.wearedocked ; We call this from STATUS below if we are docked LDA #205 ; Print extended token 205 ("DOCKED") and return from JSR DETOK_b2 ; the subroutine using a tail call JSR TT67 ; Print a newline JMP st6+3 ; Jump down to st6+3, to print recursive token 125 and ; continue to the rest of the Status Mode screen .STATUS LDA #$98 ; Clear the screen and set the view type in QQ11 to $98 JSR SetNewViewType ; (Status Mode) JSR SetSelectedSystem ; Set the selected system to the nearest system, if we ; don't already have a selected system LDA #7 ; Move the text cursor to column 7 STA XC LDA #126 ; Print recursive token 126, which prints the top JSR NLIN3 ; four lines of the Status Mode screen: ; ; COMMANDER {commander name} ; ; ; Present System : {current system name} ; Hyperspace System : {selected system name} ; Condition : ; ; and draw a horizontal line at pixel row 19 to box ; in the title JSR GetStatusCondition ; Set X to our ship's status condition STX previousCondition ; Store the status condition in previousCondition, so ; we keep an eye on changes in our condition LDA #230 ; Start off by setting A to token 70 ("GREEN") DEX ; If the status condition in X is 0, then we are docked, BMI wearedocked ; so jump to wearedocked BEQ st6 ; So if X = 0, there are no ships in the vicinity, so ; jump to st6 to print "Green" for our ship's condition LDY ENERGY ; Otherwise we have ships in the vicinity, so we load ; our energy levels into Y CPY #128 ; Set the C flag if Y >= 128, so C is set if we have ; more than half of our energy banks charged ADC #1 ; Add 1 + C to A, so if C is not set (i.e. we have low ; energy levels) then A is set to token 231 ("RED"), ; and if C is set (i.e. we have healthy energy levels) ; then A is set to token 232 ("YELLOW") .st6 JSR plf ; Print the text token in A (which contains our ship's ; condition) followed by a newline LDA languageNumber ; If bit 2 of languageNumber is clear then the chosen AND #%00000100 ; language is not French, so jump to stat1 to skip the BEQ stat1 ; following (as the screen has a different layout in ; French) JSR PrintLegalStatus ; Print the current legal status JSR PrintCombatRank ; Print the current combat rank LDA #5 ; Print control code 5, which prints the next JSR plf ; two lines of the Status Mode screen: ; ; Fuel: {fuel level} Light Years ; Cash: {cash} Cr ; ; followed by a newline JMP stat2 ; Jump to stat2 to skip the following .stat1 JSR PrintCombatRank ; Print the current combat rank LDA #5 ; Print control code 5, which prints the next JSR plf ; two lines of the Status Mode screen: ; ; Fuel: {fuel level} Light Years ; Cash: {cash} Cr ; ; followed by a newline JSR PrintLegalStatus ; Print the current legal status .stat2 LDA #18 ; Print recursive token 132, which prints the next bit JSR PrintTokenCrTab ; of the Status Mode screen: ; ; EQUIPMENT: ; ; followed by a newline and the correct indent for ; Status Mode entries in the chosen language INC YC ; Move the text cursor down one row LDA ESCP ; If we don't have an escape pod fitted (i.e. ESCP is BEQ P%+7 ; zero), skip the following two instructions LDA #112 ; We do have an escape pod fitted, so print recursive JSR PrintTokenCrTab ; token 112 ("ESCAPE POD"), followed by a newline and ; the correct indent for Status Mode entries in the ; chosen language LDA BST ; If we don't have fuel scoops fitted, skip the BEQ P%+7 ; following two instructions LDA #111 ; We do have fuel scoops fitted, so print recursive JSR PrintTokenCrTab ; token 111 ("FUEL SCOOPS"), followed by a newline and ; the correct indent for Status Mode entries in the ; chosen language LDA ECM ; If we don't have an E.C.M. fitted, skip the following BEQ P%+7 ; two instructions LDA #108 ; We do have an E.C.M. fitted, so print recursive token JSR PrintTokenCrTab ; 108 ("E.C.M.SYSTEM"), followed by a newline and the ; correct indent for Status Mode entries