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List of all variables

[NES version]

This index contains every variable that appears in the source code for the NES version of Elite, grouped by category. A variable is defined as a labelled memory location that is used for storing data, and this list includes both variables that are defined in workspaces, and variables that are declared within the body of the source code.


xShortRange (Bank 0)The text column for the Short-range Chart title for each language

Combat demo

autoPlayKeys1_DE (Bank 7)Auto-play commands for the first part of the auto-play combat demo (combat practice) when German is the chosen language
autoPlayKeys1_EN (Bank 7)Auto-play commands for the first part of the auto-play combat demo (combat practice) when English is the chosen language
autoPlayKeys1_FR (Bank 7)Auto-play commands for the first part of the auto-play combat demo (combat practice) when French is the chosen language
autoPlayKeys1Hi (Bank 5)High byte of the address of the auto-play key table for each language
autoPlayKeys1Lo (Bank 5)Low byte of the address of the auto-play key table for each language
autoPlayKeys2 (Bank 7)Auto-play commands for the second part of the auto-play demo (demonstrating the game itself)
creditsText1 (Bank 6)Text for the first part of the credits scroll text
creditsText1Hi (Bank 6)Lookup table for the high byte of the address of the creditsText1 text for each language
creditsText1Lo (Bank 6)Lookup table for the low byte of the address of the creditsText1 text for each language
creditsText2 (Bank 6)Text for the second part of the credits scroll text
creditsText2Hi (Bank 6)Lookup table for the high byte of the address of the creditsText2 text for each language
creditsText2Lo (Bank 6)Lookup table for the low byte of the address of the creditsText2 text for each language
creditsText3 (Bank 6)Text for the third part of the credits scroll text
creditsText3Hi (Bank 6)Lookup table for the high byte of the address of the creditsText3 text for each language
creditsText3Lo (Bank 6)Lookup table for the low byte of the address of the creditsText3 text for each language
LTDEF (Bank 6)Line definitions for characters in the Star Wars scroll text
NOFX (Bank 6)The x-coordinates of the scroll text letter grid
NOFY (Bank 6)The y-coordinates of the scroll text letter grid
scrollText1_DE (Bank 6)Text for the first scroll text in German
scrollText1_EN (Bank 6)Text for the first scroll text in English
scrollText1_FR (Bank 6)Text for the first scroll text in French
scrollText1Hi (Bank 6)Lookup table for the high byte of the address of the scrollText1 text for each language
scrollText1Lo (Bank 6)Lookup table for the low byte of the address of the scrollText1 text for each language
scrollText2_DE (Bank 6)Text for the second scroll text in German
scrollText2_EN (Bank 6)Text for the second scroll text in English
scrollText2_FR (Bank 6)Text for the second scroll text in French
scrollText2Hi (Bank 6)Lookup table for the high byte of the address of the scrollText2 text for each language
scrollText2Lo (Bank 6)Lookup table for the low byte of the address of the scrollText2 text for each language


conditionAttrs (Bank 6)Sprite attributes for the status condition indicator on the dashboard
conditionPatts (Bank 6)Pattern numbers for the status condition indicator on the dashboard
dashImage (Bank 3)Packed image data for the dashboard
dashNames (Bank 3)Nametable entries for the dashboard
missileNames (Bank 7)Tile numbers for the four missile indicators on the dashboard, as offsets from the start of tile row 22
missileNames_b6 (Bank 6)Tile numbers for the four missile indicators on the dashboard, as offsets from the start of tile row 22

Drawing lines

lineImage (Bank 7)Image data for the horizontal line, vertical line and block images
TWFL (Bank 7)Ready-made character rows for the left end of a horizontal line in the space view
TWFR (Bank 7)Ready-made character rows for the right end of a horizontal line in the space view

Drawing pixels

TWOS (Bank 7)Ready-made single-pixel character row bytes for the space view
TWOS2 (Bank 7)Ready-made double-pixel character row bytes for the space view
yLookupHi (Bank 7)Lookup table for converting pixel y-coordinate to tile number (high byte)
yLookupLo (Bank 7)Lookup table for converting pixel y-coordinate to tile number (low byte)

Drawing ships

E% (Bank 1)Ship blueprints default NEWB flags
scacol (Bank 0)Ship colours on the scanner
SHIP_ADDER (Bank 1)Ship blueprint for an Adder
SHIP_ANACONDA (Bank 1)Ship blueprint for an Anaconda
SHIP_ASP_MK_2 (Bank 1)Ship blueprint for an Asp Mk II
SHIP_ASTEROID (Bank 1)Ship blueprint for an asteroid
SHIP_BOA (Bank 1)Ship blueprint for a Boa
SHIP_BOULDER (Bank 1)Ship blueprint for a boulder
SHIP_CANISTER (Bank 1)Ship blueprint for a cargo canister
SHIP_COBRA_MK_1 (Bank 1)Ship blueprint for a Cobra Mk I
SHIP_COBRA_MK_3 (Bank 1)Ship blueprint for a Cobra Mk III
SHIP_COBRA_MK_3_P (Bank 1)Ship blueprint for a Cobra Mk III (pirate)
SHIP_CONSTRICTOR (Bank 1)Ship blueprint for a Constrictor
SHIP_CORIOLIS (Bank 1)Ship blueprint for a Coriolis space station
SHIP_COUGAR (Bank 1)Ship blueprint for a Cougar
SHIP_DODO (Bank 1)Ship blueprint for a Dodecahedron ("Dodo") space station
SHIP_ESCAPE_POD (Bank 1)Ship blueprint for an escape pod
SHIP_FER_DE_LANCE (Bank 1)Ship blueprint for a Fer-de-Lance
SHIP_GECKO (Bank 1)Ship blueprint for a Gecko
SHIP_KRAIT (Bank 1)Ship blueprint for a Krait
SHIP_MAMBA (Bank 1)Ship blueprint for a Mamba
SHIP_MISSILE (Bank 1)Ship blueprint for a missile
SHIP_MORAY (Bank 1)Ship blueprint for a Moray
SHIP_PLATE (Bank 1)Ship blueprint for an alloy plate
SHIP_PYTHON (Bank 1)Ship blueprint for a Python
SHIP_PYTHON_P (Bank 1)Ship blueprint for a Python (pirate)
SHIP_ROCK_HERMIT (Bank 1)Ship blueprint for a rock hermit (asteroid)
SHIP_SHUTTLE (Bank 1)Ship blueprint for a Shuttle
SHIP_SIDEWINDER (Bank 1)Ship blueprint for a Sidewinder
SHIP_SPLINTER (Bank 1)Ship blueprint for a splinter
SHIP_THARGOID (Bank 1)Ship blueprint for a Thargoid mothership
SHIP_THARGON (Bank 1)Ship blueprint for a Thargon
SHIP_TRANSPORTER (Bank 1)Ship blueprint for a Transporter
SHIP_VIPER (Bank 1)Ship blueprint for a Viper
SHIP_WORM (Bank 1)Ship blueprint for a Worm
Unused copy of XX21 (Bank 1)Remnants of an unused copy of the XX21 ship blueprints lookup table
XX21 (Bank 7)Ship blueprints lookup table

Drawing the screen

boxEdgeImages (Bank 3)Image data for patterns 0 to 4
fadeColours (Bank 3)Lookup table that converts a NES colour to the same colour but with a smaller brightness value
flagsForClearing (Bank 7)A bitplane mask to control how bitplane buffer clearing works in the ClearPlaneBuffers routine
nameBufferHiAddr (Bank 7)The high bytes of the addresses of the two nametable buffers
paletteForView (Bank 3)Palette numbers for each view
pattBufferHiAddr (Bank 7)The high bytes of the addresses of the two pattern buffers
viewAttrCount (Bank 3)The number of sets of view attributes in the viewAttrOffset table
viewAttributes0 (Bank 3)Packed view attribute data for attribute set 0
viewAttributes1 (Bank 3)Packed view attribute data for attribute set 1
viewAttributes10 (Bank 3)Packed view attribute data for attribute set 10
viewAttributes11 (Bank 3)Packed view attribute data for attribute set 11
viewAttributes12 (Bank 3)Packed view attribute data for attribute set 12
viewAttributes13 (Bank 3)Packed view attribute data for attribute set 13
viewAttributes14 (Bank 3)Packed view attribute data for attribute set 14
viewAttributes15 (Bank 3)Packed view attribute data for attribute set 15
viewAttributes16 (Bank 3)Packed view attribute data for attribute set 16
viewAttributes17 (Bank 3)Packed view attribute data for attribute set 17
viewAttributes18 (Bank 3)Packed view attribute data for attribute set 18
viewAttributes19 (Bank 3)Packed view attribute data for attribute set 19
viewAttributes2 (Bank 3)Packed view attribute data for attribute set 2
viewAttributes20 (Bank 3)Packed view attribute data for attribute set 20
viewAttributes21 (Bank 3)Packed view attribute data for attribute set 21
viewAttributes22 (Bank 3)Packed view attribute data for attribute set 22
viewAttributes23 (Bank 3)Packed view attribute data for attribute set 23
viewAttributes3 (Bank 3)Packed view attribute data for attribute set 3
viewAttributes4 (Bank 3)Packed view attribute data for attribute set 4
viewAttributes5 (Bank 3)Packed view attribute data for attribute set 5
viewAttributes6 (Bank 3)Packed view attribute data for attribute set 6
viewAttributes7 (Bank 3)Packed view attribute data for attribute set 7
viewAttributes8 (Bank 3)Packed view attribute data for attribute set 8
viewAttributes9 (Bank 3)Packed view attribute data for attribute set 9
viewAttributes_DE (Bank 3)The view attributes to use for each view type in German
viewAttributes_EN (Bank 3)The view attributes to use for each view type in English
viewAttributes_FR (Bank 3)The view attributes to use for each view type in French
viewAttributesHi (Bank 3)The high byte of the view attributes lookup table for each language
viewAttributesLo (Bank 3)The low byte of the view attributes lookup table for each language
viewAttrOffset (Bank 3)Offset to the data for each of the 24 sets of view attributes
viewPalettes (Bank 3)The palettes to use for the different views


cobraImage (Bank 3)Packed image data for the Cobra Mk III shown on the Equip Ship screen
equipSprites (Bank 6)Sprite configuration data for the sprites that show the equipment fitted to our Cobra Mk III on the Equip Ship screen
inventoryIcon (Bank 3)Image data for the inventory icon shown on the icon bar in the Market Price screen
popupWidth (Bank 0)The width of the popup that shows the views available for installing lasers in the Equipment screen
PRXS (Bank 0)Equipment prices
xEquipShip (Bank 0)The text column for the Equip Ship title for each language
xLaserView (Bank 0)The text column of the right edge of the laser-buying popup, so the popup gets filled with spaces and covers what's underneath it


hyperspaceColour (Bank 6)The different colours that can be used for the hyperspace effect
xSpaceView (Bank 7)The text column for the space view name for each language

