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List of all subroutines

[NES version]

This index contains every subroutine and entry point that appears in the source code for the NES version of Elite, grouped by category. An entry points is a label within a subroutine that is called from outside the subroutine, which typically implements a subset or variation of the functionality of the parent subroutine.


DrawChartSystem (Bank 0)Draw system blobs on short-range chart
DrawCrosshairs (Bank 0)Draw a set of moveable crosshairs as a square reticle
HideCrosshairs (Bank 0)Hide the moveable crosshairs (i.e. the square reticle)
HME2 (Bank 0)Search the galaxy for a system
TT103 (Bank 0)Draw a small set of crosshairs on a chart
TT105 (Bank 0)Draw crosshairs on the Short-range Chart, with clipping
TT114 (Bank 0)Display either the Long-range or Short-range Chart
TT123 (Bank 0)Move galactic coordinates by a signed delta
TT16 (Bank 0)Move the crosshairs on a chart
TT180 (Bank 0)Contains an RTS
TT22 (Bank 0)Show the Long-range Chart
TT23 (Bank 0)Show the Short-range Chart

Combat demo

AutoPlayDemo (Bank 7)Automatically play the demo using the auto-play commands from the autoplayKeys tables
CalculateGridLines (Bank 6)Reset the line coordinate tables and populate them with the characters for a specified scroll text
DrawScrollFrame (Bank 6)Draw one frame of the scroll text
DrawScrollFrames (Bank 6)Draw a scroll text over multiple frames
DrawScrollInNMI (Bank 6)Configure the NMI handler to draw the scroll text screen
DrawScrollText (Bank 6)Display a Star Wars scroll text
FixRandomNumbers (Bank 7)Fix the random number seeds to a known value so the random numbers generated are always the same when we run the demo
GetScrollDivisions (Bank 6)Set up the division calculations for the scroll text
GRIDSET (Bank 6)Populate the line coordinate tables with the pixel lines for one 21-character line of scroll text
GRIDSET+5 (Bank 6)Use the y-coordinate in YP so the scroll text starts at (0, YP) rather than (0, 6)
GRS1 (Bank 6)Populate the line coordinate tables with the lines for a single scroll text character
PlayDemo (Bank 0)Play the combat demo
PlayDemo_b0 (Bank 7)Call the PlayDemo routine in ROM bank 0
ProjectScrollText (Bank 6)Project a scroll text coordinate onto the screen
RTS10 (Bank 6)Contains an RTS
RunDemoFlightLoop (Bank 0)Run a fixed number of iterations of the main flight loop for the combat demo
ScrollTextUpScreen (Bank 6)Go through the line y-coordinate table at Y1TB, moving each line coordinate up the screen by W2Y (i.e. by one full line of text)
SetDemoAutoPlay (Bank 5)Set up the NMI handler to automatically play the demo using the controller key presses in the autoPlayKeys table
SetDemoAutoPlay_b5 (Bank 7)Call the SetDemoAutoPlay routine in ROM bank 5
SetupDemoShip (Bank 0)Set up the ship workspace for a new ship in the combat demo
SetupDemoUniverse (Bank 7)Initialise the local bubble of universe for the demo
ShowScrollText (Bank 6)Show a scroll text and start the combat demo
ShowScrollText_b6 (Bank 7)Call the ShowScrollText routine in ROM bank 6


ChangeLetter (Bank 6)Choose a letter using the up and down buttons
decj2 (Bank 7)Return a value of X = 128, for the centre of the indicator
DecreaseJoystick (Bank 7)Decrease a joystick value by a specific amount, jumping straight to the indicator centre if we decrease from the right-hand side
DOKEY (Bank 0)Scan for the seven primary flight controls and apply the docking computer manoeuvring code
IncreaseJoystick (Bank 7)Increase a joystick value by a specific amount, jumping straight to the indicator centre if we increase from the left-hand side
InputName (Bank 6)Get a name from the controller for searching the galaxy or changing commander name
InputName_b6 (Bank 7)Call the InputName routine in ROM bank 6
PAUSE2 (Bank 2)Wait until a key is pressed, ignoring any existing key press
ReadControllers (Bank 7)Read the buttons on the controllers and update the control variables
RTS3 (Bank 7)Contains an RTS
ScanButtons (Bank 7)Scan a specific controller and update the control variables
SetControllerPast (Bank 7)Set the controller history variables to the values from four VBlanks ago
SetKeyLogger (Bank 6)Populate the key logger table with the controller button presses
SetKeyLogger_b6 (Bank 7)Call the SetKeyLogger routine in ROM bank 6
TT17 (Bank 0)Scan the key logger for the directional pad buttons
U% (Bank 0)Clear the key logger
UpdateJoystick (Bank 7)Update the values of JSTX and JSTY with the values from the controller
WaitForNoDirection (Bank 6)Wait until the left and right buttons on controller 1 have been released and remain released for at least four VBlanks
YESNO (Bank 0)Display "YES" or "NO" and wait until one is chosen


ABORT (Bank 0)Disarm missiles and update the dashboard indicators
ABORT2 (Bank 0)Set/unset the lock target for a missile and update the dashboard
BUMP2 (Bank 7)Bump up the value of the pitch or roll dashboard indicator
ClearScanner (Bank 7)Remove all ships from the scanner and hide the scanner sprites
cntr (Bank 7)Apply damping to the pitch or roll dashboard indicator
COMPAS (Bank 0)Update the compass
DIALS (Bank 6)Update the dashboard
DIALS_b6 (Bank 7)Call the DIALS routine in ROM bank 6
DILX (Bank 6)Update a bar-based indicator on the dashboard
DILX+2 (Bank 6)The range of the indicator is 0-64 (for the fuel and speed indicators)
djd1 (Bank 7)Auto-recentre the value in X, if keyboard auto-recentre is configured
DrawDashNames (Bank 3)Draw the dashboard into both the nametable buffers
DrawDashNames_b3 (Bank 7)Call the DrawDashNames routine in ROM bank 3
DrawPitchRollBars (Bank 0)Update the pitch and roll bars on the dashboard
ECBLB2 (Bank 7)Start up the E.C.M. (start the countdown and make the E.C.M. sound)
ECMOF (Bank 0)Switch off the E.C.M. and turn off the dashboard bulb
HideFromScanner (Bank 1)Hide the current ship from the scanner
HideFromScanner_b1 (Bank 7)Call the HideFromScanner routine in ROM bank 1
HideShip (Bank 1)Update the current ship so it is no longer shown on the scanner
HideShip_b1 (Bank 7)Update the current ship so it is no longer shown on the scanner
MSBAR (Bank 7)Draw a specific indicator in the dashboard's missile bar
MSBAR_b6 (Bank 6)Draw a specific indicator in the dashboard's missile bar
msblob (Bank 0)Display the dashboard's missile indicators in black or grey
RE2+2 (Bank 7)Restore A from T and return from the subroutine
REDU2 (Bank 7)Reduce the value of the pitch or roll dashboard indicator
ResetScanner (Bank 3)Reset the sprites used for drawing ships on the scanner
ResetScanner_b3 (Bank 7)Call the ResetScanner routine in ROM bank 3
SCAN (Bank 1)Display the current ship on the scanner
SCAN_b1 (Bank 7)Call the SCAN routine in ROM bank 1
SP1 (Bank 0)Draw the space station on the compass
SP2 (Bank 0)Draw a dot on the compass, given the planet/station vector
WPSHPS (Bank 0)Set all ships to be hidden from the screen

Drawing circles

BLINE (Bank 1)Draw a circle segment and add it to the ball line heap
CHKON (Bank 1)Check whether any part of a circle appears on the extended screen
CIRCLE (Bank 1)Draw a circle for the planet
CIRCLE2 (Bank 1)Draw a circle (for the planet or chart)
CIRCLE2_b1 (Bank 7)Call the CIRCLE2 routine in ROM bank 1
TT128 (Bank 0)Draw a circle on a chart
TT14 (Bank 0)Draw a circle with crosshairs on a chart

Drawing lines

CLIP (Bank 1)Another name for LL145 CLIP2 Don't initialise the values in SWAP or A
CLIP2 (Bank 1)Don't initialise the values in SWAP or A
CLIP_b1 (Bank 7)Call the CLIP routine in ROM bank 1, drawing the clipped line if it fits on-screen
DrawVerticalLine (Part 1 of 3) (Bank 7)Draw a vertical line from (X1, Y1) to (X1, Y2)
DrawVerticalLine (Part 2 of 3) (Bank 7)Draw the top end or bottom end of the line
DrawVerticalLine (Part 3 of 3) (Bank 7)Draw the middle portion of the line from full-height blocks
EDGES (Bank 1)Draw a horizontal line given a centre and a half-width
EDGES-2 (Bank 1)Return the C flag set if argument A is 0
HLOIN (Part 1 of 5) (Bank 7)Draw a horizontal line from (X1, Y) to (X2, Y) using EOR logic
HLOIN (Part 2 of 5) (Bank 7)Draw the left end of the line
HLOIN (Part 3 of 5) (Bank 7)Draw the middle part of the line
HLOIN (Part 4 of 5) (Bank 7)Draw the right end of the line
HLOIN (Part 5 of 5) (Bank 7)Draw the line when it's all within one character block
LASLI (Bank 0)Draw the laser lines for when we fire our lasers
LASLI-1 (Bank 0)Contains an RTS
LL118 (Bank 1)Move a point along a line until it is on-screen
LL118-1 (Bank 1)Contains an RTS
LL145 (Part 1 of 4) (Bank 1)Clip line: Work out which end-points are on-screen, if any
LL145 (Part 2 of 4) (Bank 1)Clip line: Work out if any part of the line is on-screen
LL145 (Part 3 of 4) (Bank 1)Clip line: Calculate the line's gradient
LL145 (Part 4 of 4) (Bank 1)Clip line: Call the routine in LL188 to do the actual clipping
LOIN (Part 1 of 7) (Bank 7)Draw a line: Calculate the line gradient in the form of deltas
LOIN (Part 2 of 7) (Bank 7)Draw a line: Line has a shallow gradient, step right along x-axis
LOIN (Part 3 of 7) (Bank 7)Draw a shallow line going right and up or left and down
LOIN (Part 4 of 7) (Bank 7)Draw a shallow line going right and down or left and up
LOIN (Part 5 of 7) (Bank 7)Draw a line: Line has a steep gradient, step up along y-axis
LOIN (Part 6 of 7) (Bank 7)Draw a steep line going up and left or down and right
LOIN (Part 7 of 7) (Bank 7)Draw a steep line going up and right or down and left
NLIN2 (Bank 7)Draw a horizontal line on tile row 2 to box in a title
NLIN3 (Bank 7)Print a title and draw a screen-wide horizontal line on tile row 2 to box it in
NLIN4 (Bank 7)Draw a horizontal line on tile row 2 to box in a title
TT15 (Bank 0)Draw a set of crosshairs

