ORG $0000 .ZP SKIP 2 ; These bytes appear to be unused ; ; [Show more]Name: ZP [Show more] Type: Workspace Address: $0000 to $00E2 Category: Workspaces Summary: Lots of important variables are stored in the zero page workspace as it is quicker and more space-efficient to access memory hereContext: See this workspace in context in the source code References: This workspace is used as follows: * SWAPPZERO uses ZP; ; This variable is used by the following: ; ; * SWAPPZERO ; ; This list only includes code that refers to the ; variable by name; there may be other references to ; this memory location that don't use this label, and ; these will not be mentioned above.RAND SKIP 4 ; Four 8-bit seeds for the random number generation ; system implemented in the DORND routine ; ; [Show more]; ; This variable is used by the following: ; ; * DOEXP ; * DORND ; * Main flight loop (Part 1 of 16) ; * MUTILATE ; * PDESC ; * UNMUTILATE ; ; This list only includes code that refers to the ; variable by name; there may be other references to ; this memory location that don't use this label, and ; these will not be mentioned above.T1 SKIP 1 ; Temporary storage, used in a number of places ; ; [Show more]; ; This variable is used by the following: ; ; * ADD ; * CPIX ; * gnum ; * HLOIN ; * LCASH ; * letter2 ; * LOIN (Part 2 of 7) ; * LOIN (Part 3 of 7) ; * LOIN (Part 4 of 7) ; * LOIN (Part 5 of 7) ; * LOIN (Part 6 of 7) ; * LOIN (Part 7 of 7) ; * MLS1 ; * MULT1 ; * NWSHP ; * PIXEL ; * refund ; * SFS1 ; * TIS1 ; * TT102 ; * TT219 ; * VLOIN ; * Ze ; ; This list only includes code that refers to the ; variable by name; there may be other references to ; this memory location that don't use this label, and ; these will not be mentioned above.T2 SKIP 1 ; This byte appears to be unused ; ; [Show more]; ; This variable is used by the following: ; ; * clearrow ; * CPIX ; * HLOIN ; * letter2 ; * LL164 ; * LOIN (Part 2 of 7) ; * LOIN (Part 3 of 7) ; * LOIN (Part 4 of 7) ; * LOIN (Part 5 of 7) ; * LOIN (Part 6 of 7) ; * LOIN (Part 7 of 7) ; * PIXEL ; * VLOIN ; ; This list only includes code that refers to the ; variable by name; there may be other references to ; this memory location that don't use this label, and ; these will not be mentioned above.T3 SKIP 1 ; This byte appears to be unused ; ; [Show more]; ; This variable is used by the following: ; ; * CPIX ; * LASNOISE ; * letter2 ; * PIXEL ; * SCALEY2 ; * SOBEEP ; * SOBLIP ; * SOEXPL ; * VLOIN ; ; This list only includes code that refers to the ; variable by name; there may be other references to ; this memory location that don't use this label, and ; these will not be mentioned above.T4 SKIP 1 ; This byte appears to be unused ; ; [Show more]; ; This variable is used by the following: ; ; * HLOIN ; ; This list only includes code that refers to the ; variable by name; there may be other references to ; this memory location that don't use this label, and ; these will not be mentioned above.SC SKIP 1 ; Screen address (low byte) ; ; Elite draws on-screen by poking bytes directly into ; screen memory, and SC(1 0) is typically set to the ; address of the character block containing the pixel ; we want to draw ; ; [Show more]; ; This variable is used by the following: ; ; * clearrow ; * COLD ; * CPIX ; * DEEORS ; * DETOK2 ; * HLOIN ; * KILLSHP ; * KS2 ; * letter2 ; * LOIN (Part 2 of 7) ; * LOIN (Part 3 of 7) ; * LOIN (Part 4 of 7) ; * LOIN (Part 5 of 7) ; * LOIN (Part 6 of 7) ; * LOIN (Part 7 of 7) ; * mvblockK ; * PIXEL ; * RR5 ; * S% ; * TT26 ; * TTX66K ; * VLOIN ; * ZES1 ; * ZES1k ; * ZES2 ; * ZES2k ; * ZESNEW ; ; This list only includes code that refers to the ; variable by name; there may be other references to ; this memory location that don't use this label, and ; these will not be mentioned above.SCH SKIP 1 ; Screen address (high byte) .XX1 SKIP 0 ; This is an alias for INWK that is used in the main ; ship-drawing routine at LL9 ; ; [Show more]; ; This variable is used by the following: ; ; * LL9 (Part 1 of 12) ; * LL9 (Part 2 of 12) ; * LL9 (Part 3 of 12) ; * LL9 (Part 6 of 12) ; * LL9 (Part 7 of 12) ; * LL9 (Part 9 of 12) ; * SHPPT ; ; This list only includes code that refers to the ; variable by name; there may be other references to ; this memory location that don't use this label, and ; these will not be mentioned above.INWK SKIP 33 ; The zero-page internal workspace for the current ship ; data block ; ; As operations on zero page locations are faster and ; have smaller opcodes than operations on the rest of ; the addressable memory, Elite tends to store oft-used ; data here. A lot of the routines in Elite need to ; access and manipulate ship data, so to make this an ; efficient exercise, the ship data is first copied from ; the ship data blocks at K% into INWK (or, when new ; ships are spawned, from the blueprints at XX21) ; ; [Show more]; ; This variable is used by the following: ; ; * BRIEF ; * COPYNAME ; * DEATH ; * DOCKIT ; * DOEXP ; * DOKEY ; * DVID3B2 ; * ESCAPE ; * FAROF2 ; * FRS1 ; * GTHG ; * GTNMEW ; * HITCH ; * HME2 ; * KS4 ; * LL9 (Part 1 of 12) ; * Main flight loop (Part 4 of 16) ; * Main flight loop (Part 5 of 16) ; * Main flight loop (Part 6 of 16) ; * Main flight loop (Part 7 of 16) ; * Main flight loop (Part 9 of 16) ; * Main flight loop (Part 10 of 16) ; * Main flight loop (Part 11 of 16) ; * Main flight loop (Part 12 of 16) ; * Main flight loop (Part 14 of 16) ; * Main game loop (Part 1 of 6) ; * Main game loop (Part 2 of 6) ; * Main game loop (Part 4 of 6) ; * MAS1 ; * MAS4 ; * MT26 ; * MV40 ; * MVEIT (Part 1 of 9) ; * MVEIT (Part 2 of 9) ; * MVEIT (Part 3 of 9) ; * MVEIT (Part 4 of 9) ; * MVEIT (Part 5 of 9) ; * MVEIT (Part 8 of 9) ; * MVEIT (Part 9 of 9) ; * MVS4 ; * MVS5 ; * MVT1 ; * MVT3 ; * MVT6 ; * NwS1 ; * NWSHP ; * NWSPS ; * PLANET ; * PLUT ; * PROJ ; * RLINE ; * SCAN ; * SFS1 ; * SOLAR ; * SOS1 ; * TACTICS (Part 1 of 7) ; * TACTICS (Part 2 of 7) ; * TACTICS (Part 3 of 7) ; * TACTICS (Part 4 of 7) ; * TACTICS (Part 5 of 7) ; * TACTICS (Part 6 of 7) ; * TACTICS (Part 7 of 7) ; * TAS3 ; * TIDY ; * TIS3 ; * TITLE ; * TR1 ; * TRNME ; * TT110 ; * TT23 ; * WPSHPS ; * Ze ; * ZINF ; ; This list only includes code that refers to the ; variable by name; there may be other references to ; this memory location that don't use this label, and ; these will not be mentioned above.XX19 SKIP NI% - 34 ; XX19(1 0) shares its location with INWK(34 33), which ; contains the address of the ship line heap ; ; [Show more]; ; This variable is used by the following: ; ; * DOEXP ; * LL9 (Part 1 of 12) ; * LL9 (Part 12 of 12) ; * LSPUT ; ; This list only includes code that refers to the ; variable by name; there may be other references to ; this memory location that don't use this label, and ; these will not be mentioned above.NEWB SKIP 1 ; The ship's "new byte flags" (or NEWB flags) ; ; Contains details about the ship's type and associated ; behaviour, such as whether they are a trader, a bounty ; hunter, a pirate, currently hostile, in the process of ; docking, inside the hold having been scooped, and so ; on. The default values for each ship type are taken ; from the table at E% ; ; [Show more]; ; This variable is used by the following: ; ; * DOCKIT ; * LL9 (Part 1 of 12) ; * Main flight loop (Part 8 of 16) ; * Main flight loop (Part 11 of 16) ; * Main flight loop (Part 12 of 16) ; * Main game loop (Part 1 of 6) ; * Main game loop (Part 4 of 6) ; * NWSHP ; * NWSPS ; * TACTICS (Part 2 of 7) ; * TACTICS (Part 3 of 7) ; * TACTICS (Part 4 of 7) ; ; This list only includes code that refers to the ; variable by name; there may be other references to ; this memory location that don't use this label, and ; these will not be mentioned above.P SKIP 3 ; Temporary storage, used in a number of places ; ; [Show more]; ; This variable is used by the following: ; ; * ADD ; * BULB ; * CHKON ; * DOEXP ; * DVID3B2 ; * DVID4 ; * DVIDT ; * FMLTU ; * GC2 ; * HITCH ; * KILLSHP ; * KS3 ; * letter ; * letter2 ; * LL9 (Part 6 of 12) ; * LL9 (Part 10 of 12) ; * LOIN (Part 1 of 7) ; * LOIN (Part 2 of 7) ; * LOIN (Part 5 of 7) ; * LOIN (Part 6 of 7) ; * LOIN (Part 7 of 7) ; * MLS1 ; * MLTU2 ; * MLU2 ; * MU1 ; * MU11 ; * MU6 ; * MULT1 ; * MULT12 ; * MULT3 ; * MUT3 ; * MV40 ; * MVEIT (Part 5 of 9) ; * MVS4 ; * MVS5 ; * MVT6 ; * NORM ; * PLANET ; * PROJ ; * S% ; * SPS2 ; * SQUA2 ; * STARS1 ; * STARS2 ; * STARS6 ; * SUN (Part 1 of 4) ; * SUN (Part 3 of 4) ; * TIS3 ; * TT111 ; * TT151 ; * TT210 ; * TT219 ; * TT24 ; * WARP ; ; This list only includes code that refers to the ; variable by name; there may be other references to ; this memory location that don't use this label, and ; these will not be mentioned above.XC SKIP 1 ; The x-coordinate of the