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Main loop: Main game loop (Part 4 of 6)

[Apple II version]

Name: Main game loop (Part 4 of 6) [Show more] Type: Subroutine Category: Main loop Summary: Potentially spawn a lone bounty hunter, a Thargoid, or up to four pirates Deep dive: Program flow of the main game loop Ship data blocks Fixing ship positions The elusive Cougar
Context: See this subroutine in context in the source code References: No direct references to this subroutine in this source file

This section covers the following: * Potentially spawn (35% chance) either a lone bounty hunter (a Cobra Mk III, Asp Mk II, Python or Fer-de-lance), a Thargoid, or a group of up to 4 pirates (a mix of Sidewinders, Mambas, Kraits, Adders, Geckos, Cobras Mk I and III, and Worms) * Also potentially spawn a Constrictor if this is the mission 1 endgame, or Thargoids if mission 2 is in progress
DEC EV ; Decrement EV, the extra vessels spawning delay, and if BPL MLOOPS ; it is still positive, jump to MLOOPS to stop spawning, ; so we only do the following when the EV counter runs ; down INC EV ; EV is negative, so bump it up again, setting it back ; to 0 LDA TP ; Fetch bits 2 and 3 of TP, which contain the status of AND #%00001100 ; mission 2 CMP #%00001000 ; If bit 3 is set and bit 2 is clear, keep going to BNE nopl ; spawn a Thargoid as we are transporting the plans in ; mission 2 and the Thargoids are trying to stop us, ; otherwise jump to nopl to skip spawning a Thargoid JSR DORND ; Set A and X to random numbers CMP #200 ; If the random number in A < 200 (78% chance), jump to BCC nopl ; nopl to skip spawning a Thargoid .fothg .fothg2 JSR GTHG ; Call GTHG to spawn a Thargoid ship and a Thargon ; companion .nopl JSR DORND ; Set A and X to random numbers LDY gov ; If the government of this system is 0 (anarchy), jump BEQ LABEL_2 ; straight to LABEL_2 to start spawning pirates or a ; lone bounty hunter CMP #90 ; If the random number in A >= 90 (65% chance), jump to BCS MLOOPS ; MLOOPS to stop spawning (so there's a 35% chance of ; spawning pirates or a lone bounty hunter) AND #7 ; Reduce the random number in A to the range 0-7, and CMP gov ; if A is less than government of this system, jump BCC MLOOPS ; to MLOOPS to stop spawning (so safer governments with ; larger gov numbers have a greater chance of jumping ; out, which is another way of saying that more ; dangerous systems spawn pirates and bounty hunters ; more often) .LABEL_2 ; Now to spawn a lone bounty hunter, a Thargoid or a ; group of pirates JSR Ze ; Call Ze to initialise INWK to a potentially hostile ; ship, and set A and X to random values ; ; Note that because Ze uses the value of X returned by ; DORND, and X contains the value of A returned by the ; previous call to DORND, this does not set the new ship ; to a totally random location CMP #100 ; If the random number in A >= 100 (61% chance), jump BCS mt1 ; to mt1 to spawn pirates, otherwise keep going to ; spawn a lone bounty hunter or a Thargoid INC EV ; Increase the extra vessels spawning counter, to ; prevent the next attempt to spawn extra vessels AND #3 ; Set A = random number in the range 0-3, which we ; will now use to determine the type of ship ADC #CYL2 ; Add A to #CYL2 (we know the C flag is clear as we ; passed through the BCS above), so A is now one of the ; lone bounty hunter ships, i.e. Cobra Mk III (pirate), ; Asp Mk II, Python (pirate) or Fer-de-lance ; ; Interestingly, this logic means that the Moray, which ; is the ship after the Fer-de-lance in the XX21 table, ; never spawns, as the above logic chooses a blueprint ; number in the range CYL2 to CYL2+3 (i.e. 24 to 27), ; and the Moray is blueprint 28 ; ; No other code spawns the ship with blueprint 28, so ; this means the Moray is never seen in Elite ; ; This is presumably a bug, which could be very easily ; fixed by inserting one of the following instructions ; before the ADC #CYL2 instruction above: ; ; * SEC would change the range to 25 to 28, which ; would cover the Asp Mk II, Python (pirate), ; Fer-de-lance and Moray ; ; * LSR A would set the C flag to a random number to ; give a range of 24 to 28, which would cover the ; Cobra Mk III (pirate), Asp Mk II, Python (pirate), ; Fer-de-lance and Moray ; ; It's hard to know what the authors' original intent ; was, but the second approach makes the Moray and Cobra ; Mk III the rarest choices, with the Asp Mk II, Python ; and Fer-de-Lance being more likely, and as the Moray ; is described in the literature as a rare ship, and the ; Cobra can already be spawned as part of a group of ; pirates (see mt1 below), I tend to favour the LSR A ; solution over the SEC approach TAY ; Copy the new ship type to Y JSR THERE ; Call THERE to see if we are in the Constrictor's ; system in mission 1 BCC NOCON ; If the C flag is clear then we are not in the ; Constrictor's system, so skip to NOCON LDA #%11111001 ; Set the AI flag of this ship so that it has E.C.M., STA INWK+32 ; has a very high aggression level of 28 out of 31, is ; hostile, and has AI enabled - nasty stuff! LDA TP ; Fetch bits 0 and 1 of TP, which contain the status of AND #%00000011 ; mission 1 LSR A ; Shift bit 0 into the C flag BCC NOCON ; If bit 0 is clear, skip to NOCON as mission 1 is not ; in progress ORA MANY+CON ; Bit 0 of A now contains bit 1 of TP, so this will be ; set if we have already completed mission 1, so this OR ; will be non-zero if we have either completed mission ; 1, or there is already a Constrictor in our local ; bubble of universe (in which case MANY+CON will be ; non-zero) BEQ YESCON ; If A = 0 then mission 1 is in progress, we haven't ; completed it yet, and there is no Constrictor in the ; vicinity, so jump to YESCON to spawn the Constrictor .NOCON LDA #%00000100 ; Set bit 2 of the NEWB flags and clear all other bits, STA NEWB ; so the ship we are about to spawn is hostile ; We now build the AI flag for this ship in A JSR DORND ; Set A and X to random numbers CMP #200 ; First, set the C flag if X >= 200 (22% chance) ROL A ; Set bit 0 of A to the C flag (i.e. there's a 22% ; chance of this ship having E.C.M.) ORA #%11000000 ; Set bits 6 and 7 of A, so the ship is hostile (bit 6) ; and has AI (bit 7) STA INWK+32 ; Store A in the AI flag of this ship TYA ; Set A to the new ship type in Y EQUB $2C ; Skip the next instruction by turning it into ; $2C $A9 $1F, or BIT $1FA9, which does nothing apart ; from affect the flags .YESCON LDA #CON ; If we jump straight here, we are in the mission 1 ; endgame and it's time to spawn the Constrictor, so ; set A to the Constrictor's type .focoug JSR NWSHP ; Spawn the new ship, whether it's a pirate, Thargoid, ; Cougar or Constrictor .mj1 JMP MLOOP ; Jump down to MLOOP, as we are done spawning ships ;.fothg ; These instructions are commented out in the original ; ; source ;LDA K+6 ;AND #$3E ;BNE fothg2 ; ;LDA #18 ;STA INWK+27 ; ;LDA #$79 ;STA INWK+32 ; ;LDA #COU ;BNE focoug .mt1 AND #3 ; It's time to spawn a group of pirates, so set A to a ; random number in the range 0-3, which will be the ; loop counter for spawning pirates below (so we will ; spawn 1-4 pirates) STA EV ; Delay further spawnings by this number STA XX13 ; Store the number in XX13, the pirate counter .mt3 JSR DORND ; Set A and X to random numbers STA T ; Set T to a random number JSR DORND ; Set A and X to random numbers AND T ; Set A to the AND of two random numbers, so each bit ; has 25% chance of being set which makes the chances ; of a smaller number higher AND #7 ; Reduce A to a random number in the range 0-7, though ; with a bigger chance of a smaller number in this range ADC #PACK ; #PACK is set to #SH3, the ship type for a Sidewinder, ; so this sets our new ship type to one of the pack ; hunters, namely a Sidewinder, Mamba, Krait, Adder, ; Gecko, Cobra Mk I, Worm or Cobra Mk III (pirate) JSR NWSHP ; Try adding a new ship of type A to the local bubble DEC XX13 ; Decrement the pirate counter BPL mt3 ; If we need more pirates, loop back up to mt3, ; otherwise we are done spawning, so fall through into ; the end of the main loop at MLOOP