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Status: DrawRightEarring

[NES version, Bank 6]

Name: DrawRightEarring [Show more] Type: Subroutine Category: Status Summary: Draw an earring in the commander's right ear (i.e. on the left side of the commander image
Context: See this subroutine in context in the source code References: This subroutine is called as follows: * DrawCmdrImage calls DrawRightEarring
.DrawRightEarring LDA #107 ; Set the pattern number for sprite 11 to 107, which is STA pattSprite11 ; the right earring LDA #%00000010 ; Set the attributes for sprite 11 as follows: STA attrSprite11 ; ; * Bits 0-1 = sprite palette 2 ; * Bit 5 clear = show in front of background ; * Bit 6 clear = do not flip horizontally ; * Bit 7 clear = do not flip vertically LDA #195 ; Set the x-coordinate for sprite 11 to 195 STA xSprite11 LDA languageNumber ; If bit 2 of languageNumber is clear then the chosen AND #%00000100 ; language is not French, so jump to earr1 with A = 0 BEQ earr1 LDA #16 ; The chosen language is French, so the commander image ; is 16 pixels lower down the screen, so set A = 16 to ; add to the y-coordinate of the earring .earr1 CLC ; Set the y-coordinate for sprite 11 to 98, plus the ADC #98+YPAL ; margin we just set in A STA ySprite11 RTS ; Return from the subroutine