Icon bar

barNames0 (Bank 3)Nametable entries for icon bar 0 (Docked)
barNames1 (Bank 3)Nametable entries for icon bar 1 (Flight)
barNames2 (Bank 3)Nametable entries for icon bar 2 (Charts)
barNames3 (Bank 3)Nametable entries for icon bar 3 (Pause)
barNames4 (Bank 3)Nametable entries for icon bar 4 (Title screen copyright message)
iconBarButtons (Bank 7)A list of button numbers for each icon bar type
iconBarImage0 (Bank 3)Image data for icon bar 0 (Docked)
iconBarImage1 (Bank 3)Image data for icon bar 1 (Flight)
iconBarImage2 (Bank 3)Image data for icon bar 2 (Charts)
iconBarImage3 (Bank 3)Image data for icon bar 3 (Pause)
iconBarImage4 (Bank 3)Image data for icon bar 4 (Title screen copyright message)


QQ23 (Bank 0)Market prices table
xCash (Bank 0)The text column for our cash levels on the Market Price page
yCash (Bank 0)The text row for the cash levels on the Market Price page
yMarketPrice (Bank 0)The text row for the Market Price title for each language

Maths (Arithmetic)

antilog (Bank 7)Binary antilogarithm table
antilogODD (Bank 7)Binary antilogarithm table
log (Bank 7)Binary logarithm table (high byte)
logL (Bank 7)Binary logarithm table (low byte)

Maths (Geometry)

ACT (Bank 7)Arctan table
SNE (Bank 7)Sine/cosine table

Save and load

cheatCmdrName (Bank 6)The commander name that triggers cheat mode in each language
cobraNames (Bank 4)Nametable entries for the Cobra Mk III shown on the Equip Ship screen
galaxySeeds (Bank 6)The galaxy seeds to add to a commander save file
NA2% (Bank 6)The data block for the default commander
saveBracketPatts (Bank 6)Pattern numbers for the bracket on the Save and Load screen
saveHeader1Hi (Bank 6)Lookup table for the high byte of the address of the saveHeader1 text for each language
saveHeader1Lo (Bank 6)Lookup table for the low byte of the address of the saveHeader1 text for each language
saveHeader2Hi (Bank 6)Lookup table for the high byte of the address of the saveHeader2 text for each language
saveHeader2Lo (Bank 6)Lookup table for the low byte of the address of the saveHeader2 text for each language
saveSlotAddr1 (Bank 6)The address of the first saved part for each save slot
saveSlotAddr2 (Bank 6)The address of the second saved part for each save slot
saveSlotAddr3 (Bank 6)The address of the third saved part for each save slot
smallLogoImage (Bank 3)Packed image data for the small Elite logo shown on the Save and Load screen
smallLogoTile (Bank 4)Pattern numbers in the smallLogoImage table for the sprites that make up the small Elite logo on the Save and Load screen
xSaveHeader (Bank 6)The text column for the Save and Load screen headers for each language

Ship hangar

HATB (Bank 1)Ship hangar group table
yHangarFloor (Bank 1)Pixel y-coordinates for the four horizontal lines that make up the floor of the ship hangar


explosionSounds (Bank 0)Sound numbers for explosions at different distances from our ship
noteFrequency (Bank 6)A table of note frequencies
pitchEnvelope (Bank 6)Pitch envelope data for the game music
soundChannel (Bank 7)The sound channels used by each sound effect
soundData (Bank 6)Sound data for the sound effects
soundPriority (Bank 7)The default priority for each sound effect
soundVolume (Bank 6)Volume envelope data for the sound effects
trumbleSounds (Bank 0)The range of sounds that the Trumbles make in the hold
tuneData (Bank 6)Data for the tunes played in the game
volumeEnvelope (Bank 6)Volume envelope data for the game music

Start and end

bigLogoImage (Bank 4)Packed image data for the big Elite logo shown on the Start screen
bigLogoNames (Bank 4)Nametable entries for the big Elite logo on the Start screen
iNES header (iNES header)The iNES header for running in an emulator
logoBallImage (Bank 3)Packed image data for the ball at the bottom of the big Elite logo shown on the Start screen
ResetMMC1_b7 (Bank 7)The MMC1 mapper reset routine at the start of the ROM bank
titleShipDist (Bank 7)The distances at which to show the rotating title screen ships
titleShipType (Bank 7)The types of ship to show rotating on the title screen
xLanguage (Bank 6)The text column for the language buttons on the Start screen
xTitleScreen (Bank 7)The text column for the title screen's title for each language
yLanguage (Bank 6)The text row for the language buttons on the Start screen


alertColours (Bank 7)Colours for the background of the commander image to show the status condition when we are not looking at the space view
faceCount (Bank 4)The number of commander face images in the faceOffset table
faceImage0 (Bank 4)Packed image data for commander face image 0
faceImage1 (Bank 4)Packed image data for commander face image 1
faceImage10 (Bank 4)Packed image data for commander face image 10
faceImage11 (Bank 4)Packed image data for commander face image 11
faceImage12 (Bank 4)Packed image data for commander face image 12
faceImage13 (Bank 4)Packed image data for commander face image 13
faceImage2 (Bank 4)Packed image data for commander face image 2
faceImage3 (Bank 4)Packed image data for commander face image 3
faceImage4 (Bank 4)Packed image data for commander face image 4
faceImage5 (Bank 4)Packed image data for commander face image 5
faceImage6 (Bank 4)Packed image data for commander face image 6
faceImage7 (Bank 4)Packed image data for commander face image 7
faceImage8 (Bank 4)Packed image data for commander face image 8
faceImage9 (Bank 4)Packed image data for commander face image 9
faceOffset (Bank 4)Offset to the data for each of the 14 commander face images
glassesImage (Bank 4)Packed image data for the glasses, earrings and medallion that the commander can wear
headCount (Bank 4)The number of commander headshot images in the headOffset table
headImage0 (Bank 4)Packed image data for commander headshot image 0
headImage1 (Bank 4)Packed image data for commander headshot image 1
headImage10 (Bank 4)Packed image data for commander headshot image 10
headImage11 (Bank 4)Packed image data for commander headshot image 11
headImage12 (Bank 4)Packed image data for commander headshot image 12
headImage13 (Bank 4)Packed image data for commander headshot image 13
headImage2 (Bank 4)Packed image data for commander headshot image 2
headImage3 (Bank 4)Packed image data for commander headshot image 3
headImage4 (Bank 4)Packed image data for commander headshot image 4
headImage5 (Bank 4)Packed image data for commander headshot image 5
headImage6 (Bank 4)Packed image data for commander headshot image 6
headImage7 (Bank 4)Packed image data for commander headshot image 7
headImage8 (Bank 4)Packed image data for commander headshot image 8
headImage9 (Bank 4)Packed image data for commander headshot image 9
headOffset (Bank 4)Offset to the data for each of the 14 commander headshot images
headShotsByRank (Bank 4)Lookup table for headshots by rank and status condition
KWH% (Bank 1)Integer number of kills awarded for destroying each type of ship
KWL% (Bank 1)Fractional number of kills awarded for destroying each type of ship
xStatusMode (Bank 0)The text column for the Status Mode entries for each language
yHeadshot (Bank 0)The text row for the headshot on the Status Mode page


