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A-Z index of the source code

[Apple II version]

This index contains every subroutine, entry point, variable, workspace and macro that appears in the source code for the Apple II version of Elite, sorted alphabetically.

ABORTDashboardDisarm missiles and update the dashboard indicators
ABORT2DashboardSet/unset the lock target for a missile and update the dashboard
ADDMaths (Arithmetic)Calculate (A X) = (A P) + (S R)
AllowJoystick (Loader)LoaderAn unused routine to check the joysticks and configure the title screen to check for the joystick fire button
aloghMaths (Arithmetic)Binary antilogarithm table
ALP1Workspace variable Magnitude of the roll angle alpha, i.e. |alpha|, which is a positive value between 0 and 31
ALP2Workspace variable Bit 7 of ALP2 = sign of the roll angle in ALPHA
ALPHAWorkspace variable The current roll angle alpha, which is reduced from JSTX to a sign-magnitude value between -31 and +31
ALTITWorkspace variable Our altitude above the surface of the planet or sun
ANGRYTacticsMake a ship hostile
armtabSave and loadPhase-on time table in 100-usec intervals
armtab (Loader)Save and loadPhase-on time table in 100-usec intervals
armtb2Save and loadPhase-off time table in 100-usec intervals
armtb2 (Loader)Save and loadPhase-off time table in 100-usec intervals
armwatSave and loadImplement the arm move delay
armwat (Loader)Save and loadImplement the arm move delay
ASHWorkspace variable Aft shield status
atemp0Workspace variable Temporary storage for the read/write status bit
atemp0 (Loader)Workspace variable Temporary storage for the read/write status bit
autoWorkspace variable Docking computer activation status
AVLWorkspace variable Market availability in the current system
backtonormalUtility routinesDisable the keyboard, set the SVN flag to 0, and return with A = 0
BADStatusCalculate how bad we have been
BALIWorkspace variable The progress of the Star Wars scroll text as it scrolls, from 254 (off the bottom of the screen) to 2 (fully scrolled). Can also be thought of as a measure of how much of the scroll text has yet to appear on-screen
BAYStatusGo to the docking bay (i.e. show the Status Mode screen)
BAY2MarketJump into the main loop at FRCE, setting the key "pressed" to the Inventory key
BAYSTEPMissionsGo to the docking bay (i.e. show the Status Mode screen)
beamcolDrawing linesAn unused table of laser colours
BEEPSoundMake a short, high beep
BEGINLoaderInitialise the configuration variables and start the game
BELLSoundMake a standard system beep
BET1Workspace variable The magnitude of the pitch angle beta, i.e. |beta|, which is a positive value between 0 and 8
BET2Workspace variable Bit 7 of BET2 = sign of the pitch angle in BETA
BETAWorkspace variable The current pitch angle beta, which is reduced from JSTY to a sign-magnitude value between -8 and +8
bitmapWorkspace variable Bit map of free sectors in track 0, at byte #56 ($38) in the buffer
bitmap (Loader)Workspace variable Bit map of free sectors in track 0, at byte #56 ($38) in the buffer
BLINEDrawing circlesDraw a circle segment and add it to the ball line heap
BOMBWorkspace variable Energy bomb
BOMBEFF2Drawing linesErase the energy bomb zig-zag lightning bolt, make the sound of the energy bomb going off, draw a new bolt and repeat four times
BOMBOFFDrawing linesDraw the zig-zag lightning bolt for the energy bomb
BOMBONDrawing linesRandomise and draw the energy bomb's zig-zag lightning bolt lines
BOMBPOSDrawing linesA set of x-coordinates that are used as the basis for the energy bomb's zig-zag lightning bolt
BOMBTBXDrawing linesThis is where we store the x-coordinates for the energy bomb's zig-zag lightning bolt
BOMBTBYDrawing linesThis is where we store the y-coordinates for the energy bomb's zig-zag lightning bolt
BOOPSoundMake a long, low beep
BOXDrawing the screenJust draw the border box along the top of the screen (the sides are retained from the loading screen, along with the dashboard)
boxsizeWorkspace variable This byte appears to be unused
BPRNTTextPrint a 32-bit number, left-padded to a specific number of digits, with an optional decimal point
BR1 (Part 1 of 2)Start and endShow the "Load New Commander (Y/N)?" screen and start the game
BR1 (Part 2 of 2)Start and endShow the "Press Fire or Space, Commander" screen and start the game
BRBRUtility routinesThe standard BRKV handler for the game
BRIEFMissionsStart mission 1 and show the mission briefing
BRIEF2MissionsStart mission 2
BRIEF3MissionsReceive the briefing and plans for mission 2
BRISMissionsClear the screen, display "INCOMING MESSAGE" and wait for 2 seconds
BRKBKSave and loadSet the standard BRKV handler for the game
brkdUtility routinesA flag that indicates whether a system error has occurred
BRPMissionsPrint an extended token and show the Status Mode screen
BRPSMissionsPrint the extended token in A, show the Status Mode screen and return from the subroutine
BSTWorkspace variable Fuel scoops (BST stands for "barrel status")
bufferWorkspace variable A 256-byte sector buffer, where we can load sectors from the disk, such as the track/sector list, or the commander file contents
buffer (Loader)Workspace variable A 256-byte sector buffer, where we can load sectors from the disk, such as the track/sector list, or the commander file contents
buffr2Workspace variable A 342-byte buffer for storing data in the 6-bit nibble format
buffr2 (Loader)Workspace variable A 342-byte buffer for storing data in the 6-bit nibble format
BULBDashboardDraw an indicator bulb on the dashboard
BUMP2DashboardBump up the value of the pitch or roll dashboard indicator
cEquipmentContains an RTS
CABTMPWorkspace variable Cabin temperature
CASHWorkspace variable Our current cash pot
celloclDrawing the screenLookup table for converting a text row number to the address of that row in text screen memory (low byte)
CHAR (Game data)TextMacro definition for characters in the recursive token table
CHECKSave and loadCalculate the checksum for the last saved commander data block
CHECK2Save and loadCalculate the third checksum for the last saved commander data block (Commodore 64 and Apple II versions only)
CHKSave and loadFirst checksum byte for the saved commander data file
CHK2Save and loadSecond checksum byte for the saved commander data file
CHK3Save and loadThird checksum byte for the saved commander data file
CHKONDrawing circlesCheck whether any part of a circle appears on the extended screen
CHPRTextPrint a character at the text cursor by poking into screen memory
CHPR2TextCharacter print vector handler
CIRCLEDrawing circlesDraw a circle for the planet
CIRCLE2Drawing circlesDraw a circle (for the planet or chart)
CLDELAYUtility routinesDelay by iterating through 5 * 256 (1280) empty loops
cleargrapDrawing the screenClear screen memory for the top part of the graphics screen mode (the space view), drawing blue borders along the sides as we do so
clearrowDrawing the screenClear a character row of screen memory, drawing blue borders along the left and right edges as we do so
cleartextDrawing the screenClear screen memory for the text screen mode
CLICKSoundToggle the state of the speaker (i.e. move it in or out) to make a single click
CLIPDrawing linesAnother name for LL145 CLIP2 Don't initialise the values in SWAP or A
CLIP2Drawing linesDon't initialise the values in SWAP or A
clssDrawing the screenClear the screen, move the text cursor to the top-left corner and jump back into the CHPR routine to print the next character
CLYNSDrawing the screenClear two character rows near the bottom of the screen
cmnStatusPrint the commander's name
cmn-1StatusContains an RTS
CNTWorkspace variable Temporary storage, typically used for storing the number of iterations required when looping
CNT2Workspace variable Temporary storage, used in the planet-drawing routine to store the segment number where the arc of a partial circle should start
cntrDashboardApply damping to the pitch or roll dashboard indicator
COKWorkspace variable Flags used to generate the competition code
COLWorkspace variable Temporary storage, used to store colour information when drawing pixels in the dashboard
COLDLoaderInitialise the screen mode, clear memory and set up interrupt handlers
COMCWorkspace variable The shape (i.e. thickness) of the dot on the compass
comnamSave and loadStorage for the commander filename, padded out with spaces to a fixed size of 30 characters, for the rfile and wfile routines
comnam (Loader)Save and loadThe filename of the first file to load, padded out with spaces to a fixed size of 30 characters for the rfile routine
COMPASDashboardUpdate the compass
COMXWorkspace variable The x-coordinate of the compass dot
COMYWorkspace variable The y-coordinate of the compass dot
CONT (Game data)TextMacro definition for control codes in the recursive token table
coolkeyTubeClear the C flag and return from the subroutine
CopyCode2 (Loader)LoaderCopy CODE2 from $4000-$6FFF to $9000-$BFFF
COPYNAMESave and loadCopy the last saved commander's name from INWK+5 to comnam and pad out the rest of comnam with spaces, so we can use it as a filename
CopyTrackSector (Loader)LoaderCopy the track/sector list from the disk buffer to trackSector
COR1Maths (Arithmetic)Contains an RTS
CPIXDrawing pixelsDraw a colour pixel
cplUniversePrint the selected system name
CRGOWorkspace variable Our ship's cargo capacity
crlfTextTab to column 21 and print a colon
cshStatusPrint the current amount of cash
curtrkWorkspace variable The current track before performing a seek in the RWTS code
curtrk (Loader)Workspace variable The current track before performing a seek in the RWTS code
DAMPWorkspace variable Keyboard damping configuration setting
