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PPU: SendBarPattsToPPU

[NES version, Bank 7]

Name: SendBarPattsToPPU [Show more] Type: Subroutine Category: PPU Summary: Send pattern data for tiles 0-127 for the icon bar to the PPU, split across multiple calls to the NMI handler if required Deep dive: Drawing vector graphics using NES tiles
Context: See this subroutine in context in the source code References: This subroutine is called as follows: * SendBarNamesToPPU calls SendBarPattsToPPU * SendBarPattsToPPUS calls SendBarPattsToPPU

Pattern data for icon bar patterns 0 to 63 is sent to both pattern table 0 and 1 in the PPU, while pattern data for icon bar patterns 64 to 127 is sent to pattern table 0 only (the latter is done via the SendBarPatts2ToPPU routine).
Arguments: A A counter for the icon bar patterns to send to the PPU, which works its way from 0 to 128 as pattern data is sent to the PPU over successive calls to the NMI handler
.SendBarPattsToPPU ASL A ; If bit 6 of A is set, then 64 < A < 128, so jump to BMI SendBarPatts2ToPPU ; SendBarPatts2ToPPU to send patterns 64 to 127 to ; pattern table 0 in the PPU ; If we get here then both bit 6 and bit 7 of A are ; clear, so 0 < A < 64, so we now send patterns 0 to 63 ; to pattern table 0 and 1 in the PPU SUBTRACT_CYCLES 1297 ; Subtract 1297 from the cycle count BMI patn1 ; If the result is negative, jump to patn1 to stop ; sending patterns in this VBlank, as we have run out of ; cycles (we will pick up where we left off in the next ; VBlank) JMP patn2 ; The result is positive, so we have enough cycles to ; keep sending PPU data in this VBlank, so jump to patn2 ; to send the patterns .patn1 ADD_CYCLES 1251 ; Add 1251 to the cycle count JMP RTS1 ; Return from the subroutine (as RTS1 contains an RTS) .patn2 LDA #0 ; Set the low byte of dataForPPU(1 0) to 0 STA dataForPPU LDA barPatternCounter ; Set Y = barPatternCounter * 8 ASL A ; ASL A ; And set the C flag to the overflow bit ASL A ; TAY ; Note that in the above we shift bits 7 and 6 left out ; out of A and discard them, but because we know that ; 0 < barPatternCounter < 64, this has no effect LDA #%00000000 ; Set addr = %0000000C ROL A ; STA addr ; And clear the C flag (as it gets set to bit 7 of A) ; ; So we now have the following: ; ; (addr Y) = barPatternCounter * 8 TYA ; Set (A X) = (addr Y) + PPU_PATT_0 + $50 ADC #$50 ; = PPU_PATT_0 + $50 + barPatternCounter * 8 TAX ; ; Starting with the low bytes LDA addr ; And then the high bytes (this works because we know ADC #HI(PPU_PATT_0) ; the low byte of PPU_PATT_0 is 0) STA PPU_ADDR ; Set PPU_ADDR = (A X) STX PPU_ADDR ; = PPU_PATT_0 + $50 + barPatternCounter * 8 ; = PPU_PATT_0 + (10 + barPatternCounter) * 8 ; ; So PPU_ADDR points to a pattern in PPU pattern table ; 0, which is at address PPU_PATT_0 in the PPU ; ; So it points to pattern 10 when barPatternCounter is ; zero, and points to patterns 10 to 137 as ; barPatternCounter increments from 0 to 127 LDA iconBarImageHi ; Set dataForPPU(1 0) = (iconBarImageHi 0) + (addr 0) ADC addr ; STA dataForPPU+1 ; This means that: ; ; dataForPPU(1 0) + Y ; = (iconBarImageHi 0) + (addr 0) + Y ; = (iconBarImageHi 0) + (addr Y) ; = (iconBarImageHi 0) + barPatternCounter * 8 ; ; We know that (iconBarImageHi 0) points to the current ; icon bar's image data aticonBarImage0, iconBarImage1, ; iconBarImage2, iconBarImage3 or iconBarImage4 ; ; So dataForPPU(1 