characterEndLang (Bank 6)The number of the character beyond the end of the printable character set in each language
Copyright and version message (Bank 3)A copyright and version message buried in the code
Copyright message (Bank 5)A copyright message buried in the code, complete with typo
decimalPointLang (Bank 6)The decimal point character to use for each language
extendedTokensHi (Bank 6)High byte of the extended text token table for each language
extendedTokensLo (Bank 6)Low byte of the extended text token table for each language
fontImage (Bank 7)Image data for the text font
JMTB (Bank 2)The extended token table for jump tokens 1-32 (DETOK)
languageIndexes (Bank 6)The index of the chosen language for looking up values from language-indexed tables
languageLength (Bank 6)The length of each language name
languageNumbers (Bank 6)The language number for each language, as a set bit within a flag byte
lowerCase (Bank 2)Lookup table for converting ASCII characters to lower case characters in the game's text font
MTIN (Bank 2)Lookup table for random tokens in the extended token table (0-37)
NRU (Bank 2)The number of planetary systems with extended system description overrides in the RUTOK table (NRU%) in three different languages
QQ16 (Bank 2)The two-letter token lookup table
QQ18 (Bank 2)The recursive token table for tokens 0-148
QQ18_DE (Bank 2)The recursive token table for tokens 0-148 (German)
QQ18_FR (Bank 2)The recursive token table for tokens 0-148 (French)
RUGAL (Bank 2)The criteria for systems with extended description overrides
RUGAL_DE (Bank 2)The criteria for systems with extended description overrides (German)
RUGAL_FR (Bank 2)The criteria for systems with extended description overrides (French)
rugalHi (Bank 2)Address lookup table for the RUGAL text token table in three different languages (high byte)
rugalLo (Bank 2)Address lookup table for the RUGAL text token table in three different languages (low byte)
RUPLA (Bank 2)System numbers that have extended description overrides
RUPLA_DE (Bank 2)System numbers that have extended description overrides (German)
RUPLA_FR (Bank 2)System numbers that have extended description overrides (French)
ruplaHi (Bank 2)Address lookup table for the RUPLA text token table in three different languages (high byte)
ruplaLo (Bank 2)Address lookup table for the RUPLA text token table in three different languages (low byte)
RUTOK (Bank 2)The second extended token table for recursive tokens 0-26 (DETOK3)
RUTOK_DE (Bank 2)The second extended token table for recursive tokens 0-26 (DETOK3) (German)
RUTOK_FR (Bank 2)The second extended token table for recursive tokens 0-26 (DETOK3) (French)
rutokHi (Bank 2)Address lookup table for the RUTOK text token table in three different languages (high byte)
rutokLo (Bank 2)Address lookup table for the RUTOK text token table in three different languages (low byte)
TENS (Bank 0)A constant used when printing large numbers in BPRNT
TKN1 (Bank 2)The first extended token table for recursive tokens 0-255 (DETOK)
TKN1_DE (Bank 2)The first extended token table for recursive tokens 0-255 (DETOK) (German)
TKN1_FR (Bank 2)The first extended token table for recursive tokens 0-255 (DETOK) (French)
TKN2 (Bank 2)The extended two-letter token lookup table
tokensHi (Bank 6)High byte of the text token table for each language
tokensLo (Bank 6)Low byte of the text token table for each language
versionNumber_b0 (Bank 0)The game's version number in bank 0
versionNumber_b1 (Bank 1)The game's version number in bank 1
versionNumber_b2 (Bank 2)The game's version number in bank 2
versionNumber_b3 (Bank 3)The game's version number in bank 3
versionNumber_b4 (Bank 4)The game's version number in bank 4
versionNumber_b5 (Bank 5)The game's version number in bank 5
versionNumber_b6 (Bank 6)The game's version number in bank 6


radiusText (Bank 0)The text string "RADIUS" for use in the Data on System screen
systemCount (Bank 5)The number of system images in the systemOffset table
systemImage0 (Bank 5)Packed image data for system image 0
systemImage1 (Bank 5)Packed image data for system image 1
systemImage10 (Bank 5)Packed image data for system image 10
systemImage11 (Bank 5)Packed image data for system image 11
systemImage12 (Bank 5)Packed image data for system image 12
systemImage13 (Bank 5)Packed image data for system image 13
systemImage14 (Bank 5)Packed image data for system image 14
systemImage2 (Bank 5)Packed image data for system image 2
systemImage3 (Bank 5)Packed image data for system image 3
systemImage4 (Bank 5)Packed image data for system image 4
systemImage5 (Bank 5)Packed image data for system image 5
systemImage6 (Bank 5)Packed image data for system image 6
systemImage7 (Bank 5)Packed image data for system image 7
systemImage8 (Bank 5)Packed image data for system image 8
systemImage9 (Bank 5)Packed image data for system image 9
systemOffset (Bank 5)Offset to the data for each of the 15 system images
systemPalettes (Bank 3)Palettes for the system images
UNIV (Bank 7)Table of pointers to the local universe's ship data blocks
xDataOnSystem (Bank 0)The text column for the Data on System title for each language

Utility routines

Vectors_b0 (Bank 0)Vectors and padding at the end of ROM bank 0
Vectors_b1 (Bank 1)Vectors and padding at the end of ROM bank 1
Vectors_b2 (Bank 2)Vectors and padding at the end of ROM bank 2
Vectors_b3 (Bank 3)Vectors and padding at the end of ROM bank 3
Vectors_b4 (Bank 4)Vectors and padding at the end of ROM bank 4
Vectors_b5 (Bank 5)Vectors and padding at the end of ROM bank 5
Vectors_b6 (Bank 6)Vectors and padding at the end of ROM bank 6
Vectors_b7 (Bank 7)Vectors at the end of ROM bank 7

