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Sound: MakeMusicOnSQ2

[NES version, Bank 6]

Name: MakeMusicOnSQ2 [Show more] Type: Subroutine Category: Sound Summary: Play the current music on the SQ2 channel Deep dive: Music in NES Elite
Context: See this subroutine in context in the source code References: This subroutine is called as follows: * MakeMusic calls MakeMusicOnSQ2
.MakeMusicOnSQ2 DEC pauseCountSQ2 ; Decrement the sound counter for SQ2 BEQ must1 ; If the counter has reached zero, jump to must1 to make ; music on the SQ2 channel RTS ; Otherwise return from the subroutine .must1 LDA sectionDataSQ2 ; Set soundAddr(1 0) = sectionDataSQ2(1 0) STA soundAddr ; LDA sectionDataSQ2+1 ; So soundAddr(1 0) points to the note data for this STA soundAddr+1 ; part of the tune LDA #0 ; Set sq2Sweep = 0 STA sq2Sweep STA applyVolumeSQ2 ; Set applyVolumeSQ2 = 0 so we don't apply the volume ; envelope by default (this gets changed if we process ; note data below, as opposed to a command) .must2 LDY #0 ; Set Y to the next entry from the note data LDA (soundAddr),Y TAY INC soundAddr ; Increment soundAddr(1 0) to point to the next entry BNE must3 ; in the note data INC soundAddr+1 .must3 TYA ; Set A to the next entry that we just fetched from the ; note data BMI must8 ; If bit 7 of A is set then this is a command byte, so ; jump to must8 to process it CMP #$60 ; If the note data in A is less than $60, jump to must4 BCC must4 ADC #$A0 ; The note data in A is between $60 and $7F, so set the STA startPauseSQ2 ; following: ; ; startPauseSQ2 = A - $5F ; ; We know the C flag is set as we just passed through a ; BCC, so the ADC actually adds $A1, which is the same ; as subtracting $5F ; ; So this sets startPauseSQ2 to a value between 1 and ; 32, corresponding to note data values between $60 and ; $7F JMP must2 ; Jump back to must2 to move on to the next entry from ; the note data .must4 ; If we get here then the note data in A is less than ; $60, which denotes a sound to send to the APU, so we ; now convert the data to a frequency and send it to the ; APU to make a sound on channel SQ2 CLC ; Set Y = (A + tuningAll + tuningSQ2) * 2 ADC tuningAll CLC ADC tuningSQ2 ASL A TAY LDA noteFrequency,Y ; Set (sq2Hi sq2Lo) the frequency for note Y STA sq2LoCopy ; STA sq2Lo ; Also save a copy of the low byte in sq2LoCopy LDA noteFrequency+1,Y STA sq2Hi LDX effectOnSQ2 ; If effectOnSQ2 is non-zero then a sound effect is BNE must5 ; being made on channel SQ2, so jump to must5 to skip ; writing the music data to the APU (so sound effects ; take precedence over music) LDX sq2Sweep ; Send sq2Sweep to the APU via SQ2_SWEEP STX SQ2_SWEEP LDX sq2Lo ; Send (sq2Hi sq2Lo) to the APU via SQ2_HI and SQ2_LO STX SQ2_LO STA SQ2_HI .must5 LDA #1 ; Set volumeIndexSQ2 = 1 STA volumeIndexSQ2 LDA volumeRepeatSQ2 ; Set volumeCounterSQ2 = volumeRepeatSQ2 STA volumeCounterSQ2 .must6 LDA #$FF ; Set applyVolumeSQ2 = $FF so we apply the volume STA applyVolumeSQ2 ; envelope in the next iteration .must7 LDA soundAddr ; Set sectionDataSQ2(1 0) = soundAddr(1 0) STA sectionDataSQ2 ; LDA soundAddr+1 ; This updates the pointer to the note data for the STA sectionDataSQ2+1 ; channel, so the next time we can pick up where we left ; off LDA startPauseSQ2 ; Set pauseCountSQ2 = startPauseSQ2 STA pauseCountSQ2 ; ; So if startPauseSQ2 is non-zero (as set by note data ; the range $60 to $7F), the next startPauseSQ2 ; iterations of MakeMusicOnSQ2 will do nothing RTS ; Return from the subroutine .must8 ; If we get here then bit 7 of the note data in A is ; set, so this is a command byte LDY #0 ; Set Y = 0, so we can use it in various commands below CMP #$FF ; If A is not $FF, jump to must10 to check for the next BNE must10 ; command ; If we get here then the command in A is $FF ; ; <$FF> moves to the next section in the current tune LDA nextSectionSQ2 ; Set soundAddr(1 0) to the following: CLC ; ADC sectionListSQ2 ; sectionListSQ2(1 0) + nextSectionSQ2(1 0) STA soundAddr ; LDA nextSectionSQ2+1 ; So soundAddr(1 0) points to the address of the next ADC sectionListSQ2+1 ; section in the current tune STA soundAddr+1 ; ; So if we are playing tune 2 and nextSectionSQ2(1 0) ; points to the second section, then soundAddr(1 0) ; will now point to the second address in tune2Data_SQ2, ; which itself points to the note data for the second ; section at tune2Data_SQ2_1 LDA nextSectionSQ2 ; Set nextSectionSQ2(1 0) = nextSectionSQ2(1 0) + 2 ADC #2 ; STA nextSectionSQ2 ; So nextSectionSQ2(1 0) now points to the next section, TYA ; as each section consists of two bytes in the table at ADC nextSectionSQ2+1 ; sectionListSQ2(1 0) STA nextSectionSQ2+1 LDA (soundAddr),Y ; If the address at soundAddr(1 0) is non-zero then it INY ; contains a valid address to the section's note data, ORA (soundAddr),Y ; so jump to must9 to skip the following BNE must9 ; ; This also increments the index in Y to 1 ; If we get here then the command is trying to move to ; the next section, but that section contains value of ; $0000 in the tuneData table, so there is no next ; section and we have reached the end of the tune, so ; instead we jump back to the start of the tune LDA sectionListSQ2 ; Set soundAddr(1 0) = sectionListSQ2(1 0) STA soundAddr ; LDA sectionListSQ2+1 ; So we start again by pointing soundAddr(1 0) to the STA soundAddr+1 ; first entry in the section list for channel SQ2, which ; contains the address of the first section's note data LDA #2 ; Set nextSectionSQ2(1 0) = 2 STA nextSectionSQ2 ; LDA #0 ; So the next section after we play the first section STA nextSectionSQ2+1 ; will be the second section .must9 ; By this point, Y has been incremented to 1 LDA (soundAddr),Y ; Set soundAddr(1 0) to the address at soundAddr(1 0) TAX ; DEY ; As we pointed soundAddr(1 0) to the address of the LDA (soundAddr),Y ; new section above, this fetches the first address from STA soundAddr ; the new section's address list, which points to the STX soundAddr+1 ; new section's note data ; ; So soundAddr(1 0) now points to the note data for the ; new section, so we're ready to start processing notes ; and commands when we rejoin the must2 loop JMP must2 ; Jump back to must2 to start processing data from the ; new section .must10 CMP #$F6 ; If A is not $F6, jump to must12 to check for the next BNE must12 ; command ; If we get here then the command in A is $F6 ; ; <$F6 $xx> sets the volume envelope number to $xx LDA (soundAddr),Y ; Fetch the next entry in the note data into A INC soundAddr ; Increment soundAddr(1 0) to point to the next entry BNE must11 ; in the note data INC soundAddr+1 .must11 STA volumeEnvelopeSQ2 ; Set volumeEnvelopeSQ2 to the volume envelope number ; that we just fetched JMP must2 ; Jump back to must2 to move on to the next entry from ; the note data .must12 CMP #$F7 ; If A is not $F7, jump to must14 to check for the next BNE must14 ; command ; If we get here then the command in A is $F7 ; ; <$F7 $xx> sets the pitch envelope number to $xx LDA (soundAddr),Y ; Fetch the next entry in the note data into A INC soundAddr ; Increment soundAddr(1 0) to point to the next entry BNE must13 ; in the note data INC soundAddr+1 .must13 STA pitchEnvelopeSQ2 ; Set pitchEnvelopeSQ2 