.DrawSpriteImage LDA #%00000001 ; Set S to use as the attribute for each of the sprites STA S ; in the image, so each sprite is set as follows: ; ; * Bits 0-1 = sprite palette 1 ; * Bit 5 clear = show in front of background ; * Bit 6 clear = do not flip horizontally ; * Bit 7 clear = do not flip vertically LDA XC ; Set SC = XC * 8 + X ASL A ; = XC * 8 + 6 ASL A ; ASL A ; So SC is the pixel x-coordinate of the top-left corner ADC #0 ; of the image we want to draw, as each text character STA SC ; in XC is 8 pixels wide and X contains the x-coordinate TXA ; within the character block ADC SC STA SC LDA YC ; Set SC+1 = YC * 8 + 6 + Y ASL A ; = YC * 8 + 6 + 6 ASL A ; ASL A ; So SC+1 is the pixel y-coordinate of the top-left ADC #6+YPAL ; corner of the image we want to draw, as each text row STA SC+1 ; in YC is 8 pixels high and Y contains the y-coordinate TYA ; within the character block ADC SC+1 STA SC+1 LDA K+3 ; Set Y = K+3 * 4 ASL A ; ASL A ; So Y contains the offset of the first free sprite's TAY ; four-byte block in the sprite buffer, as each sprite ; consists of four bytes, so this is now the offset ; within the sprite buffer of the first sprite we can ; use to build the sprite image LDA K+2 ; Set A to the pattern number of the first tile in K+2 LDX K+1 ; Set T = K+1 to use as a counter for each row in the STX T ; image .drsi1 SETUP_PPU_FOR_ICON_BAR ; If the PPU has started drawing the icon bar, configure ; the PPU to use nametable 0 and pattern table 0 LDX SC ; Set SC2 to the pixel x-coordinate for the start of STX SC2 ; each row, so we can use it to move along the row as we ; draw the sprite image LDX K ; Set X to the number of tiles in each row of the image ; (in K), so we can use it as a counter as we move along ; the row .drsi2 LDA K+2 ; Set the pattern for sprite Y to K+2, which is the STA pattSprite0,Y ; pattern number in the PPU's pattern table to use for ; this part of the image LDA S ; Set the attributes for sprite Y to S, which we set STA attrSprite0,Y ; above as follows: ; ; * Bits 0-1 = sprite palette 1 ; * Bit 5 clear = show in front of background ; * Bit 6 clear = do not flip horizontally ; * Bit 7 clear = do not flip vertically LDA SC2 ; Set the x-coordinate for sprite Y to SC2 STA xSprite0,Y CLC ; Set SC2 = SC2 + 8 ADC #8 ; STA SC2 ; So SC2 contains the x-coordinate of the next tile ; along the row LDA SC+1 ; Set the y-coordinate for sprite Y to SC+1 STA ySprite0,Y TYA ; Add 4 to the sprite number in Y, to move on to the CLC ; next sprite in the sprite buffer (as each sprite ADC #4 ; consists of four bytes of data) BCS drsi3 ; If the addition overflowed, then we have reached the ; end of the sprite buffer, so jump to drsi3 to return ; from the subroutine, as we have run out of sprites TAY ; Otherwise set Y to the offset of the next sprite in ; the sprite buffer INC K+2 ; Increment the tile counter in K+2 to point to the next ; pattern DEX ; Decrement the tile counter in X as we have just drawn ; a tile BNE drsi2 ; If X is non-zero then we still have more tiles to ; draw on the current row, so jump back to drsi2 to draw ; the next one LDA SC+1 ; Otherwise we have reached the end of this row, so add ADC #8 ; 8 to SC+1 to move the y-coordinate down to the next STA SC+1 ; tile row (as each tile row is 8 pixels high) DEC T ; Decrement the number of rows in T as we just finished ; drawing a row BNE drsi1 ; Loop back to drsi1 until we have drawn all the rows in ; the image .drsi3 RTS ; Return from the subroutineName: DrawSpriteImage [Show more] Type: Subroutine Category: Drawing sprites Summary: Draw an image out of sprites using patterns in sequential tiles in the pattern buffer Deep dive: Sprite usage in NES EliteContext: See this subroutine in context in the source code References: This subroutine is called as follows: * DrawSpriteImage_b6 calls DrawSpriteImage * DrawMedallion calls via DrawSpriteImage+2
Arguments: K The number of columns in the image (i.e. the number of tiles in each row of the image) K+1 The number of tile rows in the image K+2 The pattern number of the start of the image pattern data in the pattern table K+3 Number of the first free sprite in the sprite buffer, where we can build the sprites to make up the image XC The text column of the top-left corner of the image YC The text row of the top-left corner of the image X The pixel x-coordinate of the top-left corner of the image within the text block at (XC, YC) Y The pixel y-coordinate of the top-left corner of the image within the text block at (XC, YC)
Other entry points: DrawSpriteImage+2 Set the attributes for the sprites in the image to A
Macro SETUP_PPU_FOR_ICON_BAR (category: PPU)
If the PPU has started drawing the icon bar, configure the PPU to use nametable 0 and pattern table 0
Configuration variable YPAL = 6 AND _PAL
A margin of 6 pixels that is applied to a number of y-coordinates for the PAL version only (as the PAL version has a taller screen than NTSC)
Variable attrSprite0 in workspace Sprite buffer
Attributes for sprite 0
Label drsi1 is local to this routine
Label drsi2 is local to this routine
Label drsi3 is local to this routine
Variable pattSprite0 in workspace Sprite buffer
Pattern number for sprite 0
Variable xSprite0 in workspace Sprite buffer
Screen x-coordinate for sprite 0
Variable ySprite0 in workspace Sprite buffer
Screen y-coordinate for sprite 0