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Combat demo: GRIDSET

[NES version, Bank 6]

Name: GRIDSET [Show more] Type: Subroutine Category: Combat demo Summary: Populate the line coordinate tables with the pixel lines for one 21-character line of scroll text Deep dive: The 6502 Second Processor demo mode The NES combat demo
Context: See this subroutine in context in the source code References: This subroutine is called as follows: * DrawScrollText calls GRIDSET * CalculateGridLines calls via GRIDSET+5

This routine populates the X-th byte in the X1TB, Y1TB and X2TB tables (the TB tables) with the line coordinates that make up each character in a single line of scroll text that we want to display (where each line of text contains 21 characters).
Arguments: INF(1 0) The contents of the scroll text to display XC The offset within INF(1 0) of the 21-character line of text to display
Other entry points: GRIDSET+5 Use the y-coordinate in YP so the scroll text starts at (0, YP) rather than (0, 6)
.GRIDSET LDX #6 ; Set YP = 6 STX YP SETUP_PPU_FOR_ICON_BAR ; If the PPU has started drawing the icon bar, configure ; the PPU to use nametable 0 and pattern table 0 LDX #21 ; Each line of text in the scroll text contains 21 STX CNT ; characters (padded out with spaces if required), so ; set CNT = 21 to use as a counter to work through the ; line of text at INF(1 0) + XC LDX #0 ; Set XP = 0, so we now have (XP, YP) = (0, 6) STX XP ; ; (XP, YP) is the coordinate in space where we start ; drawing the lines that make up the scroll text, so ; this effectively moves the scroll text cursor to the ; top-left corner (as these are space coordinates where ; higher y-coordinates are further up the screen) LDY XC ; Set Y = XC, to act as an index into the text we want ; to display, pointing to the character we are currently ; processing and starting from character XC .GSL1 LDA (INF),Y ; Load the Y-th character from the text we want to ; display into A, so A now contains the ASCII code of ; the character we want to process BPL grid1 ; If bit 7 of the character is clear, jump to grid1 to ; slip the following TAX ; Bit 7 of the character is set, so set A to character LDA K5-128,X ; X - 128 from K5 ; ; So character $80 refers to location K5, $81 to K5+1, ; $82 to K5+2 and $83 to K5+3, which is where we put the ; results for the time taken in the combat demo, so this ; allows us to display the time in the scroll text .grid1 SEC ; Set S = A - ASCII " ", as the table at LTDEF starts SBC #' ' ; with the lines needed for a space, so A now contains STA S ; the number of the entry in LTDEF for this character ASL A ; Set Y = S + 4 * A ASL A ; = A + 4 * A ADC S ; = 5 * A BCS grid2 ; TAY ; so Y now points to the offset of the definition in the ; LTDEF table for the character in A, where the first ; character in the table is a space and each definition ; in LTDEF consists of five bytes ; ; If the addition overflows, jump to grid2 to do the ; same as the following, but with an extra $100 added ; to the addresses to cater for the overflow LDA LTDEF,Y ; Call GRS1 to put the coordinates of the character's JSR GRS1 ; first line into the TB tables LDA LTDEF+1,Y ; Call GRS1 to put the coordinates of the character's JSR GRS1 ; second line into the TB tables LDA LTDEF+2,Y ; Call GRS1 to put the coordinates of the character's JSR GRS1 ; third line into the TB tables LDA LTDEF+3,Y ; Call GRS1 to put the coordinates of the character's JSR GRS1 ; fourth line into the TB tables LDA LTDEF+4,Y ; Call GRS1 to put the coordinates of the character's JSR GRS1 ; fifth line into the TB tables INC XC ; Increment the character index to point to the next ; character in the text we want to display LDY XC ; Set Y to the updated character index LDA XP ; Set XP = XP + #W2 CLC ; ADC #W2 ; to move the x-coordinate along by #W2 (the horizontal STA XP ; character spacing for the scroll text) DEC CNT ; Decrement the loop counter in CNT BNE GSL1 ; Loop back to process the next character until we have ; done all 21 RTS ; Return from the subroutine .grid2 ; If we get here then the addition overflowed when ; calculating A, so we need to add an extra $100 to A ; to get the correct address in LTDEF TAY ; Copy A to Y, so Y points to the offset of the ; definition in the LTDEF table for the character in A LDA LTDEF+$100,Y ; Call GRS1 to put the coordinates of the character's JSR GRS1 ; first line into the TB tables LDA LTDEF+$101,Y ; Call GRS1 to put the coordinates of the character's JSR GRS1 ; second line into the TB tables LDA LTDEF+$102,Y ; Call GRS1 to put the coordinates of the character's JSR GRS1 ; third line into the TB tables LDA LTDEF+$103,Y ; Call GRS1 to put the coordinates of the character's JSR GRS1 ; fourth line into the TB tables LDA LTDEF+$104,Y ; Call GRS1 to put the coordinates of the character's JSR GRS1 ; fifth line into the TB tables INC XC ; Increment the character index to point to the next ; character in the text we want to display LDY XC ; Set Y to the updated character index LDA XP ; Set XP = XP + #W2 CLC ; ADC #W2 ; to move the x-coordinate along by #W2 (the horizontal STA XP ; character spacing for the scroll text) DEC CNT ; Decrement the loop counter in CNT BNE GSL1 ; Loop back to process the next character until we have ; done all 21 RTS ; Return from the subroutine