF
                                       240 = MEAT
                                       241 = CUTLET
                                       242 = STEAK
                                       243 = BURGERS
                                       244 = SOUP
                                237 = ITS
                                       76 = FABULOUS
                                       77 = EXOTIC
                                       78 = HOOPY
                                       79 = UNUSUAL
                                       80 = EXCITING
                                       230 = LEOPARD
                                       231 = CAT
                                       232 = MONKEY
                                       233 = GOAT
                                       234 = FISH
                                       240 = MEAT
                                       241 = CUTLET
                                       242 = STEAK
                                       243 = BURGERS
                                       244 = SOUP
                                238 = [
                                       245 = ICE
                                       246 = MUD
                                       247 = ZERO-{single cap}G
                                       248 = VACUUM
                                       249 = {system name adjective} ULTRA
                                       250 = HOCKEY
                                       251 = CRICKET
                                       252 = KARATE
                                       253 = POLO
                                       254 = TENNIS
                                239 = [
                                       71 = {random word}
                                       72 = {system name adjective}
                                             160 = [
                                                    225 = SHREW
                                                    226 = BEAST
                                                    227 = BISON
                                                    228 = SNAKE
                                                    229 = WOLF
                                             161 = [
                                                    230 = LEOPARD
                                                    231 = CAT
                                                    232 = MONKEY
                                                    233 = GOAT
                                                    234 = FISH
                                             162 = [
                                                    46 = WALKING TREE
                                                    47 = CRAB
                                                    48 = BAT
                                                    49 = LOBST
                                                    50 = {random word}
                                             163 = [
                                                    120 = POET
                                                    121 = ARTS GRADUATE
                                                    122 = YAK
                                                    123 = SNAIL
                                                    124 = SLUG
                                             164 = [
                                                    115 = WASP
                                                    116 = MOTH
                                                    117 = GRUB
                                                    118 = ANT
                                                    119 = {random word}
                                       73 = {system name adjective}
                                            {random word}
                                       74 = {system name adjective}
                                             170 = KILLER
                                             171 = DEADLY
                                             172 = EVIL
                                             173 = LETHAL
                                             174 = VICIOUS
                                       75 = [
                                             170 = KILLER
                                             171 = DEADLY
                                             172 = EVIL
                                             173 = LETHAL
                                             174 = VICIOUS
                                            {random word}
                                       66 = JUICE
                                       67 = BRANDY
                                       68 = WATER
                                       69 = BREW
                                       70 = GARGLE BLASTERS
                               {lower case}
              40 = LOVE FOR
                    41 = FOOD BLENDERS
                    42 = TOURISTS
                    43 = POETRY
                    44 = DISCOS
                    45 = [
                          81 = CUISINE
                          82 = NIGHT LIFE
                          83 = CASINOS
                          84 = SIT COMS
                          85 = {sentence case}
                                235 = [
                                       71 = {random word}
                                       72 = {system name adjective}
                                             160 = [
                                                    225 = SHREW
                                                    226 = BEAST
                                                    227 = BISON
                                                    228 = SNAKE
                                                    229 = WOLF
                                             161 = [
                                                    230 = LEOPARD
                                                    231 = CAT
                                                    232 = MONKEY
                                                    233 = GOAT
                                                    234 = FISH
                                             162 = [
                                                    46 = WALKING TREE
                                                    47 = CRAB
                                                    48 = BAT
                                                    49 = LOBST
                                                    50 = {random word}
                                             163 = [
                                                    120 = POET
                                                    121 = ARTS GRADUATE
                                                    122 = YAK
                                                    123 = SNAIL
                                                    124 = SLUG
                                             164 = [
                                                    115 = WASP
                                                    116 = MOTH
                                                    117 = GRUB
