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PPU: SendDataNowToPPU

[NES version, Bank 3]

Name: SendDataNowToPPU [Show more] Type: Subroutine Category: PPU Summary: Send the specified bitplane buffers to the PPU immediately, without trying to squeeze it into VBlanks
Context: See this subroutine in context in the source code References: This subroutine is called as follows: * SendBitplaneToPPU calls SendDataNowToPPU

Arguments: X The number of the bitplane to send
Returns: X X is preserved
.SendDataNowToPPU TXA ; Store the bitplane in X on the stack PHA LDA #HI(16383) ; Set cycleCount = 16383 so the call to SendBuffersToPPU STA cycleCount+1 ; runs for as long as possible without quitting early LDA #LO(16383) ; (we are not in the NMI handler, so we don't need to STA cycleCount ; count cycles, so this just ensures that the ; cycle-counting checks are not triggered where ; possible) JSR SendBuffersToPPU ; Send the nametable and palette buffers to the PPU for ; bitplane X, as configured in the bitplane flags PLA ; Set X to the bitplane number we stored on the stack PHA ; above, leaving the value on the stack so we can still TAX ; restore it at the end of the routine LDA bitplaneFlags,X ; If bit 5 is set in the flags for bitplane X, then we AND #%00100000 ; have now sent all the data to the PPU for this BNE sdat1 ; bitplane, so jump to sdat1 to return from the ; subroutine LDA #HI(4096) ; Otherwise the large cycle count above wasn't long STA cycleCount+1 ; enough to send all the data to the PPU, so set LDA #LO(4096) ; cycleCount to 4096 to have another go STA cycleCount JSR SendBuffersToPPU ; Send the nametable and palette buffers to the PPU for ; bitplane X, as configured in the bitplane flags PLA ; Retrieve the bitplane number from the stack TAX LDA bitplaneFlags,X ; If bit 5 is set in the flags for bitplane X, then we AND #%00100000 ; have now sent all the data to the PPU for this BNE sdat2 ; bitplane, so jump to sdat2 to return from the ; subroutine ; Otherwise we still haven't sent all the data to the ; PPU, so we play the background music and repeat the ; above JSR MakeSoundsAtVBlank ; Wait for the next VBlank and make the current sounds ; (music and sound effects) JMP SendDataNowToPPU ; Loop back to keep sending data to the PPU .sdat1 PLA ; Retrieve the bitplane number from the stack TAX .sdat2 JMP MakeSoundsAtVBlank ; Wait for the next VBlank and make the current sounds ; (music and sound effects), returning from the ; subroutine using a tail call