DASCTextDASC does exactly the same as TT26 and prints a character at the text cursor, with support for verified text in extended tokens
DCS1FlightCalculate the vector from the ideal docking position to the ship
deWorkspace variable Equipment destruction flag
DEATHStart and endDisplay the death screen
DEATH2Start and endReset most of the game and restart from the title screen
DEBRIEFMissionsFinish mission 1
DEBRIEF2MissionsFinish mission 2
DecrementFileSize (Loader)LoaderDecrement the file size in fileSize(1 0) by 1
DEEORUtility routinesUnscramble the main code
DEEORSUtility routinesDecrypt a multi-page block of memory
DELAYUtility routinesWait for a specified time, measured in loop iterations
DELT4Workspace variable Our current speed * 64 as a 16-bit value
DELTAWorkspace variable Our current speed, in the range 1-40
DENGYFlightDrain some energy from the energy banks
DERR1Save and loadThe error message for when a disk is write protected
DERR2Save and loadThe error message for when a disk is full
DERR3Save and loadThe error message for when a disk catalog is full
DERR4Save and loadThe error message for when there is a disk I/O error
DERR5Save and loadThe error message for when a file is not found
DET1Drawing the screenShow or hide the dashboard (for when we die)
DETOKTextPrint an extended recursive token from the TKN1 token table
DETOK2TextPrint an extended text token (1-255)
DETOK3TextPrint an extended recursive token from the RUTOK token table
DFAULTStart and endReset the current commander data block to the last saved commander
DFLAGWorkspace variable This byte appears to be unused
dialcWorkspace variable Current dashboard indicator colours
dialc1DashboardThe colour for each indicator for values that are below the threshold in dialle
dialc2DashboardThe colour for each indicator for values that are on or above the threshold in dialle
dialleDashboardThe threshold value for each indicator that defines low and high values, and therefore the low and high colours for the indicator
dialsWorkspace variable Current dashboard indicator values
DIALS (Part 1 of 4)DashboardUpdate the dashboard: speed indicator
DIALS (Part 2 of 4)DashboardUpdate the dashboard: pitch and roll indicators
DIALS (Part 3 of 4)DashboardUpdate the dashboard: four energy banks
DIALS (Part 4 of 4)DashboardUpdate the dashboard: shields, fuel, laser & cabin temp, altitude
dialYDashboardThe screen y-coordinate of the top-left corner of each indicator
DIR1DashboardContains an RTS
dirtrkWorkspace variable The direction in which we are searching tracks for free sectors in the getsct routine (+1 or -1)
dirtrk (Loader)Workspace variable The direction in which we are searching tracks for free sectors in the getsct routine (+1 or -1)
DIS1DashboardUpdate a bar-based indicator on the dashboard
DIS1+2DashboardThe range of the indicator is 0-63 (for the fuel indicator)
DIS2DashboardThe range of the indicator is 0-31 (for the fuel and energy bank indicators)
DIS5DashboardUpdate the roll or pitch indicator on the dashboard
DISKWorkspace variable The configuration setting for toggle key "T", which isn't actually used but is still updated by pressing "T" while the game is paused. This is a configuration option from the Commodore 64 version of Elite that lets you switch between tape and disk
Disk operations workspaceWorkspacesVariables used by the disk operations and DOS 3.3 RWTS routines
Disk operations workspace 1 (Loader)WorkspacesVariables used by the disk operations and DOS 3.3 RWTS routines
Disk operations workspace 2 (Loader)WorkspacesVariables used by the disk operations and DOS 3.3 RWTS routines
diskerrorSave and loadPrint a disk error, make a beep and wait for a key press
distawayWorkspace variable Used to store the nearest distance of the rotating ship on the title screen
DJDWorkspace variable Keyboard auto-recentre configuration setting
djd1DashboardAuto-recentre the value in X, if keyboard auto-recentre is configured
DK4KeyboardScan for pause, configuration and secondary flight keys
DKCMPWorkspace variable Docking computer
DKS2KeyboardRead the joystick position
DKS3KeyboardToggle a configuration setting and emit a beep
DKSANYKEYKeyboardAn unused routine that scans the keyboard to detect whether any key is being pressed
DLWorkspace variable This byte is unused in this version of Elite (it is used to store the vertical sync flag in the BBC Micro versions)
DLYWorkspace variable In-flight message delay
dnMarketPrint the amount of money we have left in the cash pot, then make a short, high beep and delay for 1 second
dn2TextMake a low, long beep and delay for 0.5 seconds
DNOIZWorkspace variable Sound on/off configuration setting
dockEdFlightPrint a message to say there is no hyperspacing allowed inside the station
DOCKITFlightApply docking manoeuvres to the ship in INWK
DOENTRYFlightDock at the space station and work out any mission progression
DOEXPDrawing shipsDraw an exploding ship
DOKEYKeyboardScan for the seven primary flight controls and apply the docking computer manoeuvring code
dontclipWorkspace variable This is set to 0 in the RES2 routine, but the value is never actually read (this is left over from the Commodore 64 version of Elite)
DORNDMaths (Arithmetic)Generate random numbers
DORND2Maths (Arithmetic)Make sure the C flag doesn't affect the outcome
DOTDashboardDraw a dash on the compass
DOXCTextMove the text cursor to a specific column
DOYCTextMove the text cursor to a specific row
drver2Save and loadRestore the stack pointer and return from the RWTS code with the error number in A and the C flag set to indicate an error
drver2KSave and loadRestore the stack pointer and return from the RWTS code with the error number in A and the C flag set to indicate an error
drverrSave and loadReturn from the RWTS code with a "Disk I/O error"
drverr (Loader)Save and loadReturn from the RWTS code with a "Disk I/O error"
DTENTextPrint recursive token number X from the token table pointed to by (A V), used to print tokens from the RUTOK table via calls to DETOK3
DTSTextPrint a single letter in the correct case
DTW1TextA mask for applying the lower case part of Sentence Case to extended text tokens
DTW2TextA flag that indicates whether we are currently printing a word
DTW3TextA flag for switching between standard and extended text tokens
DTW4TextFlags that govern how justified extended text tokens are printed
DTW5TextThe size of the justified text buffer at BUF
DTW6TextA flag to denote whether printing in lower case is enabled for extended text tokens
DTW8TextA mask for capitalising the next letter in an extended text token
DV41Maths (Arithmetic)Calculate (P R) = 256 * DELTA / A
DV42Maths (Arithmetic)Calculate (P R) = 256 * DELTA / z_hi
DVID3B2Maths (Arithmetic)Calculate K(3 2 1 0) = (A P+1 P) / (z_sign z_hi z_lo)
DVID4Maths (Arithmetic)Calculate (P R) = 256 * A / Q
DVIDTMaths (Arithmetic)Calculate (P+1 A) = (A P) / Q
DVLOINDrawing linesDraw a vertical line from (A, GCYT) to (A, GCYB)
E% (Game data)Drawing shipsShip blueprints default NEWB flags
ECBLBDashboardLight up the E.C.M. indicator bulb ("E") on the dashboard
ECBLB2DashboardStart up the E.C.M. (light up the indicator, start the countdown and make the E.C.M. sound)
ECBTDashboardThe character bitmap for the E.C.M. indicator bulb
ECHR (Game data)TextMacro definition for characters in the extended token table
ECMWorkspace variable E.C.M. system
ECMAWorkspace variable The E.C.M. countdown timer, which determines whether an E.C.M. system is currently operating:
ECMOFDashboardSwitch off the E.C.M. and turn off the dashboard bulb
ECMPWorkspace variable Our E.C.M. status
EDGE (Game data)Drawing shipsMacro definition for adding edges to ship blueprints
EDGESDrawing linesDraw a horizontal line given a centre and a half-width
ee3FlightPrint the hyperspace countdown in the top-left of the screen
EE51Drawing shipsRemove the current ship from the screen, called from SHPPT before drawing the ship as a point
EJMP (Game data)TextMacro definition for jump tokens in the extended token table
Elite loader (Loader)LoaderLoad the SCRN and ELB1 binaries and run the game
ENERGYWorkspace variable Energy bank status
ENGYWorkspace variable Energy unit
ENTRYLoaderAn entry point at the start of the game binary
ENTRY (Transfer program)Utility routinesCopy the second block of the game code, between CODE2 and STORE, into bank-switched RAM at $D000
eqEquipmentSubtract the price of equipment from the cash pot
EQSHPEquipmentShow the Equip Ship screen
ERND (Game data)TextMacro definition for random tokens in the extended token table
errEquipmentBeep, pause and go to the docking bay (i.e. show the Status Mode screen)
ERTABSave and loadA lookup table for the five disk error messages
ESCAPEFlightLaunch our escape pod
ESCPWorkspace variable Escape pod
ETOK (Game data)TextMacro definition for recursive tokens in the extended token table
ETWO (Game data)TextMacro definition for two-letter tokens in the extended token table
EVWorkspace variable The "extra vessels" spawning counter
exTextPrint a recursive token
exlookDrawing shipsA table to shift X left by one place when X is 0 or 1
EXNOSoundMake the sound of a laser strike on another ship
EXNO2StatusProcess us making a kill
EXNO3SoundMake the sound of a collision, or an exploding cargo canister or missile
F%Utility routinesDenotes the end of the main game code, from ELITE A to ELITE K
FACE (Game data)Drawing shipsMacro definition for adding faces to ship blueprints
FAROFMaths (Geometry)Compare x_hi, y_hi and z_hi with 224
FAROF2Maths (Geometry)Compare x_hi, y_hi and z_hi with A
FEEDTextPrint a newline
filename (Loader)Save and loadThe filename of the second file to load