                                                    118 = ANT
                                                    119 = {random word}
                                       73 = {system name adjective}
                                            {random word}
                                       74 = {system name adjective}
                                             170 = KILLER
                                             171 = DEADLY
                                             172 = EVIL
                                             173 = LETHAL
                                             174 = VICIOUS
                                       75 = [
                                             170 = KILLER
                                             171 = DEADLY
                                             172 = EVIL
                                             173 = LETHAL
                                             174 = VICIOUS
                                            {random word}
                                       66 = JUICE
                                       67 = BRANDY
                                       68 = WATER
                                       69 = BREW
                                       70 = GARGLE BLASTERS
                                236 = {system name adjective}
                                       225 = SHREW
                                       226 = BEAST
                                       227 = BISON
                                       228 = SNAKE
                                       229 = WOLF
                                       240 = MEAT
                                       241 = CUTLET
                                       242 = STEAK
                                       243 = BURGERS
                                       244 = SOUP
                                237 = ITS
                                       76 = FABULOUS
                                       77 = EXOTIC
                                       78 = HOOPY
                                       79 = UNUSUAL
                                       80 = EXCITING
                                       230 = LEOPARD
                                       231 = CAT
                                       232 = MONKEY
                                       233 = GOAT
                                       234 = FISH
                                       240 = MEAT
                                       241 = CUTLET
                                       242 = STEAK
                                       243 = BURGERS
                                       244 = SOUP
                                238 = [
                                       245 = ICE
                                       246 = MUD
                                       247 = ZERO-{single cap}G
                                       248 = VACUUM
                                       249 = {system name adjective} ULTRA
                                       250 = HOCKEY
                                       251 = CRICKET
                                       252 = KARATE
                                       253 = POLO
                                       254 = TENNIS
                                239 = [
                                       71 = {random word}
                                       72 = {system name adjective}
                                             160 = [
                                                    225 = SHREW
                                                    226 = BEAST
                                                    227 = BISON
                                                    228 = SNAKE
                                                    229 = WOLF
                                             161 = [
                                                    230 = LEOPARD
                                                    231 = CAT
                                                    232 = MONKEY
                                                    233 = GOAT
                                                    234 = FISH
                                             162 = [
                                                    46 = WALKING TREE
                                                    47 = CRAB
                                                    48 = BAT
                                                    49 = LOBST
                                                    50 = {random word}
                                             163 = [
                                                    120 = POET
                                                    121 = ARTS GRADUATE
                                                    122 = YAK
                                                    123 = SNAIL
                                                    124 = SLUG
                                             164 = [
                                                    115 = WASP
                                                    116 = MOTH
                                                    117 = GRUB
                                                    118 = ANT
                                                    119 = {random word}
                                       73 = {system name adjective}
                                            {random word}
                                       74 = {system name adjective}
                                             170 = KILLER
                                             171 = DEADLY
                                             172 = EVIL
                                             173 = LETHAL
                                             174 = VICIOUS
                                       75 = [
                                             170 = KILLER
                                             171 = DEADLY
                                             172 = EVIL
                                             173 = LETHAL
                                             174 = VICIOUS
                                            {random word}
                                       66 = JUICE
                                       67 = BRANDY
                                       68 = WATER
                                       69 = BREW
                                       70 = GARGLE BLASTERS
                               {lower case}
        64 = {sentence case}
               235 = [
                      71 = {random word}
                      72 = {system name adjective}
                            160 = [
                                   225 = SHREW
                                   226 = BEAST
                                   227 = BISON
                                   228 = SNAKE
                                   229 = WOLF
                            161 = [
                                   230 = LEOPARD
                                   231 = CAT
                                   232 = MONKEY
                                   233 = GOAT
                                   234 = FISH
                            162 = [