in the chosen ; language LDA #113 ; We now cover the four pieces of equipment whose flags STA XX4 ; are stored in BOMB through BOMB+3, and whose names ; correspond with text tokens 113 through 116: ; ; BOMB+0 = BOMB = token 113 = Energy bomb ; BOMB+1 = ENGY = token 114 = Energy unit ; BOMB+2 = DKCMP = token 115 = Docking computer ; BOMB+3 = GHYP = token 116 = Galactic hyperdrive ; ; We can print these out using a loop, so we set XX4 to ; 113 as a counter (and we also set A as well, to pass ; through to plf2) .stqv TAY ; Fetch byte BOMB+0 through BOMB+4 for values of XX4 LDX BOMB-113,Y ; from 113 through 117 BEQ P%+5 ; If it is zero then we do not own that piece of ; equipment, so skip the next instruction JSR PrintTokenCrTab ; Print the recursive token in A from 113 ("ENERGY ; BOMB") through 116 ("GALACTIC HYPERSPACE "), followed ; by a newline and the correct indent for Status Mode ; entries in the chosen language INC XX4 ; Increment the counter (and A as well) LDA XX4 CMP #117 ; If A < 117, loop back up to stqv to print the next BCC stqv ; piece of equipment LDX #0 ; Now to print our ship's lasers, so set a counter in X ; to count through the four views (0 = front, 1 = rear, ; 2 = left, 3 = right) .st STX CNT ; Store the view number in CNT LDY LASER,X ; Fetch the laser power for view X, and if we do not BEQ st1 ; have a laser fitted to that view, jump to st1 to move ; on to the next one LDA languageNumber ; If bit 2 of languageNumber is set then the chosen AND #%00000100 ; language is French, so jump to stat3 to skip the BNE stat3 ; following (as the screen has a different layout in ; French) TXA ; Print recursive token 96 + X, which will print from 96 CLC ; ("FRONT") through to 99 ("RIGHT"), followed by a space ADC #96 JSR spc .stat3 LDA #103 ; Set A to token 103 ("PULSE LASER") LDX CNT ; Retrieve the view number from CNT that we stored above LDY LASER,X ; Set Y = the laser power for view X CPY #128+POW ; If the laser power for view X is not #POW+128 (beam BNE P%+4 ; laser), skip the next LDA instruction LDA #104 ; This sets A = 104 if the laser in view X is a beam ; laser (token 104 is "BEAM LASER") CPY #Armlas ; If the laser power for view X is not #Armlas (military BNE P%+4 ; laser), skip the next LDA instruction LDA #117 ; This sets A = 117 if the laser in view X is a military ; laser (token 117 is "MILITARY LASER") CPY #Mlas ; If the laser power for view X is not #Mlas (mining BNE P%+4 ; laser), skip the next LDA instruction LDA #118 ; This sets A = 118 if the laser in view X is a mining ; laser (token 118 is "MINING LASER") JSR TT27_b2 ; Print the text token in A (which contains the laser ; type) LDA languageNumber ; If bit 2 of languageNumber is clear then the chosen AND #%00000100 ; language is not French, so jump to stat4 to skip the BEQ stat4 ; following (as the screen has a different layout in ; French) LDA CNT ; Retrieve the view number from CNT that we stored above CLC ; Print recursive token 96 + A, which will print from 96 ADC #96 ; ("FRONT") through to 99 ("RIGHT"), followed by a space JSR PrintSpaceAndToken .stat4 JSR PrintCrTab ; Print a newline and the correct indent for Status Mode ; entries in the chosen language .st1 LDX CNT ; Increment the counter in X and CNT to point to the INX ; next view CPX #4 ; If this isn't the last of the four views, jump back up BCC st ; to st to print out the next one LDA #24 ; Move the text cursor to column 24 STA XC LDX languageIndex ; Move the text cursor to the correct row for the LDA yHeadshot,X ; commander image in the chosen language STA YC JSR GetHeadshotType_b4 ; Set S to the headshot number for the current combat ; rank and status condition, in the range 0 to 13 LDA S ; Set A to %1000xxxx where %xxxx is the headshot number ORA #%10000000 ; in the range 0 to 13 CMP imageSentToPPU ; Set the processor flags according to whether ; imageSentToPPU already has