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Icon bar: TT102

[NES version, Bank 0]

Name: TT102 [Show more] Type: Subroutine Category: Icon bar Summary: Process icon bar controller choices
Context: See this subroutine in context in the source code References: This subroutine is called as follows: * Main game loop (Part 6 of 6) calls TT102 * HME2 calls via ReturnFromSearch

This routine does a similar job to the routine of the same name in the BBC Master version of Elite, but the code is significantly different.
Arguments: A The button number of the chosen icon from the icon bar X The amount to move the crosshairs in the x-axis Y The amount to move the crosshairs in the y-axis
Other entry points: ReturnFromSearch Re-entry point following a system search in HME2
.TT102 CMP #0 ; If no icon was chosen, jump to HME1 to skip all the BNE P%+5 ; icon checks below JMP HME1 CMP #3 ; If the Status Mode icon was chosen, jump to STATUS to BNE P%+5 ; show the Status Mode screen, returning from the JMP STATUS ; subroutine using a tail call CMP #4 ; If the Charts icon was chosen from the docked icon BEQ barb1 ; bar, jump to barb1 to show the correct chart CMP #36 ; If the Switch chart range icon from the Charts icon BNE barb2 ; bar was not chosen, jump to barb2 to keep checking LDA chartToShow ; The Switch chart range icon from the Charts icon bar EOR #%10000000 ; was chosen, so flip bit 7 of chartToShow to toggle STA chartToShow ; the chart between the Long-range and Short-range ; Chart .barb1 LDA chartToShow ; If chartToShow = 0 then jump to TT23 to show the BPL P%+5 ; Short-range Chart, otherwise jump to TT22 to show the JMP TT22 ; Long-range Chart, in either case returning from the JMP TT23 ; subroutine using a tail call .barb2 CMP #35 ; If the Data on System icon was chosen, call the BNE TT92 ; SetSelectedSystem routine to set the selected system JSR SetSelectedSystem ; to the nearest system, if we don't already have a JMP TT25 ; selected system, and then jump to TT25 to show the ; Data on System screen, returning from the subroutine ; using a tail call .TT92 CMP #8 ; If the Inventory icon was chosen, jump to TT213 to BNE P%+5 ; show the Inventory screen, returning from the JMP TT213 ; subroutine using a tail call CMP #2 ; If the Market Price icon was chosen, jump to TT167 to BNE P%+5 ; show the Market Price screen, returning from the JMP TT167 ; subroutine using a tail call CMP #1 ; If the Launch icon was not chosen, jump to fvw to BNE fvw ; skip the following launch code ; The Launch icon was chosen, so we now attempt to ; launch LDX QQ12 ; If QQ12 is zero then we are not docked, so jump to fvw BEQ fvw ; as we can't launch from the station if we are already ; in space JSR SelectNearbySystem ; Set the current system to the nearest system to ; (QQ9, QQ10), which will be the system we are currently ; docked at, and update the selected system flags ; accordingly JMP TT110 ; Jump to TT110 to launch our ship, returning from the ; subroutine using a tail call .fvw CMP #17 ; If the Docking Computer icon was not chosen, jump to BNE barb8 ; barb8 to move on to the next icon ; If we get here then the Docking Computer icon was ; chosen LDX QQ12 ; If QQ12 is non-zero then we are docked, so jump to BNE barb8 ; barb8 to move on to the next icon as we can't engage ; the docking computer if we aren't in space LDA auto ; If the docking computer is already activated, jump BNE barb5 ; to barb5 to skip the docking fee calculations and ; disable the docking computer (so the icon bar button ; toggles it on and off) LDA SSPR ; If we are not inside the space station safe zone, jump BEQ barb8 ; to barb8 to move on to the next icon as we can't ; engage the docking computer if we aren't in the safe ; zone ; We now deduct a docking fee of 5.0 credits for using ; the docking computer LDA DKCMP ; If we have a docking computer fitted (DKCMP