.SendBarPatts2ToPPU SUBTRACT_CYCLES 666 ; Subtract 666 from the cycle count BMI patt1 ; If the result is negative, jump to patt1 to stop ; sending patterns in this VBlank, as we have run out of ; cycles (we will pick up where we left off in the next ; VBlank) JMP patt2 ; The result is positive, so we have enough cycles to ; keep sending PPU data in this VBlank, so jump to patt2 ; to send the patterns .patt1 ADD_CYCLES 623 ; Add 623 to the cycle count JMP RTS1 ; Return from the subroutine (as RTS1 contains an RTS) .patt2 LDA #0 ; Set the low byte of dataForPPU(1 0) to 0 STA dataForPPU LDA barPatternCounter ; Set Y = (barPatternCounter mod 64) * 8 ASL A ; ASL A ; And set the C flag to the overflow bit ASL A ; TAY ; The mod 64 part comes from the fact that we shift bits ; 7 and 6 left out of A and discard them, so this is the ; same as (barPatternCounter AND %00111111) * 8 LDA #%00000001 ; Set addr = %0000001C ROL A ; STA addr ; And clear the C flag (as it gets set to bit 7 of A) ; ; So we now have the following: ; ; (addr Y) = (2 0) + (barPatternCounter mod 64) * 8 ; = $0200 + (barPatternCounter mod 64) * 8 ; = 64 * 8 + (barPatternCounter mod 64) * 8 ; = (64 + barPatternCounter mod 64) * 8 ; ; We only call this routine when this is true: ; ; 64 < barPatternCounter < 128 ; ; in which case we know that: ; ; 64 + barPatternCounter mod 64 = barPatternCounter ; ; So we if we substitute this into the above, we get: ; ; (addr Y) = (10 + 64 + barPatternCounter mod 64) * 8 ; = barPatternCounter * 8 TYA ; Set (A X) = (addr Y) + PPU_PATT_0 + $50 ADC #$50 ; = PPU_PATT_0 + $50 + barPatternCounter * 8 TAX ; ; Starting with the low bytes LDA addr ; And then the high bytes (this works because we know ADC #HI(PPU_PATT_0) ; the low byte of PPU_PATT_0 is 0) STA PPU_ADDR ; Set PPU_ADDR = (A X) STX PPU_ADDR ; = PPU_PATT_0 + $50 + barPatternCounter * 8 ; = PPU_PATT_0 + (10 + barPatternCounter) * 8 ; ; So PPU_ADDR points to a pattern in PPU pattern table ; 0, which is at address PPU_PATT_0 in the PPU ; ; So it points to pattern 10 when barPatternCounter is ; zero, and points to patterns 10 to 137 as ; barPatternCounter increments from 0 to 127 LDA iconBarImageHi ; Set dataForPPU(1 0) = (iconBarImageHi 0) + (addr 0) ADC addr ; STA dataForPPU+1 ; We know from above that: ; ; (addr Y) = $0200 + (barPatternCounter mod 64) * 8 ; = 64 * 8 + (barPatternCounter mod 64) * 8 ; = (64 + barPatternCounter mod 64) * 8 ; = barPatternCounter * 8 ; ; So this means that: ; ; dataForPPU(1 0) + Y ; = (iconBarImageHi 0) + (addr 0) + Y ; = (iconBarImageHi 0) + (addr Y) ; = (iconBarImageHi 0) + barPatternCounter * 8 ; ; We know that (iconBarImageHi 0) points to the current ; icon bar's image data aticonBarImage0, iconBarImage1, ; iconBarImage2, iconBarImage3 or iconBarImage4 ; ; So dataForPPU(1 0) + Y points to the pattern within ; the icon bar's image data that corresponds to pattern ; number barPatternCounter, so this is the data that we ; want to send to the PPU LDX #32 ; We now send 32 bytes to the PPU, which equates to four ; patterns (as each pattern contains eight bytes) ; ; We send 32 pattern bytes, starting from the Y-th byte ; of dataForPPU(1 0), which corresponds to pattern ; number barPatternCounter in dataForPPU(1 0) .patt3 LDA (dataForPPU),Y ; Send the Y-th byte from dataForPPU(1 0) to the PPU STA PPU_DATA INY ; Increment the index in Y to point to the next byte ; from dataForPPU(1 0) DEX ; Decrement the loop counter BEQ patt4 ; If the loop counter is now zero, jump to patt4 to exit ; the loop JMP patt3 ; Loop back to send the next byte .patt4 LDA barPatternCounter ; Add 4 to barPatternCounter, as we just sent four tile CLC ; patterns ADC #4 STA barPatternCounter BPL SendBarPatts2ToPPU ; If barPatternCounter < 128, loop back to the start of ; the routine to send another four patterns JMP ConsiderSendTiles ; Jump to ConsiderSendTiles to start sending tiles to ; the PPU, but only if there are enough free cyclesName: SendBarPatts2ToPPU [Show more] Type: Subroutine Category: PPU Summary: Send pattern data for tiles 64-127 for the icon bar to the PPU, split across multiple calls to the NMI handler if required Deep dive: Drawing vector graphics using NES tilesContext: See this subroutine in context in the source code References: This subroutine is called as follows: * SendBarPattsToPPU calls SendBarPatts2ToPPU
Pattern data for icon bar patterns 64 to 127 is sent to PPU pattern table 0 only.
Macro ADD_CYCLES (category: Drawing the screen)
Add a specified number to the cycle count
Subroutine ConsiderSendTiles (category: PPU)
If there are enough free cycles, move on to the next stage of sending patterns to the PPU
Configuration variable PPU_ADDR = $2006
The PPU address register, which is used to set the destination address within the PPU when sending data to the PPU
Configuration variable PPU_DATA = $2007
The PPU data register, which is used to send data to the PPU, to the address specified in PPU_ADDR
Configuration variable PPU_PATT_0 = $0000
The address of pattern table 0 in the PPU
Entry point RTS1 in subroutine ConsiderSendTiles (category: PPU)
Contains an RTS
Macro SUBTRACT_CYCLES (category: Drawing the screen)
Subtract a specified number from the cycle count
Subroutine SendBarPatts2ToPPU (category: PPU)
Send pattern data for tiles 64-127 for the icon bar to the PPU, split across multiple calls to the NMI handler if required
Variable barPatternCounter in workspace ZP
The number of icon bar nametable and pattern entries that need to be sent to the PPU in the NMI handler
Variable dataForPPU in workspace ZP
An address pointing to data that we send to the PPU
Variable iconBarImageHi in workspace ZP
Contains the high byte of the address of the image data for the current icon bar, i.e. HI(iconBarImage0) through to HI(iconBarImage4)
Label patt1 is local to this routine
Label patt2 is local to this routine
Label patt3 is local to this routine
Label patt4 is local to this routine