Drawing pixels

DrawDash (Bank 7)Draw a two-pixel dash
PIXEL (Bank 7)Draw a one-pixel dot
PIXEL2 (Bank 1)Draw a stardust particle relative to the screen centre
pixl2 (Bank 7)Restore the value of Y and return from the subroutine

Drawing planets

PL21 (Bank 1)Return from a planet/sun-drawing routine with a failure flag
PL21S-1 (Bank 7)Set the C flag and return from the subroutine
PL40 (Bank 1)Contains an RTS
PL44 (Bank 1)Return from a planet/sun-drawing routine with a success flag
PL9 (Part 1 of 3) (Bank 1)Draw the planet, with either an equator and meridian, or a crater
PL9 (Part 2 of 3) (Bank 1)Draw the planet's equator and meridian
PL9 (Part 3 of 3) (Bank 1)Draw the planet's crater
PLANET (Bank 1)Draw the planet or sun
PLS1 (Bank 1)Calculate (Y A) = nosev_x / z
PLS2 (Bank 1)Draw a half-ellipse
PLS22 (Bank 1)Draw an ellipse or half-ellipse
PLS3 (Bank 1)Calculate (Y A P) = 222 * roofv_x / z
PLS4 (Bank 1)Calculate CNT2 = arctan(P / A) / 4
PLS5 (Bank 1)Calculate roofv_x / z and roofv_y / z
PLS6 (Bank 7)Calculate (X K) = (A P+1 P) / (z_sign z_hi z_lo)

Drawing ships

DOEXP (Bank 1)Draw an exploding ship
DrawExplosionBurst (Bank 1)Draw an exploding ship along with an explosion burst made up of colourful sprites
DrawShipInBitplane (Bank 7)Flip the drawing bitplane and draw the current ship in the newly flipped bitplane
EE51 (Bank 1)Remove the current ship from the screen, called from SHPPT before drawing the ship as a point
EXS1 (Bank 1)Set (A X) = (A R) +/- random * cloud size
GetDefaultNEWB (Bank 7)Fetch the default NEWB flags for a specified ship type
GetShipBlueprint (Bank 7)Fetch a specified byte from the current ship blueprint
HideExplosionBurst (Bank 7)Hide the four sprites that make up the explosion burst that flashes up when a ship explodes
LL10-1 (Bank 1)Contains an RTS
LL66 (Bank 1)A re-entry point into the ship-drawing routine, used by the LL62 routine to store 128 - (U R) on the XX3 heap
LL70+1 (Bank 1)Contains an RTS (as the first byte of an LDA instruction)
LL9 (Part 1 of 12) (Bank 1)Draw ship: Check if ship is exploding, check if ship is in front
LL9 (Part 2 of 12) (Bank 1)Draw ship: Check if ship is in field of view, close enough to draw
LL9 (Part 3 of 12) (Bank 1)Draw ship: Set up orientation vector, ship coordinate variables
LL9 (Part 4 of 12) (Bank 1)Draw ship: Set visibility for exploding ship (all faces visible)
LL9 (Part 5 of 12) (Bank 1)Draw ship: Calculate the visibility of each of the ship's faces
LL9 (Part 6 of 12) (Bank 1)Draw ship: Calculate the visibility of each of the ship's vertices
LL9 (Part 7 of 12) (Bank 1)Draw ship: Calculate the visibility of each of the ship's vertices
LL9 (Part 8 of 12) (Bank 1)Draw ship: Calculate the screen coordinates of visible vertices
LL9 (Part 9 of 12) (Bank 1)Draw ship: Draw laser beams if the ship is firing its laser at us
LL9 (Part 10 of 12) (Bank 1)Draw ship: Calculate the visibility of each of the ship's edges
LL9 (Part 11 of 12) (Bank 1)Draw ship: Loop back for the next edge
LL9 (Part 12 of 12) (Bank 1)Does nothing in the NES version
LL9_b1 (Bank 7)Call the LL9 routine in ROM bank 1
SHPPT (Bank 1)Draw a distant ship as a point rather than a full wireframe

Drawing sprites

DrawSpriteImage (Bank 6)Draw an image out of sprites using patterns in sequential tiles in the pattern buffer
DrawSpriteImage+2 (Bank 6)Set the attributes for the sprites in the image to A
DrawSpriteImage_b6 (Bank 7)Call the DrawSpriteImage routine in ROM bank 6
FadeAndHideSprites (Bank 7)Fade the screen to black and hide all sprites
HideMoreSprites (Bank 7)Hide X + 1 sprites from sprite Y / 4 onwards
HideMostSprites (Bank 7)Hide all sprites except for sprite 0 and the icon bar pointer
HideSprites (Bank 7)Hide X sprites from sprite Y / 4 onwards
SendPaletteSprites (Bank 7)Send the current palette and sprite data to the PPU
SetScreenForUpdate (Bank 7)Get the screen ready for updating by hiding all sprites, after fading the screen to black if we are changing view

Drawing suns

DrawSunEdge (Bank 1)Draw a sun line from (X1, Y) to (X2, Y)
DrawSunEdgeLeft (Bank 1)Draw a sun line in the tile on the left end of a sun row
DrawSunEdgeRight (Bank 1)Draw a sun line in the tile on the right end of a sun row
DrawSunRowOfBlocks (Bank 7)Draw a row of character blocks that contain sunlight, silhouetting any existing content against the sun
PLFL (Bank 1)Calculate the sun's width on a given pixel row
RTS2 (Bank 1)Contains an RTS
RTS7 (Bank 1)Contains an RTS DrawSunEdge Draw a sun line from (X1, Y) to (X2, Y)
SUN (Part 1 of 2) (Bank 1)Draw the sun: Set up all the variables needed to draw the sun
SUN (Part 2 of 2) (Bank 1)Draw the sun: Starting from the bottom of the sun, draw the new sun line by line
SUN_b1 (Bank 7)Call the SUN routine in ROM bank 1

Drawing the screen

ChangeToView (Bank 0)Clear the screen and set a new view type
ChangeToView_b0 (Bank 7)Call the ChangeToView routine in ROM bank 0
ClearBuffers (Bank 7)If there are enough free cycles, clear down the nametable and pattern buffers for both bitplanes
ClearDashEdge (Bank 6)Clear the right edge of the dashboard
ClearDashEdge_b6 (Bank 7)Call the ClearDashEdge routine in ROM bank 6
ClearDrawingPlane (Part 1 of 3) (Bank 7)Clear the nametable and pattern buffers for the newly flipped drawing plane
ClearDrawingPlane (Part 2 of 3) (Bank 7)Clear the nametable buffers for the newly flipped drawing plane
ClearDrawingPlane (Part 3 of 3) (Bank 7)Clear the pattern buffers for the newly flipped drawing plane
ClearPlaneBuffers (Part 1 of 2) (Bank 7)Clear the nametable and pattern buffers of data that has already been sent to the PPU, starting with the nametable buffer
ClearPlaneBuffers (Part 2 of 2) (Bank 7)Clear the pattern buffer of data that has already been sent to the PPU for the current bitplane
ClearScreen (Bank 3)Clear the screen by clearing patterns 66 to 255 in both pattern buffers, and clearing both nametable buffers to the background
ClearScreen_b3 (Bank 7)Call the ClearScreen routine in ROM bank 3
CLYNS (Bank 7)Clear the bottom two text rows of the visible screen
CLYNS+8 (Bank 7)Don't zero DLY and de
CopyNameBuffer0To1 (Bank 7)Copy the contents of nametable buffer 0 to nametable buffer 1
DrawBackground (Bank 3)Draw the background of a system or commander image into the nametable buffer
DrawBackground_b3 (Bank 7)Call the DrawBackground routine in ROM bank 3
DrawBitplaneInNMI (Bank 7)Configure the NMI to send the drawing bitplane to the PPU after drawing the box edges and setting the next free tile number
DrawBoxEdges (Bank 7)Draw the left and right edges of the box along the sides of the screen, drawing into the nametable buffer for the drawing bitplane
DrawBoxTop (Bank 7)Draw the top edge of the box along the top of the screen in nametable buffer 0
DrawImageFrame (Bank 3)Draw a frame around the system image or commander headshot
DrawImageFrame_b3 (Bank 7)Call the DrawImageFrame routine in ROM bank 3
DrawImageNames (Bank 4)Set the nametable buffer entries for the specified image
DrawImageNames_b4 (Bank 7)Call the DrawImageNames routine in ROM bank 4
DrawMessageInNMI (Bank 7)Configure the NMI to send the portion of the screen that contains the in-flight message to the PPU (i.e. tile rows 22 to 24)
DrawRowOfTiles (Bank 3)Draw a row of tiles into the nametable buffer
DrawScreenInNMI (Bank 0)Configure the NMI handler to draw the screen
DrawScreenInNMI_b0 (Bank 7)Call the DrawScreenInNMI routine in ROM bank 0
DrawSmallBox (Bank 3)Draw a small box, typically used for popups or outlines
DrawSmallBox_b3 (Bank 7)Call the DrawSmallBox routine in ROM bank 3
DrawSpaceViewInNMI (Bank 0)Configure the NMI handler to draw the space view
FadeColours (Bank 3)Fade the screen colours towards black
FadeColoursTwice (Bank 3)Fade the screen colours towards black twice
FadeToBlack (Bank 3)Fade the screen to black over the next four VBlanks
FadeToBlack_b3 (Bank 7)Call the FadeToBlack routine in ROM bank 3
FadeToColour (Bank 3)Reverse-fade the screen from black to full colour over the next four VBlanks
FadeToColour_b3 (Bank 7)Call the FadeToColour routine in ROM bank 3
FlipDrawingPlane (Bank 7)Flip the drawing bitplane
GetNameAddress (Bank 3)Get the addresses in the nametable buffers for a given tile
GetRowNameAddress (Bank 7)Get the addresses in the nametable buffers for the start of a given character row
GetViewPalettes (Bank 3)Get the palette for the view type in QQ11a and store it in a table at XX3
HideHiddenColour (Bank 0)Set the hidden colour to black, so that pixels in this colour in palette 0 are invisible
oh (Bank 0)Contains an RTS
RedrawCurrentView (Bank 0)Update the current view when we arrive in a new system
ResetBuffers (Bank 7)Reset the pattern and nametable buffers
SetDrawingBitplane (Bank 7)Set the drawing bitplane to a specified value
SetDrawingPlaneTo0 (Bank 7)Set the drawing bitplane to 0
SetDrawPlaneFlags (Bank 7)Set the drawing bitplane flags to the specified value, draw the box edges and set the next free tile number
SetLinePatterns (Bank 3)Copy the patterns for horizontal line, vertical line and block images into the pattern buffers, depending on the view
SetLinePatterns_b3 (Bank 7)Call the SetLinePatterns routine in ROM bank 3
SetNewViewType (Bank 0)Clear the screen, set the current view type and move the cursor to row 0
SetPaletteColours (Bank 3)Set the view's palette from the entries in the XX3 palette table
SetPaletteForView (Bank 7)Send palette 0 for the current view to the PPU
SetPatternBuffer (Bank 7)Set the high byte of the pattern buffer address variables
SetScreenHeight (Bank 0)Set the screen height variables to the specified height
SetSpaceViewInNMI (Bank 0)Change the current space view and configure the NMI to send both bitplanes to the PPU during VBlank
SetupFullViewInNMI (Bank 7)Configure the PPU to send tiles for the full screen during VBlank
SetupSpaceView (Bank 0)Set up the NMI variables for the space view
SetupViewInNMI (Bank 3)Setup the view and configure the NMI to send both bitplanes to the PPU during VBlank
SetupViewInNMI_b3 (Bank 7)Call the SetupViewInNMI routine in ROM bank 3
SetViewAttrs (Bank 3)Set up attribute buffer 0 for the chosen view
SetViewAttrs_b3 (Bank 7)Call the SetViewAttrs routine in ROM bank 3
TT66 (Bank 0)Clear the screen and set the new view type
TT66_b0 (Bank 7)Call the TT66 routine in ROM bank 0
UpdateView (Bank 0)Update the view
UpdateView_b0 (Bank 7)Call the UpdateView routine in ROM bank 0
UpdateViewWithFade (Bank 7)Fade the screen to black, if required, hide all sprites and update the view