is ORA chargeDockingFee ; non-zero) or we have already been charged a docking BNE barb4 ; fee (chargeDockingFee is non-zero), then jump to ; barb4 to engage the docking computer without charging ; a docking fee ; Otherwise we do not have a docking computer fitted ; or we have not yet been charged a docking fee, so ; now we charge the docking fee LDY #0 ; Set (Y X) = 50, so the docking fee is 5.0 credits LDX #50 JSR LCASH ; Subtract (Y X) cash from the cash pot, but only if ; we have enough cash BCS barb3 ; If the C flag is set then we did have enough cash for ; the transaction, so jump to barb3 to skip the ; following instruction ; If we get here then we don't have enough cash for the ; docking fee, so make a beep and return from the ; subroutine without engaging the docking computer JMP BOOP ; Call the BOOP routine to make a long, low beep, and ; return from the subroutine using a tail call .barb3 DEC chargeDockingFee ; Set chargeDockingFee to $FF so we don't charge another ; docking fee LDA #0 ; Print control code 0 (current amount of cash and JSR MESS ; newline) as an in-flight message, to show our balance ; after the docking fee has been paid .barb4 LDA #1 ; Set A = 1 to pass to the ChooseMusic routine to play ; the docking music (The Blue Danube) JSR WaitForNMI ; Wait until the next NMI interrupt has passed (i.e. the ; next VBlank) JSR ChooseMusic_b6 ; Select and play the docking music (tune 1, "The Blue ; Danube") LDA #$FF ; Set A = $FF to set as the value of auto below, so the ; docking computer is flagged as being enabled BNE barb6 ; Jump to barb6 to store A in auto (this BNE is ; effectively a JMP as A is never zero) .barb5 ; If we get here then we need to turn off the docking ; computer JSR ResetMusicAfterNMI ; Wait for the next NMI before resetting the current ; tune to 0 (no tune) and stopping the docking music LDA #0 ; Set A = 0 to set as the value of auto below, so the ; docking computer is flagged as being disabled .barb6 STA auto ; Set auto to the value in A, to disable or enable the ; docking computer as required LDA QQ11 ; If this is the space view, jump to barb7 to return BEQ barb7 ; from the subroutine JSR CLYNS ; Clear the bottom two text rows of the upper screen, ; and move the text cursor to the first cleared row JSR DrawScreenInNMI ; Configure the NMI handler to draw the screen, so the ; screen gets updated .barb7 RTS ; Return from the subroutine .barb8 JSR CheckForPause ; If the Start button has been pressed then process the ; pause menu and set the C flag, otherwise clear it CMP #21 ; If the "Front space view" icon was not chosen, jump to BNE barb11 ; barb11 to move on to the next icon ; If we get here then the "Front space view" icon was ; chosen LDA QQ12 ; If QQ12 is zero then we are not docked and in space, BPL barb9 ; so jump to barb9 to process the "Front space view" ; icon RTS ; Otherwise the icon does nothing, so return from the ; subroutine .barb9 ; If we get here then the "Front space view" icon was ; chosen and we are in space LDA #0 ; Set A = 0 to use as the view number if we jump to ; barb10 to show the front space view (i.e. view 0) LDX QQ11 ; If this is not the space view, jump to barb10 to show BNE barb10 ; the front space view LDA VIEW ; Otherwise add 1 to the view number in VIEW and wrap it CLC ; round using mod 4, so VIEW goes from 0 to 3 and back ADC #1 ; to 0 again (i.e. front, rear, left, right and back to AND #3 ; front again) .barb10 TAX ; Set X to the view number to show JMP LOOK1 ; Jump to LOOK1 to switch to view X (front, rear, left ; or right), returning from the subroutine using a tail ; call .barb11 BIT QQ12 ; If bit 7 of QQ12 is clear (i.e. we are not docked, but BPL LABEL_3 ; in space), jump to LABEL_3 to skip the following ; checks for the save commander file key press CMP #5 ; If the Equip Ship icon was chosen, jump to TT219 to BNE P%+5 ; show the