FILEPRSave and loadDisplay the currently selected media (disk or tape)
fileSize (Loader)LoaderThe file size of the file we are loading
filsctWorkspace variable The sector for the commander file's contents
filsct (Loader)Workspace variable The sector for the commander file's contents
filtrkWorkspace variable The track for the commander file's contents
filtrk (Loader)Workspace variable The track for the commander file's contents
findeSave and loadSearch the disk catalog for an empty file entry
findfSave and loadSearch the disk catalog for an existing file
findf (Loader)Save and loadSearch the disk catalog for an existing file
fireButtonMaskWorkspace variable This value is applied to the joystick fire button soft switches in the TITLE routine, where it disables the ability to configure joysticks by pressing a fire button
FISTWorkspace variable Our legal status (FIST stands for "fugitive/innocent status"):
FLAGWorkspace variable A flag that's used to define whether this is the first call to the ball line routine in BLINE, so it knows whether to wait for the second call before storing segment data in the ball line heap
FLFLLSDrawing sunsReset the sun line heap
FLHWorkspace variable Flashing console bars configuration setting
FLIPStardustReflect the stardust particles in the screen diagonal and redraw the stardust field
FLKBKeyboardFlush the keyboard buffer
FMLTUMaths (Arithmetic)Calculate A = A * Q / 256
FMLTU2Maths (Arithmetic)Calculate A = K * sin(A)
fq1TacticsUsed to add a cargo canister to the universe
FR1TacticsDisplay the "missile jammed" message
FR1-2TacticsClear the C flag and return from the subroutine
FRCEMain loopThe entry point for the main game loop if we want to jump straight to a specific screen, by pretending to "press" a key, in which case A contains the ASCII code of the key we want to "press"
FREEZEKeyboardRejoin the pause routine after processing a screen save
fretrkWorkspace variable The number of the last track that we checked for a free sector in the getsct routine
fretrk (Loader)Workspace variable The number of the last track that we checked for a free sector in the getsct routine
FRINWorkspace variable Slots for the ships in the local bubble of universe
FRMISTacticsFire a missile from our ship
fromAddr (Loader)Workspace variable The address to copy from in the CopyMemory routine
FRS1TacticsLaunch a ship straight ahead of us, below the laser sights
frumpWorkspace variable Used to store the number of particles in the explosion cloud, though the number is never actually used
FSHWorkspace variable Forward shield status
fwlStatusPrint fuel and cash levels
G%Utility routinesDenotes the start of the main game code, from ELITE A to ELITE K
GC2Maths (Arithmetic)Calculate (Y X) = (A P) * 4
GCASHMaths (Arithmetic)Calculate (Y X) = P * Q * 4
GCNTWorkspace variable The number of the current galaxy (0-7)
getsctSave and loadAnalyse the VTOC sector to allocate one free sector
getsct (Loader)Save and loadAnalyse the VTOC sector to allocate one free sector
gettslSave and loadRead a file's track/sector list
gettsl (Loader)Save and loadRead a file's track/sector list
GhyFlightPerform a galactic hyperspace jump
GHYPWorkspace variable Galactic hyperdrive
GINFUniverseFetch the address of a ship's data block into INF
GNTMPWorkspace variable Laser temperature (or "gun temperature")
gnumMarketGet a number from the keyboard
GOINMain loopWe jump here from part 3 of the main flight loop if the docking computer is activated by pressing "C"
GOPLTacticsMake the ship head towards the planet
govWorkspace variable The current system's government type (0-7)
GTHGUniverseSpawn a Thargoid ship and a Thargon companion
GTNMEWSave and loadFetch the name of a commander file to save or load
GVLUniverseCalculate the availability of market items
HFS1Drawing circlesDon't clear the screen, and draw 8 concentric rings with the step size in STP
HFS2Drawing circlesDraw the launch or hyperspace tunnel
HFXWorkspace variable This flag is unused in this version of Elite. In the other versions, setting HFX to a non-zero value makes the hyperspace rings multi-coloured, but that effect is not used in this version
HGRDrawing the screenSwitch to the high-resolution graphics screen mode
HI1TacticsContains an RTS
HITCHTacticsWork out if the ship in INWK is in our crosshairs
HL6Drawing linesContains an RTS
HLOINDrawing linesDraw a horizontal line from (X1, Y1) to (X2, Y1)
HLOIN2Drawing linesRemove a line from the sun line heap and draw it on-screen
hmChartsSelect the closest system and redraw the chart crosshairs
HME2ChartsSearch the galaxy for a system
hy5UniverseContains an RTS
hypFlightStart the hyperspace process
hyp1UniverseProcess a jump to the system closest to (QQ9, QQ10)
hyp1+3UniverseJump straight to the system at (QQ9, QQ10) without first calculating which system is closest. We do this if we already know that (QQ9, QQ10) points to a system
hyRUniverseContains an RTS
idfldWorkspace variable Storage for four bytes used in the RDADR16 routine:
idfld (Loader)Workspace variable Storage for four bytes used in the RDADR16 routine:
INCYCTextMove the text cursor to the next row
INFWorkspace variable Temporary storage, typically used for storing the address of a ship's data block, so it can be copied to and from the internal workspace at INWK
INWKWorkspace variable The zero-page internal workspace for the current ship data block
isfullSave and loadCheck the disk to ensure there are least two free sectors, one for the file's track/sector list and one for the file's contents
ITEMMarketMacro definition for the market prices table
JAMESONSave and loadRestore the default JAMESON commander
jmpUniverseSet the current system to the selected system
JMTBTextThe extended token table for jump tokens 1-32 (DETOK)
JSTEWorkspace variable Reverse both joystick channels configuration setting
JSTKWorkspace variable Keyboard or joystick configuration setting
JSTXWorkspace variable Our current roll rate
JSTYWorkspace variable Our current pitch rate
JUNKWorkspace variable The amount of junk in the local bubble
KWorkspace variable Temporary storage, used in a number of places
K%WorkspacesShip data blocks and ship line heaps
K2Workspace variable Temporary storage, used in a number of places
K3Workspace variable Temporary storage, used in a number of places
K4Workspace variable Temporary storage, used in a number of places
K5Workspace variable Temporary storage used to store segment coordinates across successive calls to BLINE, the ball line routine
K6Workspace variable Temporary storage, typically used for storing coordinates during vector calculations
KEYLOOKWorkspace variable KEYLOOK, KLO, KL and thiskey all share the same address
KILLSHPUniverseRemove a ship from our local bubble of universe
KLWorkspace variable The following bytes implement a key logger that enables Elite to scan for concurrent key presses of the primary flight keys, plus a secondary flight key
KLOWorkspace variable KEYLOOK, KLO, KL and thiskey all share the same address
KS1UniverseRemove the current ship from our local bubble of universe
KS2UniverseCheck the local bubble for missiles with target lock
KS3UniverseSet the SLSP ship line heap pointer after shuffling ship slots
KS4UniverseRemove the space station and replace it with the sun
KTRANKeyboardAn unused key logger buffer that's left over from the 6502 Second Processor version of Elite
KWH% (Game data)StatusInteger number of kills awarded for destroying each type of ship
KWL% (Game data)StatusFractional number of kills awarded for destroying each type of ship
KY1Workspace variable "?" is being pressed (slow down)
KY12Workspace variable "B" is being pressed (energy bomb)
KY13Workspace variable ESCAPE is being pressed (launch escape pod)
KY14Workspace variable "T" is being pressed (target missile)
KY15Workspace variable "U" is being pressed (unarm missile)
KY16Workspace variable "M" is being pressed (fire missile)
KY17Workspace variable "E" is being pressed (activate E.C.M.)
KY18Workspace variable "J" is being pressed (in-system jump)
KY19Workspace variable "C" is being pressed (activate docking computer)
KY2Workspace variable Space is being pressed (speed up)
KY20Workspace variable "P" is being pressed (deactivate docking computer)
KY3Workspace variable "<" is being pressed (roll left)
KY4Workspace variable ">" is being pressed (roll right)
KY5Workspace variable "X" is being pressed (pull up)
KY6Workspace variable "S" is being pressed (pitch down)
KY7Workspace variable "A" is being pressed (fire lasers)
KYTBKeyboardLookup table for in-flight keyboard controls
LASWorkspace variable Contains the laser power of the laser fitted to the current space view (or 0 if there is no laser fitted to the current view)
LAS2Workspace variable Laser power for the current laser
LASCTWorkspace variable The laser pulse count for the current laser
LASERWorkspace variable The specifications of the lasers fitted to each of the four space views:
LASLIDrawing linesDraw the laser lines for when we fire our lasers
LASLI-1Drawing linesContains an RTS
LASLI2Drawing linesJust draw the current laser lines without moving the centre point, draining energy or heating up. This has the effect of removing the lines from the screen
LASNOISESoundMake the sound of our laser firing or the sound of us being hit by lasers
LASNOISE2SoundAn unused routine that makes a different laser sound
LASXWorkspace variable The x-coordinate of the tip of the laser line
LASYWorkspace variable The y-coordinate of the tip of the laser line
LAUNDrawing circlesMake the launch sound and draw the launch tunnel
LCASHMaths (Arithmetic)Subtract an amount of cash from the cash pot
letterTextDraw a character in the high-resolution screen mode using the game font