                                   46 = WALKING TREE
                                   47 = CRAB
                                   48 = BAT
                                   49 = LOBST
                                   50 = {random word}
                            163 = [
                                   120 = POET
                                   121 = ARTS GRADUATE
                                   122 = YAK
                                   123 = SNAIL
                                   124 = SLUG
                            164 = [
                                   115 = WASP
                                   116 = MOTH
                                   117 = GRUB
                                   118 = ANT
                                   119 = {random word}
                      73 = {system name adjective}
                           {random word}
                      74 = {system name adjective}
                            170 = KILLER
                            171 = DEADLY
                            172 = EVIL
                            173 = LETHAL
                            174 = VICIOUS
                      75 = [
                            170 = KILLER
                            171 = DEADLY
                            172 = EVIL
                            173 = LETHAL
                            174 = VICIOUS
                           {random word}
                      66 = JUICE
                      67 = BRANDY
                      68 = WATER
                      69 = BREW
                      70 = GARGLE BLASTERS
               236 = {system name adjective}
                      225 = SHREW
                      226 = BEAST
                      227 = BISON
                      228 = SNAKE
                      229 = WOLF
                      240 = MEAT
                      241 = CUTLET
                      242 = STEAK
                      243 = BURGERS
                      244 = SOUP
               237 = ITS
                      76 = FABULOUS
                      77 = EXOTIC
                      78 = HOOPY
                      79 = UNUSUAL
                      80 = EXCITING
                      230 = LEOPARD
                      231 = CAT
                      232 = MONKEY
                      233 = GOAT
                      234 = FISH
                      240 = MEAT
                      241 = CUTLET
                      242 = STEAK
                      243 = BURGERS
                      244 = SOUP
               238 = [
                      245 = ICE
                      246 = MUD
                      247 = ZERO-{single cap}G
                      248 = VACUUM
                      249 = {system name adjective} ULTRA
                      250 = HOCKEY
                      251 = CRICKET
                      252 = KARATE
                      253 = POLO
                      254 = TENNIS
               239 = [
                      71 = {random word}
                      72 = {system name adjective}
                            160 = [
                                   225 = SHREW
                                   226 = BEAST
                                   227 = BISON
                                   228 = SNAKE
                                   229 = WOLF
                            161 = [
                                   230 = LEOPARD
                                   231 = CAT
                                   232 = MONKEY
                                   233 = GOAT
                                   234 = FISH
                            162 = [
                                   46 = WALKING TREE
                                   47 = CRAB
                                   48 = BAT
                                   49 = LOBST
                                   50 = {random word}
                            163 = [
                                   120 = POET
                                   121 = ARTS GRADUATE
                                   122 = YAK
                                   123 = SNAIL
                                   124 = SLUG
                            164 = [
                                   115 = WASP
                                   116 = MOTH
                                   117 = GRUB
                                   118 = ANT
                                   119 = {random word}
                      73 = {system name adjective}
                           {random word}
                      74 = {system name adjective}
                            170 = KILLER
                            171 = DEADLY
                            172 = EVIL
                            173 = LETHAL
                            174 = VICIOUS
                      75 = [
                            170 = KILLER
                            171 = DEADLY
                            172 = EVIL
                            173 = LETHAL
                            174 = VICIOUS
                           {random word}
                      66 = JUICE
                      67 = BRANDY
                      68 = WATER
                      69 = BREW
                      70 = GARGLE BLASTERS
             {lower case}
        65 = ITS
              76 = FABULOUS
              77 = EXOTIC
              78 = HOOPY
              79 = UNUSUAL
              80 = EXCITING
              81 = CUISINE
              82 = NIGHT LIFE
              83 = CASINOS
              84 = SIT COMS
              85 = {sentence case}
                    235 = [
                           71 = {random word}
                           72 = {system name adjective}
                                 160 = [
                                        225 = SHREW
                                        226 = BEAST
                                        227 = BISON
                                        228 = SNAKE
                                        229 = WOLF
                                 161 = [
                                        230 = LEOPARD
                                        231 = CAT
                                        232 = MONKEY
                                        233 = GOAT
                                        234 = FISH
                                 162 = [
                                        46 = WALKING TREE
                                        47 = CRAB
                                        48 = BAT
                                        49 = LOBST
                                        50 = {random word}
                                 163 = [
                                        120 = POET
                                        121 = ARTS GRADUATE
                                        122 = YAK
                                        123 = SNAIL
                                        124 = SLUG
                                 164 = [
                                        115 = WASP
                                        116 = MOTH
                                        117 = GRUB
                                        118 = ANT
                                        119 = {random word}
                           73 = {system name adjective}