to the pitch envelope number that ; we just fetched STY pitchIndexSQ2 ; Set pitchIndexSQ2 = 0 to point to the start of the ; data for pitch envelope A JMP must2 ; Jump back to must2 to move on to the next entry from ; the note data .must14 CMP #$FA ; If A is not $FA, jump to must16 to check for the next BNE must16 ; command ; If we get here then the command in A is $FA ; ; <$FA %ddlc0000> configures the SQ2 channel as follows: ; ; * %dd = duty pulse length ; ; * %l set = infinite play ; * %l clear = one-shot play ; ; * %c set = constant volume ; * %c clear = envelope volume LDA (soundAddr),Y ; Fetch the next entry in the note data into A STA dutyLoopEnvSQ2 ; Store the entry we just fetched in dutyLoopEnvSQ2, to ; configure SQ2 as follows: ; ; * Bits 6-7 = duty pulse length ; ; * Bit 5 set = infinite play ; * Bit 5 clear = one-shot play ; ; * Bit 4 set = constant volume ; * Bit 4 clear = envelope volume INC soundAddr ; Increment soundAddr(1 0) to point to the next entry BNE must15 ; in the note data INC soundAddr+1 .must15 JMP must2 ; Jump back to must2 to move on to the next entry from ; the note data .must16 CMP #$F8 ; If A is not $F8, jump to must17 to check for the next BNE must17 ; command ; If we get here then the command in A is $F8 ; ; <$F8> sets the volume of the SQ2 channel to zero LDA #%00110000 ; Set the volume of the SQ2 channel to zero as follows: STA sq2Volume ; ; * Bits 6-7 = duty pulse length is 3 ; * Bit 5 set = infinite play ; * Bit 4 set = constant volume ; * Bits 0-3 = volume is 0 JMP must7 ; Jump to must7 to return from the subroutine, so we ; continue on from the next entry from the note data in ; the next iteration .must17 CMP #$F9 ; If A is not $F9, jump to must18 to check for the next BNE must18 ; command ; If we get here then the command in A is $F9 ; ; <$F9> enables the volume envelope for the SQ2 channel JMP must6 ; Jump to must6 to return from the subroutine after ; setting applyVolumeSQ2 to $FF, so we apply the volume ; envelope, and then continue on from the next entry ; from the note data in the next iteration .must18 CMP #$FD ; If A is not $FD, jump to must20 to check for the next BNE must20 ; command ; If we get here then the command in A is $FD ; ; <$F4 $xx> sets the SQ2 sweep to $xx LDA (soundAddr),Y ; Fetch the next entry in the note data into A INC soundAddr ; Increment soundAddr(1 0) to point to the next entry BNE must19 ; in the note data INC soundAddr+1 .must19 STA sq2Sweep ; Store the entry we just fetched in sq2Sweep, which ; gets sent to the APU via SQ2_SWEEP JMP must2 ; Jump back to must2 to move on to the next entry from ; the note data .must20 CMP #$FB ; If A is not $FB, jump to must22 to check for the next BNE must22 ; command ; If we get here then the command in A is $FB ; ; <$FB $xx> sets the tuning for all channels to $xx LDA (soundAddr),Y ; Fetch the next entry in the note data into A INC soundAddr ; Increment soundAddr(1 0) to point to the next entry BNE must21 ; in the note data INC soundAddr+1 .must21 STA tuningAll ; Store the entry we just fetched in tuningAll, which ; sets the tuning for the SQ2, SQ2 and TRI channels (so ; this value gets added to every note on those channels) JMP must2 ; Jump back to must2 to move on to the next entry from ; the note data .must22 CMP #$FC ; If A is not $FC, jump to must24 to check for the next BNE must24 ; command ; If we get here then the command in A is $FC ; ; <$FC $xx> sets the tuning for the SQ2 channel to $xx LDA (soundAddr),Y ; Fetch the next entry in the note data into A INC soundAddr ; Increment soundAddr(1 0) to point to the next entry