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Status: DrawCmdrImage

[NES version, Bank 6]

Name: DrawCmdrImage [Show more] Type: Subroutine Category: Status Summary: Draw the commander image as a coloured face image in front of a greyscale headshot image, with optional embellishments
Context: See this subroutine in context in the source code References: This subroutine is called as follows: * DrawCmdrImage_b6 calls DrawCmdrImage
.DrawCmdrImage ; The commander image is made up of two layers and some ; optional embellishments: ; ; * A greyscale headshot (i.e. the head and shoulders) ; that's displayed as a background using the ; nametable tiles, whose patterns are extracted into ; the pattern buffers by the GetHeadshot routine ; ; * A colourful face that's displayed in the ; foreground as a set of sprites, whose patterns are ; sent to the PPU by the GetCmdrImage routine, from ; pattern 69 onwards ; ; * A pair of dark glasses (if we are a fugitive) ; ; * Left and right earrings and a medallion, depending ; on how rich we are ; ; We start by drawing the background into the nametable ; buffers LDX #6 ; Set X = 6 to use as the number of columns in the image LDY #8 ; Set Y = 8 to use as the number of rows in the image STX K ; Set K = X, so we can pass the number of columns in the ; image to DrawBackground below STY K+1 ; Set K+1 = Y, so we can pass the number of rows in the ; image to DrawBackground below LDA firstFreePattern ; Set picturePattern to the number of the next free STA picturePattern ; pattern in firstFreePattern ; ; We use this when setting K+2 below, so the call to ; DrawBackground displays the patterns at ; picturePattern, and it's also used to specify where to ; load the system image data when we call GetCmdrImage ; from SendViewToPPU when showing the Status screen CLC ; Add 48 to firstFreePattern, as we are going to use 48 ADC #48 ; patterns for the system image (8 rows of 6 tiles) STA firstFreePattern LDX picturePattern ; Set K+2 to the value we stored above, so K+2 is the STX K+2 ; number of the first pattern to use for the commander ; image's greyscale headshot JSR DrawBackground_b3 ; Draw the background by writing the nametable buffer ; entries for the greyscale part of the commander image ; (this is the image that is extracted into the pattern ; buffers by the GetSystemBack routine) ; Now that the background is drawn, we move on to the ; sprite-based foreground, which contains the face image ; ; We draw the face image from sprites with sequential ; patterns, so now we configure the variables to pass ; to the DrawSpriteImage routine LDA #5 ; Set K = 5, to pass as the number of columns in the STA K ; image to DrawSpriteImage below LDA #7 ; Set K+1 = 7, to pass as the number of rows in the STA K+1 ; image to DrawSpriteImage below LDA #69 ; Set K+2 = 69, so we draw the face image using STA K+2 ; pattern 69 onwards LDA #20 ; Set K+3 = 20, so we build the image from sprite 20 STA K+3 ; onwards LDX #4 ; Set X = 4 so we draw the image four pixels into the ; (XC, YC) character block along the x-axis LDY #0 ; Set Y = 0 so we draw the image at the top of the ; (XC, YC) character block along the y-axis JSR DrawSpriteImage_b6 ; Draw the face image from sprites, using pattern 69 ; onwards ; Next, we draw a pair of smooth-criminal dark glasses ; in front of the face if we have got a criminal record LDA FIST ; If our legal status in FIST is less than 40, then we CMP #40 ; are either clean or an offender, so jump to cmdr1 to BCC cmdr1 ; skip the following instruction, as we aren't bad ; enough to wear shades JSR DrawGlasses ; If we get here then we are a fugitive, so draw a pair ; of dark glasses in front of the face .cmdr1 ; We now embellish the commander image, depending on how ; much cash we have ; ; Note that the CASH amount is stored as a big-endian ; four-byte number with the most significant byte first, ; i.e. as CASH(0 1 2 3) LDA CASH ; If CASH >= $01000000 (1,677,721.6 CR), jump to cmdr2 BNE cmdr2 LDA CASH+1 ; If CASH >= $00990000 (1,002,700.8 CR), jump to cmdr2 CMP #$99 BCS cmdr2 CMP #0 ; If CASH >= $00010000 (6,553.6 CR), jump to cmdr3 BNE cmdr3 LDA CASH+2 ; If CASH >= $00004F00 (2,022.4 CR), jump to cmdr3 CMP #$4F BCS cmdr3 CMP #$28 ; If CASH < $00002800 (1,024.0 CR), jump to cmdr5 BCC cmdr5 BCS cmdr4 ; Jump to cmdr4 (this BCS is effectively a JMP as we ; just passed through a BCC) .cmdr2 JSR DrawMedallion ; If we get here then we have more than 1,002,700.8 CR, ; so call DrawMedallion to draw a medallion on the ; commander image .cmdr3 JSR DrawRightEarring ; If we get here then we have more than 2,022.4 CR, so ; call DrawLeftEarring to draw an earring in the ; commander's right ear (i.e. on the left side of the ; commander image .cmdr4 JSR DrawLeftEarring ; If we get here then we have more than 1,024.0 CR, so ; call DrawRightEarring to draw an earring in the ; commander's left ear (i.e. on the right side of the ; commander image .cmdr5 LDX XC ; We just drew the image at (XC, YC), so decrement them DEX ; both so we can pass (XC, YC) to the DrawImageFrame STX XC ; routine to draw a frame around the image, with the LDX YC ; top-left corner one block up and left from the image DEX ; corner STX YC LDA #7 ; Set K = 7 to pass to the DrawImageFrame routine as the STA K ; frame width minus 1, so the frame is eight tiles wide, ; to cover the image which is six tiles wide LDA #10 ; Set K+1 = 10 to pass to the DrawImageFrame routine as STA K+1 ; the frame height, so the frame is ten tiles high, ; to cover the image which is eight tiles high JMP DrawImageFrame_b3 ; Call DrawImageFrame to draw a frame around the ; commander image, returning from the subroutine using a ; tail call