c (Bank 0)Contains an RTS
DrawCobraMkIII (Bank 0)Draw the Cobra Mk III on the Equip Ship screen
DrawEquipment (Bank 6)Draw the currently fitted equipment onto the Cobra Mk III image on the Equip Ship screen
DrawEquipment_b6 (Bank 7)Call the DrawEquipment routine in ROM bank 6
eq (Bank 0)Subtract the price of equipment from the cash pot
EQSHP (Bank 0)Show the Equip Ship screen
equi1 (Bank 0)A re-entry point into the key-pressing loop, used when processing key presses in subroutines
GetLaserPattern (Bank 6)Get the pattern number for a specific laser's equipment sprite
HighlightEquipment (Bank 0)Highlight an item of equipment on the Equip Ship screen
HighlightLaserView (Bank 0)Highlight the laser view name in the popup menu
MoveEquipmentDown (Bank 0)Move the currently selected item down the list of equipment
MoveEquipmentUp (Bank 0)Move the currently selected item up the list of equipment
pres (Bank 0)Given an item number A with the item name in recursive token Y, show an error to say that the item is already present, refund the cost of the item, and then beep and exit to the docking bay (i.e. show the Status Mode screen)
PrintEquipment (Bank 0)Print the name and price for a specified item of equipment
PrintEquipment+2 (Bank 0)Print the item number in X
PrintLaserView (Bank 0)Print the name of a laser view in the laser-buying popup, filled to the right by the correct number of spaces to fill the popup
prx (Bank 0)Return the price of a piece of equipment
prx-3 (Bank 0)Return the price of the item with number A - 1 c Contains an RTS
qv (Bank 0)Print a popup menu of the four space views, for buying lasers
refund (Bank 0)Install a new laser, processing a refund if applicable
SetEquipmentSprite (Bank 6)Set up the sprites in the sprite buffer for a specific bit of equipment to show on our Cobra Mk III on the Equip Ship screen
SetLaserSprite (Bank 6)Set up the sprites in the sprite buffer for a specific laser to show on our Cobra Mk III on the Equip Ship screen
UpdateEquipment (Bank 0)Highlight the newly chosen item of equipment, update the Cobra Mk III, redraw the screen and rejoin the main EQSHP routine


ChargeShields (Bank 0)Charge the shields and energy banks
CheckAltitude (Bank 0)Perform an altitude check with the planet, ending the game if we hit the ground
CheckJumpSafety (Bank 0)Check whether we are far enough away from the planet and sun to be able to do an in-system (fast-forward) jump
CheckJumpSafety+2 (Bank 0)Check the distances against the value of 0.5 * A
DCS1 (Bank 0)Calculate the vector from the ideal docking position to the ship
DENGY (Bank 0)Drain some energy from the energy banks
dockEd (Bank 0)Print a message to say there is no hyperspacing allowed inside the station
DOCKIT (Bank 0)Apply docking manoeuvres to the ship in INWK
DOENTRY (Bank 0)Dock at the space station, show the ship hangar and work out any mission progression
DrawLaunchBox (Bank 6)Draw a box as part of the launch tunnel animation
DrawLaunchBox_b6 (Bank 7)Call the DrawLaunchBox routine in ROM bank 6
DrawLightning (Bank 6)Draw a lightning effect for the launch tunnel and E.C.M. that consists of two random lightning bolts, one above the other
DrawLightning_b6 (Bank 7)Call the DrawLightning routine in ROM bank 6
ESCAPE (Bank 0)Launch our escape pod
FastForwardJump (Bank 0)Perform an in-system jump
GalacticHyperdrive (Bank 0)If we are in space and the countdown has ended, activate the galactic hyperdrive
Ghy (Bank 0)Perform a galactic hyperspace jump
HideSightSprites (Bank 3)Hide the sprites for the laser sights in the space view
hyp (Bank 0)Start the hyperspace process
InSystemJump (Bank 0)Perform an in-system (fast-forward) jump
LAUN (Bank 0)Make the launch sound and draw the launch tunnel
LL164 (Bank 6)Make the hyperspace sound and draw the hyperspace tunnel
LL164_b6 (Bank 7)Call the LL164 routine in ROM bank 6
LO2 (Bank 0)Contains an RTS
LOOK1 (Bank 0)Initialise the space view
MA232 (Bank 0)Contains an RTS
mes9 (Bank 0)Print a text token, possibly followed by " DESTROYED"
mes9+3 (Bank 0)Don't print the text token, just print " DESTROYED" where applicable
MESS (Bank 0)Display an in-flight message
MJP (Bank 0)Process a mis-jump into witchspace
OOPS (Bank 0)Take some damage
ou2 (Bank 0)Display "E.C.M.SYSTEM DESTROYED" as an in-flight message
ou3 (Bank 0)Display "FUEL SCOOPS DESTROYED" as an in-flight message
OUCH (Bank 0)Potentially lose cargo or equipment following damage
ouch1 (Bank 0)Print the token in A as an in-flight message
PLUT (Bank 0)Flip the coordinate axes for the four different views
ResetShipStatus (Bank 0)Reset the ship's speed, hyperspace counter, laser temperature, shields and energy banks
SESCP (Bank 0)Spawn an escape pod from the current (parent) ship
SHD (Bank 0)Charge a shield and drain some energy from the energy banks
SIGHT (Bank 3)Draw the laser crosshairs
SIGHT_b3 (Bank 7)Call the SIGHT routine in ROM bank 3
TT110 (Bank 0)Launch from a station or show the front space view
TT147 (Bank 0)Print an error when a system is out of hyperspace range
TT18 (Bank 0)Try to initiate a jump into hyperspace
WARP (Bank 0)Process the fast-forward button to end the demo, dock instantly or perform an in-system jump
wW (Bank 0)Start a hyperspace countdown
wW2 (Bank 0)Start the hyperspace countdown, starting the countdown from the value in A
zZ+1 (Bank 0)Contains an RTS

