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Drawing the screen: SetSpaceViewInNMI

[NES version, Bank 0]

Name: SetSpaceViewInNMI [Show more] Type: Subroutine Category: Drawing the screen Summary: Change the current space view and configure the NMI to send both bitplanes to the PPU during VBlank
Context: See this subroutine in context in the source code References: This subroutine is called as follows: * LOOK1 calls SetSpaceViewInNMI

Arguments: X The space view to set: * 0 = front * 1 = rear * 2 = left * 3 = right * 4 = generating a new space view
.SetSpaceViewInNMI STX VIEW ; Set the current space view to X LDA #$00 ; Clear the screen and set the view type in QQ11 to $00 JSR TT66 ; (Space view with no fonts loaded) JSR CopyNameBuffer0To1 ; Copy the contents of nametable buffer 0 to nametable ; buffer LDA #80 ; Tell the PPU to send nametable entries up to tile STA lastNameTile ; 80 * 8 = 640 (i.e. to the end of tile row 19) in both STA lastNameTile+1 ; bitplanes JSR SetupViewInNMI_b3 ; Setup the view and configure the NMI to send both ; bitplanes to the PPU during VBlank ; Fall through into ResetStardust to hide the sprites ; for the stardust