.SetDemoAutoPlay LDA #5 ; Set the icon par pointer to button 5 (which is the JSR SetIconBarPointer ; sixth button of 12, just before the halfway point) JSR SetupDemoUniverse ; Configure the universe for the demo, which includes ; setting the random number seeds to a known value so ; the demo always runs in the same way LDX languageIndex ; Set autoPlayKeys(1 0) to the chosen language's entry LDA autoPlayKeys1Lo,X ; from the (autoPlayKeys1Hi autoPlayKeys1Lo) tables STA autoPlayKeys LDA autoPlayKeys1Hi,X STA autoPlayKeys+1 LDA #0 ; Set autoPlayKey = 0 to reset the current key being STA autoPlayKey ; "pressed" in the auto-play STA autoPlayRepeat ; Set autoPlayRepeat = 0 to reset the number of repeats ; in the auto-play (as otherwise the first button press ; would start repeating) LDX #%10000000 ; Set bit 7 of autoPlayDemo so the NMI handler will play STX autoPlayDemo ; the demo automatically using the controller key ; presses in the autoPlayKeys tables RTS ; Return from the subroutineName: SetDemoAutoPlay [Show more] Type: Subroutine Category: Combat demo Summary: Set up the NMI handler to automatically play the demo using the controller key presses in the autoPlayKeys tableContext: See this subroutine in context in the source code References: This subroutine is called as follows: * SetDemoAutoPlay_b5 calls SetDemoAutoPlay
Subroutine SetIconBarPointer (category: Icon bar)
Set the icon bar pointer to a specific position
Subroutine SetupDemoUniverse (category: Combat demo)
Initialise the local bubble of universe for the demo
Variable autoPlayDemo in workspace WP
Controls whether to play the demo automatically (which happens after it is left idle for a while)
Variable autoPlayKey in workspace WP
Stores the buttons to be automatically pressed during auto-play
Variable autoPlayKeys in workspace ZP
The address of the table containing the key presses to apply when auto-playing the demo
Variable autoPlayKeys1Hi (category: Combat demo)
High byte of the address of the auto-play key table for each language
Variable autoPlayKeys1Lo (category: Combat demo)
Low byte of the address of the auto-play key table for each language
Variable autoPlayRepeat in workspace WP
Stores the number of times a step should be repeated during auto-play
Variable languageIndex in workspace WP
The language that was chosen on the Start screen as an index into the various lookup tables