Equip Ship screen, returning from the JMP EQSHP ; subroutine using a tail call CMP #6 ; If the Save and Load icon was chosen, jump to SVE to BNE LABEL_3 ; show the Save and Load screen, returning from the JMP SVE_b6 ; subroutine using a tail call .LABEL_3 CMP #22 ; If the Hyperspace icon was chosen, jump to hyp to do BNE P%+5 ; a hyperspace jump (if we are in space), returning from JMP hyp ; the subroutine using a tail call CMP #41 ; If the Galactic Hyperspace icon was chosen, jump to BNE P%+5 ; GalacticHyperdrive to do a galactic hyperspace jump, JMP GalacticHyperdrive ; returning from the subroutine using a tail call CMP #39 ; If the "Search for system" icon was not chosen, jump BNE HME1 ; to HME1 to move on to the next icon LDA QQ22+1 ; Fetch QQ22+1, which contains the number that's shown ; on-screen during hyperspace countdown BNE t95 ; If it is non-zero, return from the subroutine (as t95 ; contains an RTS), as there is a countdown in progress LDA QQ11 ; If the view in QQ11 is not %0000110x (i.e. 12 or 13, AND #%00001110 ; which are the Short-range Chart and Long-range Chart), CMP #%00001100 ; jump to t95 to return from the subroutine (as t95 BNE t95 ; contains an RTS) JMP HME2 ; Jump to HME2 to let us search for a system, returning ; from the subroutine using a tail call .HME1 STA T1 ; Store A (the key that's been pressed) in T1 LDA QQ11 ; If the view in QQ11 is not %0000110x (i.e. 12 or 13, AND #%00001110 ; which are the Short-range Chart and Long-range Chart), CMP #%00001100 ; jump to TT107 to skip the following and move on to BNE TT107 ; updating the hyperspace LDA QQ22+1 ; If the on-screen hyperspace counter is non-zero, BNE TT107 ; then we are already counting down, so jump to TT107 ; to skip the following LDA T1 ; Restore the original value of A (the key that's been ; pressed) from T1 CMP #38 ; If the "Return pointer to current system" icon was not BNE ee2 ; chosen, jump to ee2 to skip the following JSR ping ; Set the target system to the current system (which ; will move the location in (QQ9, QQ10) to the current ; home system .ReturnFromSearch ASL selectedSystemFlag ; Clear bit 7 of selectedSystemFlag to indicate that LSR selectedSystemFlag ; there is no currently selected system, so the call to ; SetSelectedSystem selects the system in (QQ9, QQ10) JMP SetSelectedSystem ; Jump to SetSelectedSystem to update the message on ; the chart that shows the current system, returning ; from the subroutine using a tail call .ee2 JSR TT16 ; Call TT16 to move the crosshairs by the amount in X ; and Y, which were passed to this subroutine as ; arguments .TT107 LDA QQ22+1 ; If the on-screen hyperspace counter is zero, return BEQ t95 ; from the subroutine (as t95 contains an RTS), as we ; are not currently counting down to a hyperspace jump DEC QQ22 ; Decrement the internal hyperspace counter BNE t95 ; If the internal hyperspace counter is still non-zero, ; then we are still counting down, so return from the ; subroutine (as t95 contains an RTS) ; If we get here then the internal hyperspace counter ; has just reached zero and it wasn't zero before, so ; we need to reduce the on-screen counter and update ; the screen. We do this by first printing the next ; number in the countdown sequence, and then printing ; the old number, which will erase the old number ; and display the new one because printing uses EOR ; logic LDA #5 ; Reset the internal hyperspace counter to 5 STA QQ22 DEC QQ22+1 ; Decrement the on-screen hyperspace countdown BEQ barb12 ; If the countdown is zero, jump to barb12 to do the ; jump LDA #250 ; Print in-flight token 250, which is the hyperspace JMP MESS ; countdown, and return from the subroutine using a ; tail call .barb12 JMP TT18 ; The countdown has finished, so jump to TT18 to do a ; hyperspace jump, returning from the subroutine using ; a tail call .t95 RTS ; Return from the subroutine