Icon bar

BlankAllButtons (Bank 3)Blank all the buttons on the icon bar
BlankButtons6To11 (Bank 3)Blank from the sixth to the eleventh button on the icon bar
BlankButtons8To11 (Bank 3)Blank from the eighth to the eleventh button on the icon bar
CheckForPause (Bank 0)Pause the game if the pause button (Start) is pressed
CheckForPause-3 (Bank 0)Set A to the number of the icon bar button in iconBarChoice so we check whether the pause button is being pressed
CheckForPause_b0 (Bank 7)Call the CheckForPause routine in ROM bank 0
CheckPauseButton (Bank 7)Check whether the pause button has been pressed or an icon bar button has been chosen, and process pause/unpause if required
dock2 (Bank 3)Process the second button on the Docked or Flight icon bars
Draw2OptionTiles (Bank 3)Draw a top and bottom tile over the top of an icon bar button in the Pause icon bar to change an option icon to a non-default state
Draw4OptionTiles (Bank 3)Draw four tiles over the top of an icon bar button in the Pause icon bar to change an option icon to a non-default state
Draw6OptionTiles (Bank 3)Draw six tiles over the top of an icon bar button in the Pause icon bar to change an option icon to a non-default state
DrawBlankButton2x2 (Bank 3)Draw a blank icon bar button as a 2x2 tile block
DrawBlankButton3x2 (Bank 3)Draw a blank icon bar button as a 3x2 tile block
DrawIconBar (Bank 3)Draw the icon bar into the nametable buffers for both bitplanes
DrawInventoryIcon (Bank 7)Draw the inventory icon on top of the second button in the icon bar
fbar11 (Bank 3)Process the fast-forward and Market Price buttons
fbar8 (Bank 3)Process the escape pod, fast-forward and Market Price buttons
HideIconBar (Bank 3)Remove the icon bar from the screen by replacing it with background tiles
HideIconBarPointer (Bank 7)Clear the icon bar choice and hide the icon bar pointer
hipo2 (Bank 7)Clear the icon button choice and hide the icon bar pointer
MoveIconBarPointer (Bank 7)Move the sprites that make up the icon bar pointer and record any choices
PauseGame (Bank 6)Pause the game and process choices from the pause menu until the game is unpaused by another press of Start
PauseGame_b6 (Bank 7)Call the PauseGame routine in ROM bank 6
ReturnFromSearch (Bank 0)Re-entry point following a system search in HME2
RTS9 (Bank 3)Contains an RTS
SetIconBarButtons (Bank 3)Set the correct list of button numbers for the icon bar
SetIconBarButtonsS (Bank 3)Set the correct list of button numbers for the icon bar (this is a jump so we can call this routine using a branch instruction)
SetIconBarPointer (Bank 7)Set the icon bar pointer to a specific position
SetIconBarRow (Bank 3)Set the row on which the icon bar appears, which depends on the view type
SetupIconBar (Bank 3)Set up the icons on the icon bar to show all available options
SetupIconBar_b3 (Bank 7)Call the SetupIconBar routine in ROM bank 3
SetupIconBarCharts (Bank 3)Set up the Charts icon bar
SetupIconBarDocked (Bank 3)Set up the Docked icon bar
SetupIconBarFlight (Bank 3)Set up the Flight icon bar
SetupIconBarPause (Bank 3)Set up the game options shown on the icon bar when the game is paused
ShowIconBar (Bank 3)Show a specified icon bar on-screen
ShowIconBar_b3 (Bank 7)Call the ShowIconBar routine in ROM bank 3
TT102 (Bank 0)Process icon bar controller choices
UpdateIconBar (Bank 3)Update the icon bar
UpdateIconBar_b3 (Bank 7)Call the UpdateIconBar routine in ROM bank 3

Main loop

FlightLoop4To16 (Bank 0)Display in-flight messages, call parts 4 to 12 of the main flight loop for each slot, and fall through into parts 13 to 16
FRCE (Bank 0)The entry point for the main game loop if we want to jump straight to a specific screen, by pretending to "press" a key, in which case A contains the internal key number of the key we want to "press"
GOIN (Bank 0)We jump here from part 3 of the main flight loop if the docking computer is activated by pressing "C"
M% (Bank 0)The entry point for the main flight loop
MA18 (Bank 0)Entry point for part 13 of the main flight loop
Main flight loop (Part 1 of 16) (Bank 0)Seed the random number generator
Main flight loop (Part 2 of 16) (Bank 0)Calculate the alpha and beta angles from the current pitch and roll of our ship
Main flight loop (Part 3 of 16) (Bank 0)Scan for flight keys and process the results
Main flight loop (Part 4 of 16) (Bank 0)For each nearby ship: Copy the ship's data block from K% to the zero-page workspace at INWK
Main flight loop (Part 5 of 16) (Bank 0)For each nearby ship: If an energy bomb has been set off, potentially kill this ship
Main flight loop (Part 6 of 16) (Bank 0)For each nearby ship: Move the ship in space and copy the updated INWK data block back to K%
Main flight loop (Part 7 of 16) (Bank 0)For each nearby ship: Check whether we are docking, scooping or colliding with it
Main flight loop (Part 8 of 16) (Bank 0)For each nearby ship: Process us potentially scooping this item
Main flight loop (Part 9 of 16) (Bank 0)For each nearby ship: If it is a space station, check whether we are successfully docking with it
Main flight loop (Part 10 of 16) (Bank 0)For each nearby ship: Remove if scooped, or process collisions
Main flight loop (Part 11 of 16) (Bank 0)For each nearby ship: Process missile lock and firing our laser
Main flight loop (Part 12 of 16) (Bank 0)For each nearby ship: Draw the ship, remove if killed, loop back
Main flight loop (Part 13 of 16) (Bank 0)Show energy bomb effect, charge shields and energy banks
Main flight loop (Part 14 of 16) (Bank 0)Spawn a space station if we are close enough to the planet
Main flight loop (Part 15 of 16) (Bank 0)Perform altitude checks with the planet and sun and process fuel scooping if appropriate
Main flight loop (Part 16 of 16) (Bank 0)Call stardust routine
Main game loop (Part 1 of 6) (Bank 0)Spawn a trader (a Cobra Mk III, Python, Boa or Anaconda)
Main game loop (Part 2 of 6) (Bank 0)Call the main flight loop, and potentially spawn a trader, an asteroid, or a cargo canister
Main game loop (Part 3 of 6) (Bank 0)Potentially spawn a cop, particularly if we've been bad
Main game loop (Part 4 of 6) (Bank 0)Potentially spawn a lone bounty hunter, a Thargoid, or up to four pirates
Main game loop (Part 5 of 6) (Bank 0)Cool down lasers, make calls to update the dashboard
Main game loop (Part 6 of 6) (Bank 0)Process non-flight key presses (icon bar selections)
MAL1 (Bank 0)Marks the beginning of the ship analysis loop, so we can jump back here from part 12 of the main flight loop to work our way through each ship in the local bubble. We also jump back here when a ship is removed from the bubble, so we can continue processing from the next ship
MLOOP (Bank 0)The entry point for the main game loop. This entry point comes after the call to the main flight loop and spawning routines, so it marks the start of the main game loop for when we are docked (as we don't need to call the main flight loop or spawning routines if we aren't in space)
TT100 (Bank 0)The entry point for the start of the main game loop, which calls the main flight loop and the moves into the spawning routine


BuyAndSellCargo (Bank 0)Process the buying and selling of cargo on the Market Price screen
dn (Bank 0)Print the amount of money we have left in the cash pot
HighlightSaleItem (Bank 0)Highlight the name, price and availability of a market item on the correct row for the chosen language
PrintCash (Bank 0)Print our cash levels in the correct place for the chosen language
PrintMarketItem (Bank 0)Print the name, price and availability of a market item on the correct row for the chosen language
PrintNumberInHold (Bank 0)Print the number of units of a specified item that we have in the hold
tnpr (Bank 0)Work out if we have space for a specific amount of cargo
tnpr1 (Bank 0)Work out if we have space for one tonne of cargo
TT151 (Bank 0)Print the name, price and availability of a market item
TT152 (Bank 0)Print the unit ("t", "kg" or "g") for a market item
TT160 (Bank 0)Print "t" (for tonne) and a space
TT161 (Bank 0)Print "kg" (for kilograms)
TT163 (Bank 0)Print the headers for the table of market prices
TT167 (Bank 0)Show the Market Price screen
TT16a (Bank 0)Print "g" (for grams)
TT210 (Bank 0)Show a list of current cargo in our hold, optionally to sell
TT213 (Bank 0)Show the Inventory screen
var (Bank 0)Calculate QQ19+3 = economy * |economic_factor|

Maths (Arithmetic)

ADD (Bank 7)Calculate (A X) = (A P) + (S R)
DORND (Bank 7)Generate random numbers
DORND2 (Bank 7)Make sure the C flag doesn't affect the outcome
DV41 (Bank 7)Calculate (P R) = 256 * DELTA / A
DV42 (Bank 7)Calculate (P R) = 256 * DELTA / z_hi
DVID3B2 (Bank 7)Calculate K(3 2 1 0) = (A P+1 P) / (z_sign z_hi z_lo)
DVID4 (Bank 7)Calculate (P R) = 256 * A / Q
DVIDT (Bank 1)Calculate (P+1 A) = (A P) / Q
FMLTU (Bank 7)Calculate A = A * Q / 256
FMLTU2 (Bank 7)Calculate A = K * sin(A)
GC2 (Bank 0)Calculate (Y X) = (A P) * 4
LCASH (Bank 0)Subtract an amount of cash from the cash pot
LL120 (Bank 1)Calculate (Y X) = (S x1_lo) * XX12+2 or (S x1_lo) / XX12+2
LL121 (Bank 1)Calculate (Y X) = (S R) / Q and set the sign to the opposite of the top byte on the stack
LL122 (Bank 1)Calculate (Y X) = (S R) * Q and set the sign to the opposite of the top byte on the stack
LL123 (Bank 1)Calculate (Y X) = (S R) / XX12+2 or (S R) * XX12+2
LL128 (Bank 1)Contains an RTS
LL129 (Bank 1)Calculate Q = XX12+2, A = S EOR XX12+3 and (S R) = |S R|
LL133 (Bank 1)Negate (Y X) and return from the subroutine LL128 Contains an RTS
LL28 (Bank 7)Calculate R = 256 * A / Q
LL28+4 (Bank 7)Skips the A >= Q check and always returns with C flag cleared, so this can be called if we know the division will work
LL38 (Bank 1)Calculate (S A) = (S R) + (A Q)
LL5 (Bank 7)Calculate Q = SQRT(R Q)
LL61 (Bank 1)Calculate (U R) = 256 * A / Q
LL62 (Bank 1)Calculate 128 - (U R)
MAD (Bank 7)Calculate (A X) = Q * A + (S R)
MAS3 (Bank 0)Calculate A = x_hi^2 + y_hi^2 + z_hi^2 in the K% block
MCASH (Bank 0)Add an amount of cash to the cash pot
MLS1 (Bank 7)Calculate (A P) = ALP1 * A
MLS2 (Bank 7)Calculate (S R) = XX(1 0) and (A P) = A * ALP1
MLTU2 (Bank 7)Calculate (A P+1 P) = (A ~P) * Q
MLTU2-2 (Bank 7)Set Q to X, so this calculates (A P+1 P) = (A ~P) * X
MLU1 (Bank 7)Calculate Y1 = y_hi and (A P) = |y_hi| * Q for Y-th stardust
MLU2 (Bank 7)Calculate (A P) = |A| * Q
MU1 (Bank 7)Copy X into P and A, and clear the C flag
MU11 (Bank 7)Calculate (A P) = P * X
MU5 (Bank 7)Set K(3 2 1 0) = (A A A A) and clear the C flag
MU6 (Bank 7)Set P(1 0) = (A A)
MULT1 (Bank 7)Calculate (A P) = Q * A
MULT12 (Bank 7)Calculate (S R) = Q * A
MULT3 (Bank 7)Calculate K(3 2 1 0) = (A P+1 P) * Q
MULTS-2 (Bank 7)Calculate (A P) = X * A
MULTU (Bank 7)Calculate (A P) = P * Q
MUT1 (Bank 7)Calculate R = XX and (A P) = Q * A
MUT2 (Bank 7)Calculate (S R) = XX(1 0) and (A P) = Q * A
MUT3 (Bank 7)An unused routine that does the same as MUT2
SPS2 (Bank 0)Calculate X = A / 16
SQUA (Bank 7)Clear bit 7 of A and calculate (A P) = A * A
SQUA2 (Bank 7)Calculate (A P) = A * A
TAS1 (Bank 0)Calculate K3 = (x_sign x_hi x_lo) - V(1 0)
TIS1 (Bank 7)Calculate (A ?) = (-X * A + (S R)) / 96
TIS2 (Bank 7)Calculate A = A / Q
TIS3 (Bank 1)Calculate -(nosev_1 * roofv_1 + nosev_2 * roofv_2) / nosev_3
TT113 (Bank 0)Contains an RTS
VCSU1 (Bank 0)Calculate vector K3(8 0) = [x y z] - coordinates of the sun or space station
VCSUB (Bank 0)Calculate vector K3(8 0) = [x y z] - coordinates in (A V)

