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Drawing the screen: DrawSpaceViewInNMI

[NES version, Bank 0]

Name: DrawSpaceViewInNMI [Show more] Type: Subroutine Category: Drawing the screen Summary: Configure the NMI handler to draw the space view Deep dive: Drawing vector graphics using NES tiles Splitting the main loop in the NES version
Context: See this subroutine in context in the source code References: No direct references to this subroutine in this source file
.DrawSpaceViewInNMI LDA QQ11 ; If this is not the space view, jump to spvw3 to skip BNE spvw3 ; the following, as we only need to send the drawing ; bitplane to the PPU and update the dashboard in the ; space view JSR SetupPPUForIconBar ; If the PPU has started drawing the icon bar, configure ; the PPU to use nametable 0 and pattern table 0 ; ; If bit 7 of setupPPUForIconBar is set, then this also ; affects the C flag as follows: ; ; * If bit 6 of PPU_STATUS is clear then the C flag ; is set to bit 7 of PPU_STATUS (which is set if ; VBlank has started, clear otherwise) ; ; * If bit 6 of PPU_STATUS is set (sprite 0 has been ; hit) then the C flag is cleared ; ; So the C flag is set if we are in VBlank, or if we ; aren't in VBlank but the PPU has not yet reached the ; icon bar (i.e. it hasn't started drawing the ; dashboard yet) ; ; In other words, the C flag is clear if the PPU is ; currently drawing the dashboard, and set if it is not LDA drawingBitplane ; If the drawing bitplane is 1, jump to spvw1 to send BNE spvw1 ; the drawing plane to the PPU without updating the ; whole dashboard first ; If we get here then the drawing bitplane is 0, so now ; we do various checks to determine whether to update ; the whole dashboard before sending to the PPU (as ; updating the whole dashboard takes time) LDA sendDashboardToPPU ; Flip the value of sendDashboardToPPU between 0 and $FF EOR #$FF ; so it flips every time we run the main loop with the STA sendDashboardToPPU ; drawing bitplane set to 0 (so we only update the whole ; dashboard every other iteration that the drawing ; bitplane is set to 0) BMI spvw2 ; If bit 7 of the result is set (so sendDashboardToPPU ; is now $FF), jump to spvw2 to update the whole ; dashboard before sending it to the PPU LDA KY1 ; If the B button is being pressed with either the up or ORA KY2 ; down button (to change our speed), or the C flag is ROR A ; set, jump to spvw2 to update the whole dashboard BNE spvw2 ; before sending it to the PPU ; ; This makes the speed indicator react more quickly to ; speed changes, as it triggers an update of the whole ; dashboard when we are changing speed, and it also ; ensures we do not update the whole dashboard if the ; PPU is currently in the process of drawing it .spvw1 ; If we get here then either the drawing bitplane is 1, ; or it's 0 and the following are true: ; ; * sendDashboardToPPU has just flipped to 0 ; ; * The change speed buttons are not being pressed ; ; * The C flag is clear, so the PPU is currently ; drawing the dashboard ; ; So we can get away with not updating the dashboard ; for two iterations out of four (i.e. when the drawing ; bitplane is 1), plus an extra iteration (i.e. every ; other iteration with bitplane 0) but only if the speed ; buttons aren't being pressed or the PPU is currently ; drawing the dashboard JSR DrawBitplaneInNMI ; Configure the NMI to send the drawing bitplane to the ; PPU after drawing the box edges and setting the next ; free tile number JSR COMPAS ; Call COMPAS to update the compass JMP DrawPitchRollBars ; Update the pitch and roll bars on the dashboard, ; returning from the subroutine using a tail call .spvw2 LDA #%10001000 ; Set the bitplane flags for the drawing bitplane to the JSR SetDrawPlaneFlags ; following: ; ; * Bit 2 clear = send tiles up to configured numbers ; * Bit 3 set = clear buffers after sending data ; * Bit 4 clear = we've not started sending data yet ; * Bit 5 clear = we have not yet sent all the data ; * Bit 6 clear = only send pattern data to the PPU ; * Bit 7 set = send data to the PPU ; ; Bits 0 and 1 are ignored and are always clear ; ; This configures the NMI to send pattern data for the ; drawing bitplane to the PPU during VBlank JSR COMPAS ; Call COMPAS to update the compass JSR DrawPitchRollBars ; Update the pitch and roll bars on the dashboard JSR DIALS_b6 ; Call DIALS to update the dashboard LDX drawingBitplane ; Set X to the drawing bitplane LDA bitplaneFlags,X ; Set bit 6 of the flags for the drawing bitplane, so ORA #%01000000 ; we send both nametable and pattern table data for STA bitplaneFlags,X ; bitplane X to the PPU in the NMI handler RTS ; Return from the subroutine .spvw3 ; We jump here if this is not the space view, with the ; view type in A CMP #$98 ; If this is not the Status Mode screen, jump to spvw6 BNE spvw6 ; to skip the following, as we can only flash the ; commander image background when it's on-screen in the ; Status Mode view JSR GetStatusCondition ; Set X to our ship's status condition CPX previousCondition ; If our condition hasn't changed, jump to spvw4 to BEQ spvw4 ; skip the following instruction JSR STATUS ; Call STATUS to refresh the Status Mode screen, so our ; status updates to show the new condition .spvw4 LDX previousCondition ; Set X to the previous status condition CPX #3 ; If the previous status condition was not red, jump to BNE spvw5 ; spvw5 to show the alert colour for the previous ; condition LDA nmiCounter ; If nmiCounter div 32 is odd (which will happen half AND #32 ; the time, and for 32 VBlanks in a row), jump to spvw5 BNE spvw5 ; to skip the following ; We get here if the previous condition was red, but ; only for every other block of 32 VBlanks, so this ; flashes the commander image background on and off with ; a period of 32 VBlanks INX ; Increment X to 4, which will make the background of ; the commander image flash between the top two alert ; colours (i.e. light red and dark red) .spvw5 LDA alertColours,X ; Change the palette so the visible colour is set to the STA visibleColour ; alert colour for our status condition .spvw6 RTS ; Return from the subroutine