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Loader: S%

[Apple II version]

Name: S% [Show more] Type: Subroutine Category: Loader Summary: Checksum, decrypt and unscramble the main game code, and start the game
Context: See this subroutine in context in the source code References: This subroutine is called as follows: * ENTRY calls S%
RTS ; The checksum byte goes here, at S%-1. In the original ; source this byte is set by the first call to ZP in the ; Big Code File, though in the BeebAsm version this is ; populated by .S% IF _SOURCE_DISK CLD ; Clear the D flag to make sure we are in binary mode ENDIF ; We now copy a block of memory from STORE to CODE2 ; ; In the released game, this copies the SCRN file into ; the first part of screen memory, to repair the loading ; screen (including the dashboard) that gets corrupted ; by the loading process in elite-loader.asm ; ; We need to do this as the dashboard remains intact in ; memory for the duration of the game, so it mustn't be ; corrupted ; ; In the source disk variant, this copying process forms ; part of the development process ; ; As part of the build, the elite-transfer.asm source ; takes the assembled game and produces two binaries, ; ELA and ELB, which contain the two parts of the game ; binary (ELA contains CODE2, ELB contains CODE1) ; ; The ELA binary also contains a routine that copies the ; the second block of the game binary (from CODE2 ; onwards) into bank-switched RAM at $D000 ; ; The ELA routine is run by both the source disk variant ; and the released game when ELA is loaded, so they both ; copy the game into bank-switched RAM; in the released ; game, nothing is done with the code in bank-switched ; RAM, but in the source disk, the code here copies the ; second block of the game binary back to the execution ; address of $9000 ; ; The idea is to enable code to be developed on a BBC ; Micro before transmitting it to an attached Apple II ; for testing ; ; To do this, we start by transmitting the ELA binary to ; the Apple II, and when it arrives we call its embedded ; routine to copy CODE2 into bank-switched RAM at $D000 ; ; We then transmit ELB to the Apple II, which loads ; CODE1 into memory, where we can run the following to ; move CODE2 out of bank-switched RAM and into the right ; place to run it, leaving both parts of the game binary ; in memory which we can then execute ; ; See the transfer source code in elite-transfer.asm ; and the original code in S.APMAKES and A.TESTER for ; details LDA #LO(STORE) ; Set SC(1 0) = STORE STA SC ; LDA #HI(STORE) ; So SC(1 0) contains the address where the dashboard STA SC+1 ; image was loaded LDA #LO(CODE2) ; Set P(1 0) = CODE2 STA P ; LDA #HI(CODE2) ; So P(1 0) contains the address where we want to store STA P+1 ; the dashboard image in screen memory IF _IB_DISK OR _4AM_CRACK LDX #7 ; Set X = 7 so we copy eight pages of memory from ; SC(1 0) to P(1 0) in the following loop ELIF _SOURCE_DISK LDA $C08B ; Set RAM bank 1 to read RAM and write RAM by reading ; the RDWRBSR1 soft switch, with bit 3 set (bank 1), ; bit 1 set (read RAM) and bit 0 set (write RAM) ; ; So this enables bank-switched RAM at $D000 LDX #($C0-$90) ; We want to copy all the data from $D000 into main ; memory between $9000 and $BFFF, so set X to the number ; of pages to copy from SC(1 0) to P(1 0) in the ; following loop ENDIF LDY #0 ; Set Y = 0 to use as a byte counter .Sept3 LDA (SC),Y ; Copy the Y-th byte of SC(1 0) to the Y-th byte of STA (P),Y ; P(1 0) INY ; Increment the byte counter BNE Sept3 ; Loop back until we have copied a whole page of bytes INC SC+1 ; Increment the high bytes of SC(1 0) and P(1 0) so they INC P+1 ; point to the next page in memory DEX ; Decrement the page counter IF _IB_DISK OR _4AM_CRACK BPL Sept3 ; Loop back until we have copied X + 1 pages ELIF _SOURCE_DISK BNE Sept3 ; Loop back until we have copied X pages ENDIF IF _SOURCE_DISK LDA $C081 ; Set ROM bank 2 to read ROM and write RAM by reading ; the WRITEBSR2 soft switch, with bit 3 clear (bank 2), ; bit 1 clear (read ROM) and bit 0 set (write RAM) ENDIF JSR DEEOR ; Decrypt the main game code between $1300 and $9FFF ;JSR Checksum ; This instruction is commented out in the original ; source IF _IB_DISK OR _4AM_CRACK LDA #$30 ; This modifies the RDKEY routine so the BPL at nokeys2 STA nokeys2+4 ; jumps to nofast+2 rather than nojoyst NOP ; NOP ; This ensures that when we are configured to use the ; keyboard rather than the joystick, we skip all the ; joystick scanning code in RDKEY ; ; If this modification is not applied, the original code ; will still scan the joystick fire button, even if ; joysticks are not configured, so this fix stops this ; from happening ENDIF JSR COLD ; Initialise the screen mode, clear memory and set up ; interrupt handlers JMP BEGIN ; Jump to BEGIN to start the game