Workspace variables

addr (Common) Temporary storage, used in a number of places to hold an address
allowInSystemJump (Common) Bits 6 and 7 record whether it is safe to perform an in-system jump
ALP1 (Common) Magnitude of the roll angle alpha, i.e. |alpha|, which is a positive value between 0 and 31
ALP2 (Common) Bit 7 of ALP2 = sign of the roll angle in ALPHA
ALPHA (Common) The current roll angle alpha, which is reduced from JSTX to a sign-magnitude value between -31 and +31
ALTIT (Common) Our altitude above the surface of the planet or sun
applyVolumeNOISE (Common) A flag that determines whether to apply the volume envelope to the NOISE channel
applyVolumeSQ1 (Common) A flag that determines whether to apply the volume envelope to the SQ1 channel
applyVolumeSQ2 (Common) A flag that determines whether to apply the volume envelope to the SQ2 channel
asciiToPattern (Common) The number to add to an ASCII code to get the pattern number in the PPU of the corresponding character image
ASH (Common) Aft shield status
attrBuffer0 (Common) The buffer for attribute table 0 that gets sent to the PPU during VBlank
attrBuffer1 (Common) The buffer for attribute table 0 that gets sent to the PPU during VBlank
attrSprite0 (Common) Attributes for sprite 0
attrSprite1 (Common) Attributes for sprite 1
attrSprite10 (Common) Attributes for sprite 10
attrSprite11 (Common) Attributes for sprite 11
attrSprite12 (Common) Attributes for sprite 12
attrSprite13 (Common) Attributes for sprite 13
attrSprite14 (Common) Attributes for sprite 14
attrSprite15 (Common) Attributes for sprite 15
attrSprite16 (Common) Attributes for sprite 16
attrSprite17 (Common) Attributes for sprite 17
attrSprite18 (Common) Attributes for sprite 18
attrSprite19 (Common) Attributes for sprite 19
attrSprite2 (Common) Attributes for sprite 2
attrSprite20 (Common) Attributes for sprite 20
attrSprite21 (Common) Attributes for sprite 21
attrSprite22 (Common) Attributes for sprite 22
attrSprite23 (Common) Attributes for sprite 23
attrSprite24 (Common) Attributes for sprite 24
attrSprite25 (Common) Attributes for sprite 25
attrSprite26 (Common) Attributes for sprite 26
attrSprite27 (Common) Attributes for sprite 27
attrSprite28 (Common) Attributes for sprite 28
attrSprite29 (Common) Attributes for sprite 29
attrSprite3 (Common) Attributes for sprite 3
attrSprite30 (Common) Attributes for sprite 30
attrSprite31 (Common) Attributes for sprite 31
attrSprite32 (Common) Attributes for sprite 32
attrSprite33 (Common) Attributes for sprite 33
attrSprite34 (Common) Attributes for sprite 34
attrSprite35 (Common) Attributes for sprite 35
attrSprite36 (Common) Attributes for sprite 36
attrSprite37 (Common) Attributes for sprite 37
attrSprite38 (Common) Attributes for sprite 38
attrSprite39 (Common) Attributes for sprite 39
attrSprite4 (Common) Attributes for sprite 4
attrSprite40 (Common) Attributes for sprite 40
attrSprite41 (Common) Attributes for sprite 41
attrSprite42 (Common) Attributes for sprite 42
attrSprite43 (Common) Attributes for sprite 43
attrSprite44 (Common) Attributes for sprite 44
attrSprite45 (Common) Attributes for sprite 45
attrSprite46 (Common) Attributes for sprite 46
attrSprite47 (Common) Attributes for sprite 47
attrSprite48 (Common) Attributes for sprite 48
attrSprite49 (Common) Attributes for sprite 49
attrSprite5 (Common) Attributes for sprite 5
attrSprite50 (Common) Attributes for sprite 50
attrSprite51 (Common) Attributes for sprite 51
attrSprite52 (Common) Attributes for sprite 52
attrSprite53 (Common) Attributes for sprite 53
attrSprite54 (Common) Attributes for sprite 54
attrSprite55 (Common) Attributes for sprite 55
attrSprite56 (Common) Attributes for sprite 56
attrSprite57 (Common) Attributes for sprite 57
attrSprite58 (Common) Attributes for sprite 58
attrSprite59 (Common) Attributes for sprite 59
attrSprite6 (Common) Attributes for sprite 6
attrSprite60 (Common) Attributes for sprite 60
attrSprite61 (Common) Attributes for sprite 61
attrSprite62 (Common) Attributes for sprite 62
attrSprite63 (Common) Attributes for sprite 63
attrSprite7 (Common) Attributes for sprite 7
attrSprite8 (Common) Attributes for sprite 8
attrSprite9 (Common) Attributes for sprite 9
auto (Common) Docking computer activation status
autoPlayDemo (Common) Controls whether to play the demo automatically (which happens after it is left idle for a while)
autoPlayKey (Common) Stores the buttons to be automatically pressed during auto-play
autoPlayKeys (Common) The address of the table containing the key presses to apply when auto-playing the demo
autoPlayRepeat (Common) Stores the number of times a step should be repeated during auto-play
AVL (Common) Market availability in the current system
barButtons (Common) The address of the list of button numbers in the iconBarButtons table for the current icon bar
barPatternCounter (Common) The number of icon bar nametable and pattern entries that need to be sent to the PPU in the NMI handler
BET1 (Common) The magnitude of the pitch angle beta, i.e. |beta|, which is a positive value between 0 and 8
BET2 (Common) Bit 7 of BET2 = sign of the pitch angle in BETA
BETA (Common) The current pitch angle beta, which is reduced from JSTY to a sign-magnitude value between -8 and +8
bitplaneFlags (Common) Flags for bitplane 0 that control the sending of data for this bitplane to the PPU during VBlank in the NMI handler:
BOMB (Common) Energy bomb
boxEdge1 (Common) The tile number for drawing the left edge of a box
boxEdge2 (Common) The tile number for drawing the right edge of a box
BST (Common) Fuel scoops (BST stands for "barrel status")
BUF (Common) The line buffer used by DASC to print justified text
burstSpriteIndex (Common) The index into the sprite buffer of the explosion burst sprite that is set up in DrawExplosionBurst
CABTMP (Common) Cabin temperature
CASH (Common) Our current cash pot
channelPriority (Common) The priority of the sound on the current channel (0 to 2)
characterEnd (Common) The number of the character beyond the end of the printable character set for the chosen language
chargeDockingFee (Common) Records whether we have been charged a docking fee, so we don't get charged twice:
chartToShow (Common) Controls which chart is shown when choosing the chart button on the icon bar (as the Long-range and Short-range Charts share the same button)
clearAddress (Common) The address of a block of memory to clear, for example when clearing the buffers
clearBlockSize (Common) The size of the block of memory to clear, for example when clearing the buffers
clearingNameTile (Common) The number of the first tile to clear in nametable buffer 0 when the NMI handler clears tiles, divided by 8
clearingPattern (Common) The number of the first pattern to clear in pattern buffer 0 when the NMI handler clears patterns
cloudSize (Common) Used to store the explosion cloud size in PTCLS
CNT (Common) Temporary storage, typically used for storing the number of iterations required when looping
CNT2 (Common) Temporary storage, used in the planet-drawing routine to store the segment number where the arc of a partial circle should start
COK (Common) A flag to record whether cheat mode has been applied (by renaming the commander file to CHEATER, BETRUG or TRICHER)
controller1A (Common) A shift register for recording presses of the A button on controller 1
controller1B (Common) A shift register for recording presses of the B button on controller 1
controller1Down (Common) A shift register for recording presses of the down button on controller 1
controller1Left (Common) A shift register for recording presses of the left button on controller 1
controller1Left03 (Common) Bits 0 to 3 of the left button controller variable
controller1Right (Common) A shift register for recording presses of the right button on controller 1
controller1Right03 (Common) Bits 0 to 3 of the right button controller variable
controller1Select (Common) A shift register for recording presses of the Select button on controller 1
controller1Start (Common) A shift register for recording presses of the Start button on controller 1
controller1Up (Common) A shift register for recording presses of the up button on controller 1
controller2A (Common) A shift register for recording presses of the A button on controller 2
controller2B (Common) A shift register for recording presses of the B button on controller 2
controller2Down (Common) A shift register for recording presses of the down button on controller 2
controller2Left (Common) A shift register for recording presses of the left button on controller 2
controller2Right (Common) A shift register for recording presses of the right button on controller 2
controller2Select (Common) A shift register for recording presses of the Select button on controller 2
controller2Start (Common) A shift register for recording presses of the Start button on controller 2
controller2Up (Common) A shift register for recording presses of the up button on controller 2
CRGO (Common) Our ship's cargo capacity
currentBank (Common) Contains the number of the ROM bank (0 to 6) that is currently paged into memory at $8000
currentSlot (Common) The save slot for the currently selected commander file
cycleCount (Common) Counts the number of CPU cycles left in the current VBlank in the NMI handler
DAMP (Common) Controller damping configuration setting
dataForPPU (Common) An address pointing to data that we send to the PPU
de (Common) Equipment destruction flag
decimalPoint (Common) The decimal point character for the chosen language
DELT4 (Common) Our current speed * 64 as a 16-bit value
DELTA (Common) Our current speed, in the range 1-40
demoInProgress (Common) A flag to determine whether we are playing the demo:
disableMusic (Common) Music on/off configuration setting
distaway (Common) Used to store the nearest distance of the rotating ship on the title screen
DKCMP (Common) Docking computer
DLY (Common) In-flight message delay
DNOIZ (Common) Sound on/off configuration setting
drawingBitplane (Common) Flipped manually by calling FlipDrawingPlane, controls whether we are showing nametable/palette buffer 0 or 1
drawingPlaneDebug (Common) This variable is set to 0 whenever the drawing bitplane changes, but it is never read, so maybe this is part of some debug code that was left behind?
DTW1 (Common) A mask for applying the lower case part of Sentence Case to extended text tokens
DTW2 (Common) A flag that indicates whether we are currently printing a word
DTW3 (Common) A flag for switching between standard and extended text tokens
DTW4 (Common) Flags that govern how justified extended text tokens are printed
DTW5 (Common) The size of the justified text buffer at BUF
DTW6 (Common) A flag to denote whether printing in lower case is enabled for extended text tokens
DTW8 (Common) A mask for capitalising the next letter in an extended text token
dutyLoopEnvSQ1 (Common) The high nibble to use for SQ1_VOL, when setting the following for the SQ1 channel:
dutyLoopEnvSQ2 (Common) The high nibble to use for SQ2_VOL, when setting the following for the SQ2 channel:
ECM (Common) E.C.M. system
ECMA (Common) The E.C.M. countdown timer, which determines whether an E.C.M. system is currently operating:
ECMP (Common) Our E.C.M. status