text cursor (i.e. the text ; column), which can be from 0 to 32 ; ; A value of 0 denotes the leftmost column and 32 the ; rightmost column, but because the top part of the ; screen (the space view) has a border box that ; clashes with columns 0 and 32, text is only shown ; in columns 1-31 ; ; [Show more]; ; This variable is used by the following: ; ; * BR1 (Part 1 of 2) ; * BRIEF ; * CHPR ; * cleargrap ; * CLYNS ; * crlf ; * DEATH ; * DOXC ; * EQSHP ; * hyp ; * MESS ; * MT8 ; * MT9 ; * plf2 ; * qv ; * SETXC ; * STATUS ; * TITLE ; * TT151 ; * TT163 ; * TT167 ; * TT22 ; * TT23 ; * TTX66 ; ; This list only includes code that refers to the ; variable by name; there may be other references to ; this memory location that don't use this label, and ; these will not be mentioned above.COL SKIP 1 ; Temporary storage, used to store colour information ; when drawing pixels in the dashboard ; ; [Show more]; ; This variable is used by the following: ; ; * CPIX ; * DIALS (Part 2 of 4) ; * DIS1 ; * DOEXP ; * HLOIN ; * MSBAR ; * NLIN2 ; * SCAN ; * SIGHT ; * SUN (Part 1 of 4) ; * TT103 ; * TT105 ; * TT14 ; * TT22 ; * TTX66K ; ; This list only includes code that refers to the ; variable by name; there may be other references to ; this memory location that don't use this label, and ; these will not be mentioned above.YC SKIP 1 ; The y-coordinate of the text cursor (i.e. the text ; row), which can be from 0 to 23 ; ; The screen actually has 31 character rows if you ; include the dashboard, but the text printing routines ; only work on the top part (the space view), so the ; text cursor only goes up to a maximum of 23, the row ; just before the screen splits ; ; A value of 0 denotes the top row, but because the ; top part of the screen has a border box that clashes ; with row 0, text is always shown at row 1 or greater ; ; [Show more]; ; This variable is used by the following: ; ; * BULB ; * CHPR ; * cleargrap ; * CLYNS ; * DEATH ; * DOYC ; * EQSHP ; * hyp ; * INCYC ; * letter2 ; * MESS ; * MT29 ; * qv ; * SETYC ; * TITLE ; * TT146 ; * TT167 ; * TT23 ; * TTX66 ; * TTX69 ; ; This list only includes code that refers to the ; variable by name; there may be other references to ; this memory location that don't use this label, and ; these will not be mentioned above.QQ17 SKIP 1 ; Contains a number of flags that affect how text tokens ; are printed, particularly capitalisation: ; ; * If all bits are set (255) then text printing is ; disabled ; ; * Bit 7: 0 = ALL CAPS ; 1 = Sentence Case, bit 6 determines the ; case of the next letter to print ; ; * Bit 6: 0 = print the next letter in upper case ; 1 = print the next letter in lower case ; ; * Bits 0-5: If any of bits 0-5 are set, print in ; lower case ; ; So: ; ; * QQ17 = 0 means case is set to ALL CAPS ; ; * QQ17 = %10000000 means Sentence Case, currently ; printing upper case ; ; * QQ17 = %11000000 means Sentence Case, currently ; printing lower case ; ; * QQ17 = %11111111 means printing is disabled ; ; [Show more]; ; This variable is used by the following: ; ; * CHPR ; * CLYNS ; * EQSHP ; * hyp ; * MESS ; * MT17 ; * MT6 ; * TITLE ; * TT102 ; * TT167 ; * TT210 ; * TT219 ; * TT23 ; * TT25 ; * TT27 ; * TT41 ; * TT46 ; * TT69 ; * TTX66 ; ; This list only includes code that refers to the ; variable by name; there may be other references to ; this memory location that don't use this label, and ; these will not be mentioned above.K3 SKIP 0 ; Temporary storage, used in a number of places ; ; [Show more]; ; This variable is used by the following: ; ; * CHKON ; * CHPR ; * CIRCLE2 ; * clss ; * DCS1 ; * DOCKIT ; * DOEXP ; * HFS2 ; * PROJ ; * SHPPT ; * SPS3 ; * SPS4 ; * SUN (Part 3 of 4) ; * SUN (Part 4 of 4) ; * SWAPPZERO ; * TACTICS (Part 1 of 7) ; * TACTICS (Part 3 of 7) ; * TAS1 ; * TAS2 ; * TT128 ; * TT23 ; ; This list only includes code that refers to the ; variable by name; there may be other references to ; this memory location that don't use this label, and ; these will not be mentioned above.XX2 SKIP 14 ; Temporary storage, used to store the visibility of the ; ship's faces during the ship-drawing routine at LL9 ; ; [Show more]; ; This variable is used by the following: ; ; * LL9 (Part 3 of 12) ; * LL9 (Part 4 of 12) ; * LL9 (Part 5 of 12) ; * LL9 (Part 6 of 12) ; * LL9 (Part 10 of 12) ; ; This list only includes code that refers to the ; variable by name; there may be other references to ; this memory location that don't use this label, and ; these will not be mentioned above.K4 SKIP 2 ; Temporary storage, used in a number of places ; ; [Show more]; ; This variable is used by the following: ; ; * BLINE ; * CHKON ; * HFS2 ; * PROJ ; * SHPPT ; * SUN (Part 1 of 4) ; * TT128 ; * TT23 ; ; This list only includes code that refers to the ; variable by name; there may be other references to ; this memory location that don't use this label, and ; these will not be mentioned above.XX16 SKIP 18 ; Temporary storage for a block of values, used in a ; number of places ; ; [Show more]; ; This variable is used by the following: ; ; * LL51 ; * LL9 (Part 3 of 12) ; * LL9 (Part 6 of 12) ; ; This list only includes code that refers to the ; variable by name; there may be other references to ; this memory location that don't use this label, and ; these will not be mentioned above.XX0 SKIP 2 ; Temporary storage, used to store the address of a ship ; blueprint. For example, it is used when we add a new ; ship to the local bubble in routine NWSHP, and it ; contains the address of the current ship's blueprint ; as we loop through all the nearby ships in the main ; flight loop ; ; [Show more]; ; This variable is used by the following: ; ; * HITCH ; * KILLSHP ; * LL9 (Part 1 of 12) ; * LL9 (Part 2 of 12) ; * LL9 (Part 4 of 12) ; * LL9 (Part 5 of 12) ; * LL9 (Part 6 of 12) ; * LL9 (Part 9 of 12) ; * LL9 (Part 10 of 12) ; * Main flight loop (Part 4 of 16) ; * Main flight loop (Part 8 of 16) ; * Main flight loop (Part 12 of 16) ; * MVEIT (Part 4 of 9) ; * NWSHP ; * SFS1 ; * SPIN ; * TACTICS (Part 2 of 7) ; * TACTICS (Part 4 of 7) ; * TACTICS (Part 6 of 7) ; ; This list only includes code that refers to the ; variable by name; there may be other references to ; this memory location that don't use this label, and ; these will not be mentioned above.INF SKIP 2 ; Temporary storage, typically used for storing the ; address of a ship's data block, so it can be copied ; to and from the internal workspace at INWK ; ; [Show more]; ; This variable is used by the following: ; ; * ANGRY ; * DEATH ; * GINF ; * KILLSHP ; * LL9 (Part 1 of 12) ; * Main flight loop (Part 4 of 16) ; * Main flight loop (Part 6 of 16) ; * Main flight loop (Part 12 of 16) ; * NWSHP ; * OOPS ; * SFS1 ; * TACTICS (Part 4 of 7) ; * WPSHPS ; ; This list only includes code that refers to the ; variable by name; there may be other references to ; this memory location that don't use this label, and ; these will not be mentioned above.V SKIP 2 ; Temporary storage, typically used for storing an ; address pointer ; ; [Show more]; ; This variable is used by the following: ; ; * DETOK ; * DETOK2 ; * DETOK3 ; * ex ; * LL9 (Part 5 of 12) ; * LL9 (Part 6 of 12) ; * LL9 (Part 10 of 12) ; * LL9 (Part 11 of 12) ; * mvblockK ; * SUN (Part 1 of 4) ; * SUN (Part 3 of 4) ; * TACTICS (Part 1 of 7) ; * TAS1 ; * VCSU1 ; * VCSUB ; ; This list only includes code that refers to the ; variable by name; there may be other references to ; this memory location that don't use this label, and ; these will not be mentioned above.XX SKIP 2 ; Temporary storage, typically used for storing a 16-bit ; x-coordinate ; ; [Show more]; ; This variable is used by the following: ; ; * MLS2 ; * MUT1 ; * MUT2 ; * STARS1 ; * STARS2 ; * STARS6 ; * SUN (Part 3 of 4) ; ; This list only includes code that refers to the ; variable by name; there may be other references to ; this memory location that don't use this label, and ; these will not be mentioned above.YY SKIP 2 ; Temporary storage, typically used for storing a 16-bit ; y-coordinate ; ; [Show more]; ; This variable is used by the following: ; ; * EDGES ; * PIX1 ; * STARS1 ; * STARS2 ; * STARS6 ; * SUN (Part 2 of 4) ; * SUN (Part 3 of 4) ; * SUN (Part 4 of 4) ; * WPLS ; ; This list only includes code that refers to the ; variable by name; there may be other references to ; this memory location that don't use this label, and ; these will not be mentioned above.SUNX SKIP 2 ; The 16-bit x-coordinate of the vertical centre axis ; of the sun (which might be off-screen) ; ; [Show more]; ; This variable is used by the following: ; ; * SUN (Part 2 of 4) ; * SUN (Part 3 of 4) ; * SUN (Part 4 of 4) ; * WPLS ; ; This list only includes code that refers to the ; variable by name; there may be