letter2TextDraw a character or indicator bulb bitmap in the high-resolution screen mode
LL10-1Drawing shipsContains an RTS
LL118Drawing linesMove a point along a line until it is on-screen
LL118-1Drawing linesContains an RTS
LL120Maths (Arithmetic)Calculate (Y X) = (S x1_lo) * XX12+2 or (S x1_lo) / XX12+2
LL121Maths (Arithmetic)Calculate (Y X) = (S R) / Q and set the sign to the opposite of the top byte on the stack
LL122Maths (Arithmetic)Calculate (Y X) = (S R) * Q and set the sign to the opposite of the top byte on the stack
LL123Maths (Arithmetic)Calculate (Y X) = (S R) / XX12+2 or (S R) * XX12+2
LL128Maths (Arithmetic)Contains an RTS
LL129Maths (Arithmetic)Calculate Q = XX12+2, A = S EOR XX12+3 and (S R) = |S R|
LL133Maths (Arithmetic)Negate (Y X) and return from the subroutine LL128 Contains an RTS
LL145 (Part 1 of 4)Drawing linesClip line: Work out which end-points are on-screen, if any
LL145 (Part 2 of 4)Drawing linesClip line: Work out if any part of the line is on-screen
LL145 (Part 3 of 4)Drawing linesClip line: Calculate the line's gradient
LL145 (Part 4 of 4)Drawing linesClip line: Call the routine in LL188 to do the actual clipping
LL164Drawing circlesMake the hyperspace sound and draw the hyperspace tunnel
LL28Maths (Arithmetic)Calculate R = 256 * A / Q
LL28+4Maths (Arithmetic)Skips the A >= Q check and always returns with C flag cleared, so this can be called if we know the division will work
LL30Drawing linesLL30 is a synonym for LOIN and draws a line from (X1, Y1) to (X2, Y2)
LL31Maths (Arithmetic)Skips the A >= Q check and does not set the R counter, so this can be used for jumping straight into the division loop if R is already set to 254 and we know the division will work
LL38Maths (Arithmetic)Calculate (S A) = (S R) + (A Q)
LL5Maths (Arithmetic)Calculate Q = SQRT(R Q)
LL51Maths (Geometry)Calculate the dot product of XX15 and XX16
LL61Maths (Arithmetic)Calculate (U R) = 256 * A / Q
LL62Maths (Arithmetic)Calculate 128 - (U R)
LL66Drawing shipsA re-entry point into the ship-drawing routine, used by the LL62 routine to store 128 - (U R) on the XX3 heap
LL70+1Drawing shipsContains an RTS (as the first byte of an LDA instruction)
LL81+2Drawing shipsDraw the contents of the ship line heap, used to draw the ship as a dot from SHPPT
LL9 (Part 1 of 12)Drawing shipsDraw ship: Check if ship is exploding, check if ship is in front
LL9 (Part 2 of 12)Drawing shipsDraw ship: Check if ship is in field of view, close enough to draw
LL9 (Part 3 of 12)Drawing shipsDraw ship: Set up orientation vector, ship coordinate variables
LL9 (Part 4 of 12)Drawing shipsDraw ship: Set visibility for exploding ship (all faces visible)
LL9 (Part 5 of 12)Drawing shipsDraw ship: Calculate the visibility of each of the ship's faces
LL9 (Part 6 of 12)Drawing shipsDraw ship: Calculate the visibility of each of the ship's vertices
LL9 (Part 7 of 12)Drawing shipsDraw ship: Calculate the visibility of each of the ship's vertices
LL9 (Part 8 of 12)Drawing shipsDraw ship: Calculate the screen coordinates of visible vertices
LL9 (Part 9 of 12)Drawing shipsDraw ship: Draw laser beams if the ship is firing its laser at us
LL9 (Part 10 of 12)Drawing shipsDraw ship: Calculate the visibility of each of the ship's edges and draw the visible ones using flicker-free animation
LL9 (Part 11 of 12)Drawing shipsDraw ship: Loop back for the next edge
LL9 (Part 12 of 12)Drawing shipsDraw ship: Draw all the visible edges from the ship line heap
LO2FlightContains an RTS
LoadFile (Loader)LoaderLoad a multi-sector file
LODSave and loadLoad a commander file
logMaths (Arithmetic)Binary logarithm table (high byte)
logLMaths (Arithmetic)Binary logarithm table (low byte)
LOIN (Part 1 of 7)Drawing linesDraw a line: Calculate the line gradient in the form of deltas
LOIN (Part 2 of 7)Drawing linesDraw a line: Line has a shallow gradient, step right along x-axis
LOIN (Part 3 of 7)Drawing linesDraw a shallow line going right and up or left and down
LOIN (Part 4 of 7)Drawing linesDraw a shallow line going right and down or left and up
LOIN (Part 5 of 7)Drawing linesDraw a line: Line has a steep gradient, step up along y-axis
LOIN (Part 6 of 7)Drawing linesDraw a steep line going up and left or down and right
LOIN (Part 7 of 7)Drawing linesDraw a steep line going up and right or down and left
LOOK1FlightInitialise the space view
LORSave and loadSet the C flag and return from the subroutine
LSC3Drawing shipsContains an RTS
LSCLRDrawing shipsDraw any remaining lines from the old ship that are still in the ship line heap
LSNUMWorkspace variable The pointer to the current position in the ship line heap as we work our way through the new ship's edges (and the corresponding old ship's edges) when drawing the ship in the main ship-drawing routine at LL9
LSNUM2Workspace variable The size of the existing ship line heap for the ship we are drawing in LL9, i.e. the number of lines in the old ship that is currently shown on-screen and which we need to erase
LSOWorkspace variable The ship line heap for the space station (see NWSPS) and the sun line heap (see SUN)
LSPWorkspace variable The ball line heap pointer, which contains the number of the first free byte after the end of the LSX2 and LSY2 heaps
LSPUTDrawing linesDraw a ship line using flicker-free animation
LSXWorkspace variable LSX contains the status of the sun line heap at LSO
LSX2Workspace variable The ball line heap for storing x-coordinates
LSY2Workspace variable The ball line heap for storing y-coordinates
mMaths (Geometry)Do not include A in the calculation
M%Main loopThe entry point for the main flight loop
MA9Maths (Geometry)Contains an RTS
MADMaths (Arithmetic)Calculate (A X) = Q * A + (S R)
Main flight loop (Part 1 of 16)Main loopSeed the random number generator
Main flight loop (Part 2 of 16)Main loopCalculate the alpha and beta angles from the current pitch and roll of our ship
Main flight loop (Part 3 of 16)Main loopScan for flight keys and process the results
Main flight loop (Part 4 of 16)Main loopFor each nearby ship: Copy the ship's data block from K% to the zero-page workspace at INWK
Main flight loop (Part 5 of 16)Main loopFor each nearby ship: If an energy bomb has been set off, potentially kill this ship
Main flight loop (Part 6 of 16)Main loopFor each nearby ship: Move the ship in space and copy the updated INWK data block back to K%
Main flight loop (Part 7 of 16)Main loopFor each nearby ship: Check whether we are docking, scooping or colliding with it
Main flight loop (Part 8 of 16)Main loopFor each nearby ship: Process us potentially scooping this item
Main flight loop (Part 9 of 16)Main loopFor each nearby ship: If it is a space station, check whether we are successfully docking with it
Main flight loop (Part 10 of 16)Main loopFor each nearby ship: Remove if scooped, or process collisions
Main flight loop (Part 11 of 16)Main loopFor each nearby ship: Process missile lock and firing our laser
Main flight loop (Part 12 of 16)Main loopFor each nearby ship: Draw the ship, remove if killed, loop back
Main flight loop (Part 13 of 16)Main loopShow energy bomb effect, charge shields and energy banks
Main flight loop (Part 14 of 16)Main loopSpawn a space station if we are close enough to the planet
Main flight loop (Part 15 of 16)Main loopPerform altitude checks with the planet and sun and process fuel scooping if appropriate
Main flight loop (Part 16 of 16)Main loopProcess laser pulsing, E.C.M. energy drain, call stardust routine
Main game loop (Part 1 of 6)Main loopSpawn a trader (a Cobra Mk III, Python, Boa or Anaconda)
Main game loop (Part 2 of 6)Main loopCall the main flight loop, and potentially spawn a trader, an asteroid, or a cargo canister
Main game loop (Part 3 of 6)Main loopPotentially spawn a cop, particularly if we've been bad
Main game loop (Part 4 of 6)Main loopPotentially spawn a lone bounty hunter, a Thargoid, or up to four pirates
Main game loop (Part 5 of 6)Main loopCool down lasers, make calls to update the dashboard
Main game loop (Part 6 of 6)Main loopProcess non-flight key presses (docked keys)
MAL1Main loopMarks the beginning of the ship analysis loop, so we can jump back here from part 12 of the main flight loop to work our way through each ship in the local bubble. We also jump back here when a ship is removed from the bubble, so we can continue processing from the next ship
MANYWorkspace variable The number of ships of each type in the local bubble of universe
MAS1Maths (Geometry)Add an orientation vector coordinate to an INWK coordinate
MAS2Maths (Geometry)Calculate a cap on the maximum distance to the planet or sun
MAS3Maths (Arithmetic)Calculate A = x_hi^2 + y_hi^2 + z_hi^2 in the K% block
MAS4Maths (Geometry)Calculate a cap on the maximum distance to a ship
MASKTDrawing linesHigh-resolution pixel bytes for drawing continuous lines of solid colour
MCASHMaths (Arithmetic)Add an amount of cash to the cash pot
MCHWorkspace variable The text token number of the in-flight message that is currently being shown, and which will be removed by the me2 routine when the counter in DLY reaches zero
MCNTWorkspace variable The main loop counter
me1FlightErase an old in-flight message and display a new one
me2FlightRemove an in-flight message from the space view
me3Main loopUsed by me2 to jump back into the main game loop after printing an in-flight message
mes9FlightPrint a text token, possibly followed by " DESTROYED"
MESSFlightDisplay an in-flight message
messXCWorkspace variable Temporary storage, used to store the text column of the in-flight message in MESS, so it can be erased from the screen at the correct time
MJWorkspace variable Are we in witchspace (i.e. have we mis-jumped)?