effectOnNOISE (Common) Records whether a sound effect is being made on the NOISE channel
effectOnSQ1 (Common) Records whether a sound effect is being made on the SQ1 channel
effectOnSQ2 (Common) Records whether a sound effect is being made on the SQ2 channel
enableBitplanes (Common) A flag to control whether two different bitplanes are implemented when drawing the screen, so smooth vector graphics can be shown
enableSound (Common) Controls sound effects and music in David Whittaker's sound module
ENERGY (Common) Energy bank status
ENGY (Common) Energy unit
ESCP (Common) Escape pod
EV (Common) The "extra vessels" spawning counter
firstBox (Common) Used to detect the first iteration of the box-drawing loop when drawing the launch tunnel
firstFreePattern (Common) Contains the number of the first free pattern in the pattern buffer that we can draw into next (or 0 if there are no free patterns)
firstNameTile (Common) The number of the first tile for which we send nametable data to the PPU in the NMI handler (potentially for both bitplanes, if both are configured to be sent)
firstPattern (Common) The number of the first pattern for which we send data to the PPU in the NMI handler (potentially for both bitplanes, if both are configured to be sent)
FIST (Common) Our legal status (FIST stands for "fugitive/innocent status"):
FLAG (Common) A flag that's used to define whether this is the first call to the ball line routine in BLINE, so it knows whether to wait for the second call before storing segment data in the ball line heap
fontStyle (Common) The font style to use when printing text:
FRIN (Common) Slots for the ships in the local bubble of universe
FSH (Common) Forward shield status
GCNT (Common) The number of the current galaxy (0-7)
GHYP (Common) Galactic hyperdrive
GNTMP (Common) Laser temperature (or "gun temperature")
gov (Common) The current system's government type (0-7)
halfScreenHeight (Common) Half the height of the drawable part of the screen in pixels (can be 72, 77 or 104 pixels)
HANGFLAG (Common) The number of ships being displayed in the ship hangar
HFX (Common) This flag is unused in this version of Elite. In the other versions, setting HFX to a non-zero value makes the hyperspace rings multi-coloured, but the NES has a different hyperspace effect, so this variable is not used
hiddenBitplane (Common) The bitplane that is currently hidden from view in the space view
hiddenColour (Common) Contains the colour to use for pixels that are hidden in palette 0, e.g. $0F for black
iconBarChoice (Common) The number of the icon bar button that's just been selected
iconBarImageHi (Common) Contains the high byte of the address of the image data for the current icon bar, i.e. HI(iconBarImage0) through to HI(iconBarImage4)
iconBarKeyPress (Common) The button number of an icon bar button if an icon bar button has been chosen
iconBarRow (Common) The row on which the icon bar appears
iconBarType (Common) The type of the current icon bar:
imageSentToPPU (Common) Records when images have been sent to the PPU or unpacked into the buffers, so we don't repeat the process unnecessarily
INF (Common) Temporary storage, typically used for storing the address of a ship's data block, so it can be copied to and from the internal workspace at INWK
inputNameSize (Common) The maximum size of the name to be fetched by the InputName routine
INWK (Common) The zero-page internal workspace for the current ship data block
joystickDelta (Common) Used to store the amount to change the pitch and roll rates when converting controller button presses into joystick values
JSTGY (Common) Reverse controller y-axis configuration setting
JSTX (Common) Our current roll rate
JSTY (Common) Our current pitch rate
JUNK (Common) The amount of junk in the local bubble
K (Common) Temporary storage, used in a number of places
K2 (Common) Temporary storage, used in a number of places
K3 (Common) Temporary storage, used in a number of places
K4 (Common) Temporary storage, used in a number of places
K5 (Common) Temporary storage used to store segment coordinates across successive calls to BLINE, the ball line routine
K6 (Common) Temporary storage, typically used for storing coordinates during vector calculations
KL (Common) The following bytes implement a key logger that gets updated according to the controller button presses
KY1 (Common) One pilot is configured and the down and B buttons are both being pressed on controller 1
KY2 (Common) One pilot is configured and the up and B buttons are both being pressed on controller 1
KY3 (Common) One pilot is configured and the left button is being pressed on controller 1 (and the B button is not being pressed)
KY4 (Common) One pilot is configured and the right button is being pressed on controller 1 (and the B button is not being pressed)
KY5 (Common) One pilot is configured and the down button is being pressed on controller 1 (and the B button is not being pressed)
KY6 (Common) One pilot is configured and the up button is being pressed on controller 1 (and the B button is not being pressed)
KY7 (Common) The A button is being pressed on controller 1 (fire lasers)
languageIndex (Common) The language that was chosen on the Start screen as an index into the various lookup tables:
languageNumber (Common) The language that was chosen on the Start screen as a number:
LAS (Common) Contains the laser power of the laser fitted to the current space view (or 0 if there is no laser fitted to the current view)
LAS2 (Common) Laser power for the current laser
LASCT (Common) The laser pulse count for the current laser
LASER (Common) The specifications of the lasers fitted to each of the four space views:
lastNameTile (Common) The number of the last nametable buffer entry to send to the PPU nametable table in the NMI handler for bitplane 0, divided by 8
lastPattern (Common) The number of the last pattern entry to send from pattern buffer 0 to bitplane 0 of the PPU pattern table in the NMI handler
lastToSend (Common) The last tile or pattern number to send to the PPU, potentially potentially overwritten by the flags
LASX (Common) The x-coordinate of the tip of the laser line
LASY (Common) The y-coordinate of the tip of the laser line
MANY (Common) The number of ships of each type in the local bubble of universe
maxNameTileToClear (Common) The tile number at which the NMI handler should stop clearing tiles in the nametable buffers during its clearing cycle
MCNT (Common) The main loop counter
messageBuffer (Common) A buffer for the in-flight message text
messageLength (Common) The length of the message stored in the message buffer
messXC (Common) Temporary storage, used to store the text column of the in-flight message in MESS, so it can be erased from the screen at the correct time
messYC (Common) Used to specify the text row of the in-flight message in MESS, so it can be shown at a different positions in different views
MJ (Common) Are we in witchspace (i.e. have we mis-jumped)?
MSAR (Common) The targeting state of our leftmost missile
MSTG (Common) The current missile lock target
NAME (Common) The current commander name
nameBuffer0 (Common) The buffer for nametable 0 that gets sent to the PPU during VBlank
nameBuffer1 (Common) The buffer for nametable 1 that gets sent to the PPU during VBlank
nameBufferHi (Common) High byte of the address of the current nametable buffer ($70 or $74)
nameTileBuffHi (Common) (nameTileBuffHi nameTileBuffLo) contains the address of the nametable buffer for the tile we are sending to the PPU from bitplane 0 (i.e. for tile number sendingNameTile in bitplane 0)
nameTileBuffLo (Common) (nameTileBuffHi nameTileBuffLo) contains the address of the nametable buffer for the tile we are sending to the PPU from bitplane 0 (i.e. for tile number sendingNameTile in bitplane 0)
nameTileCounter (Common) Counts tiles as they are written to the PPU nametable in the NMI handler
NEWB (Common) The ship's "new byte flags" (or NEWB flags)
newTune (Common) The number of the new tune when choosing the background music
newzp (Common) This is used by the STARS2 routine for storing the stardust particle's delta_x value
nextSectionNOISE (Common) The next section for the NOISE channel of the current tune
nextSectionSQ1 (Common) The next section for the SQ1 channel of the current tune
nextSectionSQ2 (Common) The next section for the SQ2 channel of the current tune
nextSectionTRI (Common) The next section for the TRI channel of the current tune
nmiBitplane (Common) The number of the bitplane (0 or 1) that is currently being processed in the NMI handler during VBlank
nmiBitplane8 (Common) Used when sending patterns to the PPU to calculate the address offset of bitplanes 0 and 1
nmiCounter (Common) A counter that increments every VBlank at the start of the NMI handler
nmiStoreA (Common) Temporary storage for the A register during NMI
nmiStoreX (Common) Temporary storage for the X register during NMI
nmiStoreY (Common) Temporary storage for the Y register during NMI
nmiTimer (Common) A counter that gets decremented each time the NMI interrupt is called, starting at 50 and counting down to zero, at which point it jumps back up to 50 again and triggers an increment of (nmiTimerHi nmiTimerLo)
nmiTimerHi (Common) High byte of a counter that's incremented by 1 every time nmiTimer wraps
nmiTimerLo (Common) Low byte of a counter that's incremented by 1 every time nmiTimer wraps
noiseLo (Common) The value that we are going to send to the APU via NOISE_LO for the current tune
noiseLoCopy (Common) A copy of the value that we are going to send to the APU via NOISE_LO for the current tune
noiseVolume (Common) The value that we are going to send to the APU via NOISE_VOL for the current tune
NOMSL (Common) The number of missiles we have fitted (0-4)
NOSTM (Common) The number of stardust particles shown on screen, which is 20 (#NOST) for normal space, and 3 for witchspace
numberOfPilots (Common) A flag to determine whether the game is configured for one or two pilots
P (Common) Temporary storage, used in a number of places
paletteColour2 (Common) Contains the colour to use for palette entry 2 in the current (non-space) view
paletteColour3 (Common) Contains the colour to use for palette entry 3 in the current (non-space) view
pattBuffer0 (Common) The pattern buffer for bitplane 0 (1 bit per pixel) that gets sent to the PPU during VBlank
pattBuffer1 (Common) The pattern buffer for bitplane 1 (1 bit per pixel) that gets sent to the PPU during VBlank
pattBufferAddr (Common) Address of the current pattern buffer:
pattBufferHiDiv8 (Common) High byte of the address of the current pattern buffer ($60 or $68) divided by 8
patternBufferHi (Common) (patternBufferHi patternBufferLo) contains the address of the pattern buffer for the pattern we are sending to the PPU from bitplane 0 (i.e. for pattern number sendingPattern in bitplane 0)
patternBufferLo (Common) (patternBufferHi patternBufferLo) contains the address of the pattern buffer for the pattern we are sending to the PPU from bitplane 0 (i.e. for pattern number sendingPattern in bitplane 0)
patternCounter (Common) Counts patterns as they are written to the PPU pattern table in the NMI handler
pattSprite0 (Common) Pattern number for sprite 0
pattSprite1 (Common) Pattern number for sprite 1
