FOR I%, P%, $BFF9 EQUB $FF ; Pad out the rest of the ROM bank with $FF NEXT IF _NTSC EQUW Interrupts_b5+$4000 ; Vector to the NMI handler in case this bank is ; loaded into $C000 during start-up (the handler ; contains an RTI so the interrupt is processed but ; has no effect) EQUW ResetMMC1_b5+$4000 ; Vector to the RESET handler in case this bank is ; loaded into $C000 during start-up (the handler ; resets the MMC1 mapper to map bank 7 into $C000 ; instead) EQUW Interrupts_b5+$4000 ; Vector to the IRQ/BRK handler in case this bank is ; loaded into $C000 during start-up (the handler ; contains an RTI so the interrupt is processed but ; has no effect) ELIF _PAL EQUW NMI ; Vector to the NMI handler EQUW ResetMMC1_b5+$4000 ; Vector to the RESET handler in case this bank is ; loaded into $C000 during start-up (the handler ; resets the MMC1 mapper to map bank 7 into $C000 ; instead) EQUW IRQ ; Vector to the IRQ/BRK handler ENDIFName: Vectors_b5 [Show more] Type: Variable Category: Utility routines Summary: Vectors and padding at the end of ROM bank 5 Deep dive: Splitting NES Elite across multiple ROM banksContext: See this variable in context in the source code References: No direct references to this variable in this source file
Subroutine IRQ (category: Utility routines)
Handle IRQ interrupts by doing nothing
Subroutine Interrupts_b5 (category: Start and end)
The IRQ and NMI handler while the MMC1 mapper reset routine is still running
Subroutine NMI (category: Utility routines)
The NMI interrupt handler that gets called every VBlank and which updates the screen, reads the controllers and plays music
Subroutine ResetMMC1_b5 (category: Start and end)
The MMC1 mapper reset routine at the start of the ROM bank