MJPFlightProcess a mis-jump into witchspace
MLOOPMain loopThe entry point for the main game loop. This entry point comes after the call to the main flight loop and spawning routines, so it marks the start of the main game loop for when we are docked (as we don't need to call the main flight loop or spawning routines if we aren't in space)
MLS1Maths (Arithmetic)Calculate (A P) = ALP1 * A
MLS2Maths (Arithmetic)Calculate (S R) = XX(1 0) and (A P) = A * ALP1
MLTU2Maths (Arithmetic)Calculate (A P+1 P) = (A ~P) * Q
MLTU2-2Maths (Arithmetic)Set Q to X, so this calculates (A P+1 P) = (A ~P) * X
MLU1Maths (Arithmetic)Calculate Y1 = y_hi and (A P) = |y_hi| * Q for Y-th stardust
MLU2Maths (Arithmetic)Calculate (A P) = |A| * Q
MSARWorkspace variable The targeting state of our leftmost missile
MSBARDashboardDraw a specific indicator in the dashboard's missile bar
MSBARSDashboardDraw two horizontal lines as part of an indicator bar, from (X1, Y1+1) to (X2, Y1+1) and (X1, Y1+2) to (X2, Y1+2)
msblobDashboardDisplay the dashboard's missile indicators in green
mscolWorkspace variable Current missile indicator colours
mslocDashboardThe screen x-coordinates of the four missile indicators on the dashboard
MSTGWorkspace variable The current missile lock target
MT1TextSwitch to ALL CAPS when printing extended tokens
MT13TextSwitch to lower case when printing extended tokens
MT14TextSwitch to justified text when printing extended tokens
MT15TextSwitch to left-aligned text when printing extended tokens
MT16TextPrint the character in variable DTW7
MT17TextPrint the selected system's adjective, e.g. Lavian for Lave
MT18TextPrint a random 1-8 letter word in Sentence Case
MT19TextCapitalise the next letter
MT2TextSwitch to Sentence Case when printing extended tokens
MT23TextMove to row 9 and switch to lower case when printing extended tokens
MT26TextFetch a line of text from the keyboard
MT27TextPrint the captain's name during mission briefings
MT28TextPrint the location hint during the mission 1 briefing
MT29TextMove to row 5 and switch to lower case when printing extended tokens
MT5TextSwitch to extended tokens
MT6TextSwitch to standard tokens in Sentence Case
MT8TextTab to column 6 and start a new word when printing extended tokens
MT9TextClear the screen and set the current view type to 1
mtimehWorkspace variable The motor on time (high byte)
mtimeh (Loader)Workspace variable The motor on time (high byte)
mtimelWorkspace variable The motor on time (low byte)
mtimel (Loader)Workspace variable The motor on time (low byte)
MTINTextLookup table for random tokens in the extended token table (0-37)
MU1Maths (Arithmetic)Copy X into P and A, and clear the C flag
MU11Maths (Arithmetic)Calculate (A P) = P * X
MU5Maths (Arithmetic)Set K(3 2 1 0) = (A A A A) and clear the C flag
MU6Maths (Arithmetic)Set P(1 0) = (A A)
MULIEWorkspace variable A flag to record whether the RESET routine is being being called from within the TITLE routine, when the title screen is being displayed, as we don't want to stop the title music from playing when this is the case
MULT1Maths (Arithmetic)Calculate (A P) = Q * A
MULT12Maths (Arithmetic)Calculate (S R) = Q * A
MULT3Maths (Arithmetic)Calculate K(3 2 1 0) = (A P+1 P) * Q
MULTS-2Maths (Arithmetic)Calculate (A P) = X * A
MULTUMaths (Arithmetic)Calculate (A P) = P * Q
MUT1Maths (Arithmetic)Calculate R = XX and (A P) = Q * A
MUT2Maths (Arithmetic)Calculate (S R) = XX(1 0) and (A P) = Q * A
MUT3Maths (Arithmetic)An unused routine that does the same as MUT2
MUTIL3Save and loadDecrypt the commander file
MUTILATESave and loadEncrypt the commander file in the buffer at comfil
MV40MovingRotate the planet or sun's location in space by the amount of pitch and roll of our ship
MV45MovingRejoin the MVEIT routine after the rotation, tactics and scanner code
mvbllopUtility routinesOnly copy Y bytes, rather than a whole page
mvblockKUtility routinesCopy a specific number of pages in memory
MVEIT (Part 1 of 9)MovingMove current ship: Tidy the orientation vectors
MVEIT (Part 2 of 9)MovingMove current ship: Call tactics routine, remove ship from scanner
MVEIT (Part 3 of 9)MovingMove current ship: Move ship forward according to its speed
MVEIT (Part 4 of 9)MovingMove current ship: Apply acceleration to ship's speed as a one-off
MVEIT (Part 5 of 9)MovingMove current ship: Rotate ship's location by our pitch and roll
MVEIT (Part 6 of 9)MovingMove current ship: Move the ship in space according to our speed
MVEIT (Part 7 of 9)MovingMove current ship: Rotate ship's orientation vectors by pitch/roll
MVEIT (Part 8 of 9)MovingMove current ship: Rotate ship about itself by its own pitch/roll
MVEIT (Part 9 of 9)MovingMove current ship: Redraw on scanner, if it hasn't been destroyed
MVS4MovingApply pitch and roll to an orientation vector
MVS5MovingApply a 3.6 degree pitch or roll to an orientation vector
MVT1MovingCalculate (x_sign x_hi x_lo) = (x_sign x_hi x_lo) + (A R)
MVT1-2MovingClear bits 0-6 of A before entering MVT1
MVT3MovingCalculate K(3 2 1) = (x_sign x_hi x_lo) + K(3 2 1)
MVT6MovingCalculate (A P+2 P+1) = (x_sign x_hi x_lo) + (A P+2 P+1)
NA%Save and loadThe data block for the last saved commander
NA2%Save and loadThe data block for the default commander
NAMEWorkspace variable The current commander name
NEWBWorkspace variable The ship's "new byte flags" (or NEWB flags)
newosrdchTubeThe custom OSRDCH routine for reading characters
newzpWorkspace variable This is used by the STARS2 routine for storing the stardust particle's delta_x value
NLI4Drawing linesDraw a line of dashes underneath a title on the text screen
NLINDrawing linesDraw a horizontal line at pixel row 23 to box in a title
NLIN2Drawing linesDraw a screen-wide horizontal line at the pixel row in A
NLIN3Drawing linesPrint a title and draw a horizontal line at row 19 to box it in
NLIN4Drawing linesDraw a horizontal line at pixel row 19 to box in a title
NLIN5Drawing linesMove the text cursor down one line before drawing the line
NMIpissoffLoaderAcknowledge NMI interrupts and ignore them
NO1Maths (Geometry)Contains an RTS
NOMSLWorkspace variable The number of missiles we have fitted (0-4)
NORMMaths (Geometry)Normalise the three-coordinate vector in XX15
NOSTMWorkspace variable The number of stardust particles shown on screen, which is 12 (#NOST) for normal space, and 3 for witchspace
NWDAV4MarketPrint an "ITEM?" error, make a beep and rejoin the TT210 routine
NWDAVxxMarketUsed to rejoin this routine from the call to NWDAV4
nWqStardustCreate a random cloud of stardust
NwS1UniverseFlip the sign and double an INWK byte
NWSHPUniverseAdd a new ship to our local bubble of universe
NWSPSUniverseAdd a new space station to our local bubble of universe
NWSTARSStardustInitialise the stardust field
ohUniverseContains an RTS SPIN2 Remove any randomness: spawn cargo of a specific type (given in X), and always spawn the number given in A
oldlongSave and loadContains the length of the last saved commander name
OOPSFlightTake some damage
Option variablesWorkspacesVariables that are predominantly used to store the game options
OTHERFILEPRSave and loadDisplay the non-selected media (disk or tape)
ou2FlightDisplay "E.C.M.SYSTEM DESTROYED" as an in-flight message
ou3FlightDisplay "FUEL SCOOPS DESTROYED" as an in-flight message
OUCHFlightPotentially lose cargo or equipment following damage
outKeyboardContains an RTS t As TT217 but don't preserve Y, set it to YSAV instead
PWorkspace variable Temporary storage, used in a number of places
PAS1MissionsChange to the text view for the Constrictor mission briefing
PATGWorkspace variable Configuration setting to show the author names on the start-up screen and enable manual hyperspace mis-jumps
PAUSEMissionsWait until a key is pressed for the Constrictor mission briefing and then clear the text view to show the briefing text
PAUSE2KeyboardWait until a key is pressed, ignoring any existing key press
PDESCUniversePrint the system's extended description or a mission 1 directive
pingUniverseSet the selected system to the current system
PIX1Maths (Arithmetic)Calculate (YY+1 SYL+Y) = (A P) + (S R) and draw stardust particle
PIXELDrawing pixelsDraw a two-pixel dash, three-pixel dash or double-height three-pixel dash
PIXEL2Drawing pixelsDraw a stardust particle relative to the screen centre
PL2Drawing planetsRemove the planet or sun from the screen
PL2-1Drawing planetsContains an RTS
PL21Drawing planetsReturn from a planet/sun-drawing routine with a failure flag
PL44Drawing planetsClear the C flag and return from the subroutine PL6 Contains an RTS
PL6Drawing planetsContains an RTS
PL9Drawing planetsDraw the planet as a plain circle
PLANETDrawing planetsDraw the planet or sun
plfTextPrint a text token followed by a newline
plf2TextPrint text followed by a newline and indent of 6 characters
PLS6Drawing planetsCalculate (X K) = (A P+1 P) / (z_sign z_hi z_lo)
PLUTFlightFlip the coordinate axes for the four different views
pr2TextPrint an 8-bit number, left-padded to 3 digits, and optional point
pr2+2TextPrint the 8-bit number in X to the number of digits in A
pr5TextPrint a 16-bit number, left-padded to 5 digits, and optional point
pr6TextPrint 16-bit number, left-padded to 5 digits, no point
prenibSave and loadConvert 256 8-bit bytes in buffer into 342 6-bit nibbles in buffr2
prenib (Loader)Save and loadConvert 256 8-bit bytes in buffer into 342 6-bit nibbles in buffr2
presEquipmentGiven an item number A with the item name in recursive token Y, show an error to say that the item is already present, refund the cost of the item, and then beep and exit to the docking bay (i.e. show the Status Mode screen)
PROJMaths (Geometry)Project the current ship or planet onto the screen
prqTextPrint a text token followed by a question mark
prq+3TextPrint a question mark
prterrSave and loadReturn from the RWTS code with a "Disk write protected" error
prxEquipmentReturn the price of a piece of equipment
prx-3EquipmentReturn the price of the item with number A - 1 c Contains an RTS
PRXSEquipmentEquipment prices
pstnibSave and loadConvert 342 6-bit nibbles in buffr2 into 256 8-bit bytes in buffer
pstnib (Loader)Save and loadConvert 342 6-bit nibbles in buffr2 into 256 8-bit bytes in buffer
ptgFlightCalled when the user manually forces a mis-jump RTS111 Contains an RTS
PXR1Drawing pixelsContains an RTS
QWorkspace variable Temporary storage, used in a number of places
QQ0Workspace variable The current system's galactic x-coordinate (0-256)
QQ1Workspace variable The current system's galactic y-coordinate (0-256)
QQ10Workspace variable The galactic y-coordinate of the crosshairs in the galaxy chart (and, most of the time, the selected system's galactic y-coordinate)
QQ11Workspace variable The type of the current view:
QQ12Workspace variable Our "docked" status
QQ14Workspace variable Our current fuel level (0-70)
QQ15Workspace variable The three 16-bit seeds for the selected system, i.e. the one in the crosshairs in the Short-range Chart
QQ16TextThe two-letter token lookup table
QQ17Workspace variable Contains a number of flags that affect how text tokens are printed, particularly capitalisation:
QQ18 (Game data)TextThe recursive token table for tokens 0-148
QQ19Workspace variable Temporary storage, used in a number of places
QQ2Workspace variable The three 16-bit seeds for the current system, i.e. the one we are currently in