pattSprite10 (Common) Pattern number for sprite 10
pattSprite11 (Common) Pattern number for sprite 11
pattSprite12 (Common) Pattern number for sprite 12
pattSprite13 (Common) Pattern number for sprite 13
pattSprite14 (Common) Pattern number for sprite 14
pattSprite15 (Common) Pattern number for sprite 15
pattSprite16 (Common) Pattern number for sprite 16
pattSprite17 (Common) Pattern number for sprite 17
pattSprite18 (Common) Pattern number for sprite 18
pattSprite19 (Common) Pattern number for sprite 19
pattSprite2 (Common) Pattern number for sprite 2
pattSprite20 (Common) Pattern number for sprite 20
pattSprite21 (Common) Pattern number for sprite 21
pattSprite22 (Common) Pattern number for sprite 22
pattSprite23 (Common) Pattern number for sprite 23
pattSprite24 (Common) Pattern number for sprite 24
pattSprite25 (Common) Pattern number for sprite 25
pattSprite26 (Common) Pattern number for sprite 26
pattSprite27 (Common) Pattern number for sprite 27
pattSprite28 (Common) Pattern number for sprite 28
pattSprite29 (Common) Pattern number for sprite 29
pattSprite3 (Common) Pattern number for sprite 3
pattSprite30 (Common) Pattern number for sprite 30
pattSprite31 (Common) Pattern number for sprite 31
pattSprite32 (Common) Pattern number for sprite 32
pattSprite33 (Common) Pattern number for sprite 33
pattSprite34 (Common) Pattern number for sprite 34
pattSprite35 (Common) Pattern number for sprite 35
pattSprite36 (Common) Pattern number for sprite 36
pattSprite37 (Common) Pattern number for sprite 37
pattSprite38 (Common) Pattern number for sprite 38
pattSprite39 (Common) Pattern number for sprite 39
pattSprite4 (Common) Pattern number for sprite 4
pattSprite40 (Common) Pattern number for sprite 40
pattSprite41 (Common) Pattern number for sprite 41
pattSprite42 (Common) Pattern number for sprite 42
pattSprite43 (Common) Pattern number for sprite 43
pattSprite44 (Common) Pattern number for sprite 44
pattSprite45 (Common) Pattern number for sprite 45
pattSprite46 (Common) Pattern number for sprite 46
pattSprite47 (Common) Pattern number for sprite 47
pattSprite48 (Common) Pattern number for sprite 48
pattSprite49 (Common) Pattern number for sprite 49
pattSprite5 (Common) Pattern number for sprite 5
pattSprite50 (Common) Pattern number for sprite 50
pattSprite51 (Common) Pattern number for sprite 51
pattSprite52 (Common) Pattern number for sprite 52
pattSprite53 (Common) Pattern number for sprite 53
pattSprite54 (Common) Pattern number for sprite 54
pattSprite55 (Common) Pattern number for sprite 55
pattSprite56 (Common) Pattern number for sprite 56
pattSprite57 (Common) Pattern number for sprite 57
pattSprite58 (Common) Pattern number for sprite 58
pattSprite59 (Common) Pattern number for sprite 59
pattSprite6 (Common) Pattern number for sprite 6
pattSprite60 (Common) Pattern number for sprite 60
pattSprite61 (Common) Pattern number for sprite 61
pattSprite62 (Common) Pattern number for sprite 62
pattSprite63 (Common) Pattern number for sprite 63
pattSprite7 (Common) Pattern number for sprite 7
pattSprite8 (Common) Pattern number for sprite 8
pattSprite9 (Common) Pattern number for sprite 9
pauseCountNOISE (Common) Pause for this many iterations before continuing to process note data on channel NOISE, decrementing the value for each paused iteration
pauseCountSQ1 (Common) Pause for this many iterations before continuing to process note data on channel SQ1, decrementing the value for each paused iteration
pauseCountSQ2 (Common) Pause for this many iterations before continuing to process note data on channel SQ2, decrementing the value for each paused iteration
pauseCountTRI (Common) Pause for this many iterations before continuing to process note data on channel TRI, decrementing the value for each paused iteration
picturePattern (Common) The number of the first free pattern where commander and system images can be stored in the buffers
pitchEnvelopeNOISE (Common) The number of the pitch envelope to be applied to the current tune on channel NOISE
pitchEnvelopeSQ1 (Common) The number of the pitch envelope to be applied to the current tune on channel SQ1
pitchEnvelopeSQ2 (Common) The number of the pitch envelope to be applied to the current tune on channel SQ2
pitchEnvelopeTRI (Common) The number of the pitch envelope to be applied to the current tune on channel TRI
pitchIndexNOISE (Common) The index of the entry within the pitch envelope to be applied to the current tune on channel NOISE
pitchIndexSQ1 (Common) The index of the entry within the pitch envelope to be applied to the current tune on channel SQ1
pitchIndexSQ2 (Common) The index of the entry within the pitch envelope to be applied to the current tune on channel SQ2
pitchIndexTRI (Common) The index of the entry within the pitch envelope to be applied to the current tune on channel TRI
playMusic (Common) Controls whether to keep playing the current tune:
pointerMoveCounter (Common) The position of the icon bar pointer as it moves between icons, counting down from 12 (at the start of the move) to 0 (at the end of the move)
pointerPressedB (Common) Controls whether the MoveIconBarPointer routine looks for a second tap of the B button when trying to detect a double-tap on the B button
pointerTimer (Common) A timer that counts down by 1 on each call to the MoveIconBarPointer routine, so that a double-tap on the B button can be interpreted as such
pointerTimerB (Common) A timer used in the PAL version to detect the B button being pressed twice in quick succession (a double-tap)
ppuCtrlCopy (Common) Contains a copy of PPU_CTRL, so we can check the PPU configuration without having to access the PPU
ppuNametableAddr (Common) Address of the current PPU nametable:
ppuPatternTableHi (Common) High byte of the address of the PPU pattern table to which we send patterns
ppuToBuffNameHi (Common) A high byte that we can add to an address in nametable buffer 0 to get the corresponding address in the PPU nametable
previousCondition (Common) Used to store the ship's previous status condition (i.e. docked, green, yellow or red), so we can tell how the situation is changing
priceDebug (Common) This is only referenced by some disabled test code in the prx routine, where it was presumably used for testing different equipment prices
Q (Common) Temporary storage, used in a number of places
QQ0 (Common) The current system's galactic x-coordinate (0-256)
QQ1 (Common) The current system's galactic y-coordinate (0-256)
QQ10 (Common) The galactic y-coordinate of the crosshairs in the galaxy chart (and, most of the time, the selected system's galactic y-coordinate)
QQ11 (Common) This contains the type of the current view (or, if we are changing views, the type of the view we are changing to)
QQ11a (Common) Contains the old view type when changing views
QQ12 (Common) Our "docked" status
QQ14 (Common) Our current fuel level (0-70)
QQ15 (Common) The three 16-bit seeds for the selected system, i.e. the one in the crosshairs in the Short-range Chart
QQ17 (Common) Contains a number of flags that affect how text tokens are printed, particularly capitalisation:
QQ18Hi (Common) Gets set to the high byte of the address of the text token table used by the ex routine (QQ18)
QQ18Lo (Common) Gets set to the low byte of the address of the text token table used by the ex routine (QQ18)
QQ19 (Common) Temporary storage, used in a number of places
QQ2 (Common) The three 16-bit seeds for the current system, i.e. the one we are currently in
QQ20 (Common) The contents of our cargo hold
QQ21 (Common) The three 16-bit seeds for the current galaxy
QQ22 (Common) The two hyperspace countdown counters
QQ24 (Common) Temporary storage, used to store the current market item's price in routine TT151
QQ25 (Common) Temporary storage, used to store the current market item's availability in routine TT151
QQ26 (Common) A random value used to randomise market data
QQ28 (Common) The current system's economy (0-7)
QQ29 (Common) Temporary storage, used in a number of places
QQ3 (Common) The selected system's economy (0-7)
QQ4 (Common) The selected system's government (0-7)
QQ5 (Common) The selected system's tech level (0-14)
QQ6 (Common) The selected system's population in billions * 10 (1-71), so the maximum population is 7.1 billion
QQ7 (Common) The selected system's productivity in M CR (96-62480)
QQ8 (Common) The distance from the current system to the selected system in light years * 10, stored as a 16-bit number
QQ9 (Common) The galactic x-coordinate of the crosshairs in the galaxy chart (and, most of the time, the selected system's galactic x-coordinate)
R (Common) Temporary storage, used in a number of places
RAND (Common) Four 8-bit seeds for the random number generation system implemented in the DORND routine
RAT (Common) Used to store different signs depending on the current space view, for use in calculating stardust movement
RAT2 (Common) Temporary storage, used to store the pitch and roll signs when moving objects and stardust
runningSetBank (Common) A flag that records whether we are in the process of switching ROM banks in the SetBank routine when the NMI handler is called
S (Common) Temporary storage, used in a number of places
safehouse (Common) Backup storage for the seeds for the selected system
saveSlotPart1 (Common) The first part of each of the eight save slots, which are split into three for checksum purposes
saveSlotPart2 (Common) The second part of each of the eight save slots, which are split into three for checksum purposes
saveSlotPart3 (Common) The third part of each of the eight save slots, which are split into three for checksum purposes
SC (Common) Screen address (low byte)
SC2 (Common) Temporary storage, typically used to store an address when writing data to the PPU or into the buffers
SC3 (Common) Temporary storage, used to store an address in the pattern buffers when drawing horizontal lines
scannerColour (Common) The colour of each ship number on the scanner, stored as the sprite palette number for that ship's three scanner sprites
scannerNumber (Common) Details of which scanner numbers are allocated to ships on the scanner
SCH (Common) Screen address (high byte)
screenFadedToBlack (Common) Records whether the screen has been faded to black
screenHeight (Common) The height of the drawable part of the screen in pixels (can be 144, 154 or 208 pixels)
screenReset (Common) Gets set to 245 when the screen is reset, but this value is only read once (in SetupViewInNMI) and the value is ignored, so this doesn't have any effect
scrollProgress (Common) Keeps track of the progress of the demo scroll text, starting from zero and increasing as the text scrolls up the screen
scrollTextSpeed (Common) Controls the speed of the scroll text in the demo
sectionDataNOISE (Common) The address of the note data for channel NOISE of the the current section of the current tune
sectionDataSQ1 (Common) The address of the note data for channel SQ1 of the the current section of the current tune
sectionDataSQ2 (Common) The address of the note data for channel SQ2 of the the current section of the current tune
sectionDataTRI (Common) The address of the note data for channel TRI of the the current section of the current tune
sectionListNOISE (Common) The address of the section list for channel NOISE of the current tune