this value STA imageSentToPPU ; Set imageSentToPPU to A BEQ stat5 ; If imageSentToPPU already had this value then we are ; already showing this image on-screen, so jump to stat5 ; to skip the following instruction as there's no need ; to fade the screen out when the image isn't changing JSR FadeAndHideSprites ; Fade the screen to black and hide all sprites, so we ; can update the screen while it's blacked-out .stat5 JSR DrawCmdrImage_b6 ; Draw the commander image as a coloured face image in ; front of a greyscale headshot image, with optional ; embellishments ; Fall through into UpdateView to update the viewName: STATUS [Show more] Type: Subroutine Category: Status Summary: Show the Status Mode screen Deep dive: Combat rankContext: See this subroutine in context in the source code References: This subroutine is called as follows: * DrawSpaceViewInNMI calls STATUS * RedrawCurrentView calls STATUS * TT102 calls STATUS
Configuration variable Armlas = INT(128.5 + 1.5*POW)
Military laser power
Subroutine DETOK_b2 (category: Text)
Call the DETOK routine in ROM bank 2
Subroutine DrawCmdrImage_b6 (category: Status)
Call the DrawCmdrImage routine in ROM bank 6
Subroutine FadeAndHideSprites (category: Drawing sprites)
Fade the screen to black and hide all sprites
Subroutine GetHeadshotType_b4 (category: Status)
Call the GetHeadshotType routine in ROM bank 4
Subroutine GetStatusCondition (category: Status)
Calculate our ship's status condition
Configuration variable Mlas = 50
Mining laser power
Subroutine NLIN3 (category: Drawing lines)
Print a title and draw a screen-wide horizontal line on tile row 2 to box it in
Configuration variable POW = 15
Pulse laser power in the NES version is POW + 9, rather than just POW in the other versions (all other lasers are the same)
Subroutine PrintCombatRank (category: Status)
Print the current combat rank
Subroutine PrintCrTab (category: Text)
Print a newline and the correct indent for Status Mode entries in the chosen language
Subroutine PrintLegalStatus (category: Status)
Print the current legal status (clean, offender or fugitive)
Subroutine PrintSpaceAndToken (category: Text)
Print a space followed by a text token
Subroutine PrintTokenCrTab (category: Text)
Print a token, a newline and the correct indent for Status Mode entries in the chosen language
Subroutine SetNewViewType (category: Drawing the screen)
Clear the screen, set the current view type and move the cursor to row 0
Subroutine SetSelectedSystem (category: Universe)
Set the selected system to the nearest system, if we don't already have a selected system
Subroutine TT27_b2 (category: Text)
Call the TT27 routine in ROM bank 2
Subroutine TT67 (category: Text)
Print a newline
Variable imageSentToPPU in workspace WP
Records when images have been sent to the PPU or unpacked into the buffers, so we don't repeat the process unnecessarily
Variable languageIndex in workspace WP
The language that was chosen on the Start screen as an index into the various lookup tables
Variable languageNumber in workspace WP
The language that was chosen on the Start screen as a number
Subroutine plf (category: Text)
Print a text token followed by a newline
Variable previousCondition in workspace WP
Used to store the ship's previous status condition (i.e. docked, green, yellow or red), so we can tell how the situation is changing
Subroutine spc (category: Text)
Print a text token followed by a space
Label st is local to this routine
Label st1 is local to this routine
Label st6 is local to this routine
Label stat1 is local to this routine
Label stat2 is local to this routine
Label stat3 is local to this routine
Label stat4 is local to this routine
Label stat5 is local to this routine
Label stqv is local to this routine
Label wearedocked is local to this routine
Variable yHeadshot (category: Status)
The text row for the headshot on the Status Mode page