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PPU: UpdateHangarView

[NES version, Bank 7]

Name: UpdateHangarView [Show more] Type: Subroutine Category: PPU Summary: Update the hangar view on-screen by sending the data to the PPU, either immediately or during VBlank Deep dive: Views and view types in NES Elite
Context: See this subroutine in context in the source code References: This subroutine is called as follows: * HALL calls UpdateHangarView
.UpdateHangarView LDA #0 ; Page ROM bank 0 into memory at $8000 (this isn't JSR SetBank ; strictly necessarily as this routine gets jumped to ; from the end of the HALL routine in bank 1, which ; itself is only called via HALL_b1, so the latter will ; revert to bank 0 following the RTS below and none of ; the following calls are to bank 0) JSR CopyNameBuffer0To1 ; Copy the contents of nametable buffer 0 to nametable ; buffer JSR UpdateScreen ; Update the screen by sending data to the PPU, either ; immediately or during VBlank, depending on whether ; the screen is visible LDX #1 ; Hide bitplane 1, so: STX hiddenBitplane ; ; * Colour %01 (1) is the visible colour (cyan) ; * Colour %10 (2) is the hidden colour (black) RTS ; Return from the subroutine