0) + Y points to the pattern within ; the icon bar's image data that corresponds to pattern ; number barPatternCounter, so this is the data that we ; want to send to the PPU LDX #32 ; We now send 32 bytes to the PPU, which equates to four ; patterns (as each pattern contains eight bytes) ; ; We send 32 pattern bytes, starting from the Y-th byte ; of dataForPPU(1 0), which corresponds to pattern ; number barPatternCounter in dataForPPU(1 0) .patn3 LDA (dataForPPU),Y ; Send the Y-th byte from dataForPPU(1 0) to the PPU STA PPU_DATA INY ; Increment the index in Y to point to the next byte ; from dataForPPU(1 0) DEX ; Decrement the loop counter BEQ patn4 ; If the loop counter is now zero, jump to patn4 to exit ; the loop JMP patn3 ; Loop back to send the next byte .patn4 LDA #0 ; Set the low byte of dataForPPU(1 0) to 0 STA dataForPPU LDA barPatternCounter ; Set Y = barPatternCounter * 8 ASL A ; ASL A ; And set the C flag to the overflow bit ASL A ; TAY ; Note that in the above we shift bits 7 and 6 left out ; out of A and discard them, but because we know that ; 0 < barPatternCounter < 64, this has no effect LDA #%00000000 ; Set addr = %0000000C ROL A ; STA addr ; And clear the C flag (as it gets set to bit 7 of A) ; ; So we now have the following: ; ; (addr Y) = barPatternCounter * 8 TYA ; Set (A X) = (addr Y) + PPU_PATT_1 + $50 ADC #$50 ; = PPU_PATT_1 + $50 + barPatternCounter * 8 TAX ; ; Starting with the low bytes LDA addr ; And then the high bytes (this works because we know ADC #HI(PPU_PATT_1) ; the low byte of PPU_PATT_1 is 0) STA PPU_ADDR ; Set PPU_ADDR = (A X) STX PPU_ADDR ; = PPU_PATT_1 + $50 + barPatternCounter * 8 ; = PPU_PATT_1 + (10 + barPatternCounter) * 8 ; ; So PPU_ADDR points to a pattern in PPU pattern table ; 1, which is at address PPU_PATT_1 in the PPU ; ; So it points to pattern 10 when barPatternCounter is ; zero, and points to patterns 10 to 137 as ; barPatternCounter increments from 0 to 127 LDA iconBarImageHi ; Set dataForPPU(1 0) = (iconBarImageHi 0) + (addr 0) ADC addr ; STA dataForPPU+1 ; This means that: ; ; dataForPPU(1 0) + Y ; = (iconBarImageHi 0) + (addr 0) + Y ; = (iconBarImageHi 0) + (addr Y) ; = (iconBarImageHi 0) + barPatternCounter * 8 ; ; We know that (iconBarImageHi 0) points to the current ; icon bar's image data aticonBarImage0, iconBarImage1, ; iconBarImage2, iconBarImage3 or iconBarImage4 ; ; So dataForPPU(1 0) + Y points to the pattern within ; the icon bar's image data that corresponds to pattern ; number barPatternCounter, so this is the data that we ; want to send to the PPU LDX #32 ; We now send 32 bytes to the PPU, which equates to four ; patterns (as each pattern contains eight bytes) ; ; We send 32 pattern bytes, starting from the Y-th byte ; of dataForPPU(1 0), which corresponds to pattern ; number barPatternCounter in dataForPPU(1 0) .patn5 LDA (dataForPPU),Y ; Send the Y-th byte from dataForPPU(1 0) to the PPU STA PPU_DATA INY ; Increment the index in Y to point to the next byte ; from dataForPPU(1 0) DEX ; Decrement the loop counter BEQ patn6 ; If the loop counter is now zero, jump to patn6 to exit ; the loop JMP patn5 ; Loop back to send the next byte .patn6 LDA barPatternCounter ; Add 4 to barPatternCounter, as we just sent four tile CLC ; patterns ADC #4 STA barPatternCounter JMP SendBarPattsToPPU ; Loop back to the start of the routine to send another ; four patterns to both PPU pattern tables