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Status: PrintLegalStatus

[NES version, Bank 0]

Name: PrintLegalStatus [Show more] Type: Subroutine Category: Status Summary: Print the current legal status (clean, offender or fugitive)
Context: See this subroutine in context in the source code References: This subroutine is called as follows: * STATUS calls PrintLegalStatus
.PrintLegalStatus LDA #125 ; Print recursive token 125 ("LEGAL STATUS:) followed JSR spc ; by a space LDA #19 ; Set A to token 133 ("CLEAN") LDY FIST ; Fetch our legal status, and if it is 0, we are clean, BEQ st5 ; so jump to st5 to print "Clean" CPY #40 ; Set the C flag if Y >= 40, so C is set if we have ; a legal status of 40+ (i.e. we are a fugitive) ADC #1 ; Add 1 + C to A, so if C is not set (i.e. we have a ; legal status between 1 and 49) then A is set to token ; 134 ("OFFENDER"), and if C is set (i.e. we have a ; legal status of 50+) then A is set to token 135 ; ("FUGITIVE") .st5 JMP plf ; Print the text token in A (which contains our legal ; status) followed by a newline, returning from the ; subroutine using a tail call