Maths (Geometry)

ARCTAN (Bank 1)Calculate A = arctan(P / Q)
FAROF (Bank 0)Compare x_hi, y_hi and z_hi with 224
FAROF2 (Bank 7)Compare x_hi, y_hi and z_hi with A
LL51 (Bank 1)Calculate the dot product of XX15 and XX16
m (Bank 0)Do not include A in the calculation
MA9 (Bank 0)Contains an RTS
MAS1 (Bank 0)Add an orientation vector coordinate to an INWK coordinate
MAS2 (Bank 0)Calculate a cap on the maximum distance to the planet or sun
MAS4 (Bank 0)Calculate a cap on the maximum distance to a ship
NO1 (Bank 7)Contains an RTS
NORM (Bank 7)Normalise the three-coordinate vector in XX15
PROJ (Bank 7)Project the current ship or planet onto the screen
SPS1 (Bank 0)Calculate the vector to the planet and store it in XX15
SPS1+1 (Bank 0)A BRK instruction
SPS3 (Bank 0)Copy a space coordinate from the K% block into K3
SPS4 (Bank 0)Calculate the vector to the space station
TA2 (Bank 0)Calculate the length of the vector in XX15 (ignoring the low coordinates), returning it in Q
TAS2 (Bank 0)Normalise the three-coordinate vector in K3
TAS3 (Bank 7)Calculate the dot product of XX15 and an orientation vector
TAS4 (Bank 0)Calculate the dot product of XX15 and one of the space station's orientation vectors
TAS6 (Bank 0)Negate the vector in XX15 so it points in the opposite direction
TIDY (Bank 1)Orthonormalise the orientation vectors for a ship
TIDY_b1 (Bank 7)Call the TIDY routine in ROM bank 1


BAYSTEP (Bank 0)Go to the docking bay (i.e. show the Status Mode screen)
BRIEF (Bank 0)Start mission 1 and show the mission briefing
BRIEF2 (Bank 0)Start mission 2
BRIEF3 (Bank 0)Receive the briefing and plans for mission 2
BRIS (Bank 2)Clear the screen, display "INCOMING MESSAGE" and wait for 2 seconds
BRIS_b0 (Bank 0)Clear the screen, display "INCOMING MESSAGE" and wait for 2 seconds
BRP (Bank 0)Print an extended token and show the Status Mode screen
BRPS (Bank 0)Print the extended token in A, show the Status Mode screen and return from the subroutine
DEBRIEF (Bank 0)Finish mission 1
DEBRIEF2 (Bank 0)Finish mission 2
PAS1 (Bank 0)Display a rotating ship at space coordinates (0, 100, 256) and scan the controllers
PAS1_b0 (Bank 7)Call the PAS1 routine in ROM bank 0
PAUSE (Bank 2)Display a rotating ship, waiting until a key is pressed, then remove the ship from the screen
TBRIEF (Bank 0)Start mission 3
THERE (Bank 0)Check whether we are in the Constrictor's system in mission 1


MV30 (Bank 0)Move the ship in space but without tidying the orientation vectors or applying tactics
MV40 (Bank 0)Rotate the planet or sun's location in space by the amount of pitch and roll of our ship
MV45 (Bank 0)Rejoin the MVEIT routine after the rotation, tactics and scanner code
MVEIT (Part 1 of 9) (Bank 0)Move current ship: Tidy the orientation vectors
MVEIT (Part 2 of 9) (Bank 0)Move current ship: Call tactics routine, remove ship from scanner
MVEIT (Part 3 of 9) (Bank 0)Move current ship: Move ship forward according to its speed
MVEIT (Part 4 of 9) (Bank 0)Move current ship: Apply acceleration to ship's speed as a one-off
MVEIT (Part 5 of 9) (Bank 0)Move current ship: Rotate ship's location by our pitch and roll
MVEIT (Part 6 of 9) (Bank 0)Move current ship: Move the ship in space according to our speed
MVEIT (Part 7 of 9) (Bank 0)Move current ship: Rotate ship's orientation vectors by pitch/roll
MVEIT (Part 8 of 9) (Bank 0)Move current ship: Rotate ship about itself by its own pitch/roll
MVEIT (Part 9 of 9) (Bank 0)Move current ship: Redraw on scanner, if it hasn't been destroyed
MVS4 (Bank 0)Apply pitch and roll to an orientation vector
MVS5 (Bank 0)Apply a 3.6 degree pitch or roll to an orientation vector
MVS5_b0 (Bank 7)Call the MVS5 routine in ROM bank 0
MVT1 (Bank 0)Calculate (x_sign x_hi x_lo) = (x_sign x_hi x_lo) + (A R)
MVT1-2 (Bank 0)Clear bits 0-6 of A before entering MVT1
MVT3 (Bank 0)Calculate K(3 2 1) = (x_sign x_hi x_lo) + K(3 2 1)
MVT6 (Bank 0)Calculate (A P+2 P+1) = (x_sign x_hi x_lo) + (A P+2 P+1)
SFS2 (Bank 0)Move a ship in space along one of the coordinate axes


ConsiderSendTiles (Bank 7)If there are enough free cycles, move on to the next stage of sending patterns to the PPU
RTS1 (Bank 7)Contains an RTS
SendBarNamesToPPU (Bank 7)Send the nametable entries for the icon bar to the PPU
SendBarNamesToPPUS (Bank 7)Send the nametable entries for the icon bar to the PPU (this is a jump so we can call this routine using a branch instruction)
SendBarPatts2ToPPU (Bank 7)Send pattern data for tiles 64-127 for the icon bar to the PPU, split across multiple calls to the NMI handler if required
SendBarPattsToPPU (Bank 7)Send pattern data for tiles 0-127 for the icon bar to the PPU, split across multiple calls to the NMI handler if required
SendBarPattsToPPUS (Bank 7)Send the pattern data for the icon bar to the PPU (this is a jump so we can call this routine using a branch instruction)
SendBitplaneToPPU (Bank 3)Send a bitplane to the PPU immediately
SendBitplaneToPPU_b3 (Bank 7)Call the SendBitplaneToPPU routine in ROM bank 3
SendBuffersToPPU (Part 1 of 3) (Bank 7)Send the icon bar nametable and palette data to the PPU, if it has changed, before moving on to tile data in part 2
SendBuffersToPPU (Part 2 of 3) (Bank 7)If we are already sending tile data to the PPU, pick up where we left off, otherwise jump to part 3 to check for new data to send
SendBuffersToPPU (Part 3 of 3) (Bank 7)If we need to send tile nametable and pattern data to the PPU for either bitplane, start doing just that
SendDashImageToPPU (Bank 3)Unpack the dashboard image and send it to patterns 69 to 255 in pattern table 0 in the PPU
SendDataNowToPPU (Bank 3)Send the specified bitplane buffers to the PPU immediately, without trying to squeeze it into VBlanks
SendFontImageToPPU (Bank 3)Send a font to the PPU as a colour 1 font on a colour 0 background (i.e. colour 1 on black)
SendInventoryToPPU (Bank 7)Send X batches of 16 bytes from SC(1 0) to the PPU, for sending the inventory icon bar image
SendNametableNow (Bank 7)Send the nametable without checking the cycle count
SendNametableToPPU (Bank 7)Send the tile nametable to the PPU if there are enough cycles left in the current VBlank
SendOtherBitplane (Bank 7)Check whether we should send another bitplane to the PPU
SendPalettesToPPU (Bank 7)Send the palette data from XX3 to the PPU
SendPatternsToPPU (Part 1 of 6) (Bank 7)Calculate how many patterns we need to send and jump to the most efficient routine for sending them
SendPatternsToPPU (Part 2 of 6) (Bank 7)Configure variables for sending data to the PPU one pattern at a time with checks
SendPatternsToPPU (Part 3 of 6) (Bank 7)Send pattern data to the PPU for one pattern at a time, checking after each one to see if is the last one
SendPatternsToPPU (Part 4 of 6) (Bank 7)Configure variables for sending data to the PPU until we run out of cycles
SendPatternsToPPU (Part 5 of 6) (Bank 7)Send pattern data to the PPU for two patterns at a time, until we run out of cycles (and without checking for the last pattern)
SendPatternsToPPU (Part 6 of 6) (Bank 7)Save progress for use in the next VBlank and return from the subroutine
SendScreenToPPU (Bank 7)Update the screen with the contents of the buffers
SendScreenToPPU+4 (Bank 7)Re-entry point following the call to SendPalettesToPPU at the start of the routine
SendSpaceViewToPPU (Bank 0)Set a new space view, clear the screen, copy the nametable buffers and configure the PPU for the new view
SendTilesToPPU (Bank 7)Set up the variables needed to send the tile nametable and pattern data to the PPU, and then send them
SendViewToPPU (Bank 3)Configure the PPU for the view type in QQ11
SendViewToPPU_b3 (Bank 7)Call the SendViewToPPU routine in ROM bank 3
SetPPURegisters (Bank 7)Set PPU_CTRL, PPU_ADDR and PPU_SCROLL for the current hidden bitplane
SetPPUTablesTo0 (Bank 7)Set nametable 0 and pattern table 0 for drawing the icon bar
SetupPPUForIconBar (Bank 7)If the PPU has started drawing the icon bar, configure the PPU to use nametable 0 and pattern table 0, while preserving A
SetupSprite0 (Bank 3)Set the coordinates of sprite 0 so we can detect when the PPU starts to draw the icon bar
UpdateHangarView (Bank 7)Update the hangar view on-screen by sending the data to the PPU, either immediately or during VBlank
UpdateScreen (Bank 7)Update the screen by sending data to the PPU, either immediately or during VBlank, depending on whether the screen is visible
WaitForIconBarPPU (Bank 7)Wait until the PPU starts drawing the icon bar
WaitForPPUToFinish (Bank 7)Wait until the NMI handler has finished updating both bitplanes, so the screen is no longer refreshing

