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Icon bar: PauseGame

[NES version, Bank 6]

Name: PauseGame [Show more] Type: Subroutine Category: Icon bar Summary: Pause the game and process choices from the pause menu until the game is unpaused by another press of Start
Context: See this subroutine in context in the source code References: This subroutine is called as follows: * PauseGame_b6 calls PauseGame

Returns: X X is preserved Y Y is preserved nmiTimer nmiTimer is preserved nmiTimerHi nmiTimerHi is preserved nmiTimerLo nmiTimerLo is preserved showIconBarPointer showIconBarPointer is preserved iconBarType iconBarType is preserved
.PauseGame TYA ; Store X and Y on the stack so we can retrieve them PHA ; below TXA PHA JSR WaitForNMI ; Wait until the next NMI interrupt has passed (i.e. the ; next VBlank) LDA nmiTimer ; Store nmiTimer and (nmiTimerHi nmiTimerLo) on the PHA ; stack so we can retrieve them below LDA nmiTimerLo PHA LDA nmiTimerHi PHA JSR WaitForPPUToFinish ; Wait until both bitplanes of the screen have been ; sent to the PPU, so the screen is fully updated and ; there is no more data waiting to be sent to the PPU LDA showIconBarPointer ; Store showIconBarPointer on the stack so we can PHA ; retrieve it below LDA iconBarType ; Store iconBarType on the stack so we can retrieve it PHA ; below LDA #$FF ; Set showIconBarPointer = $FF to indicate that we STA showIconBarPointer ; should show the icon bar pointer LDA #3 ; Show icon bar type 3 (Pause) on-screen JSR ShowIconBar_b3 .paug1 LDY #4 ; Wait until four NMI interrupts have passed (i.e. the JSR DELAY ; next four VBlanks) JSR SetKeyLogger_b6 ; Populate the key logger table with the controller ; button presses and return the button number in X ; if an icon bar button has been chosen TXA ; Set A to the button number if an icon bar button has ; been chosen CMP #80 ; If the Start button was pressed to pause the game then BNE paug2 ; A will be 80, so jump to paug2 to process choices from ; the pause menu ; Otherwise the Start button was pressed for a second ; time (which returns X = 0 from SetKeyLogger), so now ; we remove the pause menu PLA ; Retrieve iconBarType from the stack into A JSR ShowIconBar_b3 ; Show icon bar type A on-screen, so we redisplay the ; icon bar that was on the screen before the game was ; paused PLA ; Set showIconBarPointer to the value we stored on the STA showIconBarPointer ; stack above, so it is preserved JSR WaitForNMI ; Wait until the next NMI interrupt has passed (i.e. the ; next VBlank) PLA ; Set nmiTimer and (nmiTimerHi nmiTimerLo) to the values STA nmiTimerHi ; we stored on the stack above, so they are preserved PLA STA nmiTimerLo PLA STA nmiTimer PLA ; Set X and Y to the values we stored on the stack TAX ; above, so they are preserved PLA TAY RTS ; Return from the subroutine .paug2 ; If we get here then an icon bar button has been chosen ; and the button number is in A CMP #52 ; If the Sound toggle button was not chosen, jump to BNE paug3 ; paug3 to keep checking LDA DNOIZ ; The Sound toggle button was chosen, so flip the value EOR #$FF ; of DNOIZ to toggle between sound on and sound off STA DNOIZ JMP paug11 ; Jump to paug11 to update the icon bar and loop back to ; keep listening for button presses .paug3 CMP #51 ; If the Music toggle button was not chosen, jump to BNE paug6 ; paug6 to keep checking LDA disableMusic ; The Music toggle button was chosen, so flip the value EOR #$FF ; of disableMusic to toggle between music on and music STA disableMusic ; off BPL paug4 ; If the toggle was flipped to 0, then music is enabled ; so jump to paug4 to start the music playing (if a tune ; is configured) JSR StopSounds_b6 ; Otherwise music has just been enabled, so call ; StopSounds to stop any sounds that are being made ; (music or sound effects) JMP paug11 ; Jump to paug11 to update the icon bar and loop back to ; keep listening for button presses .paug4 ; If we get here then music was just enabled LDA newTune ; If newTune = 0 then no tune is configured to play, so BEQ paug5 ; jump to paug5 to skip the following AND #%01111111 ; Clear bit 7 of newTune to extract the tune number that ; is configured to play JSR ChooseMusic_b6 ; Call ChooseMusic to start playing the tune in A .paug5 JMP paug11 ; Jump to paug11 to update the icon bar and loop back to ; keep listening for button presses .paug6 CMP #60 ; If the Restart button was not chosen, jump to paug7 BNE paug7 ; The Restart button was just chosen, so we now restart ; the game PLA ; Retrieve iconBarType from the stack into A (and ignore ; it) PLA ; Set showIconBarPointer to the value we stored on the STA showIconBarPointer ; stack above, so it is preserved JMP DEATH2_b0 ; Jump to DEATH2 to restart the game (which also resets ; the stack pointer, so we can ignore all the other ; values that we put on the stack above) .paug7 CMP #53 ; If the Number of Pilots button was not chosen, jump BNE paug8 ; to paug8 to keep checking LDA numberOfPilots ; The Number of Pilots button was chosen, so flip the EOR #1 ; value of numberOfPilots between 0 and 1 to change the STA numberOfPilots ; number of pilots between 1 and 2 JMP paug11 ; Jump to paug11 to update the icon bar and loop back to ; keep listening for button presses .paug8 CMP #49 ; If the "Direction of y-axis" toggle button was not BNE paug9 ; chosen, jump to paug9 to keep checking LDA JSTGY ; The "Direction of y-axis" toggle button was chosen, so EOR #$FF ; flip the value of JSTGY to toggle the direction of the STA JSTGY ; controller y-axis JMP paug11 ; Jump to paug11 to update the icon bar and loop back to ; keep listening for button presses .paug9 CMP #50 ; If the Damping toggle button was not chosen, jump to BNE paug10 ; paug10 to keep checking LDA DAMP ; The Damping toggle button was chosen, so flip the EOR #$FF ; value of DAMP to toggle between damping on and damping STA DAMP ; off JMP paug11 ; Jump to paug11 to update the icon bar and loop back to ; keep listening for button presses .paug10 JMP paug1 ; Jump back to paug1 to keep listening for button ; presses .paug11 JSR UpdateIconBar_b3 ; Update the icon bar to show updated icons for any ; changed options JMP paug1 ; Jump back to paug1 to keep listening for button ; presses