other references to ; this memory location that don't use this label, and ; these will not be mentioned above.BETA SKIP 1 ; The current pitch angle beta, which is reduced from ; JSTY to a sign-magnitude value between -8 and +8 ; ; This describes how fast we are pitching our ship, and ; determines how fast the universe pitches around us ; ; The sign bit is also stored in BET2, while the ; opposite sign is stored in BET2+1 ; ; [Show more]; ; This variable is used by the following: ; ; * Main flight loop (Part 2 of 16) ; * MV40 ; * MVS4 ; * RES2 ; * RESET ; * STARS1 ; * STARS6 ; ; This list only includes code that refers to the ; variable by name; there may be other references to ; this memory location that don't use this label, and ; these will not be mentioned above.BET1 SKIP 1 ; The magnitude of the pitch angle beta, i.e. |beta|, ; which is a positive value between 0 and 8 ; ; [Show more]; ; This variable is used by the following: ; ; * DIALS (Part 2 of 4) ; * Main flight loop (Part 2 of 16) ; * MVEIT (Part 5 of 9) ; * RES2 ; * STARS1 ; * STARS2 ; * STARS6 ; ; This list only includes code that refers to the ; variable by name; there may be other references to ; this memory location that don't use this label, and ; these will not be mentioned above.QQ22 SKIP 2 ; The two hyperspace countdown counters ; ; Before a hyperspace jump, both QQ22 and QQ22+1 are ; set to 15 ; ; QQ22 is an internal counter that counts down by 1 ; each time TT102 is called, which happens every ; iteration of the main game loop. When it reaches ; zero, the on-screen counter in QQ22+1 gets ; decremented, and QQ22 gets set to 5 and the countdown ; continues (so the first tick of the hyperspace counter ; takes 15 iterations to happen, but subsequent ticks ; take 5 iterations each) ; ; QQ22+1 contains the number that's shown on-screen ; during the countdown. It counts down from 15 to 1, and ; when it hits 0, the hyperspace engines kick in ; ; [Show more]; ; This variable is used by the following: ; ; * DOENTRY ; * hyp ; * TT102 ; * TTX66 ; * wW ; ; This list only includes code that refers to the ; variable by name; there may be other references to ; this memory location that don't use this label, and ; these will not be mentioned above.ECMA SKIP 1 ; The E.C.M. countdown timer, which determines whether ; an E.C.M. system is currently operating: ; ; * 0 = E.C.M. is off ; ; * Non-zero = E.C.M. is on and is counting down ; ; The counter starts at 32 when an E.C.M. is activated, ; either by us or by an opponent, and it decreases by 1 ; in each iteration of the main flight loop until it ; reaches zero, at which point the E.C.M. switches off. ; Only one E.C.M. can be active at any one time, so ; there is only one counter ; ; [Show more]; ; This variable is used by the following: ; ; * ECBLB2 ; * ECMOF ; * Main flight loop (Part 3 of 16) ; * Main flight loop (Part 16 of 16) ; * RES2 ; * TACTICS (Part 1 of 7) ; * TACTICS (Part 5 of 7) ; * TACTICS (Part 6 of 7) ; ; This list only includes code that refers to the ; variable by name; there may be other references to ; this memory location that don't use this label, and ; these will not be mentioned above.ALP1 SKIP 1 ; Magnitude of the roll angle alpha, i.e. |alpha|, ; which is a positive value between 0 and 31 ; ; [Show more]; ; This variable is used by the following: ; ; * DIALS (Part 2 of 4) ; * Main flight loop (Part 2 of 16) ; * MLS1 ; * MUT3 ; * MVEIT (Part 5 of 9) ; * RES2 ; * STARS2 ; ; This list only includes code that refers to the ; variable by name; there may be other references to ; this memory location that don't use this label, and ; these will not be mentioned above.ALP2 SKIP 2 ; Bit 7 of ALP2 = sign of the roll angle in ALPHA ; ; Bit 7 of ALP2+1 = opposite sign to ALP2 and ALPHA ; ; [Show more]; ; This variable is used by the following: ; ; * DIALS (Part 2 of 4) ; * Main flight loop (Part 2 of 16) ; * MVEIT (Part 5 of 9) ; * RES2 ; * STARS1 ; * STARS2 ; * STARS6 ; ; This list only includes code that refers to the ; variable by name; there may be other references to ; this memory location that don't use this label, and ; these will not be mentioned above.XX15 SKIP 0 ; Temporary storage, typically used for storing screen ; coordinates in line-drawing routines ; ; There are six bytes of storage, from XX15 TO XX15+5. ; The first four bytes have the following aliases: ; ; X1 = XX15 ; Y1 = XX15+1 ; X2 = XX15+2 ; Y2 = XX15+3 ; ; These are typically used for describing lines in terms ; of screen coordinates, i.e. (X1, Y1) to (X2, Y2) ; ; The last two bytes of XX15 do not have aliases ; ; [Show more]; ; This variable is used by the following: ; ; * BLINE ; * BPRNT ; * diskerror ; * DOCKIT ; * LL118 ; * LL120 ; * LL145 (Part 1 of 4) ; * LL145 (Part 2 of 4) ; * LL145 (Part 3 of 4) ; * LL145 (Part 4 of 4) ; * LL51 ; * LL9 (Part 5 of 12) ; * LL9 (Part 6 of 12) ; * LL9 (Part 7 of 12) ; * LL9 (Part 8 of 12) ; * LL9 (Part 9 of 12) ; * LL9 (Part 10 of 12) ; * LL9 (Part 12 of 12) ; * Main flight loop (Part 9 of 16) ; * NORM ; * SHPPT ; * SP2 ; * TAS2 ; * TAS3 ; * TAS4 ; * TAS6 ; * TIDY ; ; This list only includes code that refers to the ; variable by name; there may be other references to ; this memory location that don't use this label, and ; these will not be mentioned above.ztemp0 SKIP 0 ; Temporary storage used by the disk routines ; ; This variable shares its address with the coordinate ; variables, which are unused during disk access ; ; [Show more]; ; This variable is used by the following: ; ; * getsct ; * rdaddr ; * read ; * seek ; * write ; ; This list only includes code that refers to the ; variable by name; there may be other references to ; this memory location that don't use this label, and ; these will not be mentioned above.X1 SKIP 1 ; Temporary storage, typically used for x-coordinates in ; the line-drawing routines ; ; [Show more]; ; This variable is used by the following: ; ; * BLINE ; * BOMBOFF ; * DIS1 ; * DIS5 ; * DVLOIN ; * EDGES ; * FLIP ; * HLOIN ; * LASLI ; * LOIN (Part 1 of 7) ; * LOIN (Part 2 of 7) ; * LOIN (Part 5 of 7) ; * LSPUT ; * MSBAR ; * NLIN2 ; * nWq ; * PIXEL2 ; * SCAN ; * STARS1 ; * STARS2 ; * STARS6 ; * SUN (Part 3 of 4) ; * TT15 ; * TT22 ; * TTX66K ; * VLOIN ; * WPLS2 ; ; This list only includes code that refers to the ; variable by name; there may be other references to ; this memory location that don't use this label, and ; these will not be mentioned above.ztemp1 SKIP 0 ; Temporary storage used by the disk routines ; ; This variable shares its address with the coordinate ; variables, which are unused during disk access ; ; [Show more]; ; This variable is used by the following: ; ; * rdaddr ; * seek ; * write ; ; This list only includes code that refers to the ; variable by name; there may be other references to ; this memory location that don't use this label, and ; these will not be mentioned above.Y1 SKIP 1 ; Temporary storage, typically used for y-coordinates in ; line-drawing routines ; ; [Show more]; ; This variable is used by the following: ; ; * BLINE ; * BOMBOFF ; * CPIX ; * DIS1 ; * DIS5 ; * DOEXP ; * DVLOIN ; * FLIP ; * HLOIN ; * HLOIN2 ; * LASLI ; * LOIN (Part 1 of 7) ; * LOIN (Part 2 of 7) ; * LOIN (Part 5 of 7) ; * LSPUT ; * MLU1 ; * MSBAR ; * MSBARS ; * NLIN2 ; * nWq ; * PIXEL2 ; * STARS1 ; * STARS2 ; * STARS6 ; * SUN (Part 3 of 4) ; * TT15 ; * TT22 ; * TTX66K ; * VLOIN ; * WPLS2 ; ; This list only includes code that refers to the ; variable by name; there may be other references to ; this memory location that don't use this label, and ; these will not be mentioned above.ztemp2 SKIP 0 ; Temporary storage used by the disk routines ; ; This variable shares its address with the coordinate ; variables, which are unused during disk access ; ; [Show more]; ; This variable is used by the following: ; ; * seek ; * trytrk ; ; This list only includes code that refers to the ; variable by name; there may be other references to ; this memory location that don't use this label, and ; these will not be mentioned above.X2 SKIP 1 ; Temporary storage, typically used for x-coordinates in ; the line-drawing routines ; ; [Show more]; ; This variable is used by the following: ; ; * BLINE ; * BOMBOFF ; * DIS1 ; * EDGES ; * HLOIN ; * LASLI ; * LOIN (Part 1 of 7) ; * LOIN (Part 2 of 7) ; * LOIN (Part 5 of 7) ; * LSPUT ; * MSBAR ; * NLIN2 ; * SUN (Part 3 of 4) ; * TT15 ; * TT22 ; * TTX66K ; * WPLS2 ; ; This list only includes code that refers to the ; variable by name; there may be other references to ; this memory location that don't use this label, and ; these will not be mentioned above.ztemp3 SKIP 0 ; Temporary storage used by the disk routines ; ; This variable shares its address with the coordinate ; variables, which are unused during disk access ; ; [Show more]; ; This variable is used by the following: ; ; * seek ; ; This list only includes code that refers to the ; variable by name; there may be other references to ; this memory location that don't use this label, and ; these will not be mentioned above.Y2 SKIP 1 ; Temporary storage, typically used for y-coordinates in ; line-drawing routines ; ; [Show more]; ; This variable is used by the following: ; ; * BLINE ; * BOMBOFF ; * DIS5 ; * DVLOIN ; * LASLI ; * LOIN (Part 1 of 7) ; * LOIN (Part 2 of 7) ; * LOIN (Part 5 of 7) ; * LSPUT ; * SCAN ; * TT15 ; * VLOIN ; * WPLS2 ; ; This list only includes code that refers to the ; variable by name; there may be other references to ; this memory location that don't use this label, and ; these will not be mentioned aboveSKIP 2 ; The last two bytes of the XX15 block .XX12 SKIP 6 ; Temporary storage for a block of values, used in a ; number of places ; ; [Show more]; ; This variable is used by the following: ; ; * BLINE ; * BOMBOFF ; * LL129 ; * LL145 (Part 1 of 4) ; * LL145 (Part 2 of 4) ; * LL145 (Part 3 of 4) ; * LL145 (Part 4 of 4) ; * LL51 ; * LL9 (Part 5 of 12) ; * LL9 (Part 6 of 12) ; * LL9 (Part 7 of 12) ; * LL9 (Part 9 of 12) ; * LL9 (Part 10 of 12) ; * LSPUT ; * TT23 ; ; This list only includes code that refers to the ; variable by name; there may be other references to ; this memory location that don't use this label, and ; these will not be mentioned above.K SKIP 4 ; Temporary storage, used in a number of places ; ; [Show more]; ; This variable is used by the following: ; ; * BPRNT ; * CHKON ; * CIRCLE ; * csh ; * DIALS (Part 1 of 4) ; * DIALS (Part 3 of 4) ; * DIALS (Part 4 of 4) ; * DIS1 ; * DOCKIT ; * DVID3B2 ; * EQSHP ; * FMLTU2 ; * HFS2 ; * KILLSHP ; * MAS1 ; * MU5 ; * MULT3 ; * MV40 ; * MVS5 ; * MVT3 ; * PLANET ; * PLS6 ; * PROJ ; * SUN (Part 1 of 4) ; * SUN (Part 3 of 4) ; * SVE ; * TAS1 ; * TT11 ; * TT111 ; * TT14 ; * TT23 ; ; This list only includes code that refers to the ; variable by name; there may be other references to ; this memory location that don't use this label, and ; these will not be mentioned above.LAS SKIP 1 ; Contains the laser power of the laser fitted to the ; current space view (or 0 if there is no laser fitted ; to the current view) ; ; This gets set to bits 0-6 of the laser power byte from ; the commander data block, which contains the laser's ; power (bit 7 doesn't denote laser power, just whether ; or not the laser pulses, so that is not stored here) ; ; [Show more]; ; This variable is used by the following: ; ; * Main flight loop (Part 3 of 16) ; * Main flight loop (Part 11 of 16) ; ; This list only includes code that refers to the ; variable by name; there may be other references to ; this memory location that don't use this label, and ; these will not be mentioned above.MSTG SKIP 1 ; The current missile lock target ; ; * $FF = no target ; ; ; [Show more]; ; This variable is used by the following: ; ; * ABORT2 ; * FRMIS ; * FRS1 ; * KILLSHP ; * Main flight loop (Part 3 of 16) ; * RES2 ; ; This list only includes code that refers to the ; variable by name; there may be other references to ; this memory location that don't use this label, and ; these will not be mentioned above.KEYLOOK SKIP 0 ; KEYLOOK, KLO, KL and thiskey all share the same ; address ; ; [Show more]; ; This variable is used by the following: ; ; * RDKEY ; * ZEKTRAN ; ; This list only includes code that refers to the ; variable by name; there may be other references to ; this memory location that don't use this label, and ; these will not be mentioned above.KLO SKIP 0 ; KEYLOOK, KLO, KL and thiskey all share the same ; address ; ; [Show more]; ; This variable is used by the following: ; ; * DOKEY ; * Main flight loop (Part 3 of 16) ; ; This list only includes code that refers to the ; variable by name; there may be other references to ; this memory location that don't use this label, and ; these will not be mentioned above.thiskey SKIP 0 ; The following bytes implement a key logger that ; enables Elite to scan for concurrent key presses of ; the primary flight keys, plus a secondary flight key ; ; If a key is being pressed that is not in the keyboard ; table at KYTB, it can be stored here (as seen in ; routine DK4, for example) ; ; [Show more]; ; This variable is used by the following: ; ; * DK4 ; * RDKEY ; * TT17 ; ; This list only includes code that refers to the ; variable by name; there may be other references to ; this memory location that don't use this label, and ; these will not be mentioned above.KL SKIP 1 ; The following bytes implement a key logger that ; enables Elite to scan for concurrent key presses of ; the primary flight keys, plus a secondary flight key ; ; If a key is being pressed that is not in the keyboard ; table at KYTB, it can be stored here (as seen in ; routine DK4, for example) ; ; [Show more]; ; This variable is used by the following: ; ; * DK4 ; * hyp ; * TT102 ; ; This list only includes code that refers to the ; variable by name; there may be other references to ; this memory location that don't use this label, and ; these will not be mentioned above.KY1 SKIP 1 ; "?" is being pressed (slow down) ; ; * 0 = no ; ; * Non-zero = yes ; ; [Show more]; ; This variable is used by the following: ; ; * DOKEY ; * Main flight loop (Part 3 of 16) ; * RDKEY ; ; This list only includes code that refers to the ; variable by name; there may be other references to ; this memory location that don't use this label, and ; these will not be mentioned above.KY2 SKIP 1 ; Space is being pressed (speed up) ; ; * 0 = no ; ; * Non-zero = yes ; ; [Show more]; ; This variable is used by the following: ; ; * DOKEY ; * Main flight loop (Part 3 of 16) ; * RDKEY ; ; This list only includes code that refers to the ; variable by name; there may be other references to ; this memory location that don't use this label, and ; these will not be mentioned above.KY3 SKIP 1 ; "<" is being pressed (roll left) ; ; * 0 = no ; ; * Non-zero = yes ; ; [Show more]; ; This variable is used by the following: ; ; * DOKEY ; * TT17 ; ; This list only includes code that refers to the ; variable by name; there may be other references to ; this memory location that don't use this label, and ; these will not be mentioned above.KY4 SKIP 1 ; ">" is being pressed (roll right) ; ; * 0 = no ; ; * Non-zero = yes ; ; [Show more]; ; This variable is used by the following: ; ; * DOKEY ; * TT17 ; ; This list only includes code that refers to the ; variable by name; there may be other references to ; this memory location that don't use this label, and ; these will not be mentioned above.KY5 SKIP 1 ; "X" is being pressed (pull up) ; ; * 0 = no ; ; * Non-zero = yes ; ; [Show more]; ; This variable is used by the following: ; ; * DOKEY ; * TT17 ; ; This list only includes code that refers to the ; variable by name; there may be other references to ; this memory location that don't use this label, and ; these will not be mentioned above.KY6 SKIP 1 ; "S" is being pressed (pitch down) ; ; * 0 = no ; ; * Non-zero = yes ; ; [Show more]; ; This variable is used by the following: ; ; * DOKEY ; * TT17 ; ; This list only includes code that refers to the ; variable by name; there may be other references to ; this memory location that don't use this label, and ; these will not be mentioned above.KY7 SKIP 1 ; "A" is being pressed (fire lasers) ; ; * 0 = no ; ; * Non-zero = yes ; ; This is also set when the joystick fire button has ; been pressed ; ; [Show more]; ; This variable is used by the following: ; ; * Main flight loop (Part 3 of 16) ; * RDKEY ; * TT17 ; ; This list only includes code that refers to the ; variable by name; there may be other references to ; this memory location that don't use this label, and ; these will not be mentioned above.KY12 SKIP 1 ; "B" is being pressed (energy bomb) ; ; * 0 = no ; ; * Non-zero = yes ; ; [Show more]; ; This variable is used by the following: ; ; * Main flight loop (Part 3 of 16) ; * RDKEY ; ; This list only includes code that refers to the ; variable by name; there may be other references to ; this memory location that don't use this label, and ; these will not be mentioned above.KY13 SKIP 1 ; ESCAPE is being pressed (launch escape pod) ; ; * 0 = no ; ; * Non-zero = yes ; ; [Show more]; ; This variable is used by the following: ; ; * Main flight loop (Part 3 of 16) ; * RDKEY ; ; This list only includes code that refers to the ; variable by name; there may be other references to ; this memory location that don't use this label, and ; these will not be mentioned above.KY14 SKIP 1 ; "T" is being pressed (target missile) ; ; * 0 = no ; ; * Non-zero = yes ; ; [Show more]; ; This variable is used by the following: ; ; * Main flight loop (Part 3 of 16) ; * RDKEY ; ; This list only includes code that refers to the ; variable by name; there may be other references to ; this memory location that don't use this label, and ; these will not be mentioned above.KY15 SKIP 1 ; "U" is being pressed (unarm missile) ; ; * 0 = no ; ; * Non-zero = yes ; ; [Show more]; ; This variable is used by the following: ; ; * Main flight loop (Part 3 of 16) ; * RDKEY ; ; This list only includes code that refers to the ; variable by name; there may be other references to ; this memory location that don't use this label, and ; these will not be mentioned above.KY16 SKIP 1 ; "M" is being pressed (fire missile) ; ; * 0 = no ; ; * Non-zero = yes ; ; [Show more]; ; This variable is used by the following: ; ; * Main flight loop (Part 3 of 16) ; * RDKEY ; * TT17 ; ; This list only includes code that refers to the ; variable by name; there may be other references to ; this memory location that don't use this label, and ; these will not be mentioned above.KY17 SKIP 1 ; "E" is being pressed (activate E.C.M.) ; ; * 0 = no ; ; * Non-zero = yes ; ; [Show more]; ; This variable is used by the following: ; ; * Main flight loop (Part 3 of 16) ; * RDKEY ; ; This list only includes code that refers to the ; variable by name; there may be other references to ; this memory location that don't use this label, and ; these will not be mentioned above.KY18 SKIP 1 ; "J" is being pressed (in-system jump) ; ; * 0 = no ; ; * Non-zero = yes ; ; [Show more]; ; This variable is used by the following: ; ; * Main flight loop (Part 3 of 16) ; * RDKEY ; * TT17 ; ; This list only includes code that refers to the ; variable by name; there may be other references to ; this memory location that don't use this label, and ; these will not be mentioned above.KY19 SKIP 1 ; "C" is being pressed (activate docking computer) ; ; * 0 = no ; ; * Non-zero = yes ; ; [Show more]; ; This variable is used by the following: ; ; * Main flight loop (Part 3 of 16) ; * RDKEY ; ; This list only includes code that refers to the ; variable by name; there may be other references to ; this memory location that don't use this label, and ; these will not be mentioned above.KY20 SKIP 1 ; "P" is being pressed (deactivate docking computer) ; ; * 0 = no ; ; * Non-zero = yes ; ; [Show more]; ; This variable is used by the following: ; ; * Main flight loop (Part 3 of 16) ; * RDKEY ; ; This list only includes code that refers to the ; variable by name; there may be other references to ; this memory location that don't use this label, and ; these will not be mentioned above.LSP SKIP 1 ; The ball line heap pointer, which contains the number ; of the first free byte after the end of the LSX2 and ; LSY2 heaps ; ; [Show more]; ; This variable is used by the following: ; ; * BLINE ; * HFS2 ; * TT128 ; * TTX66 ; * WP1 ; * WPLS2 ; * WPSHPS ; ; This list only includes code that refers to the ; variable by name; there may be other references to ; this memory location that don't use this label, and ; these will not be mentioned above.QQ15 SKIP 6 ; The three 16-bit seeds for the selected system, i.e. ; the one in the crosshairs in the Short-range Chart ; ; [Show more]; ; This variable is used by the following: ; ; * BR1 (Part 2 of 2) ; * cpl ; * Ghy ; * HME2 ; * hyp ; * PDESC ; * SOLAR ; * TT111 ; * TT22 ; * TT23 ; * TT24 ; * TT25 ; * TT54 ; * TT81 ; * ypl ; ; This list only includes code that refers to the ; variable by name; there may be other references to ; this memory location that don't use this label, and ; these will not be mentioned above.K5 SKIP 0 ; Temporary storage used to store segment coordinates ; across successive calls to BLINE, the ball line ; routine ; ; [Show more]; ; This variable is used by the following: ; ; * BLINE ; ; This list only includes code that refers to the ; variable by name; there may be other references to ; this memory location that don't use this label, and ; these will not be mentioned above.XX18 SKIP 4 ; Temporary storage used to store coordinates in the ; LL9 ship-drawing routine ; ; [Show more]; ; This variable is used by the following: ; ; * LL9 (Part 3 of 12) ; * LL9 (Part 5 of 12) ; ; This list only includes code that refers to the ; variable by name; there may be other references to ; this memory location that don't use this label, and ; these will not be mentioned above.K6 SKIP 5 ; Temporary storage, typically used for storing ; coordinates during vector calculations ; ; [Show more]; ; This variable is used by the following: ; ; * BLINE ; * CIRCLE2 ; ; This list only includes code that refers to the ; variable by name; there may be other references to ; this memory location that don't use this label, and ; these will not be mentioned above.QQ19 SKIP 6 ; Temporary storage, used in a number of places ; ; [Show more]; ; This variable is used by the following: ; ; * cpl ; * GVL ; * SIGHT ; * TT103 ; * TT105 ; * TT111 ; * TT123 ; * TT128 ; * TT14 ; * TT15 ; * TT151 ; * TT152 ; * TT16 ; * TT210 ; * TT22 ; * TT25 ; * var ; ; This list only includes code that refers to the ; variable by name; there may be other references to ; this memory location that don't use this label, and ; these will not be mentioned above.BET2 SKIP 2 ; Bit 7 of BET2 = sign of the pitch angle in BETA ; ; Bit 7 of BET2+1 = opposite sign to BET2 and BETA ; ; [Show more]; ; This variable is used by the following: ; ; * DIALS (Part 2 of 4) ; * Main flight loop (Part 2 of 16) ; * MVEIT (Part 5 of 9) ; * RES2 ; * STARS1 ; * STARS2 ; * STARS6 ; ; This list only includes code that refers to the ; variable by name; there may be other references to ; this memory location that don't use this label, and ; these will not be mentioned above.DELTA SKIP 1 ; Our current speed, in the range 1-40 ; ; [Show more]; ; This variable is used by the following: ; ; * DEATH ; * DIALS (Part 1 of 4) ; * DOENTRY ; * DOKEY ; * DV41 ; * FRS1 ; * Main flight loop (Part 3 of 16) ; * Main flight loop (Part 9 of 16) ; * Main flight loop (Part 10 of 16) ; * MVEIT (Part 6 of 9) ; * RES2 ; * TITLE ; * TT110 ; ; This list only includes code that refers to the ; variable by name; there may be other references to ; this memory location that don't use this label, and ; these will not be mentioned above.DELT4 SKIP 2 ; Our current speed * 64 as a 16-bit value ; ; This is stored as DELT4(1 0), so the high byte in ; DELT4+1 therefore contains our current speed / 4 ; ; [Show more]; ; This variable is used by the following: ; ; * Main flight loop (Part 3 of 16) ; * Main flight loop (Part 15 of 16) ; * STARS1 ; * STARS6 ; ; This list only includes code that refers to the ; variable by name; there may be other references to ; this memory location that don't use this label, and ; these will not be mentioned above.U SKIP 1 ; Temporary storage, used in a number of places ; ; [Show more]; ; This variable is used by the following: ; ; * ADD ; * BPRNT ; * csh ; * DOEXP ; * LL61 ; * LL62 ; * LL9 (Part 6 of 12) ; * LL9 (Part 7 of 12) ; * LL9 (Part 8 of 12) ; * TAS1 ; * TT11 ; * TT111 ; ; This list only includes code that refers to the ; variable by name; there may be other references to ; this memory location that don't use this label, and ; these will not be mentioned above.Q SKIP 1 ; Temporary storage, used in a number of places ; ; [Show more]; ; This variable is used by the following: ; ; * DOCKIT ; * DOEXP ; * DV41 ; * DVID3B2 ; * DVID4 ; * DVIDT ; * EQSHP ; * FMLTU ; * FMLTU2 ; * gnum ; * LL120 ; * LL123 ; * LL129 ; * LL145 (Part 3 of 4) ; * LL28 ; * LL38 ; * LL5 ; * LL51 ; * LL61 ; * LL9 (Part 3 of 12) ; * LL9 (Part 5 of 12) ; * LL9 (Part 8 of 12) ; * LOIN (Part 1 of 7) ; * LOIN (Part 2 of 7) ; * LOIN (Part 3 of 7) ; * LOIN (Part 4 of 7) ; * LOIN (Part 5 of 7) ; * Main flight loop (Part 15 of 16) ; * MLTU2 ; * MULT1 ; * MULT3 ; * MULTU ; * MV40 ; * MVEIT (Part 3 of 9) ; * MVS4 ; * MVS5 ; * NORM ; * SPS2 ; * STARS1 ; * STARS2 ; * STARS6 ; * SUN (Part 3 of 4) ; * TAS3 ; * TAS4 ; * TIDY ; * TIS1 ; * TIS2 ; * TIS3 ; * TT111 ; * TT210 ; * TT219 ; * TT24 ; ; This list only includes code that refers to the ; variable by name; there may be other references to ; this memory location that don't use this label, and ; these will not be mentioned above.R SKIP 1 ; Temporary storage, used in a number of places ; ; [Show more]; ; This variable is used by the following: ; ; * ADD ; * CPIX ; * DCS1 ; * DOEXP ; * DVID3B2 ; * DVID4 ; * gnum ; * HITCH ; * HLOIN ; * LL118 ; * LL120 ; * LL123 ; * LL129 ; * LL145 (Part 4 of 4) ; * LL28 ; * LL38 ; * LL5 ; * LL51 ; * LL61 ; * LL62 ; * LL9 (Part 3 of 12) ; * LL9 (Part 5 of 12) ; * LL9 (Part 8 of 12) ; * LOIN (Part 2 of 7) ; * LOIN (Part 3 of 7) ; * LOIN (Part 4 of 7) ; * LOIN (Part 5 of 7) ; * LOIN (Part 6 of 7) ; * LOIN (Part 7 of 7) ; * Main flight loop (Part 15 of 16) ; * MAS3 ; * MLS2 ; * MULT12 ; * MULT3 ; * MUT1 ; * MVEIT (Part 3 of 9) ; * MVEIT (Part 6 of 9) ; * MVS4 ; * MVS5 ; * MVT1 ; * NORM ; * SFS2 ; * STARS1 ; * STARS2 ; * STARS6 ; * SUN (Part 3 of 4) ; * TAS3 ; * TAS4 ; * TT111 ; * TT210 ; * TT219 ; * VLOIN ; * WARP ; ; This list only includes code that refers to the ; variable by name; there may be other references to ; this memory location that don't use this label, and ; these will not be mentioned above.S SKIP 1 ; Temporary storage, used in a number of places ; ; [Show more]; ; This variable is used by the following: ; ; * ADD ; * BPRNT ; * DOEXP ; * DVID3B2 ; * gnum ; * HITCH ; * LL118 ; * LL120 ; * LL123 ; * LL129 ; * LL145 (Part 3 of 4) ; * LL145 (Part 4 of 4) ; * LL38 ; * LL5 ; * LL51 ; * LL61 ; * LL9 (Part 5 of 12) ; * LOIN (Part 1 of 7) ; * LOIN (Part 3 of 7) ; * LOIN (Part 4 of 7) ; * LOIN (Part 6 of 7) ; * LOIN (Part 7 of 7) ; * MLS2 ; * MULT12 ; * MUT2 ; * MVS4 ; * MVS5 ; * MVT1 ; * MVT3 ; * STARS1 ; * STARS2 ; * STARS6 ; * TAS3 ; * TAS4 ; * TT111 ; * WARP ; ; This list only includes code that refers to the ; variable by name; there may be other references to ; this memory location that don't use this label, and ; these will not be mentioned above.XSAV SKIP 1 ; Temporary storage for saving the value of the X ; register, used in a number of places ; ; [Show more]; ; This variable is used by the following: ; ; * KS1 ; * Main flight loop (Part 4 of 16) ; * Main flight loop (Part 11 of 16) ; * Main flight loop (Part 12 of 16) ; * MVEIT (Part 1 of 9) ; * MVEIT (Part 2 of 9) ; * TT22 ; * WPSHPS ; ; This list only includes code that refers to the ; variable by name; there may be other references to ; this memory location that don't use this label, and ; these will not be mentioned above.YSAV SKIP 1 ; Temporary storage for saving the value of the Y ; register, used in a number of places ; ; [Show more]; ; This variable is used by the following: ; ; * HLOIN ; * LOIN (Part 1 of 7) ; * LOIN (Part 3 of 7) ; * LOIN (Part 4 of 7) ; * LOIN (Part 6 of 7) ; * LOIN (Part 7 of 7) ; * TT217 ; * VLOIN ; ; This list only includes code that refers to the ; variable by name; there may be other references to ; this memory location that don't use this label, and ; these will not be mentioned above.XX17 SKIP 1 ; Temporary storage, used in BPRNT to store the number ; of characters to print, and as the edge counter in the ; main ship-drawing routine ; ; [Show more]; ; This variable is used by the following: ; ; * BPRNT ; * LL9 (Part 5 of 12) ; * LL9 (Part 6 of 12) ; * LL9 (Part 8 of 12) ; * LL9 (Part 9 of 12) ; * LL9 (Part 11 of 12) ; ; This list only includes code that refers to the ; variable by name; there may be other references to ; this memory location that don't use this label, and ; these will not be mentioned above.QQ11 SKIP 1 ; The type of the current view: ; ; 0 = Space view ; Death screen ; 1 = Data on System screen (key "7") ; Get commander name ("@", save/load commander) ; In-system jump just arrived ("J") ; Mission 1 briefing screen ; 2 = Buy Cargo screen (key "2") ; 3 = Mis-jump just arrived (witchspace) ; 4 = Sell Cargo screen (key "3") ; 8 = Status Mode screen (key "9") ; Inventory screen (key "0") ; 13 = Rotating ship view (title or mission screen) ; 16 = Market Price screen (key "8") ; 32 = Equip Ship screen (key "4") ; 64 = Long-range Chart (key "5") ; 128 = Short-range Chart (key "6") ; 255 = Launch view ; ; This value is typically set by calling routine TT66 ; ; [Show more]; ; This variable is used by the following: ; ; * BOMBOFF ; * DFAULT ; * HFS2 ; * hyp ; * LASLI ; * LOOK1 ; * Main flight loop (Part 11 of 16) ; * Main flight loop (Part 16 of 16) ; * Main game loop (Part 5 of 6) ; * me2 ; * MESS ; * NWSTARS ; * RDKEY ; * TITLE ; * TT102 ; * TT103 ; * TT110 ; * TT14 ; * TT15 ; * TT17 ; * TT18 ; * TT210 ; * TT66 ; * TTX66 ; * TTX66K ; * WARP ; ; This list only includes code that refers to the ; variable by name; there may be other references to ; this memory location that don't use this label, and ; these will not be mentioned above.ZZ SKIP 1 ; Temporary storage, typically used for distance values ; ; [Show more]; ; This variable is used by the following: ; ; * DOT ; * FLIP ; * nWq ; * PDESC ; * PIXEL ; * refund ; * STARS1 ; * STARS2 ; * STARS6 ; * TT111 ; * TT22 ; ; This list only includes code that refers to the ; variable by name; there may be other references to ; this memory location that don't use this label, and ; these will not be mentioned above.XX13 SKIP 1 ; Temporary storage, typically used in the line-drawing ; routines ; ; [Show more]; ; This variable is used by the following: ; ; * BLINE ; * EQSHP ; * LL145 (Part 1 of 4) ; * LL145 (Part 2 of 4) ; * LL145 (Part 4 of 4) ; * Main game loop (Part 4 of 6) ; ; This list only includes code that refers to the ; variable by name; there may be other references to ; this memory location that don't use this label, and ; these will not be mentioned above.MCNT SKIP 1 ; The main loop counter ; ; This counter determines how often certain actions are ; performed within the main loop ; ; [Show more]; ; This variable is used by the following: ; ; * BRIEF ; * DEATH ; * DIALS (Part 1 of 4) ; * Main flight loop (Part 13 of 16) ; * Main flight loop (Part 14 of 16) ; * Main flight loop (Part 15 of 16) ; * Main game loop (Part 2 of 6) ; * MVEIT (Part 1 of 9) ; * MVEIT (Part 2 of 9) ; * RES2 ; * TITLE ; * WARP ; ; This list only includes code that refers to the ; variable by name; there may be other references to ; this memory location that don't use this label, and ; these will not be mentioned above.DL SKIP 1 ; This byte is unused in this version of Elite (it is ; used to store the vertical sync flag in the BBC Micro ; versions) .TYPE SKIP 1 ; The current ship type ; ; This is where we store the current ship type for when ; we are iterating through the ships in the local bubble ; as part of the main flight loop. See the table at XX21 ; for information about ship types ; ; [Show more]; ; This variable is used by the following: ; ; * ANGRY ; * BRIEF ; * DOCKIT ; * DOKEY ; * ESCAPE ; * HITCH ; * LL9 (Part 1 of 12) ; * Main flight loop (Part 4 of 16) ; * Main flight loop (Part 5 of 16) ; * Main flight loop (Part 7 of 16) ; * Main flight loop (Part 11 of 16) ; * Main flight loop (Part 12 of 16) ; * MVEIT (Part 2 of 9) ; * MVEIT (Part 6 of 9) ; * PL2 ; * PLANET ; * SCAN ; * SFS1 ; * TACTICS (Part 4 of 7) ; * TACTICS (Part 5 of 7) ; * TACTICS (Part 7 of 7) ; * TITLE ; * WPSHPS ; ; This list only includes code that refers to the ; variable by name; there may be other references to ; this memory location that don't use this label, and ; these will not be mentioned above.ALPHA SKIP 1 ; The current roll angle alpha, which is reduced from ; JSTX to a sign-magnitude value between -31 and +31 ; ; This describes how fast we are rolling our ship, and ; determines how fast the universe rolls around us ; ; The sign bit is also stored in ALP2, while the ; opposite sign is stored in ALP2+1 ; ; [Show more]; ; This variable is used by the following: ; ; * Main flight loop (Part 2 of 16) ; * MV40 ; * MVS4 ; * RES2 ; * STARS2 ; ; This list only includes code that refers to the ; variable by name; there may be other references to ; this memory location that don't use this label, and ; these will not be mentioned above;.PBUP ; These instructions are commented out in the original ; ; source ;SKIP 1 ;.HBUP ; These instructions are commented out in the original ; ; source ;SKIP 1 ;.LBUP ; These instructions are commented out in the original ; ; source ;SKIP 1 .QQ12 SKIP 1 ; Our "docked" status ; ; * 0 = we are not docked ; ; * $FF = we are docked ; ; [Show more]; ; This variable is used by the following: ; ; * BAY ; * hyp ; * Main game loop (Part 6 of 6) ; * PDESC ; * RESET ; * STATUS ; * TT102 ; * TT110 ; ; This list only includes code that refers to the ; variable by name; there may be other references to ; this memory location that don't use this label, and ; these will not be mentioned above.TGT SKIP 1 ; Temporary storage, typically used as a target value ; for counters when drawing explosion clouds and partial ; circles ; ; [Show more]; ; This variable is used by the following: ; ; * DOEXP ; * SUN (Part 1 of 4) ; * SUN (Part 2 of 4) ; ; This list only includes code that refers to the ; variable by name; there may be other references to ; this memory location that don't use this label, and ; these will not be mentioned above.FLAG SKIP 1 ; A flag that's used to define whether this is the first ; call to the ball