sectionListSQ1 (Common) The address of the section list for channel SQ1 of the current tune
sectionListSQ2 (Common) The address of the section list for channel SQ2 of the current tune
sectionListTRI (Common) The address of the section list for channel TRI of the current tune
selectedSystem (Common) The three 16-bit seeds for the selected system, i.e. the one we most recently snapped the crosshairs to in a chart view
selectedSystemFlag (Common) Flags for the currently selected system
sendDashboardToPPU (Common) A flag that controls whether we send the dashboard to the PPU during the main loop
sendingNameTile (Common) The number of the most recent tile that was sent to the PPU nametable by the NMI handler for bitplane 0 (or the number of the first tile to send if none have been sent), divided by 8
sendingPattern (Common) The number of the most recent pattern that was sent to the PPU pattern table by the NMI handler for bitplane 0 (or the number of the first pattern to send if none have been sent)
setupPPUForIconBar (Common) Controls whether we force the nametable and pattern table to 0 when the PPU starts drawing the icon bar
shipIsAggressive (Common) A flag to record just how aggressive the current ship is in the TACTICS routine
showIconBarPointer (Common) Controls whether to show the icon bar pointer
showUserInterface (Common) Bit 7 set means display the user interface (so we only clear it for the game over screen)
skipBarPatternsPPU (Common) A flag to control whether to send the icon bar's patterns to the PPU, after sending the nametable entries (this only applies if barPatternCounter = 0)
soundAddr (Common) Temporary storage, used in a number of places in the sound routines to hold an address
soundByteNOISE (Common) The 14 sound bytes for the sound effect being made on channel NOISE
soundByteSQ1 (Common) The 14 sound bytes for the sound effect being made on channel SQ1
soundByteSQ2 (Common) The 14 sound bytes for the sound effect being made on channel SQ2
soundHiNOISE (Common) The value that we are going to send to the APU via NOISE_HI for the current sound effect
soundHiSQ1 (Common) The value that we are going to send to the APU via SQ1_HI for the current sound effect
soundHiSQ2 (Common) The value that we are going to send to the APU via SQ2_HI for the current sound effect
soundLoNOISE (Common) The value that we are going to send to the APU via NOISE_LO for the current sound effect
soundLoSQ1 (Common) The value that we are going to send to the APU via SQ1_LO for the current sound effect
soundLoSQ2 (Common) The value that we are going to send to the APU via SQ2_LO for the current sound effect
soundPitchEnvNOISE (Common) Controls how often we apply the pitch envelope to the sound effect on channel NOISE
soundPitchEnvSQ1 (Common) Controls how often we apply the pitch envelope to the sound effect on channel SQ1
soundPitchEnvSQ2 (Common) Controls how often we apply the pitch envelope to the sound effect on channel SQ2
soundPitCountNOISE (Common) Controls how often we send pitch data to the APU for the sound effect on channel NOISE
soundPitCountSQ1 (Common) Controls how often we send pitch data to the APU for the sound effect on channel SQ1
soundPitCountSQ2 (Common) Controls how often we send pitch data to the APU for the sound effect on channel SQ2
soundVibrato (Common) The four-byte seeds for adding randomised vibrato to the current sound effect
soundVolCountNOISE (Common) Controls how often we apply the volume envelope to the sound effect on channel NOISE
soundVolCountSQ1 (Common) Controls how often we apply the volume envelope to the sound effect on channel SQ1
soundVolCountSQ2 (Common) Controls how often we apply the volume envelope to the sound effect on channel SQ2
soundVolIndexNOISE (Common) The index into the volume envelope data of the next volume byte to apply to the sound effect on channel NOISE
soundVolIndexSQ1 (Common) The index into the volume envelope data of the next volume byte to apply to the sound effect on channel SQ1
soundVolIndexSQ2 (Common) The index into the volume envelope data of the next volume byte to apply to the sound effect on channel SQ2
soundVolumeNOISE (Common) The address of the volume envelope data for the sound effect currently being made on channel NOISE
soundVolumeSQ1 (Common) The address of the volume envelope data for the sound effect currently being made on channel SQ1
soundVolumeSQ2 (Common) The address of the volume envelope data for the sound effect currently being made on channel SQ2
spasto (Common) Contains the address of the ship blueprint of the space station (which can be a Coriolis or Dodo)
sq1Hi (Common) The value that we are going to send to the APU via SQ1_HI for the current tune
sq1Lo (Common) The value that we are going to send to the APU via SQ1_LO for the current tune
sq1LoCopy (Common) A copy of the value that we are going to send to the APU via SQ1_LO for the current tune
sq1Sweep (Common) The value that we are going to send to the APU via SQ1_SWEEP for the current tune
sq1Volume (Common) The value that we are going to send to the APU via SQ1_VOL for the current tune
sq2Hi (Common) The value that we are going to send to the APU via SQ2_HI for the current tune
sq2Lo (Common) The value that we are going to send to the APU via SQ2_LO for the current tune
sq2LoCopy (Common) A copy of the value that we are going to send to the APU via SQ2_LO for the current tune
sq2Sweep (Common) The value that we are going to send to the APU via SQ2_SWEEP for the current tune
sq2Volume (Common) The value that we are going to send to the APU via SQ2_VOL for the current tune
SSPR (Common) "Space station present" flag
startPauseNOISE (Common) Pause for this many iterations before starting to process each batch of note data on channel NOISE
startPauseSQ1 (Common) Pause for this many iterations before starting to process each batch of note data on channel SQ1
startPauseSQ2 (Common) Pause for this many iterations before starting to process each batch of note data on channel SQ2
startPauseTRI (Common) Pause for this many iterations before starting to process each batch of note data on channel TRI
startupDebug (Common) This variable is set to 0 in the game's entry routine at S%, but it is never read, so maybe this is part of some debug code that was left behind?
statusCondition (Common) Used to store the ship's current status condition (i.e. docked, green, yellow or red)
storeA (Common) Temporary storage for saving the value of the A register, used in the bank-switching routines in bank 7
STP (Common) The step size for drawing circles
sunWidth0 (Common) The half-width of the sun on pixel row 0 in the tile row that is currently being drawn
sunWidth1 (Common) The half-width of the sun on pixel row 1 in the tile row that is currently being drawn
sunWidth2 (Common) The half-width of the sun on pixel row 2 in the tile row that is currently being drawn
sunWidth3 (Common) The half-width of the sun on pixel row 3 in the tile row that is currently being drawn
sunWidth4 (Common) The half-width of the sun on pixel row 4 in the tile row that is currently being drawn
sunWidth5 (Common) The half-width of the sun on pixel row 5 in the tile row that is currently being drawn
sunWidth6 (Common) The half-width of the sun on pixel row 6 in the tile row that is currently being drawn
sunWidth7 (Common) The half-width of the sun on pixel row 7 in the tile row that is currently being drawn
SVC (Common) The save count
SWAP (Common) Temporary storage, used to store a flag that records whether or not we had to swap a line's start and end coordinates around when clipping the line in routine LL145 (the flag is used in places like BLINE to swap them back)
SX (Common) This is where we store the x_hi coordinates for all the stardust particles
SXL (Common) This is where we store the x_lo coordinates for all the stardust particles
SY (Common) This is where we store the y_hi coordinates for all the stardust particles
SYL (Common) This is where we store the y_lo coordinates for all the stardust particles
systemNumber (Common) The current system number, as calculated in TT111 when finding the nearest system in the galaxy
systemsOnChart (Common) A counter for the number of systems drawn on the Short-range Chart, so it gets limited to 24 systems
SZ (Common) This is where we store the z_hi coordinates for all the stardust particles
SZL (Common) This is where we store the z_lo coordinates for all the stardust particles
T (Common) Temporary storage, used in a number of places
T1 (Common) Temporary storage, used in a number of places
TALLY (Common) Our combat rank
TALLYL (Common) Combat rank fraction
tek (Common) The current system's tech level (0-14)
TGT (Common) Temporary storage, typically used as a target value for counters when drawing explosion clouds and partial circles
titleShip (Common) Used to store the current ship number in the title screen
TKN1Hi (Common) Gets set to the high byte of the address of the text token table used by the DETOK routine (TKN1)
TKN1Lo (Common) Gets set to the low byte of the address of the text token table used by the DETOK routine (TKN1)
TP (Common) The current mission status
TRIBBLE (Common) The number of Trumbles in the cargo hold
triHi (Common) The value that we are going to send to the APU via TRI_HI for the current tune
triLo (Common) The value that we are going to send to the APU via TRI_LO for the current tune
triLoCopy (Common) A copy of the value that we are going to send to the APU via TRI_LO for the current tune
tuneProgress (Common) A variable for keeping track of progress while playing the current tune, so we send data to the APU at the correct time over multiple iterations of the MakeMusic routine, according to the tune speed in tuneSpeed
tuneSpeed (Common) The speed of the current tune, which can vary as the tune plays
tuneSpeedCopy (Common) The starting speed of the current tune, as stored in the tune's data
tuningAll (Common) The tuning value for all channels
tuningSQ1 (Common) The tuning value for the SQ1 channel
tuningSQ2 (Common) The tuning value for the SQ2 channel
tuningTRI (Common) The tuning value for the TRI channel
TYPE (Common) The current ship type
U (Common) Temporary storage, used in a number of places
unusedVariable (Common) This variable is zeroed in RES2 but is never read
updatePaletteInNMI (Common) A flag that controls whether to send the palette data from XX3 to the PPU during NMI:
V (Common) Temporary storage, typically used for storing an address pointer
VIEW (Common) The number of the current space view
visibleColour (Common) Contains the colour to use for pixels that are visible in palette 0, e.g. $2C for cyan
volumeCounterNOISE (Common) A counter for keeping track of repeated bytes from the volume envelope on channel NOISE
volumeCounterSQ1 (Common) A counter for keeping track of repeated bytes from the volume envelope on channel SQ1
volumeCounterSQ2 (Common) A counter for keeping track of repeated bytes from the volume envelope on channel SQ2
volumeCounterTRI (Common) A counter for keeping track of repeated bytes from the volume envelope on channel TRI
volumeEnvelopeNOISE (Common) The number of the volume envelope to be applied to the current tune on channel NOISE