QQ20Workspace variable The contents of our cargo hold
QQ21Workspace variable The three 16-bit seeds for the current galaxy
QQ22Workspace variable The two hyperspace countdown counters
QQ23MarketMarket prices table
QQ24Workspace variable Temporary storage, used to store the current market item's price in routine TT151
QQ25Workspace variable Temporary storage, used to store the current market item's availability in routine TT151
QQ26Workspace variable A random value used to randomise market data
QQ28Workspace variable The current system's economy (0-7)
QQ29Workspace variable Temporary storage, used in a number of places
QQ3Workspace variable The selected system's economy (0-7)
QQ4Workspace variable The selected system's government (0-7)
QQ5Workspace variable The selected system's tech level (0-14)
QQ6Workspace variable The selected system's population in billions * 10 (1-71), so the maximum population is 7.1 billion
QQ7Workspace variable The selected system's productivity in M CR (96-62480)
QQ8Workspace variable The distance from the current system to the selected system in light years * 10, stored as a 16-bit number
QQ9Workspace variable The galactic x-coordinate of the crosshairs in the galaxy chart (and, most of the time, the selected system's galactic x-coordinate)
QU5Start and endRestart the game using the last saved commander without asking whether to load a new commander file
qvEquipmentPrint a menu of the four space views, for buying lasers
qwTextPrint a recursive token in the range 128-145
RWorkspace variable Temporary storage, used in a number of places
R5TextMake a beep and jump back into the character-printing routine at CHPR
RANDWorkspace variable Four 8-bit seeds for the random number generation system implemented in the DORND routine
RATWorkspace variable Used to store different signs depending on the current space view, for use in calculating stardust movement
RAT2Workspace variable Temporary storage, used to store the pitch and roll signs when moving objects and stardust
rdaddrSave and loadRead a track address field
rdaddr (Loader)Save and loadRead a track address field
RDKEYKeyboardScan the keyboard for key presses and the joystick, and update the key logger
rdrghtSave and loadCheck that this is the correct track
rdrght (Loader)Save and loadCheck that this is the correct track
RDS1KeyboardScan one axis of the joystick and return its position
RE1DashboardContains an RTS
RE2+2DashboardRestore A from T and return from the subroutine
readSave and loadRead a sector's worth of data into the buffr2 buffer
read (Loader)Save and loadRead a sector's worth of data into the buffr2 buffer
readdistnceUniverseCalculate the distance between the system with galactic coordinates (A, QQ15+1) and the system at (QQ0, QQ1), returning the result in QQ8(1 0)
recalsWorkspace variable The maximum number of arm recalibrations to 2
recals (Loader)Workspace variable The maximum number of arm recalibrations to 2
REDU2DashboardReduce the value of the pitch or roll dashboard indicator
refundEquipmentInstall a new laser, processing a refund if applicable
rentrySave and loadSearch the disk catalog for an existing file or an empty file entry
rentry (Loader)Save and loadSearch the disk catalog for an existing file or an empty file entry
RES2Start and endReset a number of flight variables and workspaces
RESETStart and endReset most variables
rfileSave and loadRead a commander file from a DOS disk into the buffer
rfile3Save and loadContains an RTS
RLINETextThe OSWORD configuration block used to fetch a line of text from the keyboard
RR4TextRestore the registers and return from the subroutine RR6 A re-entry point from the RR5 routine after we print the character in A in the text screen mode
RR5TextPrint a character in the text screen mode
RR6TextA re-entry point from the RR5 routine after we print the character in A in the text screen mode
RRafterTextA re-entry point from the clss routine to print the character in A
rsectSave and loadRead a specific sector from disk into the buffer
rsect (Loader)Save and loadRead a specific sector from disk into the buffer
rtableSave and load64 disk nibbles of "6-and-2" Read Translate Table
rtable (Loader)Save and load64 disk nibbles of "6-and-2" Read Translate Table
RTOK (Game data)TextMacro definition for recursive tokens in the recursive token table
RTS111FlightContains an RTS
RTS2Drawing sunsContains an RTS
rttrkSave and loadRead or write a sector on the current track
rttrk (Loader)Save and loadRead or write a sector on the current track
rttrk3Save and loadSuccessfully return from the RWTS code with no error reported
rttrk3 (Loader)Save and loadSuccessfully return from the RWTS code with no error reported
rttrk4Save and loadTurn off the disk motor and return from the RWTS code with the error number in A and the error status in the C flag
rttrk4 (Loader)Save and loadTurn off the disk motor and return from the RWTS code with the error number in A and the error status in the C flag
RUGAL (Game data)TextThe criteria for systems with extended description overrides
RUPLA (Game data)TextSystem numbers that have extended description overrides
RUTOK (Game data)TextThe second extended token table for recursive tokens 0-26 (DETOK3)
rvtocSave and loadRead the VTOC sector into the buffer
rvtoc (Loader)Save and loadRead the VTOC sector into the buffer
rwtsSave and loadRead or write a specific sector
rwts (Loader)Save and loadRead or write a specific sector
SWorkspace variable Temporary storage, used in a number of places
S%LoaderChecksum, decrypt and unscramble the main game code, and start the game
S1%Save and loadThe drive and directory number used when saving or loading a commander file
safehouseWorkspace variable Backup storage for the seeds for the selected system
SCWorkspace variable Screen address (low byte)
scacolDrawing shipsShip colours on the scanner
SCALEXMaths (Geometry)Scale the x-coordinate in A to 32 + 0.75 * A
SCALEYMaths (Geometry)Scale the y-coordinate in A to 0.375 * A
SCALEY2Maths (Geometry)Scale the y-coordinate in A to 0.75 * A
SCANDashboardDisplay the current ship on the scanner
SCHWorkspace variable Screen address (high byte)
SCTBHDrawing the screenLookup table for converting a character row number to the address of the top pixel line in that character row (high byte)
SCTBH2Drawing the screenLookup table for converting a character row number to the address of the bottom pixel line in that character row (high byte)
SCTBLDrawing the screenLookup table for converting a character row number to the address of the top or bottom pixel line in that character row (low byte)
SCTBX1Drawing the screenLookup table for converting a pixel x-coordinate to the bit number within the pixel row byte that corresponds to this pixel
SCTBX2Drawing the screenLookup table for converting a pixel x-coordinate to the byte number in the pixel row that corresponds to this pixel
scttabSave and loadLookup table to translate logical (requested) sector number to physical sector number
scttab (Loader)Save and loadLookup table to translate logical (requested) sector number to physical sector number
sectorWorkspace variable Storage for a sector number in the RWTS code
sector (Loader)Workspace variable Storage for a sector number in the RWTS code
seekSave and loadFast seek routine
seek (Loader)Save and loadFast seek routine
seeksWorkspace variable The maximum number of seeks
seeks (Loader)Workspace variable The maximum number of seeks
SESCPFlightSpawn an escape pod from the current (parent) ship
SetFilename (Loader)LoaderSet the filename in comnam to ELB1
SetLoadVariables1 (Loader)LoaderConfigure the file load variables for loading the SCRN file
SetLoadVariables2 (Loader)LoaderConfigure the file load variables for loading the ELB1 file
SETXCTextMove the text cursor to a specific column
SETYCTextMove the text cursor to a specific row
SFRMISTacticsAdd an enemy missile to our local bubble of universe
SFS1UniverseSpawn a child ship from the current (parent) ship
SFS1-2UniverseAdd a missile to the local bubble that has AI enabled, is hostile, but has no E.C.M.
SFS2MovingMove a ship in space along one of the coordinate axes
SHDFlightCharge a shield and drain some energy from the energy banks
SHIP_ADDER (Game data)Drawing shipsShip blueprint for an Adder
SHIP_ANACONDA (Game data)Drawing shipsShip blueprint for an Anaconda
SHIP_ASP_MK_2 (Game data)Drawing shipsShip blueprint for an Asp Mk II
SHIP_ASTEROID (Game data)Drawing shipsShip blueprint for an asteroid
SHIP_BOA (Game data)Drawing shipsShip blueprint for a Boa
SHIP_BOULDER (Game data)Drawing shipsShip blueprint for a boulder
SHIP_CANISTER (Game data)Drawing shipsShip blueprint for a cargo canister
SHIP_COBRA_MK_1 (Game data)Drawing shipsShip blueprint for a Cobra Mk I
SHIP_COBRA_MK_3 (Game data)Drawing shipsShip blueprint for a Cobra Mk III
SHIP_COBRA_MK_3_P (Game data)Drawing shipsShip blueprint for a Cobra Mk III (pirate)
SHIP_CONSTRICTOR (Game data)Drawing shipsShip blueprint for a Constrictor
SHIP_CORIOLIS (Game data)Drawing shipsShip blueprint for a Coriolis space station
SHIP_DODO (Game data)Drawing shipsShip blueprint for a Dodecahedron ("Dodo") space station
SHIP_ESCAPE_POD (Game data)Drawing shipsShip blueprint for an escape pod
SHIP_FER_DE_LANCE (Game data)Drawing shipsShip blueprint for a Fer-de-Lance
SHIP_GECKO (Game data)Drawing shipsShip blueprint for a Gecko
SHIP_KRAIT (Game data)Drawing shipsShip blueprint for a Krait
SHIP_MAMBA (Game data)Drawing shipsShip blueprint for a Mamba
SHIP_MISSILE (Game data)Drawing shipsShip blueprint for a missile
SHIP_MORAY (Game data)Drawing shipsShip blueprint for a Moray
SHIP_PLATE (Game data)Drawing shipsShip blueprint for an alloy plate
SHIP_PYTHON (Game data)Drawing shipsShip blueprint for a Python
SHIP_PYTHON_P (Game data)Drawing shipsShip blueprint for a Python (pirate)
SHIP_ROCK_HERMIT (Game data)Drawing shipsShip blueprint for a rock hermit (asteroid)
SHIP_SHUTTLE (Game data)Drawing shipsShip blueprint for a Shuttle
SHIP_SIDEWINDER (Game data)Drawing shipsShip blueprint for a Sidewinder
SHIP_SPLINTER (Game data)Drawing shipsShip blueprint for a splinter
SHIP_THARGOID (Game data)Drawing shipsShip blueprint for a Thargoid mothership
SHIP_THARGON (Game data)Drawing shipsShip blueprint for a Thargon
SHIP_TRANSPORTER (Game data)Drawing shipsShip blueprint for a Transporter
SHIP_VIPER (Game data)Drawing shipsShip blueprint for a Viper
SHIP_WORM (Game data)Drawing shipsShip blueprint for a Worm
SHPPTDrawing shipsDraw a distant ship as a point rather than a full wireframe
SIGHTFlightDraw the laser crosshairs
sightcolDrawing linesColours for the crosshair sights on the different laser types
skipBytes (Loader)LoaderThe number of bytes to skip at the start of the file that we are loading
slot16Workspace variable The slot number containing the disk controller card, multiplied by 16 to move the slot number into the top nibble (so the value is $x0 for slot x)
slot16 (Loader)Workspace variable The slot number containing the disk controller card, multiplied by 16 to move the slot number into the top nibble (so the value is $x0 for slot x)
SLSPWorkspace variable The address of the bottom of the ship line heap
SNE (Game data)Maths (Geometry)Sine/cosine table
SOBEEPSoundMake a beep
SOBLIPSoundMake the sound of the hyperspace drive being engaged, or the sound of the E.C.M.