Save and load

ChangeCmdrName (Bank 6)Process changing the commander name
ChangeCmdrName_b6 (Bank 7)Call the ChangeCmdrName routine in ROM bank 6
CheckSaveLoadBar (Bank 6)Check the icon bar buttons on the Save and Load icon bar and process any choices
CheckSaveSlots (Bank 6)Load the commanders for all eight save slots, one after the other, to check their integrity and reset any that fail their checksums
CheckSaveSlots_b6 (Bank 7)Call the CheckSaveSlots routine in ROM bank 6
ClearNameInMiddle (Bank 6)Remove the commander name from the middle column
CopyCommanderToBuf (Bank 6)Copy a commander file in the BUF buffer, either from a save slot or from the currently active commander in-game
DrawSaveSlotMark (Bank 6)Draw a slot mark (a dash) next to a saved slot
DrawSmallLogo (Bank 4)Set the sprite buffer entries for the small Elite logo on the Save and Load screen
DrawSmallLogo_b4 (Bank 7)Call the DrawSmallLogo routine in ROM bank 4
FILEPR (Bank 2)Display the currently selected media (disk or tape)
GetSaveAddresses (Bank 6)Fetch the addresses of the three saved parts for a specific save slot
HighlightSaveName (Bank 6)Highlight the name of a specific save slot
JAMESON (Bank 6)Copy the default "JAMESON" commander to the buffer at currentSlot
JAMESON_b6 (Bank 7)Call the JAMESON routine in ROM bank 6
MoveInLeftColumn (Bank 6)Process moving the highlight when it's in the left column (the current commander)
MoveInMiddleColumn (Bank 6)Process moving the highlight when it's in the middle column
MoveInRightColumn (Bank 6)Process moving the highlight when it's in the right column (the save slots)
MoveToLeftColumn (Bank 6)Move the highlight to the left column (the current commander)
OTHERFILEPR (Bank 2)Display the non-selected media (disk or tape)
PrintCommanderName (Bank 6)Print the commander name from the commander file in BUF, with the save count added to the end
PrintNameInMiddle (Bank 6)Print the commander name in the middle column using the highlight font
PrintSaveHeader (Bank 6)Print header text for the Save and Load screen
PrintSaveName (Bank 6)Print the name of a specific save slot
ResetCommander (Bank 6)Reset the current commander to the default "JAMESON" commander
ResetCommander_b6 (Bank 7)Call the ResetCommander routine in ROM bank 6
ResetSaveBuffer (Bank 6)Reset the commander file buffer at BUF to the default commander
ResetSaveBuffer+1 (Bank 6)Omit the initial PHA (so we can jump here if the value of the preserved A is already on the stack from another routine)
ResetSaveSlots (Bank 6)Reset the save slots for all eight save slots, so they will fail their checksums and get reset when they are next checked
saveHeader1_DE (Bank 6)The Save and Load screen title in German
saveHeader1_EN (Bank 6)The Save and Load screen title in English
saveHeader1_FR (Bank 6)The Save and Load screen title in French
saveHeader2_DE (Bank 6)The subheaders for the Save and Load screen title in German
saveHeader2_EN (Bank 6)The subheaders for the Save and Load screen title in English
saveHeader2_FR (Bank 6)The subheaders for the Save and Load screen title in French
SaveLoadCommander (Bank 6)Either save the commander from BUF into a save slot, or load the commander from BUF into the game and start the game
SVE (Bank 6)Display the Save and Load screen and process saving and loading of commander files
SVE_b6 (Bank 7)Call the SVE routine in ROM bank 6
UpdateSaveCount (Bank 7)Update the save counter for the current commander
UpdateSaveScreen (Bank 6)Update the Save and Load screen

Ship hangar

DrawHangarWallLine (Bank 1)Draw a vertical hangar wall line from top to bottom, stopping when it bumps into existing on-screen content
HAL3 (Bank 1)Draw a hangar background line from left to right, stopping when it bumps into existing on-screen content
HALL (Bank 1)Draw the ships in the ship hangar, then draw the hangar
HALL_b1 (Bank 7)Call the HALL routine in ROM bank 1
HANGER (Bank 1)Display the ship hangar
HAS1 (Bank 1)Draw a ship in the ship hangar
HAS3 (Bank 1)Draw a hangar background line from right to left


ApplyEnvelopeNOISE (Bank 6)Apply volume and pitch changes to the NOISE channel
ApplyEnvelopeSQ1 (Bank 6)Apply volume and pitch changes to the SQ1 channel
ApplyEnvelopeSQ2 (Bank 6)Apply volume and pitch changes to the SQ2 channel
ApplyEnvelopeTRI (Bank 6)Apply volume and pitch changes to the TRI channel
BEEP (Bank 7)Make a short, high beep
BEEP_b7 (Bank 7)Call the BEEP routine in ROM bank 7
BELL (Bank 2)Make a standard system beep
BOOP (Bank 7)Make a long, low beep
ChooseMusic (Bank 6)Set the tune for the background music
ChooseMusic_b6 (Bank 7)Call the ChooseMusic routine in ROM bank 6
ChooseMusicS (Bank 6)A jump table entry at the start of bank 6 for the ChooseMusic routine
EnableSound (Bank 6)Enable sounds (music and sound effects)
EnableSoundS (Bank 6)A jump table entry at the start of bank 6 for the EnableSound routine
EXNO (Bank 0)Make the sound of a laser strike or ship explosion
EXNO3 (Bank 7)Make an explosion sound
FlushSoundChannel (Bank 7)Flush a specific sound channel
FlushSoundChannels (Bank 7)Flush the SQ1, SQ2 and NOISE sound channels
FlushSpecificSound (Bank 7)Flush the channels used by a specific sound
FlushSQ2AndNOISE (Bank 7)Flush the SQ2 and NOISE sound channels
MakeHyperSound (Bank 7)Make the hyperspace sound
MakeMusic (Bank 6)Play the current music on the SQ1, SQ2, TRI and NOISE channels
MakeMusicOnNOISE (Bank 6)Play the current music on the NOISE channel
MakeMusicOnSQ1 (Bank 6)Play the current music on the SQ1 channel
MakeMusicOnSQ2 (Bank 6)Play the current music on the SQ2 channel
MakeMusicOnTRI (Bank 6)Play the current music on the TRI channel
MakeScoopSound (Bank 7)Make the sound of the fuel scoops working
MakeSound (Bank 6)Make the current sound effects on the SQ1, SQ2 and NOISE channels
MakeSoundOnNOISE (Bank 6)Make the current sound effect on the NOISE channel
MakeSoundOnSQ1 (Bank 6)Make the current sound effect on the SQ1 channel
MakeSoundOnSQ2 (Bank 6)Make the current sound effect on the SQ2 channel
MakeSounds (Bank 6)Make the current sounds (music and sound effects)
MakeSounds_b6 (Bank 7)Call the MakeSounds routine in ROM bank 6
MakeSoundsAtVBlank (Bank 7)Wait for the next VBlank and make the current sounds (music and sound effects)
MakeSoundsS (Bank 6)A jump table entry at the start of bank 6 for the MakeSounds routine
NOISE (Bank 7)Make the sound effect whose number is in Y
ResetMusic (Bank 7)Reset the current tune to the default and stop all sounds (music and sound effects)
ResetMusicAfterNMI (Bank 7)Wait for the next NMI before resetting the current tune to 0 and stopping the music
RTS8 (Bank 7)Contains an RTS
StartEffect (Bank 6)Start making a sound effect on the specified channel
StartEffect_b6 (Bank 7)Call the StartEffect routine in ROM bank 6
StartEffect_b7 (Bank 7)Call the StartEffect routine
StartEffectOnNOISE (Bank 6)Make a sound effect on the NOISE channel
StartEffectOnNOISES (Bank 6)A jump table entry at the start of bank 6 for the StartEffectOnNOISE routine
StartEffectOnSQ1 (Bank 6)Make a sound effect on the SQ1 channel
StartEffectOnSQ1S (Bank 6)A jump table entry at the start of bank 6 for the StartEffectOnSQ1 routine
StartEffectOnSQ2 (Bank 6)Make a sound effect on the SQ2 channel
StartEffectOnSQ2S (Bank 6)A jump table entry at the start of bank 6 for the StartEffectOnSQ2 routine
StopSounds (Bank 6)Stop all sounds (music and sound effects)
StopSounds_b6 (Bank 7)Call the StopSounds routine in ROM bank 6
StopSoundsS (Bank 6)A jump table entry at the start of bank 6 for the StopSounds routine
UpdateVibratoSeeds (Bank 6)Update the sound seeds that are used to randomise the vibrato effect


FLIP (Bank 0)Reflect the stardust particles in the screen diagonal
HideStardust (Bank 7)Hide the stardust sprites
nWq (Bank 0)Create a random cloud of stardust
NWSTARS (Bank 0)Initialise the stardust field
ResetStardust (Bank 0)Hide the sprites for the stardust
STARS (Bank 1)The main routine for processing the stardust
STARS1 (Bank 1)Process the stardust for the front view
STARS2 (Bank 1)Process the stardust for the left or right view
STARS6 (Bank 1)Process the stardust for the rear view
STARS_b1 (Bank 7)Call the STARS routine in ROM bank 1

