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Drawing the screen: SetupViewInNMI

[NES version, Bank 3]

Name: SetupViewInNMI [Show more] Type: Subroutine Category: Drawing the screen Summary: Setup the view and configure the NMI to send both bitplanes to the PPU during VBlank Deep dive: Views and view types in NES Elite
Context: See this subroutine in context in the source code References: This subroutine is called as follows: * SetupViewInNMI_b3 calls SetupViewInNMI

This routine is only ever called with the following bitplane flags in A: * Bit 2 clear = send tiles up to configured numbers * Bit 3 clear = don't clear buffers after sending * Bit 4 clear = we've not started sending data yet * Bit 5 clear = we have not yet sent all the data * Bit 6 set = send both pattern and nametable data * Bit 7 set = send data to the PPU Bits 0 and 1 are ignored and are always clear. This routine therefore configures the NMI to send both bitplanes to the PPU.
Arguments: A The bitplane flags to set for the drawing bitplane
.SetupViewInNMI PHA ; Store the bitplane flags on the stack so we can ; retrieve them later JSR WaitForPPUToFinish ; Wait until both bitplanes of the screen have been ; sent to the PPU, so the screen is fully updated and ; there is no more data waiting to be sent to the PPU LDA QQ11 ; If the view type in QQ11 is not $96 (Data on System), CMP #$96 ; jump to svin1 to keep checking for view types BNE svin1 ; If we get here then this is the Data on System screen JSR GetSystemBack_b5 ; Fetch the background image for the current system and ; store it in the pattern buffers JMP svin2 ; Jump to svin2 to continue setting up the view .svin1 CMP #$98 ; If the view type in QQ11 is not $98 (Status Mode), BNE svin2 ; jump to svin2 to keep checking for view types ; If we get here then this is the Status Mode screen JSR GetHeadshot_b4 ; Fetch the headshot image for the commander and store ; it in the pattern buffers, starting at pattern number ; picturePattern .svin2 LDA QQ11 ; If bit 6 of the view type is clear, then there is an AND #%01000000 ; icon bar, so jump to svin3 to skip the following BEQ svin3 ; instruction LDA #0 ; There is no icon bar, so set showUserInterface to 0 to STA showUserInterface ; indicate that there is no user interface .svin3 JSR SetupSprite0 ; Set the coordinates of sprite 0 so we can detect when ; the PPU starts to draw the icon bar LDA #0 ; Tell the NMI handler to send nametable entries from STA firstNameTile ; tile 0 onwards LDA #37 ; Tell the NMI handler to send pattern entries from STA firstPattern ; pattern 37 in the buffer LDA firstFreePattern ; Tell the NMI handler to send pattern entries up to the STA lastPattern ; first free pattern, for both bitplanes STA lastPattern+1 LDA #%01010100 ; This instruction has no effect as we are about to pull ; the value of A from the stack LDX #0 ; This instruction has no effect as the call to ; SetDrawPlaneFlags overwrites X with the value of the ; drawing bitplane, though this could be remnants of ; code to set the drawing bitplane to 0, as the ; following code depends on this being the case PLA ; Retrieve the bitplane flags that were passed to this ; routine and which we stored on the stack above JSR SetDrawPlaneFlags ; Set the bitplane flags to A for the current drawing ; bitplane, which must be bitplane 0 at this point ; (though it is not entirely obvious why this is the ; case) INC drawingBitplane ; Increment drawingBitplane to 1 JSR SetDrawPlaneFlags ; Set the bitplane flags to A for bitplane 1 JSR WaitForPPUToFinish ; Wait until both bitplanes of the screen have been ; sent to the PPU, so the screen is fully updated and ; there is no more data waiting to be sent to the PPU LDA #80 ; Tell the PPU to send nametable entries up to tile STA lastNameTile ; 80 * 8 = 640 (i.e. to the end of tile row 19) in both STA lastNameTile+1 ; bitplanes LDA QQ11 ; Set the old view type in QQ11a to the new view type STA QQ11a ; in QQ11, to denote that we have now changed view to ; the view in QQ11 LDA firstFreePattern ; Set clearingPattern for both bitplanes to the number STA clearingPattern ; of the first free pattern, so the NMI handler only STA clearingPattern+1 ; clears patterns from this point onwards ; ; This ensures that the tiles that have already been ; sent to the PPU above don't get cleared out by the NMI ; handler LDA #0 ; Set A = 0, though this has no effect as we don't use ; it LDX #0 ; Hide bitplane 0, so: STX hiddenBitplane ; ; * Colour %01 (1) is the hidden colour (black) ; * Colour %10 (2) is the visible colour (cyan) STX nmiBitplane ; Set nmiBitplane = 0 so bitplane 0 is the first to be ; sent in the NMI handler JSR SetDrawingBitplane ; Set the drawing bitplane to bitplane 0 LDA QQ11 ; If bit 6 of the view type is set, then there is no AND #%01000000 ; icon bar, so jump to svin4 to skip the following BNE svin4 ; instructions JSR WaitForNMI ; Wait until the next NMI interrupt has passed (i.e. the ; next VBlank) LDA #%10000000 ; Set bit 7 of showUserInterface to denote that there is STA showUserInterface ; a user interface .svin4 LDA screenFadedToBlack ; If bit 7 of screenFadedToBlack is clear then the BPL svin5 ; screen is visible and has not been faded to black, so ; jump to svin5 to update the screen without fading it JMP FadeToColour_b3 ; Reverse-fade the screen from black to full colour over ; the next four VBlanks, returning from the subroutine ; using a tail call .svin5 LDA QQ11 ; Set X to the new view type in the low nibble of QQ11 AND #%00001111 TAX LDA paletteForView,X ; Set A to the palette number used by the view from the CMP screenReset ; paletteForView table, compare it to screenReset, set STA screenReset ; the processor flags accordingly, and store the palette ; number in screenReset ; ; This has no effect, as screenReset is not read ; anywhere and neither the value of A nor the processor ; flags are used in the following JSR GetViewPalettes ; Get the palette for the view type in QQ11a and store ; it in a table at XX3 DEC updatePaletteInNMI ; Decrement updatePaletteInNMI to a non-zero value so we ; do send palette data from XX3 to the PPU during NMI, ; which will ensure the screen updates with the colours ; as we fade to black JSR WaitForNMI ; Wait until the next NMI interrupt has passed (i.e. the ; next VBlank) so we know the palette data has been sent ; to the PPU INC updatePaletteInNMI ; Increment updatePaletteInNMI back to the value it had ; before we decremented it above RTS ; Return from the subroutine