SOBOMBSoundMake the sound of an energy bomb going off
SOEXPLSoundMake an explosion sound
SOHISSSoundMake the sound of a launch from the station, hyperspace or missile launch
SOLARUniverseSet up various aspects of arriving in a new system
SOS1UniverseUpdate the missile indicators, set up the planet data block
SOURSoundContains an RTS
SP1DashboardDraw the space station on the compass
SP2DashboardDraw a dot on the compass, given the planet/station vector
spastoUniverseContains the address of the Coriolis space station's ship blueprint
SPBLBDashboardLight up the space station indicator ("S") on the dashboard
SPBTDashboardThe bitmap definition for the space station indicator bulb
spcTextPrint a text token followed by a space
SPINUniverseRandomly spawn cargo from a destroyed ship
SPIN2UniverseRemove any randomness: spawn cargo of a specific type (given in X), and always spawn the number given in A
SPMASKMissionsMasks for updating sprite bits in VIC+$10 for the top bit of the 9-bit x-coordinates of the Trumble sprites
SPS1Maths (Geometry)Calculate the vector to the planet and store it in XX15
SPS1+1Maths (Geometry)A BRK instruction
SPS2Maths (Arithmetic)Calculate (Y X) = A / 10
SPS3Maths (Geometry)Copy a space coordinate from the K% block into K3
SPS4Maths (Geometry)Calculate the vector to the space station
SQUAMaths (Arithmetic)Clear bit 7 of A and calculate (A P) = A * A
SQUA2Maths (Arithmetic)Calculate (A P) = A * A
SSPRWorkspace variable "Space station present" flag
STARSStardustThe main routine for processing the stardust
STARS1StardustProcess the stardust for the front view
STARS2StardustProcess the stardust for the left or right view
STARS6StardustProcess the stardust for the rear view
STATUSStatusShow the Status Mode screen
stkptrWorkspace variable Temporary storage for the stack pointer when running the RWTS low-level disk access routines
STPWorkspace variable The step size for drawing circles
SUN (Part 1 of 4)Drawing sunsDraw the sun: Set up all the variables needed to draw the sun
SUN (Part 2 of 4)Drawing sunsDraw the sun: Start from the bottom of the screen and erase the old sun line by line
SUN (Part 3 of 4)Drawing sunsDraw the sun: Continue to move up the screen, drawing the new sun line by line
SUN (Part 4 of 4)Drawing sunsDraw the sun: Continue to the top of the screen, erasing the old sun line by line
SUNXWorkspace variable The 16-bit x-coordinate of the vertical centre axis of the sun (which might be off-screen)
SVCWorkspace variable The save count
SVESave and loadDisplay the disk access menu and process saving of commander files
SWAPWorkspace variable Temporary storage, used to store a flag that records whether or not we had to swap a line's start and end coordinates around when clipping the line in routine LL145 (the flag is used in places like BLINE to swap them back)
SWAPPZEROUtility routinesAn unused routine that swaps bytes in and out of zero page
SXWorkspace variable This is where we store the x_hi coordinates for all the stardust particles
SXLWorkspace variable This is where we store the x_lo coordinates for all the stardust particles
SYWorkspace variable This is where we store the y_hi coordinates for all the stardust particles
SYLWorkspace variable This is where we store the y_lo coordinates for all the stardust particles
SZWorkspace variable This is where we store the z_hi coordinates for all the stardust particles
SZLWorkspace variable This is where we store the z_lo coordinates for all the stardust particles
tKeyboardAs TT217 but don't preserve Y, set it to YSAV instead
TWorkspace variable Temporary storage, used in a number of places
T1Workspace variable Temporary storage, used in a number of places
T2Workspace variable This byte appears to be unused
T3Workspace variable This byte appears to be unused
T4Workspace variable This byte appears to be unused
T95KeyboardPrint the distance to the selected system
TA151TacticsMake the ship head towards the planet TA9-1 Contains an RTS
TA2Maths (Geometry)Calculate the length of the vector in XX15 (ignoring the low coordinates), returning it in Q
TA9-1TacticsContains an RTS
TACTICS (Part 1 of 7)TacticsApply tactics: Process missiles, both enemy missiles and our own
TACTICS (Part 2 of 7)TacticsApply tactics: Escape pod, station, lone Thargon, safe-zone pirate
TACTICS (Part 3 of 7)TacticsApply tactics: Calculate dot product to determine ship's aim
TACTICS (Part 4 of 7)TacticsApply tactics: Check energy levels, maybe launch escape pod if low
TACTICS (Part 5 of 7)TacticsApply tactics: Consider whether to launch a missile at us
TACTICS (Part 6 of 7)TacticsApply tactics: Consider firing a laser at us, if aim is true
TACTICS (Part 7 of 7)TacticsApply tactics: Set pitch, roll, and acceleration
talUniversePrint the current galaxy number
TALLYWorkspace variable Our combat rank
TALLYLWorkspace variable Combat rank fraction
TAS1Maths (Arithmetic)Calculate K3 = (x_sign x_hi x_lo) - V(1 0)
TAS2Maths (Geometry)Normalise the three-coordinate vector in K3
TAS3Maths (Geometry)Calculate the dot product of XX15 and an orientation vector
TAS4Maths (Geometry)Calculate the dot product of XX15 and one of the space station's orientation vectors
TAS6Maths (Geometry)Negate the vector in XX15 so it points in the opposite direction
TBRIEFMissionsStart mission 3
tekWorkspace variable The current system's tech level (0-14)
TENSTextA constant used when printing large numbers in BPRNT
TEXTDrawing the screenSwitch to the text screen mode
textWorkspace variable A flag to record the type of screen mode that's currently being used:
TGINTKeyboardThe keys used to toggle configuration settings when the game is paused
TGTWorkspace variable Temporary storage, typically used as a target value for counters when drawing explosion clouds and partial circles
THEREMissionsCheck whether we are in the Constrictor's system in mission 1
thiskeyWorkspace variable The following bytes implement a key logger that enables Elite to scan for concurrent key presses of the primary flight keys, plus a secondary flight key
thislongSave and loadContains the length of the most recently entered commander name
TIDYMaths (Geometry)Orthonormalise the orientation vectors for a ship
TIS1Maths (Arithmetic)Calculate (A ?) = (-X * A + (S R)) / 96
TIS2Maths (Arithmetic)Calculate A = A / Q
TIS3Maths (Arithmetic)Calculate -(nosev_1 * roofv_1 + nosev_2 * roofv_2) / nosev_3
TITLEStart and endDisplay a title screen with a rotating ship and prompt
TKN1 (Game data)TextThe first extended token table for recursive tokens 0-255 (DETOK)
TKN2TextThe extended two-letter token lookup table
tnprMarketWork out if we have space for a specific amount of cargo
tnpr1MarketWork out if we have space for one tonne of cargo
toAddr (Loader)Workspace variable The address to copy to in the CopyMemory routine
TOKN (Game data)TextMacro definition for standard tokens in the extended token table
TPWorkspace variable The current mission status
TR1Save and loadCopy the last saved commander's name from NA% to INWK
trackWorkspace variable Storage for a track number in the RWTS code
track (Loader)Workspace variable Storage for a track number in the RWTS code
tracksWorkspace variable The number of tracks per disk
tracks (Loader)Workspace variable The number of tracks per disk
trackSector (Loader)LoaderThe track/sector list for the file we are loading
TRADEMODEDrawing the screenClear the screen and set up a trading screen
TRIBBLEWorkspace variable The number of Trumbles in the cargo hold
TRIBDIRMissionsThe low byte of the four 16-bit directions in which Trumble sprites can move
TRIBDIRHMissionsThe high byte of the four 16-bit directions in which Trumble sprites can move
TRIBMAMissionsA table for converting the number of Trumbles in the hold into a sprite-enable flag to use with VIC register $15
TRIBTAMissionsA table for converting the number of Trumbles in the hold into a number of sprites in the range 0 to 6
TRNMESave and loadCopy the last saved commander's name from INWK to NA%
trytr4Save and loadEntry point for track errors, so we can try reading it again (must have the status flags on the stack with the C flag set)
trytr4 (Loader)Save and loadEntry point for track errors, so we can try reading it again (must have the status flags on the stack with the C flag set)
trytr5Save and loadRe-entry point for the loop from the rdrght subroutine, for when we need to re-calibrate
trytr5 (Loader)Save and loadRe-entry point for the loop from the rdrght subroutine, for when we need to re-calibrate
trytr6Save and loadRe-entry point for the loop from the rdrght subroutine, for when we need to re-seek
trytr6 (Loader)Save and loadRe-entry point for the loop from the rdrght subroutine, for when we need to re-seek
trytrkSave and loadTry finding a specific track on the disk
trytrk (Loader)Save and loadTry finding a specific track on the disk
tslIndex (Loader)LoaderThe index of the current entry in the track/sector list, as we work our way through the list
tslsctWorkspace variable The sector for the commander file's track/sector list
tslsct (Loader)Workspace variable The sector for the commander file's track/sector list
tsltrkWorkspace variable The track for the commander file's track/sector list
tsltrk (Loader)Workspace variable The track for the commander file's track/sector list
TT100Main loopThe entry point for the start of the main game loop, which calls the main flight loop and the moves into the spawning routine
TT102KeyboardProcess number key, save key, hyperspace and chart key presses and update the hyperspace counter
TT103ChartsDraw a small set of crosshairs on a chart
TT105ChartsDraw crosshairs on the Short-range Chart, with clipping
TT11TextPrint a 16-bit number, left-padded to n digits, and optional point
TT110FlightLaunch from a station or show the front space view
TT111UniverseSet the current system to the nearest system to a point
TT111-1UniverseContains an RTS readdistnce Calculate the distance between the system with galactic coordinates (A, QQ15+1) and the system at (QQ0, QQ1), returning the result in QQ8(1 0)
TT113Maths (Arithmetic)Contains an RTS
TT114ChartsDisplay either the Long-range or Short-range Chart
TT123ChartsMove galactic coordinates by a signed delta
TT128Drawing circlesDraw a circle on a chart
TT14Drawing circlesDraw a circle with crosshairs on a chart
TT146UniversePrint the distance to the selected system in light years
TT147FlightPrint an error when a system is out of hyperspace range
TT15Drawing linesDraw a set of crosshairs
TT151MarketPrint the name, price and availability of a market item
TT152MarketPrint the unit ("t", "kg" or "g") for a market item
TT16ChartsMove the crosshairs on a chart
TT160MarketPrint "t" (for tonne) and a space
TT161MarketPrint "kg" (for kilograms)
TT162TextPrint a space