Start and end

BEGIN (Bank 7)Run through the NES initialisation process, reset the variables and start the game
BR1 (Bank 0)Reset a number of variables, ready to start a new game
ChooseLanguage (Bank 6)Draw the Start screen and process the language choice
ChooseLanguage_b6 (Bank 7)Call the ChooseLanguage routine in ROM bank 6
DEATH (Bank 0)Display the death screen
DEATH2 (Bank 0)Reset most of the game and restart from the title screen
DEATH2_b0 (Bank 7)Switch to ROM bank 0 and call the DEATH2 routine
DrawBigLogo (Bank 4)Set the pattern and nametable buffer entries for the big Elite logo on the Start screen
DrawBigLogo_b4 (Bank 7)Call the DrawBigLogo routine in ROM bank 4
DrawTitleScreen (Bank 7)Draw a sequence of rotating ships on-screen while checking for button presses on the controllers
Interrupts_b0 (Bank 0)The IRQ and NMI handler while the MMC1 mapper reset routine is still running
Interrupts_b1 (Bank 1)The IRQ and NMI handler while the MMC1 mapper reset routine is still running
Interrupts_b2 (Bank 2)The IRQ and NMI handler while the MMC1 mapper reset routine is still running
Interrupts_b3 (Bank 3)The IRQ and NMI handler while the MMC1 mapper reset routine is still running
Interrupts_b4 (Bank 4)The IRQ and NMI handler while the MMC1 mapper reset routine is still running
Interrupts_b5 (Bank 5)The IRQ and NMI handler while the MMC1 mapper reset routine is still running
Interrupts_b6 (Bank 6)The IRQ and NMI handler while the MMC1 mapper reset routine is still running
RES2 (Bank 0)Reset a number of flight variables and workspaces
RESET (Bank 0)Reset most variables
ResetMMC1_b0 (Bank 0)The MMC1 mapper reset routine at the start of the ROM bank
ResetMMC1_b1 (Bank 1)The MMC1 mapper reset routine at the start of the ROM bank
ResetMMC1_b2 (Bank 2)The MMC1 mapper reset routine at the start of the ROM bank
ResetMMC1_b3 (Bank 3)The MMC1 mapper reset routine at the start of the ROM bank
ResetMMC1_b4 (Bank 4)The MMC1 mapper reset routine at the start of the ROM bank
ResetMMC1_b5 (Bank 5)The MMC1 mapper reset routine at the start of the ROM bank
ResetMMC1_b6 (Bank 6)The MMC1 mapper reset routine at the start of the ROM bank
ResetOptions (Bank 7)Reset the game options to their default values
ResetScreen (Bank 3)Reset the screen by clearing down the PPU, setting all colours to black, and resetting the screen-related variables
ResetScreen_b3 (Bank 7)Call the ResetScreen routine in ROM bank 3
ResetToStartScreen (Bank 7)Reset the stack and the game's variables and show the Start screen
ResetVariables (Bank 7)Reset all the RAM (in both the NES and cartridge), initialise all the game's variables, and switch to ROM bank 0
SetChosenLanguage (Bank 6)Set the language-related variables according to the language chosen on the Start screen
SetLanguage (Bank 6)Set the language-related variables for a specific language
SetupAfterLoad (Bank 0)Configure the game following a commander file load
SetupAfterLoad_b0 (Bank 7)Call the SetupAfterLoad routine in ROM bank 0
ShowStartScreen (Bank 0)Show the start screen and start the game
StartGame (Bank 0)Reset the stack and game variables, and start the game by going to the docking bay
StartGame_b0 (Bank 7)Switch to ROM bank 0 and call the StartGame routine
TITLE (Bank 0)Display a title screen with a rotating ship and prompt


BAD (Bank 0)Calculate how bad we have been
BAY (Bank 0)Go to the docking bay (i.e. show the Status Mode screen)
cmn (Bank 0)Print the commander's name
cmn-1 (Bank 0)Contains an RTS
csh (Bank 0)Print the current amount of cash
DrawCmdrImage (Bank 6)Draw the commander image as a coloured face image in front of a greyscale headshot image, with optional embellishments
DrawCmdrImage_b6 (Bank 7)Call the DrawCmdrImage routine in ROM bank 6
DrawGlasses (Bank 6)Draw a pair of dark glasses on the commander image
DrawLeftEarring (Bank 6)Draw an earring in the commander's left ear (i.e. on the right side of the commander image
DrawMedallion (Bank 6)Draw a medallion on the commander image
DrawRightEarring (Bank 6)Draw an earring in the commander's right ear (i.e. on the left side of the commander image
EXNO2 (Bank 0)Process us making a kill
fwl (Bank 0)Print fuel and cash levels
GetCmdrImage (Bank 4)Fetch the headshot image for the commander and store it in the pattern buffers, and send the face and glasses images to the PPU
GetCmdrImage_b4 (Bank 7)Call the GetCmdrImage routine in ROM bank 4
GetHeadshot (Bank 4)Fetch the headshot image for the commander and store it in the pattern buffers, starting at pattern number picturePattern
GetHeadshot_b4 (Bank 7)Call the GetHeadshot routine in ROM bank 4
GetHeadshotType (Bank 4)Get the correct headshot number for the current combat rank and status condition
GetHeadshotType_b4 (Bank 7)Call the GetHeadshotType routine in ROM bank 4
GetStatusCondition (Bank 7)Calculate our ship's status condition
IncreaseTally (Bank 7)Add the kill count to the fractional and low bytes of our combat rank tally following a kill
PCASH (Bank 0)Print the amount of cash only
PrintCombatRank (Bank 0)Print the current combat rank
PrintLegalStatus (Bank 0)Print the current legal status (clean, offender or fugitive)
STATUS (Bank 0)Show the Status Mode screen


ANGRY (Bank 0)Make a ship hostile
fq1 (Bank 0)Used to add a cargo canister to the universe
FR1 (Bank 0)Display the "missile jammed" message
FR1-2 (Bank 0)Clear the C flag and return from the subroutine
FRMIS (Bank 0)Fire a missile from our ship
FRS1 (Bank 0)Launch a ship straight ahead of us, below the laser sights
GOPL (Bank 0)Make the ship head towards the planet
HI1 (Bank 0)Contains an RTS
HITCH (Bank 0)Work out if the ship in INWK is in our crosshairs
SFRMIS (Bank 0)Add an enemy missile to our local bubble of universe
TA151 (Bank 0)Make the ship head towards the planet
TACTICS (Part 1 of 7) (Bank 0)Apply tactics: Process missiles, both enemy missiles and our own
TACTICS (Part 2 of 7) (Bank 0)Apply tactics: Escape pod, station, lone Thargon, safe-zone pirate
TACTICS (Part 3 of 7) (Bank 0)Apply tactics: Calculate dot product to determine ship's aim
TACTICS (Part 4 of 7) (Bank 0)Apply tactics: Check energy levels, maybe launch escape pod if low
TACTICS (Part 5 of 7) (Bank 0)Apply tactics: Consider whether to launch a missile at us
TACTICS (Part 6 of 7) (Bank 0)Apply tactics: Consider firing a laser at us, if aim is true
TACTICS (Part 7 of 7) (Bank 0)Apply tactics: Set pitch, roll, and acceleration


