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Drawing pixels: PIXEL2

[NES version, Bank 1]

Name: PIXEL2 [Show more] Type: Subroutine Category: Drawing pixels Summary: Draw a stardust particle relative to the screen centre Deep dive: Sprite usage in NES Elite
Context: See this subroutine in context in the source code References: This subroutine is called as follows: * STARS1 calls PIXEL2 * STARS2 calls PIXEL2 * STARS6 calls PIXEL2

Draw a stardust particle sprite at point (X1, Y1) from the middle of the screen with a size determined by a distance value.
Arguments: X1 The x-coordinate offset Y1 The y-coordinate offset (positive means up the screen from the centre, negative means down the screen) ZZ The distance of the point, with bigger distances drawing smaller points: * ZZ < 24 Big particle (sprite 210) * 24 <= ZZ <= 48 Large particle (sprite 211) * 49 <= ZZ <= 113 Medium particle (sprite 212) * 114 <= ZZ <= 143 Small particle (sprite 213) * ZZ > 143 Tiny particle (sprite 214) Y The number of the stardust particle (1 to 20)
.PIXEL2 STY T1 ; Store Y in T1 so we can retrieve it at the end of the ; subroutine TYA ; Set Y = Y * 4 ASL A ; ASL A ; So Y can be used as an index into the sprite buffer, TAY ; starting with sprite 38 for stardust particle 1, up to ; sprite 57 for stardust particle 20 LDA #210 ; Set A = 210 to use as the pattern number for the ; largest particle of stardust (the stardust particle ; patterns run from pattern 210 to 214, decreasing in ; size as the number increases) LDX ZZ ; If ZZ >= 24, increment A CPX #24 ADC #0 CPX #48 ; If ZZ >= 48, increment A ADC #0 CPX #112 ; If ZZ >= 112, increment A ADC #0 CPX #144 ; If ZZ >= 144, increment A ADC #0 ; So by this point A is 210 for the closest stardust, ; then 211, 212, 213 or 214 for smaller and smaller ; particles as they move further away ; The C flag is clear at this point, which affects the ; SBC #3 below STA pattSprite37,Y ; By this point A is the correct pattern number for the ; distance of the stardust particle, so set the tile ; pattern number for sprite 37 + Y to this pattern LDA X1 ; Fetch the x-coordinate offset into A BPL PX21 ; If the x-coordinate offset is positive, jump to PX21 ; to skip the following negation EOR #%01111111 ; The x-coordinate offset is negative, so flip all the CLC ; bits apart from the sign bit and add 1, to convert it ADC #1 ; from a sign-magnitude number to a signed number .PX21 EOR #%10000000 ; Set A = X1 + 128 - 4 SBC #3 ; ; So X is now the offset converted to an x-coordinate, ; centred on x-coordinate 128, less a margin of 4 ; ; We know that the C flag is clear at this point, so the ; SBC #3 actually subtracts 4 CMP #244 ; If A >= 244 then the stardust particle is off-screen, BCS stpx1 ; so jump to stpx1 to hide the particle's sprite and ; return from the subroutine STA xSprite37,Y ; Set the stardust particle's sprite x-coordinate to A LDA Y1 ; Fetch the y-coordinate offset into A and clear the AND #%01111111 ; sign bit, so A = |Y1| CMP halfScreenHeight ; If A >= halfScreenHeight then the stardust particle BCS stpx1 ; is off the screen, so jump to stpx1 to hide the ; particle's sprite and return from the subroutine LDA Y1 ; Fetch the y-coordinate offset into A BPL PX22 ; If the y-coordinate offset is positive, jump to PX22 ; to skip the following negation EOR #%01111111 ; The y-coordinate offset is negative, so flip all the ADC #1 ; bits apart from the sign bit and add 1, to convert it ; from a sign-magnitude number to a signed number .PX22 STA T ; Set A = halfScreenHeight - Y1 + 10 LDA halfScreenHeight ; SBC T ; So if Y1 is positive we display the point up from the ADC #10+YPAL ; centre at y-coordinate halfScreenHeight, while a ; negative Y1 means down from the centre STA ySprite37,Y ; Set the stardust particle's sprite y-coordinate to A LDY T1 ; Restore the value of Y from T1 so it is preserved RTS ; Return from the subroutine .stpx1 ; If we get here then we do not want to show the ; stardust particle on-screen LDA #240 ; Hide the stardust particle's sprite by setting its STA ySprite37,Y ; y-coordinate to 240, which is off the bottom of the ; screen LDY T1 ; Restore the value of Y from T1 so it is preserved RTS ; Return from the subroutine