TT162+2TextJump to TT27 to print the text token in A
TT163MarketPrint the headers for the table of market prices
TT167MarketShow the Market Price screen
TT16aMarketPrint "g" (for grams)
TT17KeyboardScan the keyboard for cursor key or joystick movement
TT170Start and endMain entry point for the Elite game code
TT18FlightTry to initiate a jump into hyperspace
TT180ChartsContains an RTS
TT20UniverseTwist the selected system's seeds four times
TT208MarketShow the Sell Cargo screen
TT210MarketShow a list of current cargo in our hold, optionally to sell
TT213MarketShow the Inventory screen
TT214KeyboardAsk a question with a "Y/N?" prompt and return the response
TT217KeyboardScan the keyboard until a key is pressed
TT219MarketShow the Buy Cargo screen
TT22ChartsShow the Long-range Chart
TT23ChartsShow the Short-range Chart
TT24UniverseCalculate system data from the system seeds
TT25UniverseShow the Data on System screen
TT26TextPrint a character at the text cursor, with support for verified text in extended tokens
TT27TextPrint a text token
TT41TextPrint a letter according to Sentence Case
TT42TextPrint a letter in lower case
TT43TextPrint a two-letter token or recursive token 0-95
TT44TextJumps to TT26 to print the character in A (used to enable us to use a branch instruction to jump to TT26)
TT45TextPrint a letter in lower case
TT46TextPrint a character and switch to capitals
TT48TextContains an RTS
TT54UniverseTwist the selected system's seeds
TT60TextPrint a text token and a paragraph break
TT66Drawing the screenClear the screen and set the current view type
TT67TextPrint a newline
TT67KTextPrint a newline
TT68TextPrint a text token followed by a colon
TT69TextSet Sentence Case and print a newline
TT70UniverseDisplay "MAINLY " and jump to TT72
TT72UniverseUsed by TT70 to re-enter the routine after displaying "MAINLY" for the economy type
TT73TextPrint a colon
TT74TextPrint a character
TT81UniverseSet the selected system's seeds to those of system 0
TTX110FlightSet the current system to the nearest system and return to hyp
TTX111FlightUsed to rejoin this routine from the call to TTX110
TTX66Drawing the screenClear the top part of the screen, draw a border box if required and configure the specified view
TTX66KDrawing the screenClear the whole screen or just the space view (as appropriate), and draw a border box if required
TTX69TextPrint a paragraph break
TWFLDrawing linesReady-made pixel bytes for the left end of a horizontal line
TWFRDrawing linesReady-made character rows for the right end of a horizontal line in the space view
TWOK (Game data)TextMacro definition for two-letter tokens in the token table
TWOSDrawing pixelsReady-made bytes for drawing one-pixel dots in the space view
TWOS2Drawing pixelsReady-made two-bit pixel bytes for plotting colour pixels
TWOS3Drawing pixelsReady-made two-pixel and three-pixel bytes in white, with an extra byte to cater for overflow into the next pixel byte
TYPEWorkspace variable The current ship type
UWorkspace variable Temporary storage, used in a number of places
U%KeyboardClear the key logger
UNIVUniverseTable of pointers to the local universe's ship data blocks
UNMUTILATESave and loadDecrypt the commander file in the buffer at comfil
UPWorkspacesConfiguration variables
UPOWorkspace variable Used as an index into the UB tables when projecting the scroll text lines onto the Star Wars perspective view and then onto the screen
UPTOGWorkspace variable Upper case configuration setting
VWorkspace variable Temporary storage, typically used for storing an address pointer
varMarketCalculate QQ19+3 = economy * |economic_factor|
VCSU1Maths (Arithmetic)Calculate vector K3(8 0) = [x y z] - coordinates of the sun or space station
VCSUBMaths (Arithmetic)Calculate vector K3(8 0) = [x y z] - coordinates in (A V)
VERTEX (Game data)Drawing shipsMacro definition for adding vertices to ship blueprints
VIEWWorkspace variable The number of the current space view
VLOINDrawing linesDraw a vertical line from (X1, Y1) to (X1, Y2)
VOWELTextTest whether a character is a vowel
WARPFlightPerform an in-system jump
wbyteSave and loadWrite one byte to disk
wbyte (Loader)Save and loadWrite one byte to disk
wbyte2Save and loadWait for seven cycles before writing instead of nine (this is WNIBL7 in the original source)
wbyte3Save and loadWrite straight away without waiting (this is WNIBL in the original source)
wfileSave and loadWrite a commander file from the buffer to a DOS disk
WHITETEXTTextSwitch to white text
widgetWorkspace variable Temporary storage, used to store the original argument in A in the logarithmic FMLTU and LL28 routines
WP1Drawing planetsReset the ball line heap
WPLSDrawing sunsRemove the sun from the screen
WPLS-1Drawing sunsContains an RTS
WPLS2Drawing planetsRemove the planet from the screen
WPSHPSDashboardClear the scanner, reset the ball line and sun line heaps
writeSave and loadWrite a sector's worth of data from the buffr2 buffer to the current track and sector
write (Loader)Save and loadWrite a sector's worth of data from the buffr2 buffer to the current track and sector
WSCANDrawing the screenWait for 15 * 256 loop iterations
wsectSave and loadWrite a specific sector from the buffer to disk
wsect (Loader)Save and loadWrite a specific sector from the buffer to disk
wsect2Save and loadRead or write a sector, depending on the value of the C flag (clear = read, set = write)
wsect2 (Loader)Save and loadRead or write a sector, depending on the value of the C flag (clear = read, set = write)
wtableSave and load6-bit to 7-bit nibble conversion table
wWFlightStart a hyperspace countdown
wW2FlightStart the hyperspace countdown, starting the countdown from the value in A
X1Workspace variable Temporary storage, typically used for x-coordinates in the line-drawing routines
X2Workspace variable Temporary storage, typically used for x-coordinates in the line-drawing routines
XCWorkspace variable The x-coordinate of the text cursor (i.e. the text column), which can be from 0 to 32
XPWorkspace variable The x-coordinate of the current character as we construct the lines for the Star Wars scroll text
XSAVWorkspace variable Temporary storage for saving the value of the X register, used in a number of places
XSAV2Workspace variable This byte appears to be unused
XXWorkspace variable Temporary storage, typically used for storing a 16-bit x-coordinate
XX0Workspace variable Temporary storage, used to store the address of a ship blueprint. For example, it is used when we add a new ship to the local bubble in routine NWSHP, and it contains the address of the current ship's blueprint as we loop through all the nearby ships in the main flight loop
XX1Workspace variable This is an alias for INWK that is used in the main ship-drawing routine at LL9
XX12Workspace variable Temporary storage for a block of values, used in a number of places
XX13Workspace variable Temporary storage, typically used in the line-drawing routines
XX15Workspace variable Temporary storage, typically used for storing screen coordinates in line-drawing routines
XX16Workspace variable Temporary storage for a block of values, used in a number of places
XX17Workspace variable Temporary storage, used in BPRNT to store the number of characters to print, and as the edge counter in the main ship-drawing routine
XX18Workspace variable Temporary storage used to store coordinates in the LL9 ship-drawing routine
XX19Workspace variable XX19(1 0) shares its location with INWK(34 33), which contains the address of the ship line heap
XX2Workspace variable Temporary storage, used to store the visibility of the ship's faces during the ship-drawing routine at LL9
XX20Workspace variable Temporary storage, used in a number of places
XX21 (Game data)Drawing shipsShip blueprints lookup table
XX24Workspace variable This byte appears to be unused
XX3WorkspacesTemporary storage space for complex calculations
XX4Workspace variable Temporary storage, used in a number of places
Y1Workspace variable Temporary storage, typically used for y-coordinates in line-drawing routines
Y2Workspace variable Temporary storage, typically used for y-coordinates in line-drawing routines
YCWorkspace variable The y-coordinate of the text cursor (i.e. the text row), which can be from 0 to 23
YESNOKeyboardWait until either "Y" or "N" is pressed
yetanotherrtsTacticsContains an RTS
YPWorkspace variable The y-coordinate of the current character as we construct the lines for the Star Wars scroll text
yplUniversePrint the current system name
ypl-1UniverseContains an RTS
YSWorkspace variable Temporary storage for saving the index into the TB tables in the SLIDE routine
YSAVWorkspace variable Temporary storage for saving the value of the Y register, used in a number of places
YSAV2Workspace variable This byte appears to be unused
Yx2M1Workspace variable This is used to store the number of pixel rows in the space view minus 1, which is also the y-coordinate of the bottom pixel row of the space view (it is set to 191 in the RES2 routine)
YYWorkspace variable Temporary storage, typically used for storing a 16-bit y-coordinate
ZeUniverseInitialise the INWK workspace to a hostile ship
ZEBCUtility routinesZero-fill pages $B and $C
ZEKTRANKeyboardClear the key logger
ZEROUtility routinesReset the local bubble of universe and ship status
ZES1Utility routinesZero-fill the page whose number is in X
ZES1kUtility routinesZero-fill the page whose number is in X
ZES2Utility routinesZero-fill a specific page
ZES2kUtility routinesZero-fill a specific page
ZESNEWUtility routinesZero-fill memory from SC(1 0) to the end of the page
ZINFUniverseReset the INWK workspace and orientation vectors
ZPWorkspacesLots of important variables are stored in the zero page workspace as it is quicker and more space-efficient to access memory here
ZP (Loader)WorkspacesImportant variables used by the loader
ZP (Transfer program)WorkspacesImportant variables used by the loader
ZP1 (Transfer program)Workspace variable Stores addresses used for moving content around
ZP2 (Transfer program)Workspace variable Stores addresses used for moving content around
ztemp0Workspace variable Temporary storage used by the disk routines
ztemp0 (Loader)Workspace variable Temporary storage used by the disk routines
ztemp1Workspace variable Temporary storage used by the disk routines
ztemp1 (Loader)Workspace variable Temporary storage used by the disk routines
ztemp2Workspace variable Temporary storage used by the disk routines
ztemp2 (Loader)Workspace variable Temporary storage used by the disk routines
ztemp3Workspace variable Temporary storage used by the disk routines
ztemp3 (Loader)Workspace variable Temporary storage used by the disk routines
ZZWorkspace variable Temporary storage, typically used for distance values
zZ+1FlightContains an RTS