BNE must23 ; in the note data INC soundAddr+1 .must23 STA tuningSQ2 ; Store the entry we just fetched in tuningSQ2, which ; sets the tuning for the SQ2 channel (so this value ; gets added to every note on those channels) JMP must2 ; Jump back to must2 to move on to the next entry from ; the note data .must24 CMP #$F5 ; If A is not $F5, jump to must25 to check for the next BNE must25 ; command ; If we get here then the command in A is $F5 ; ; <$F5 $xx &yy> changes tune to the tune data at &yyxx ; ; It does this by setting sectionListSQ2(1 0) to &yyxx ; and soundAddr(1 0) to the address stored in &yyxx ; ; To see why this works, consider switching to tune 2, ; for which we would use this command: ; ; <$F5 LO(tune2Data_SQ2) HI(tune2Data_SQ2)> ; ; This sets: ; ; sectionListSQ2(1 0) = tune2Data_SQ2 ; ; so from now on we fetch the addresses for each section ; of the tune from the table at tune2Data_SQ2 ; ; It also sets soundAddr(1 0) to the address in the ; first two bytes of tune2Data_SQ2, to give: ; ; soundAddr(1 0) = tune2Data_SQ2_0 ; ; So from this point on, note data is fetched from the ; table at tune2Data_SQ2_0, which contains notes and ; commands for the first section of tune 2 LDA (soundAddr),Y ; Fetch the next entry in the note data into A TAX ; Set sectionListSQ2(1 0) = &yyxx STA sectionListSQ2 ; INY ; Also set soundAddr(1 0) to &yyxx and increment the LDA (soundAddr),Y ; index in Y to 1, both of which we use below STX soundAddr STA soundAddr+1 STA sectionListSQ2+1 LDA #2 ; Set nextSectionSQ2(1 0) = 2 STA nextSectionSQ2 ; DEY ; So the next section after we play the first section STY nextSectionSQ2+1 ; of the new tune will be the second section ; ; Also decrement the index in Y back to 0 LDA (soundAddr),Y ; Set soundAddr(1 0) to the address stored at &yyxx TAX INY LDA (soundAddr),Y STA soundAddr+1 STX soundAddr JMP must2 ; Jump back to must2 to move on to the next entry from ; the note data .must25 CMP #$F4 ; If A is not $F4, jump to must27 to check for the next BNE must27 ; command ; If we get here then the command in A is $F4 ; ; <$F4 $xx> sets the playback speed to $xx LDA (soundAddr),Y ; Fetch the next entry in the note data into A, which ; contains the new speed INC soundAddr ; Increment soundAddr(1 0) to point to the next entry BNE must26 ; in the note data INC soundAddr+1 .must26 STA tuneSpeed ; Set tuneSpeed and tuneSpeedCopy to A, to change the STA tuneSpeedCopy ; speed of the current tune to the specified speed JMP must2 ; Jump back to must2 to move on to the next entry from ; the note data .must27 CMP #$FE ; If A is not $FE, jump to must28 to check for the next BNE must28 ; command ; If we get here then the command in A is $FE ; ; <$FE> stops the music and disables sound STY playMusic ; Set playMusic = 0 to stop playing the current tune, so ; only a new call to ChooseMusic will start the music ; again PLA ; Pull the return address from the stack, so the RTS PLA ; instruction at the end of StopSounds actually returns ; from the subroutine that called MakeMusic, so we stop ; the music and return to the MakeSounds routine (which ; is the only routine that calls MakeMusic) JMP StopSoundsS ; Jump to StopSounds via StopSoundsS to stop the music ; and return to the MakeSounds routine .must28 BEQ must28 ; If we get here then bit 7 of A was set but the value ; didn't match any of the checks above, so this ; instruction does nothing and we fall through into ; ApplyEnvelopeSQ2, ignoring the data in A ; ; I'm not sure why the instruction here is an infinite ; loop, but luckily it isn't triggered as A is never ; zero at this point