BPRNT (Bank 0)Print a 32-bit number, left-padded to a specific number of digits, with an optional decimal point
CHPR (Part 1 of 6) (Bank 2)Print a character at the text cursor by poking into screen memory
CHPR (Part 2 of 6) (Bank 2)Jump to the right part of the routine depending on whether the font pattern we need is already loaded
CHPR (Part 3 of 6) (Bank 2)Draw a character into the pattern buffers to show the character on-screen
CHPR (Part 4 of 6) (Bank 2)Process the delete character
CHPR (Part 5 of 6) (Bank 2)Print the character using a font that has already been loaded
CHPR (Part 6 of 6) (Bank 2)Print a character in the space view when the relevant font is not loaded, merging the text with whatever is already on-screen
CHPR_b2 (Bank 7)Call the CHPR routine in ROM bank 2
DASC (Bank 2)DASC does exactly the same as TT26 and prints a character at the text cursor, with support for verified text in extended tokens
DASC_b2 (Bank 7)Call the DASC routine in ROM bank 2
DETOK (Bank 2)Print an extended recursive token from the TKN1 token table
DETOK2 (Bank 2)Print an extended text token (1-255)
DETOK3 (Bank 2)Print an extended recursive token from the RUTOK token table
DETOK_b2 (Bank 7)Call the DETOK routine in ROM bank 2
DisableJustifyText (Bank 0)Turn off justified text and reset the justified text buffer
DTEN (Bank 2)Print recursive token number X from the token table pointed to by (A V), used to print tokens from the RUTOK table via calls to DETOK3
DTS (Bank 2)Print a single letter in the correct case
DTS_b2 (Bank 7)Call the DTS routine in ROM bank 2
ex (Bank 2)Print a recursive token
ex_b2 (Bank 7)Call the ex routine in ROM bank 2
fwls (Bank 0)Print fuel and cash levels
LoadHighFont (Bank 3)Load the highlight font into the pattern buffer from pattern 161 to 255
LoadHighFont_b3 (Bank 7)Call the LoadHighFont routine in ROM bank 3
LoadNormalFont (Bank 3)Load the normal font into the pattern buffer from pattern 66 to 160
LoadNormalFont_b3 (Bank 7)Call the LoadNormalFont routine in ROM bank 3
MT1 (Bank 2)Switch to ALL CAPS when printing extended tokens
MT13 (Bank 2)Switch to lower case when printing extended tokens
MT14 (Bank 2)Switch to justified text when printing extended tokens
MT15 (Bank 2)Switch to left-aligned text when printing extended tokens
MT16 (Bank 2)Print the character in variable DTW7
MT17 (Bank 2)Print the selected system's adjective, e.g. Lavian for Lave
MT18 (Bank 2)Print a random 1-8 letter word in Sentence Case
MT19 (Bank 2)Capitalise the next letter
MT2 (Bank 2)Switch to Sentence Case when printing extended tokens
MT23 (Bank 2)Move to row 9 and switch to lower case when printing extended tokens
MT26 (Bank 2)Print a space and capitalise the next letter
MT27 (Bank 2)Print the captain's name during mission briefings
MT28 (Bank 2)Print the location hint during the mission 1 briefing
MT29 (Bank 2)Move to row 7 and switch to lower case when printing extended tokens
MT5 (Bank 2)Switch to extended tokens
MT6 (Bank 2)Switch to standard tokens in Sentence Case
MT8 (Bank 2)Tab to column 6 and start a new word when printing extended tokens
MT9 (Bank 2)Clear the screen and set the view type for a text-based mission briefing
PDESC_b2 (Bank 7)Call the PDESC routine in ROM bank 2
plf (Bank 0)Print a text token followed by a newline
pr2 (Bank 0)Print an 8-bit number, left-padded to 3 digits, and optional point
pr2+2 (Bank 0)Print the 8-bit number in X to the number of digits in A
pr5 (Bank 0)Print a 16-bit number, left-padded to 5 digits, and optional point
pr6 (Bank 0)Print 16-bit number, left-padded to 5 digits, no point
Print2Spaces (Bank 0)Print two spaces
Print4Spaces (Bank 0)An unused routine that prints four spaces
PrintCharacter (Bank 0)An unused routine that prints a character and sets the C flag
PrintCrTab (Bank 0)Print a newline and the correct indent for Status Mode entries in the chosen language
PrintCtrlCode (Bank 0)Print a control code (in the range 0 to 9)
PrintCtrlCode_b0 (Bank 7)Call the PrintCtrlCode routine in ROM bank 0
PrintFlightMessage (Bank 0)Print an in-flight message
PrintMessage (Bank 0)Print a message in the middle of the screen (used for "GAME OVER" and demo missile messages only)
PrintSpaceAndToken (Bank 0)Print a space followed by a text token
PrintSpacedHyphen (Bank 0)Print two spaces, then a "-", and then another two spaces
PrintSpaceViewName (Bank 0)Print the name of the current space view
PrintTokenAndColon (Bank 0)Print a character followed by a colon, ensuring that the colon is always drawn in colour 3 on a black background
PrintTokenCrTab (Bank 0)Print a token, a newline and the correct indent for Status Mode entries in the chosen language
prq (Bank 0)Print a text token followed by a question mark
prq+3 (Bank 0)Print a question mark
qw (Bank 2)Print a recursive token in the range 128-145
RTS5 (Bank 0)Contains an RTS
spc (Bank 0)Print a text token followed by a space
StoreMessage (Bank 0)Copy a message from the justified text buffer at BUF into the message buffer
tals (Bank 0)Print the current galaxy number
TT11 (Bank 0)Print a 16-bit number, left-padded to n digits, and optional point
TT162 (Bank 0)Print a space
TT162+2 (Bank 0)Jump to TT27 to print the text token in A
TT26 (Bank 2)Print a character at the text cursor, with support for verified text in extended tokens
TT27 (Bank 2)Print a text token
TT27_b2 (Bank 7)Call the TT27 routine in ROM bank 2
TT41 (Bank 2)Print a letter according to Sentence Case
TT42 (Bank 2)Print a letter in lower case
TT43 (Bank 2)Print a two-letter token or recursive token 0-95
TT44 (Bank 2)Jumps to TT26 to print the character in A (used to enable us to use a branch instruction to jump to TT26)
TT45 (Bank 2)Print a letter in lower case
TT48 (Bank 2)Contains an RTS
TT60 (Bank 0)Print a text token and a paragraph break
TT67 (Bank 0)Print a newline
TT68 (Bank 0)Print a text token followed by a colon
TT69 (Bank 0)Set Sentence Case and print a newline
TT73 (Bank 0)Print a colon
TTX69 (Bank 0)Print a paragraph break
VOWEL (Bank 2)Test whether a character is a vowel
ypls (Bank 0)Print the current system name


cpl (Bank 0)Print the selected system name
DrawSystemImage (Bank 3)Draw the system image as a coloured foreground in front of a greyscale background
DrawSystemImage_b3 (Bank 7)Call the DrawSystemImage routine in ROM bank 3
GetSystemBack (Bank 5)Fetch the background image for the current system and store it in the pattern buffers
GetSystemBack_b5 (Bank 7)Call the GetSystemBack routine in ROM bank 5
GetSystemImage (Bank 5)Fetch the background image and foreground sprite for the current system image and send them to the pattern buffers and PPU
GetSystemImage_b5 (Bank 7)Call the GetSystemImage routine in ROM bank 5
GINF (Bank 7)Fetch the address of a ship's data block into INF
GTHG (Bank 0)Spawn a Thargoid ship and a Thargon companion
GTHG+15 (Bank 0)Spawn a lone Thargoid, without a Thargon companion and with slightly less aggression than normal
GVL (Bank 0)Calculate the availability of market items
hy5 (Bank 0)Contains an RTS
hyp1 (Bank 0)Process a jump to the system closest to (QQ9, QQ10)
hyp1+3 (Bank 0)Jump straight to the system at (QQ9, QQ10) without first calculating which system is closest. We do this if we already know that (QQ9, QQ10) points to a system
hyR (Bank 0)Contains an RTS
jmp (Bank 0)Set the current system to the selected system
KILLSHP (Bank 0)Remove a ship from our local bubble of universe
KS1 (Bank 0)Remove the current ship from our local bubble of universe
KS2 (Bank 0)Check the local bubble for missiles with target lock
KS3 (Bank 0)Contains an RTS
KS4 (Bank 0)Remove the space station and replace it with the sun
NwS1 (Bank 0)Flip the sign and double an INWK byte
NWSHP (Bank 0)Add a new ship to our local bubble of universe
NWSPS (Bank 0)Add a new space station to our local bubble of universe
PDESC (Bank 2)Print the system's extended description or a mission 1 directive
ping (Bank 0)Set the selected system to the current system
RemoveShip (Bank 0)Fetch a ship data block and remove that ship from our local bubble of universe
RTS6 (Bank 0)Contains an RTS
SelectNearbySystem (Bank 0)Set the current system to the nearest system and update the selected system flags accordingly
SetCurrentSystem (Bank 0)Set the seeds for the selected system to the system that we last snapped the crosshairs to
SetSelectedSeeds (Bank 0)Set the seeds for the selected system in QQ15 to the seeds in the safehouse
SetSelectedSystem (Bank 0)Set the selected system to the nearest system, if we don't already have a selected system
SetSelectionFlags (Bank 0)Set the selected system flags for the currently selected system and update the icon bar if required
SFS1 (Bank 0)Spawn a child ship from the current (parent) ship
SFS1-2 (Bank 0)Add a missile to the local bubble that has AI enabled, is hostile, but has no E.C.M.
SOLAR (Bank 0)Set up various aspects of arriving in a new system
SOS1 (Bank 0)Update the missile indicators, set up the planet data block
SpawnSpaceStation (Bank 0)Add a space station to the local bubble of universe if we are close enough to the station's orbit
SPIN (Bank 0)Randomly spawn cargo from a destroyed ship
SPIN2 (Bank 0)Remove any randomness: spawn cargo of a specific type (given in X), and always spawn the number given in A
tal (Bank 0)Print the current galaxy number
TT111 (Bank 0)Set the current system to the nearest system to a point
TT111-1 (Bank 0)Contains an RTS
TT146 (Bank 0)Print the distance to the selected system in light years
TT20 (Bank 0)Twist the selected system's seeds four times
TT24 (Bank 6)Calculate system data from the system seeds
TT24_b6 (Bank 7)Call the TT24 routine in ROM bank 6
TT25 (Bank 0)Show the Data on System screen
TT54 (Bank 0)Twist the selected system's seeds
TT70 (Bank 0)Display "MAINLY " and jump to TT72
TT72 (Bank 0)Used by TT70 to re-enter the routine after displaying "MAINLY" for the economy type
TT81 (Bank 0)Set the selected system's seeds to those of system 0
ypl (Bank 0)Print the current system name
ypl-1 (Bank 0)Contains an RTS
Ze (Bank 7)Initialise the INWK workspace to a hostile ship
ZINF (Bank 0)Reset the INWK workspace and orientation vectors
ZINF_b1 (Bank 1)Reset the INWK workspace and orientation vectors

Utility routines

ClearMemory (Bank 7)Clear a block of memory, split across multiple calls if required
CopyLargeBlock (Bank 7)An unused routine that copies a large number of pages in memory
CopySmallBlock (Bank 7)An unused routine that copies a small number of pages in memory
DELAY (Bank 7)Wait until a specified number of NMI interrupts have passed (i.e. a specified number of VBlanks)
FillMemory (Bank 7)Fill a block of memory with a specified value
FillMemory32Bytes (Bank 7)Fill a 32-byte block of memory with a specified value
IRQ (Bank 7)Handle IRQ interrupts by doing nothing
NMI (Bank 7)The NMI interrupt handler that gets called every VBlank and which updates the screen, reads the controllers and plays music
ResetBank (Bank 7)Retrieve a ROM bank number from the stack and page that bank into memory at $8000
ResetBankA (Bank 7)Page a specified bank into memory at $8000 while preserving the value of A
ResetBankP (Bank 7)Page a specified bank into memory at $8000 while preserving the value of A and the processor flags
RTS4 (Bank 7)Contains an RTS
SetAXTo15 (Bank 0)An unused routine that sets A and X to 15
SetBank (Bank 7)Page a specified ROM bank into memory at $8000
SetBank0 (Bank 7)Page ROM bank 0 into memory at $8000
SetNonZeroBank (Bank 7)An unused routine that pages a specified ROM bank into memory at $8000, but only if it is non-zero
SetupMMC1 (Bank 7)Configure the MMC1 mapper and page ROM bank 0 into memory at $8000
UnpackToPPU (Bank 7)Unpack compressed image data and send it to the PPU
UnpackToPPU+2 (Bank 7)Unpack data from offset Y onwards
UnpackToRAM (Bank 7)Unpack compressed image data to RAM
UpdateNMITimer (Bank 7)Update the NMI timer, which we can use to keep track of time for places like the combat demo
WaitFor2NMIs (Bank 7)Wait until two NMI interrupts have passed (i.e. the next two VBlanks)
WaitFor3xVBlank (Bank 7)Wait for three VBlanks to pass
WaitForNextNMI (Bank 7)An unused routine that waits until the NMI counter increments (i.e. the next VBlank)
WaitForNMI (Bank 7)Wait until the next NMI interrupt has passed (i.e. the next VBlank)
WaitForVBlank (Bank 7)Wait for the next VBlank to pass
ZERO (Bank 0)Reset the local bubble of universe and ship status