line routine in BLINE, so it knows ; whether to wait for the second call before storing ; segment data in the ball line heap ; ; [Show more]; ; This variable is used by the following: ; ; * BLINE ; * CIRCLE2 ; ; This list only includes code that refers to the ; variable by name; there may be other references to ; this memory location that don't use this label, and ; these will not be mentioned above.CNT SKIP 1 ; Temporary storage, typically used for storing the ; number of iterations required when looping ; ; [Show more]; ; This variable is used by the following: ; ; * BLINE ; * CIRCLE2 ; * DOEXP ; * LL9 (Part 6 of 12) ; * LL9 (Part 8 of 12) ; * LL9 (Part 10 of 12) ; * LL9 (Part 11 of 12) ; * SPIN ; * STATUS ; * SUN (Part 1 of 4) ; * SUN (Part 3 of 4) ; * TACTICS (Part 3 of 7) ; * TACTICS (Part 6 of 7) ; * TACTICS (Part 7 of 7) ; ; This list only includes code that refers to the ; variable by name; there may be other references to ; this memory location that don't use this label, and ; these will not be mentioned above.CNT2 SKIP 1 ; Temporary storage, used in the planet-drawing routine ; to store the segment number where the arc of a partial ; circle should start ; ; [Show more]; ; This variable is used by the following: ; ; * DOCKIT ; * DOEXP ; * TACTICS (Part 2 of 7) ; * TACTICS (Part 7 of 7) ; * TITLE ; ; This list only includes code that refers to the ; variable by name; there may be other references to ; this memory location that don't use this label, and ; these will not be mentioned above.STP SKIP 1 ; The step size for drawing circles ; ; Circles in Elite are split up into 64 points, and the ; step size determines how many points to skip with each ; straight-line segment, so the smaller the step size, ; the smoother the circle. The values used are: ; ; * 2 for big planets and the circles on the charts ; * 4 for medium planets and the launch tunnel ; * 8 for small planets and the hyperspace tunnel ; ; As the step size increases we move from smoother ; circles at the top to more polygonal at the bottom. ; See the CIRCLE2 routine for more details ; ; [Show more]; ; This variable is used by the following: ; ; * BLINE ; * CIRCLE ; * HFS2 ; * TT128 ; ; This list only includes code that refers to the ; variable by name; there may be other references to ; this memory location that don't use this label, and ; these will not be mentioned above.XX4 SKIP 1 ; Temporary storage, used in a number of places ; ; [Show more]; ; This variable is used by the following: ; ; * GVL ; * HFS2 ; * KILLSHP ; * KS2 ; * LL9 (Part 1 of 12) ; * LL9 (Part 2 of 12) ; * LL9 (Part 4 of 12) ; * LL9 (Part 5 of 12) ; * LL9 (Part 6 of 12) ; * LL9 (Part 10 of 12) ; * STATUS ; ; This list only includes code that refers to the ; variable by name; there may be other references to ; this memory location that don't use this label, and ; these will not be mentioned above.XX20 SKIP 1 ; Temporary storage, used in a number of places ; ; [Show more]; ; This variable is used by the following: ; ; * HME2 ; * LL9 (Part 5 of 12) ; * LL9 (Part 6 of 12) ; * LL9 (Part 8 of 12) ; * LL9 (Part 9 of 12) ; * LL9 (Part 11 of 12) ; * TT23 ; ; This list only includes code that refers to the ; variable by name; there may be other references to ; this memory location that don't use this label, and ; these will not be mentioned above.LSNUM SKIP 1 ; The pointer to the current position in the ship line ; heap as we work our way through the new ship's edges ; (and the corresponding old ship's edges) when drawing ; the ship in the main ship-drawing routine at LL9 ; ; [Show more]; ; This variable is used by the following: ; ; * LL9 (Part 1 of 12) ; * LL9 (Part 11 of 12) ; * LL9 (Part 12 of 12) ; * LSPUT ; ; This list only includes code that refers to the ; variable by name; there may be other references to ; this memory location that don't use this label, and ; these will not be mentioned above.LSNUM2 SKIP 1 ; The size of the existing ship line heap for the ship ; we are drawing in LL9, i.e. the number of lines in the ; old ship that is currently shown on-screen and which ; we need to erase ; ; [Show more]; ; This variable is used by the following: ; ; * LL9 (Part 1 of 12) ; * LL9 (Part 12 of 12) ; * LSPUT ; ; This list only includes code that refers to the ; variable by name; there may be other references to ; this memory location that don't use this label, and ; these will not be mentioned above.RAT SKIP 1 ; Used to store different signs depending on the current ; space view, for use in calculating stardust movement ; ; [Show more]; ; This variable is used by the following: ; ; * DOCKIT ; * PLUT ; * STARS2 ; * TACTICS (Part 2 of 7) ; * TACTICS (Part 7 of 7) ; ; This list only includes code that refers to the ; variable by name; there may be other references to ; this memory location that don't use this label, and ; these will not be mentioned above.RAT2 SKIP 1 ; Temporary storage, used to store the pitch and roll ; signs when moving objects and stardust ; ; [Show more]; ; This variable is used by the following: ; ; * DOCKIT ; * MVEIT (Part 8 of 9) ; * MVS5 ; * PLUT ; * STARS2 ; * TACTICS (Part 2 of 7) ; * TACTICS (Part 7 of 7) ; ; This list only includes code that refers to the ; variable by name; there may be other references to ; this memory location that don't use this label, and ; these will not be mentioned above.K2 SKIP 4 ; Temporary storage, used in a number of places ; ; [Show more]; ; This variable is used by the following: ; ; * MV40 ; * MVEIT (Part 5 of 9) ; * SUN (Part 1 of 4) ; * SUN (Part 3 of 4) ; ; This list only includes code that refers to the ; variable by name; there may be other references to ; this memory location that don't use this label, and ; these will not be mentioned above.widget SKIP 1 ; Temporary storage, used to store the original argument ; in A in the logarithmic FMLTU and LL28 routines ; ; [Show more]; ; This variable is used by the following: ; ; * DVID4 ; * FMLTU ; * LL28 ; ; This list only includes code that refers to the ; variable by name; there may be other references to ; this memory location that don't use this label, and ; these will not be mentioned above.dontclip SKIP 1 ; This is set to 0 in the RES2 routine, but the value is ; never actually read (this is left over from the ; Commodore 64 version of Elite) ; ; [Show more]; ; This variable is used by the following: ; ; * RES2 ; ; This list only includes code that refers to the ; variable by name; there may be other references to ; this memory location that don't use this label, and ; these will not be mentioned above.Yx2M1 SKIP 1 ; This is used to store the number of pixel rows in the ; space view minus 1, which is also the y-coordinate of ; the bottom pixel row of the space view (it is set to ; 191 in the RES2 routine) ; ; [Show more]; ; This variable is used by the following: ; ; * CHKON ; * RES2 ; * SUN (Part 1 of 4) ; * SUN (Part 2 of 4) ; ; This list only includes code that refers to the ; variable by name; there may be other references to ; this memory location that don't use this label, and ; these will not be mentioned above.text SKIP 1 ; A flag to record the type of screen mode that's ; currently being used: ; ; * Bit 7 clear = high-resolution screen mode ; ; * Bit 7 set = text screen mode ; ; [Show more]; ; This variable is used by the following: ; ; * CHPR ; * clss ; * CLYNS ; * HGR ; * hyp ; * NLIN4 ; * TEXT ; * TTX66 ; ; This list only includes code that refers to the ; variable by name; there may be other references to ; this memory location that don't use this label, and ; these will not be mentioned above.messXC SKIP 1 ; Temporary storage, used to store the text column ; of the in-flight message in MESS, so it can be erased ; from the screen at the correct time ; ; [Show more]; ; This variable is used by the following: ; ; * MESS ; ; This list only includes code that refers to the ; variable by name; there may be other references to ; this memory location that don't use this label, and ; these will not be mentioned above.newzp SKIP 1 ; This is used by the STARS2 routine for storing the ; stardust particle's delta_x value ; ; [Show more]; ; This variable is used by the following: ; ; * STARS2 ; ; This list only includes code that refers to the ; variable by name; there may be other references to ; this memory location that don't use this label, and ; these will not be mentioned above.T SKIP 1 ; Temporary storage, used in a number of places ; ; [Show more]; ; This variable is used by the following: ; ; * ADD ; * BLINE ; * BPRNT ; * BUMP2 ; * CHECK2 ; * CIRCLE2 ; * cpl ; * DEEORS ; * DOEXP ; * DVID3B2 ; * DVIDT ; * EDGES ; * gnum ; * KILLSHP ; * LL120 ; * LL123 ; * LL145 (Part 3 of 4) ; * LL5 ; * LL51 ; * LL9 (Part 2 of 12) ; * LL9 (Part 5 of 12) ; * LL9 (Part 6 of 12) ; * LL9 (Part 7 of 12) ; * LL9 (Part 8 of 12) ; * LOIN (Part 3 of 7) ; * LOIN (Part 4 of 7) ; * LOIN (Part 6 of 7) ; * LOIN (Part 7 of 7) ; * Main game loop (Part 3 of 6) ; * Main game loop (Part 4 of 6) ; * MLS1 ; * MU11 ; * MULT1 ; * MULT3 ; * MV40 ; * MVS5 ; * MVT1 ; * MVT3 ; * NORM ; * NWSHP ; * OOPS ; * PIXEL2 ; * REDU2 ; * SP2 ; * STARS1 ; * STARS6 ; * SUN (Part 3 of 4) ; * TACTICS (Part 5 of 7) ; * TIS1 ; * TIS2 ; * TT111 ; * VLOIN ; ; This list only includes code that refers to the ; variable by name; there may be other references to ; this memory location that don't use this label, and ; these will not be mentioned above.JSTX SKIP 1 ; Our current roll rate ; ; This value is shown in the dashboard's RL indicator, ; and determines the rate at which we are rolling ; ; The value ranges from 1 to 255 with 128 as the centre ; point, so 1 means roll is decreasing at the maximum ; rate, 128 means roll is not changing, and 255 means ; roll is increasing at the maximum rate ; ; This value is updated by "<" and ">" key presses, or ; if joysticks are enabled, from the joystick. If ; keyboard damping is enabled (which it is by default), ; the value is slowly moved towards the centre value of ; 128 (no roll) if there are no key presses or joystick ; movement ; ; [Show more]; ; This variable is used by the following: ; ; * DOKEY ; * Main flight loop (Part 2 of 16) ; * RDKEY ; * TT17 ; ; This list only includes code that refers to the ; variable by name; there may be other references to ; this memory location that don't use this label, and ; these will not be mentioned above.JSTY SKIP 1 ; Our current pitch rate ; ; This value is shown in the dashboard's DC indicator, ; and determines the rate at which we are pitching ; ; The value ranges from 1 to 255 with 128 as the centre ; point, so 1 means pitch is decreasing at the maximum ; rate, 128 means pitch is not changing, and 255 means ; pitch is increasing at the maximum rate ; ; This value is updated by "S" and "X" key presses, or ; if joysticks are enabled, from the joystick. If ; keyboard damping is enabled (which it is by default), ; the value is slowly moved towards the centre value of ; 128 (no pitch) if there are no key presses or joystick ; movement ; ; [Show more]; ; This variable is used by the following: ; ; * DOKEY ; * Main flight loop (Part 2 of 16) ; * RDKEY ; * RES2 ; * TT17 ; ; This list only includes code that refers to the ; variable by name; there may be other references to ; this memory location that don't use this label, and ; these will not be mentioned above.LSX SKIP 1 ; LSX contains the status of the sun line heap at LSO ; ; * $FF indicates the sun line heap is empty ; ; * Otherwise the LSO heap contains the line data for ; the sun ; ; [Show more]; ; This variable is used by the following: ; ; * FLFLLS ; * SUN (Part 1 of 4) ; * WPLS ; ; This list only includes code that refers to the ; variable by name; there may be other references to ; this memory location that don't use this label, and ; these will not be mentioned above.FSH SKIP 1 ; Forward shield status ; ; * 0 = empty ; ; * $FF = full ; ; [Show more]; ; This variable is used by the following: ; ; * DIALS (Part 4 of 4) ; * DOENTRY ; * Main flight loop (Part 13 of 16) ; * OOPS ; * RESET ; ; This list only includes code that refers to the ; variable by name; there may be other references to ; this memory location that don't use this label, and ; these will not be mentioned above.ASH SKIP 1 ; Aft shield status ; ; * 0 = empty ; ; * $FF = full ; ; [Show more]; ; This variable is used by the following: ; ; * DIALS (Part 4 of 4) ; * DOENTRY ; * Main flight loop (Part 13 of 16) ; * OOPS ; ; This list only includes code that refers to the ; variable by name; there may be other references to ; this memory location that don't use this label, and ; these will not be mentioned above.ENERGY SKIP 1 ; Energy bank status ; ; * 0 = empty ; ; * $FF = full ; ; [Show more]; ; This variable is used by the following: ; ; * DENGY ; * DIALS (Part 3 of 4) ; * DOENTRY ; * Main flight loop (Part 13 of 16) ; * Main flight loop (Part 15 of 16) ; * OOPS ; * STATUS ; ; This list only includes code that refers to the ; variable by name; there may be other references to ; this memory location that don't use this label, and ; these will not be mentioned above.QQ3 SKIP 1 ; The selected system's economy (0-7) ; ; * 0 = Rich Industrial ; * 1 = Average Industrial ; * 2 = Poor Industrial ; * 3 = Mainly Industrial ; * 4 = Mainly Agricultural ; * 5 = Rich Agricultural ; * 6 = Average Agricultural ; * 7 = Poor Agricultural ; ; [Show more]; ; This variable is used by the following: ; ; * BR1 (Part 2 of 2) ; * hyp1 ; * TT24 ; * TT25 ; ; This list only includes code that refers to the ; variable by name; there may be other references to ; this memory location that don't use this label, and ; these will not be mentioned above.QQ4 SKIP 1 ; The selected system's government (0-7) ; ; [Show more]; ; This variable is used by the following: ; ; * BR1 (Part 2 of 2) ; * hyp1 ; * TT24 ; * TT25 ; ; This list only includes code that refers to the ; variable by name; there may be other references to ; this memory location that don't use this label, and ; these will not be mentioned above.QQ5 SKIP 1 ; The selected system's tech level (0-14) ; ; [Show more]; ; This variable is used by the following: ; ; * BR1 (Part 2 of 2) ; * hyp1 ; * TT24 ; * TT25 ; ; This list only includes code that refers to the ; variable by name; there may be other references to ; this memory location that don't use this label, and ; these will not be mentioned above.QQ6 SKIP 2 ; The selected system's population in billions * 10 ; (1-71), so the maximum population is 7.1 billion ; ; [Show more]; ; This variable is used by the following: ; ; * TT24 ; * TT25 ; ; This list only includes code that refers to the ; variable by name; there may be other references to ; this memory location that don't use this label, and ; these will not be mentioned above.QQ7 SKIP 2 ; The selected system's productivity in M CR (96-62480) ; ; [Show more]; ; This variable is used by the following: ; ; * TT24 ; * TT25 ; ; This list only includes code that refers to the ; variable by name; there may be other references to ; this memory location that don't use this label, and ; these will not be mentioned above.QQ8 SKIP 2 ; The distance from the current system to the selected ; system in light years * 10, stored as a 16-bit number ; ; The distance will be 0 if the selected system is the ; current system ; ; The galaxy chart is 102.4 light years wide and 51.2 ; light years tall (see the intra-system distance ; calculations in routine TT111 for details), which ; equates to 1024 x 512 in terms of QQ8 ; ; [Show more]; ; This variable is used by the following: ; ; * Ghy ; * hyp ; * PDESC ; * TT111 ; * TT146 ; * TT18 ; * TT23 ; ; This list only includes code that refers to the ; variable by name; there may be other references to ; this memory location that don't use this label, and ; these will not be mentioned above.QQ9 SKIP 1 ; The galactic x-coordinate of the crosshairs in the ; galaxy chart (and, most of the time, the selected ; system's galactic x-coordinate) ; ; [Show more]; ; This variable is used by the following: ; ; * Ghy ; * HME2 ; * jmp ; * ping ; * TT103 ; * TT105 ; * TT111 ; * TT16 ; * TT22 ; ; This list only includes code that refers to the ; variable by name; there may be other references to ; this memory location that don't use this label, and ; these will not be mentioned above.QQ10 SKIP 1 ; The galactic y-coordinate of the crosshairs in the ; galaxy chart (and, most of the time, the selected ; system's galactic y-coordinate) ; ; [Show more]; ; This variable is used by the following: ; ; * Ghy ; * HME2 ; * jmp ; * TT103 ; * TT105 ; * TT111 ; * TT16 ; * TT22 ; ; This list only includes code that refers to the ; variable by name; there may be other references to ; this memory location that don't use this label, and ; these will not be mentioned above.NOSTM SKIP 1 ; The number of stardust particles shown on screen, ; which is 12 (#NOST) for normal space, and 3 for ; witchspace ; ; [Show more]; ; This variable is used by the following: ; ; * FLIP ; * MJP ; * nWq ; * RES2 ; * STARS1 ; * STARS2 ; * STARS6 ; ; This list only includes code that refers to the ; variable by name; there may be other references to ; this memory location that don't use this label, and ; these will not be mentioned abovePRINT "ZP workspace from ", ~ZP, "to ", ~P%-1, "inclusive"
Configuration variable NI% = 37
The number of bytes in each ship's data block (as stored in INWK and K%)