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Drawing the screen: GetNameAddress

[NES version, Bank 3]

Name: GetNameAddress [Show more] Type: Subroutine Category: Drawing the screen Summary: Get the addresses in the nametable buffers for a given tile
Context: See this subroutine in context in the source code References: This subroutine is called as follows: * DrawImageFrame calls GetNameAddress * DrawSmallBox calls GetNameAddress

Arguments: XC The tile column YC The tile row
Returns: SC(1 0) The address in nametable buffer 0 for the tile SC2(1 0) The address in nametable buffer 1 for the tile
.GetNameAddress JSR GetRowNameAddress ; Get the addresses in the nametable buffers for the ; start of character row YC, as follows: ; ; SC(1 0) = the address in nametable buffer 0 ; ; SC2(1 0) = the address in nametable buffer 1 LDA SC ; Set SC(1 0) = SC(1 0) + XC CLC ; ADC XC ; Starting with the low bytes STA SC ; ; So SC(1 0) contains the address in nametable buffer 0 ; of the text character at column XC on row YC STA SC2 ; Set SC2(1 0) = SC2(1 0) + XC ; ; Starting with the low bytes ; ; So SC2(1 0) contains the address in nametable buffer 1 ; of the text character at column XC on row YC BCC nadd1 ; If the above addition overflowed, then increment the INC SC+1 ; high bytes of SC(1 0) and SC2(1 0) accordingly INC SC2+1 .nadd1 RTS ; Return from the subroutine