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Text: CHPR (Part 1 of 6)

[NES version, Bank 2]

Name: CHPR (Part 1 of 6) [Show more] Type: Subroutine Category: Text Summary: Print a character at the text cursor by poking into screen memory Deep dive: Fonts in NES Elite
Context: See this subroutine in context in the source code References: This subroutine is called as follows: * BELL calls CHPR * CHPR_b2 calls CHPR * TT26 calls CHPR

Print a character at the text cursor (XC, YC), do a beep, print a newline, or delete left (backspace). If the relevant font is already loaded into the pattern buffers, then this is used as the pattern for the character, otherwise the pattern for the character being printed is extracted from the fontImage table and into the pattern buffer. For fontStyle = 3, the pattern is always extracted from the fontImage table, as it has different colour text (colour 3) than the normal font. This is used when printing characters into 2x2 attribute blocks where printing the normal font would result in the wrong colour text being shown.
Arguments: A The character to be printed. Can be one of the following: * 7 (beep) * 10-13 (line feeds and carriage returns) * 32-95 (ASCII capital letters, numbers and punctuation) * 127 (delete the character to the left of the text cursor and move the cursor to the left) XC Contains the text column to print at (the x-coordinate) YC Contains the line number to print on (the y-coordinate) fontStyle Determines the font style: * 1 = normal font * 2 = highlight font * 3 = green text on a black background (colour 3 on background colour 0)
Returns: A A is preserved X X is preserved Y Y is preserved C flag The C flag is cleared
.chpr1 JMP chpr17 ; Jump to chpr17 to restore the registers and return ; from the subroutine .chpr2 LDA #2 ; Move the text cursor to row 2 STA YC LDA K3 ; Set A to the character to be printed JMP chpr4 ; Jump to chpr4 to print the character in A .chpr3 JMP chpr17 ; Jump to chpr17 to restore the registers and return ; from the subroutine LDA #12 ; This instruction is never called, but it would set A ; to a carriage return character and fall through into ; CHPR to print the newline .CHPR STA K3 ; Store the A register in K3 so we can retrieve it below ; (so K3 contains the number of the character to print) SETUP_PPU_FOR_ICON_BAR ; If the PPU has started drawing the icon bar, configure ; the PPU to use nametable 0 and pattern table 0 LDA K3 ; Store the A, X and Y registers, so we can restore STY YSAV2 ; them at the end (so they don't get changed by this STX XSAV2 ; routine) LDY QQ17 ; Load the QQ17 flag, which contains the text printing ; flags CPY #255 ; If QQ17 = 255 then printing is disabled, so jump to BEQ chpr3 ; chpr17 (via the JMP in chpr3) to restore the registers ; and return from the subroutine using a tail call .chpr4 CMP #7 ; If this is a beep character (A = 7), jump to chpr1, BEQ chpr1 ; which will emit the beep, restore the registers and ; return from the subroutine CMP #32 ; If this is an ASCII character (A >= 32), jump to chpr6 BCS chpr6 ; below, which will print the character, restore the ; registers and return from the subroutine CMP #10 ; If this is control code 10 (line feed) then jump to BEQ chpr5 ; chpr5, which will move down a line, restore the ; registers and return from the subroutine LDX #1 ; If we get here, then this is control code 11-13, of STX XC ; which only 13 is used. This code prints a newline, ; which we can achieve by moving the text cursor ; to the start of the line (carriage return) and down ; one line (line feed). These two lines do the first ; bit by setting XC = 1, and we then fall through into ; the line feed routine that's used by control code 10 .chpr5 CMP #13 ; If this is control code 13 (carriage return) then jump BEQ chpr3 ; to chpr17 (via the JMP in chpr3) to restore the ; registers and return from the subroutine using a tail ; call INC YC ; Increment the text cursor y-coordinate to move it ; down one row BNE chpr3 ; Jump to chpr17 via chpr3 to restore the registers and ; return from the subroutine using a tail call (this BNE ; is effectively a JMP as Y will never be zero) .chpr6 ; If we get here, then the character to print is an ; ASCII character in the range 32-95 LDX XC ; If the text cursor is on a column of 30 or less, then CPX #31 ; we have space to print the character on the current BCC chpr7 ; row, so jump to chpr7 to skip the following LDX #1 ; The text cursor has moved off the right end of the STX XC ; current line, so move the cursor back to column 1 and INC YC ; down to the next row .chpr7 LDX YC ; If the text cursor is on row 26 or less, then the CPX #27 ; cursor is on-screen, so jump to chpr8 to skip the BCC chpr8 ; following instruction JMP chpr2 ; The cursor is off the bottom of the screen, so jump to ; chpr2 to move the cursor up to row 2 before printing ; the character .chpr8 CMP #127 ; If the character to print is not ASCII 127, then jump BNE chpr9 ; to chpr9 to skip the following instruction JMP chpr21 ; Jump to chpr21 to delete the character to the left of ; the text cursor