                                {random word}
                           74 = {system name adjective}
                                 170 = KILLER
                                 171 = DEADLY
                                 172 = EVIL
                                 173 = LETHAL
                                 174 = VICIOUS
                           75 = [
                                 170 = KILLER
                                 171 = DEADLY
                                 172 = EVIL
                                 173 = LETHAL
                                 174 = VICIOUS
                                {random word}
                           66 = JUICE
                           67 = BRANDY
                           68 = WATER
                           69 = BREW
                           70 = GARGLE BLASTERS
                    236 = {system name adjective}
                           225 = SHREW
                           226 = BEAST
                           227 = BISON
                           228 = SNAKE
                           229 = WOLF
                           240 = MEAT
                           241 = CUTLET
                           242 = STEAK
                           243 = BURGERS
                           244 = SOUP
                    237 = ITS
                           76 = FABULOUS
                           77 = EXOTIC
                           78 = HOOPY
                           79 = UNUSUAL
                           80 = EXCITING
                           230 = LEOPARD
                           231 = CAT
                           232 = MONKEY
                           233 = GOAT
                           234 = FISH
                           240 = MEAT
                           241 = CUTLET
                           242 = STEAK
                           243 = BURGERS
                           244 = SOUP
                    238 = [
                           245 = ICE
                           246 = MUD
                           247 = ZERO-{single cap}G
                           248 = VACUUM
                           249 = {system name adjective} ULTRA
                           250 = HOCKEY
                           251 = CRICKET
                           252 = KARATE
                           253 = POLO
                           254 = TENNIS
                    239 = [
                           71 = {random word}
                           72 = {system name adjective}
                                 160 = [
                                        225 = SHREW
                                        226 = BEAST
                                        227 = BISON
                                        228 = SNAKE
                                        229 = WOLF
                                 161 = [
                                        230 = LEOPARD
                                        231 = CAT
                                        232 = MONKEY
                                        233 = GOAT
                                        234 = FISH
                                 162 = [
                                        46 = WALKING TREE
                                        47 = CRAB
                                        48 = BAT
                                        49 = LOBST
                                        50 = {random word}
                                 163 = [
                                        120 = POET
                                        121 = ARTS GRADUATE
                                        122 = YAK
                                        123 = SNAIL
                                        124 = SLUG
                                 164 = [
                                        115 = WASP
                                        116 = MOTH
                                        117 = GRUB
                                        118 = ANT
                                        119 = {random word}
                           73 = {system name adjective}
                                {random word}
                           74 = {system name adjective}
                                 170 = KILLER
                                 171 = DEADLY
                                 172 = EVIL
                                 173 = LETHAL
                                 174 = VICIOUS
                           75 = [
                                 170 = KILLER
                                 171 = DEADLY
                                 172 = EVIL
                                 173 = LETHAL
                                 174 = VICIOUS
                                {random word}
                           66 = JUICE
                           67 = BRANDY
                           68 = WATER
                           69 = BREW
                           70 = GARGLE BLASTERS
        51 = BESET
        52 = PLAGUED
        53 = RAVAGED
        54 = CURSED
        55 = SCOURGED
        56 = [
             CIVIL WAR
        57 = [
              170 = KILLER
              171 = DEADLY
              172 = EVIL
              173 = LETHAL
              174 = VICIOUS
              155 = [
                     170 = KILLER
                     171 = DEADLY
                     172 = EVIL
                     173 = LETHAL
                     174 = VICIOUS
              156 = MOUNTAIN
              157 = EDIBLE
              158 = TREE
              159 = SPOTTED
              160 = [
                     225 = SHREW
                     226 = BEAST
                     227 = BISON
                     228 = SNAKE
                     229 = WOLF
              161 = [
                     230 = LEOPARD
                     231 = CAT
                     232 = MONKEY
                     233 = GOAT
                     234 = FISH
              162 = [
                     46 = WALKING TREE
                     47 = CRAB
                     48 = BAT
                     49 = LOBST
                     50 = {random word}
              163 = [
                     120 = POET
                     121 = ARTS GRADUATE
                     122 = YAK
                     123 = SNAIL
                     124 = SLUG
              164 = [
                     115 = WASP
                     116 = MOTH
                     117 = GRUB
                     118 = ANT
                     119 = {random word}
        58 = A
              170 = KILLER
              171 = DEADLY
              172 = EVIL
              173 = LETHAL
              174 = VICIOUS
        59 = [
              135 = FREQUENT
              136 = OCCASIONAL
              137 = UNPREDICTABLE
              138 = DREADFUL
              139 = DEADLY
        60 = [
              135 = FREQUENT
              136 = OCCASIONAL
              137 = UNPREDICTABLE
              138 = DREADFUL
              139 = DEADLY
             SOLAR ACTIVITY
 144 = A
        96  = N UNREMARKABLE
        97  = BORING
        98  = DULL
        99  = TEDIOUS
        100 = REVOLTING
        101 = PLANET
        102 = WORLD
        103 = PLACE
        104 = LITTLE PLANET
        105 = DUMP