volumeEnvelopeSQ1 (Common) The number of the volume envelope to be applied to the current tune on channel SQ1
volumeEnvelopeSQ2 (Common) The number of the volume envelope to be applied to the current tune on channel SQ2
volumeEnvelopeTRI (Common) The number of the volume envelope to be applied to the current tune on channel TRI
volumeIndexNOISE (Common) The index into the volume envelope data of the next volume byte to apply to channel NOISE
volumeIndexSQ1 (Common) The index into the volume envelope data of the next volume byte to apply to channel SQ1
volumeIndexSQ2 (Common) The index into the volume envelope data of the next volume byte to apply to channel SQ2
volumeRepeatNOISE (Common) The number of repeats to be applied to each byte in the volume envelope on channel NOISE
volumeRepeatSQ1 (Common) The number of repeats to be applied to each byte in the volume envelope on channel SQ1
volumeRepeatSQ2 (Common) The number of repeats to be applied to each byte in the volume envelope on channel SQ2
widget (Common) Temporary storage, used to store the original argument in A in the logarithmic FMLTU and LL28 routines
X1 (Common) Temporary storage, typically used for x-coordinates in the line-drawing routines
X1TB (Common) The x-coordinates of the start points for character lines in the scroll text
X2 (Common) Temporary storage, typically used for x-coordinates in the line-drawing routines
X2TB (Common) The x-coordinates of the end points for character lines in the scroll text
XC (Common) The x-coordinate of the text cursor (i.e. the text column), which can be from 0 to 32
xIconBarPointer (Common) The x-coordinate of the icon bar pointer
XP (Common) The x-coordinate of the current character as we construct the lines for the Star Wars scroll text
xPointerDelta (Common) The direction in which the icon bar pointer is moving, expressed as a delta to add to the x-coordinate of the pointer sprites
XSAV (Common) Temporary storage for saving the value of the X register, used in a number of places
XSAV2 (Common) Temporary storage, used for storing the value of the X register in the CHPR routine
xSprite0 (Common) Screen x-coordinate for sprite 0
xSprite1 (Common) Screen x-coordinate for sprite 1
xSprite10 (Common) Screen x-coordinate for sprite 10
xSprite11 (Common) Screen x-coordinate for sprite 11
xSprite12 (Common) Screen x-coordinate for sprite 12
xSprite13 (Common) Screen x-coordinate for sprite 13
xSprite14 (Common) Screen x-coordinate for sprite 14
xSprite15 (Common) Screen x-coordinate for sprite 15
xSprite16 (Common) Screen x-coordinate for sprite 16
xSprite17 (Common) Screen x-coordinate for sprite 17
xSprite18 (Common) Screen x-coordinate for sprite 18
xSprite19 (Common) Screen x-coordinate for sprite 19
xSprite2 (Common) Screen x-coordinate for sprite 2
xSprite20 (Common) Screen x-coordinate for sprite 20
xSprite21 (Common) Screen x-coordinate for sprite 21
xSprite22 (Common) Screen x-coordinate for sprite 22
xSprite23 (Common) Screen x-coordinate for sprite 23
xSprite24 (Common) Screen x-coordinate for sprite 24
xSprite25 (Common) Screen x-coordinate for sprite 25
xSprite26 (Common) Screen x-coordinate for sprite 26
xSprite27 (Common) Screen x-coordinate for sprite 27
xSprite28 (Common) Screen x-coordinate for sprite 28
xSprite29 (Common) Screen x-coordinate for sprite 29
xSprite3 (Common) Screen x-coordinate for sprite 3
xSprite30 (Common) Screen x-coordinate for sprite 30
xSprite31 (Common) Screen x-coordinate for sprite 31
xSprite32 (Common) Screen x-coordinate for sprite 32
xSprite33 (Common) Screen x-coordinate for sprite 33
xSprite34 (Common) Screen x-coordinate for sprite 34
xSprite35 (Common) Screen x-coordinate for sprite 35
xSprite36 (Common) Screen x-coordinate for sprite 36
xSprite37 (Common) Screen x-coordinate for sprite 37
xSprite38 (Common) Screen x-coordinate for sprite 38
xSprite39 (Common) Screen x-coordinate for sprite 39
xSprite4 (Common) Screen x-coordinate for sprite 4
xSprite40 (Common) Screen x-coordinate for sprite 40
xSprite41 (Common) Screen x-coordinate for sprite 41
xSprite42 (Common) Screen x-coordinate for sprite 42
xSprite43 (Common) Screen x-coordinate for sprite 43
xSprite44 (Common) Screen x-coordinate for sprite 44
xSprite45 (Common) Screen x-coordinate for sprite 45
xSprite46 (Common) Screen x-coordinate for sprite 46
xSprite47 (Common) Screen x-coordinate for sprite 47
xSprite48 (Common) Screen x-coordinate for sprite 48
xSprite49 (Common) Screen x-coordinate for sprite 49
xSprite5 (Common) Screen x-coordinate for sprite 5
xSprite50 (Common) Screen x-coordinate for sprite 50
xSprite51 (Common) Screen x-coordinate for sprite 51
xSprite52 (Common) Screen x-coordinate for sprite 52
xSprite53 (Common) Screen x-coordinate for sprite 53
xSprite54 (Common) Screen x-coordinate for sprite 54
xSprite55 (Common) Screen x-coordinate for sprite 55
xSprite56 (Common) Screen x-coordinate for sprite 56
xSprite57 (Common) Screen x-coordinate for sprite 57
xSprite58 (Common) Screen x-coordinate for sprite 58
xSprite59 (Common) Screen x-coordinate for sprite 59
xSprite6 (Common) Screen x-coordinate for sprite 6
xSprite60 (Common) Screen x-coordinate for sprite 60
xSprite61 (Common) Screen x-coordinate for sprite 61
xSprite62 (Common) Screen x-coordinate for sprite 62
xSprite63 (Common) Screen x-coordinate for sprite 63
xSprite7 (Common) Screen x-coordinate for sprite 7
xSprite8 (Common) Screen x-coordinate for sprite 8
xSprite9 (Common) Screen x-coordinate for sprite 9
XX (Common) Temporary storage, typically used for storing a 16-bit x-coordinate
XX0 (Common) Temporary storage, used to store the address of a ship blueprint. For example, it is used when we add a new ship to the local bubble in routine NWSHP, and it contains the address of the current ship's blueprint as we loop through all the nearby ships in the main flight loop
XX1 (Common) This is an alias for INWK that is used in the main ship-drawing routine at LL9
XX12 (Common) Temporary storage for a block of values, used in a number of places
XX13 (Common) Temporary storage, typically used in the line-drawing routines
XX14 (Common) This byte appears to be unused
XX15 (Common) Temporary storage, typically used for storing screen coordinates in line-drawing routines
XX16 (Common) Temporary storage for a block of values, used in a number of places
XX17 (Common) Temporary storage, used in BPRNT to store the number of characters to print, and as the edge counter in the main ship-drawing routine
XX18 (Common) Temporary storage used to store coordinates in the LL9 ship-drawing routine
XX2 (Common) Temporary storage, used to store the visibility of the ship's faces during the ship-drawing routine at LL9
XX20 (Common) Temporary storage, used in a number of places
XX4 (Common) Temporary storage, used in a number of places
Y1 (Common) Temporary storage, typically used for y-coordinates in line-drawing routines
Y1TB (Common) The y-coordinates of the start and end points for character lines in the scroll text, with the start point (Y1) in the low nibble and the end point (Y2) in the high nibble
Y2 (Common) Temporary storage, typically used for y-coordinates in line-drawing routines
YC (Common) The y-coordinate of the text cursor (i.e. the text row), which can be from 0 to 23
yIconBarPointer (Common) The y-coordinate of the icon bar pointer
YP (Common) The y-coordinate of the current character as we construct the lines for the Star Wars scroll text
YSAV (Common) Temporary storage for saving the value of the Y register, used in a number of places
YSAV2 (Common) Temporary storage, used for storing the value of the Y register in the CHPR routine
ySprite0 (Common) Screen y-coordinate for sprite 0
ySprite1 (Common) Screen y-coordinate for sprite 1
ySprite10 (Common) Screen y-coordinate for sprite 10
ySprite11 (Common) Screen y-coordinate for sprite 11
ySprite12 (Common) Screen y-coordinate for sprite 12
ySprite13 (Common) Screen y-coordinate for sprite 13
ySprite14 (Common) Screen y-coordinate for sprite 14
ySprite15 (Common) Screen y-coordinate for sprite 15
ySprite16 (Common) Screen y-coordinate for sprite 16
ySprite17 (Common) Screen y-coordinate for sprite 17
ySprite18 (Common) Screen y-coordinate for sprite 18
ySprite19 (Common) Screen y-coordinate for sprite 19
ySprite2 (Common) Screen y-coordinate for sprite 2
ySprite20 (Common) Screen y-coordinate for sprite 20
ySprite21 (Common) Screen y-coordinate for sprite 21
ySprite22 (Common) Screen y-coordinate for sprite 22
ySprite23 (Common) Screen y-coordinate for sprite 23
ySprite24 (Common) Screen y-coordinate for sprite 24
ySprite25 (Common) Screen y-coordinate for sprite 25
ySprite26 (Common) Screen y-coordinate for sprite 26
ySprite27 (Common) Screen y-coordinate for sprite 27
ySprite28 (Common) Screen y-coordinate for sprite 28
ySprite29 (Common) Screen y-coordinate for sprite 29
ySprite3 (Common) Screen y-coordinate for sprite 3
ySprite30 (Common) Screen y-coordinate for sprite 30
ySprite31 (Common) Screen y-coordinate for sprite 31
ySprite32 (Common) Screen y-coordinate for sprite 32
ySprite33 (Common) Screen y-coordinate for sprite 33
ySprite34 (Common) Screen y-coordinate for sprite 34
ySprite35 (Common) Screen y-coordinate for sprite 35
ySprite36 (Common) Screen y-coordinate for sprite 36
ySprite37 (Common) Screen y-coordinate for sprite 37
ySprite38 (Common) Screen y-coordinate for sprite 38
ySprite39 (Common) Screen y-coordinate for sprite 39
ySprite4 (Common) Screen y-coordinate for sprite 4
ySprite40 (Common) Screen y-coordinate for sprite 40
ySprite41 (Common) Screen y-coordinate for sprite 41
ySprite42 (Common) Screen y-coordinate for sprite 42
ySprite43 (Common) Screen y-coordinate for sprite 43
ySprite44 (Common) Screen y-coordinate for sprite 44
ySprite45 (Common) Screen y-coordinate for sprite 45
ySprite46 (Common) Screen y-coordinate for sprite 46
ySprite47 (Common) Screen y-coordinate for sprite 47
ySprite48 (Common) Screen y-coordinate for sprite 48
ySprite49 (Common) Screen y-coordinate for sprite 49
ySprite5 (Common) Screen y-coordinate for sprite 5
ySprite50 (Common) Screen y-coordinate for sprite 50
ySprite51 (Common) Screen y-coordinate for sprite 51
ySprite52 (Common) Screen y-coordinate for sprite 52
ySprite53 (Common) Screen y-coordinate for sprite 53
ySprite54 (Common) Screen y-coordinate for sprite 54
ySprite55 (Common) Screen y-coordinate for sprite 55
ySprite56 (Common) Screen y-coordinate for sprite 56
ySprite57 (Common) Screen y-coordinate for sprite 57
ySprite58 (Common) Screen y-coordinate for sprite 58
ySprite59 (Common) Screen y-coordinate for sprite 59
ySprite6 (Common) Screen y-coordinate for sprite 6
ySprite60 (Common) Screen y-coordinate for sprite 60
ySprite61 (Common) Screen y-coordinate for sprite 61
ySprite62 (Common) Screen y-coordinate for sprite 62
ySprite63 (Common) Screen y-coordinate for sprite 63
ySprite7 (Common) Screen y-coordinate for sprite 7
ySprite8 (Common) Screen y-coordinate for sprite 8
ySprite9 (Common) Screen y-coordinate for sprite 9
Yx2M1 (Common) The height of the drawable part of the screen in pixels minus 1, often used when calculating the y-coordinate of the bottom pixel row of the space view
YY (Common) Temporary storage, typically used for storing a 16-bit y-coordinate
ZZ (Common) Temporary storage, typically used for distance values