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Save and load: SVE

[NES version, Bank 6]

Name: SVE [Show more] Type: Subroutine Category: Save and load Summary: Display the Save and Load screen and process saving and loading of commander files
Context: See this subroutine in context in the source code References: This subroutine is called as follows: * SVE_b6 calls SVE

This routine does a similar job to the routine of the same name in the BBC Master version of Elite, but the code is significantly different.
.SVE LDA #$BB ; Clear the screen and set the view type in QQ11 to $BB JSR TT66_b0 ; (Save and load with the normal and highlight fonts ; loaded) LDA #$8B ; Set the view type in QQ11 to $8B (Save and load with STA QQ11 ; no fonts loaded) LDY #0 ; Clear bit 7 of autoPlayDemo so we do not play the demo STY autoPlayDemo ; automatically while the save screen is active STY QQ17 ; Set QQ17 = 0 to switch to ALL CAPS STY YC ; Move the text cursor to row 0 LDX languageIndex ; Move the text cursor to the correct column for the LDA xSaveHeader,X ; Stored Commanders title in the chosen language STA XC LDA saveHeader1Lo,X ; Set V(1 0) to the address of the correct Stored STA V ; Commanders title for the chosen language LDA saveHeader1Hi,X STA V+1 JSR PrintSaveHeader ; Print the null-terminated string at V(1 0), which ; prints the Stored Commanders title for the chosen ; language at the top of the screen LDA #$BB ; Set the view type in QQ11 to $BB (Save and load with STA QQ11 ; the normal and highlight fonts loaded) LDX languageIndex ; Set V(1 0) to the address of the correct subheaders LDA saveHeader2Lo,X ; for the Save and Load screen in the chosen language STA V ; (e.g. the "STORED POSITIONS" and "CURRENT POSITION" LDA saveHeader2Hi,X ; subheaders in English) STA V+1 JSR PrintSaveHeader ; Print the null-terminated string at V(1 0), which ; prints the subheaders JSR NLIN4 ; Draw a horizontal line on tile row 2 to box in the ; title JSR SetScreenForUpdate ; Get the screen ready for updating by hiding all ; sprites, after fading the screen to black if we are ; changing view ; We now draw the tall bracket image that sits between ; the current and stored positions LDY #5*4 ; We are going to draw the bracket using sprites 5 to ; 19, so set Y to the offset of sprite 5 in the sprite ; buffer, where each sprite takes up four bytes LDA #57+YPAL ; The top tile in the bracket is at y-coordinate 57, so STA T ; store this in T so we can use it as the y-coordinate ; for each sprite as we draw the bracket downwards LDX #0 ; The tile numbers are in the saveBracketPatts table, so ; set X as an index to work our way through the table .save1 LDA #%00100010 ; Set the attributes for sprite Y / 4 as follows: STA attrSprite0,Y ; ; * Bits 0-1 = sprite palette 2 ; * Bit 5 set = show behind background ; * Bit 6 clear = do not flip horizontally ; * Bit 7 clear = do not flip vertically LDA saveBracketPatts,X ; Set A to the X-th entry in the saveBracketPatts table BEQ save2 ; If A = 0 then we have reached the end of the tile ; list, so jump to save2 to move on to the next stage STA pattSprite0,Y ; Otherwise we have the next tile number, so set the ; pattern number for sprite Y / 4 to A LDA #83 ; Set the x-coordinate for sprite Y / 4 to 83 STA xSprite0,Y LDA T ; Set the x-coordinate for sprite Y / 4 to T STA ySprite0,Y CLC ; Set T = T + 8 so it points to the next row down (as ADC #8 ; each row is eight pixels high) STA T INY ; Set Y = Y + 4 so it points to the next sprite in the INY ; sprite buffer (as each sprite takes up four bytes in INY ; the buffer) INY INX ; Increment the table index in X to point to the next ; entry in the saveBracketPatts table JMP save1 ; Jump back to save1 to draw the next bracket tile .save2 STY CNT ; Set CNT to the offset in the sprite buffer of the ; next free sprite (i.e. the sprite after the last ; sprite in the bracket) so we can pass it to ; DrawSaveSlotMark below ; We now draw dashes to the left of each of the save ; slots on the right side of the screen LDY #7 ; We are going to draw eight slot marks, so set a ; counter in Y .save3 TYA ; Move the text cursor to row 6 + Y * 2 ASL A ; CLC ; So the slot marks are printed on even rows from row 6 ADC #6 ; to row 20 (though we print them from bottom to top) STA YC LDX #20 ; Move the text cursor to column 20, so we print the STX XC ; slot mark in column 20 JSR DrawSaveSlotMark ; Draw the slot mark for save slot Y DEY ; Decrement the counter in Y BPL save3 ; Loop back until we have printed all eight slot marks JSR DrawSmallLogo_b4 ; Set the sprite buffer entries for the small Elite logo ; in the top-left corner of the screen ; We now work through the save slots and print their ; names LDA #0 ; Set A = 0 to use as the save slot number in the ; following loop (the loop runs from A = 0 to 8, but we ; only print the name for A = 0 to 7, and do nothing for ; A = 8) .save4 CMP #8 ; If A = 8, jump to save5 to skip the following BEQ save5 ; instruction JSR PrintSaveName ; Print the name of the commander file saved in slot A .save5 CLC ; Set A = A + 1 to move on to the next save slot ADC #1 CMP #9 ; Loop back to save4 until we have processed all nine BCC save4 ; slots, leaving A = 9 JSR HighlightSaveName ; Print the name of the commander file saved in slot 9 ; as a highlighted name, so this prints the current ; commander name on the left of the screen, under the ; "CURRENT POSITION" header, in the highlight font JSR UpdateView_b0 ; Update the view to draw all the sprites and tiles ; on-screen LDA #9 ; Set A = 9, which is the slot number we use for the ; current commander name on the left of the screen, so ; this sets the initial position of the highlighted name ; to the current commander name on the left ; Fall through into MoveInLeftColumn to start iterating ; around the main loop for the Save and Load screen