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Start and end: ResetMMC1_b5

[NES version, Bank 5]

Name: ResetMMC1_b5 [Show more] Type: Subroutine Category: Start and end Summary: The MMC1 mapper reset routine at the start of the ROM bank Deep dive: Splitting NES Elite across multiple ROM banks
Context: See this subroutine in context in the source code References: This subroutine is called as follows: * Vectors_b5 calls ResetMMC1_b5

When the NES is switched on, it is hardwired to perform a JMP ($FFFC). At this point, there is no guarantee as to which ROM banks are mapped to $8000 and $C000, so to ensure that the game starts up correctly, we put the same code in each ROM at the following locations: * We put $C000 in address $FFFC in every ROM bank, so the NES always jumps to $C000 when it starts up via the JMP ($FFFC), irrespective of which ROM bank is mapped to $C000. * We put the same reset routine (this routine, ResetMMC1) at the start of every ROM bank, so the same routine gets run, whichever ROM bank is mapped to $C000. This ResetMMC1 routine is therefore called when the NES starts up, whatever the bank configuration ends up being. It then switches ROM bank 7 to $C000 and jumps into bank 7 at the game's entry point BEGIN, which starts the game.
.ResetMMC1_b5 SEI ; Disable interrupts INC $C006 ; Reset the MMC1 mapper, which we can do by writing a ; value with bit 7 set into any address in ROM space ; (i.e. any address from $8000 to $FFFF) ; ; The INC instruction does this in a more efficient ; manner than an LDA/STA pair, as it: ; ; * Fetches the contents of address $C006, which ; contains the high byte of the JMP destination ; below, i.e. the high byte of BEGIN, which is $C0 ; ; * Adds 1, to give $C1 ; ; * Writes the value $C1 back to address $C006 ; ; $C006 is in the ROM space and $C1 has bit 7 set, so ; the INC does all that is required to reset the mapper, ; in fewer cycles and bytes than an LDA/STA pair ; ; Resetting MMC1 maps bank 7 to $C000 and enables the ; bank at $8000 to be switched, so this instruction ; ensures that bank 7 is present JMP BEGIN ; Jump to BEGIN in bank 7 to start the game