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Drawing the screen: TT66

[NES version, Bank 0]

Name: TT66 [Show more] Type: Subroutine Category: Drawing the screen Summary: Clear the screen and set the new view type Deep dive: Views and view types in NES Elite
Context: See this subroutine in context in the source code References: This subroutine is called as follows: * BRIEF calls TT66 * ChangeToView calls TT66 * DEATH calls TT66 * PlayDemo calls TT66 * SendSpaceViewToPPU calls TT66 * SetNewViewType calls TT66 * SetSpaceViewInNMI calls TT66 * TBRIEF calls TT66 * TT22 calls TT66 * TT23 calls TT66 * TT66_b0 calls TT66

This routine does a similar job to the routine of the same name in the BBC Master version of Elite, but the code is significantly different.
Arguments: A The type of the new view (see QQ11 for a list of view types)
.TT66 STA QQ11 ; Set the new view type in QQ11 to A LDA QQ11a ; If bit 7 is set in either QQ11 or QQ11a, then either ORA QQ11 ; there is no dashboard in either view, or it is being BMI scrn1 ; added or removed, so jump to scrn1 to skip clearing ; the existing scanner, as we don't need to worry about ; preserving it LDA QQ11 ; If bit 7 of QQ11 is clear, then bit 7 must be clear in BPL scrn1 ; both QQ11 and QQ11a as we didn't take the branch ; above, so we are switching between views that both ; have dashboards, so jump to scrn1 to skip clearing the ; scanner as we want to retain it ; Strangely, we can never get here, as we take the first ; branch above when bit 7 of QQ11 is set, and we take ; the second branch when bit 7 of QQ11 is clear JSR ClearScanner ; Remove all ships from the scanner and hide the scanner ; sprites .scrn1 JSR WaitForPPUToFinish ; Wait until both bitplanes of the screen have been ; sent to the PPU, so the screen is fully updated and ; there is no more data waiting to be sent to the PPU JSR ClearScreen_b3 ; Clear the screen by zeroing patterns 66 to 255 in ; both pattern buffer, and clearing both nametable ; buffers to the background tile LDA #16 ; Set the text row for in-flight messages in the space STA messYC ; view to row 16 LDX #0 ; Set sendDashboardToPPU = 0 to reset the logic behind STX sendDashboardToPPU ; the sending of drawing bitplane 0 to the PPU in part 3 ; of the main loop JSR SetDrawingBitplane ; Set the drawing bitplane to bitplane 0 LDA #%10000000 ; Set bit 7 of QQ17 to switch to Sentence Case STA QQ17 STA DTW2 ; Set bit 7 of DTW2 to indicate we are not currently ; printing a word STA DTW1 ; Set bit 7 of DTW1 to indicate that we do not change ; case to lower case LDA #%00000000 ; Set DTW6 = %00000000 to disable lower case STA DTW6 STA LAS2 ; Set LAS2 = 0 to stop any laser pulsing STA DLY ; Set the delay in DLY to 0, to indicate that we are ; no longer showing an in-flight message, so any new ; in-flight messages will be shown instantly STA de ; Clear de, the flag that appends " DESTROYED" to the ; end of the next text token, so that it doesn't LDA #1 ; Move the text cursor to column 1 on row 1 STA XC STA YC JSR SetLinePatterns_b3 ; Load the line patterns for the new view into the ; pattern buffers ; We now set X to the type of icon bar to show in the ; new view LDA QQ11 ; If bit 6 of the new view in QQ11 is set then it LDX #$FF ; doesn't have an icon bar, so jump to scrn2 with AND #%01000000 ; X = $FF to hide the icon bar on row 27 BNE scrn2 LDX #4 ; If the new view in QQ11 is 1, then we are on the title LDA QQ11 ; screen, so jump to scrn2 with X = 4 so we show the CMP #1 ; copyright message in the icon bar BEQ scrn2 LDX #2 ; If the new view in QQ11 is %0000110x (i.e. 12 or 13, LDA QQ11 ; which are the Short-range Chart and Long-range Chart), AND #%00001110 ; jump to scrn2 with X = 2 to show the icon bar for the CMP #%00001100 ; charts BEQ scrn2 LDX #1 ; If we are not docked (QQ12 = 0), jump to scrn2 with LDA QQ12 ; X = 1 to show the Flight icon bar BEQ scrn2 LDX #0 ; Otherwise fall through into scrn2 with X = 0 to show ; the Docked icon bar .scrn2 LDA QQ11 ; If bit 7 of the new view in QQ11 is set then there is BMI scrn5 ; no dashboard, so jump to scrn5 to show the icon bar ; type with type X on row 27 ; If we get here then the new view has the dashboard, so ; we initialise it if required TXA ; Show the icon bar with type X JSR SetupIconBar_b3 LDA QQ11a ; If bit 7 of the old view in QQ11a is clear, then the BPL scrn3 ; old view has a dashboard, so jump to scrn3 to skip the ; following two instructions, as we don't need to ; initialise the dashboard JSR SetScreenForUpdate ; Get the screen ready for updating by hiding all ; sprites, after fading the screen to black if we are ; changing view JSR ResetScanner_b3 ; Reset the sprites used for drawing ships on the ; scanner .scrn3 JSR DrawDashNames_b3 ; Draw the dashboard into the nametable buffers for ; both bitplanes JSR msblob ; Display the dashboard's missile indicators in black JMP scrn8 ; Jump to scrn8 to continue setting up the view .scrn4 JMP SetViewAttrs_b3 ; Set up attribute buffer 0 for the chosen view, ; returning from the subroutine using a tail call .scrn5 ; If we get here then there is no dashboard in the new ; view TXA ; Show the icon bar with type X JSR SetupIconBar_b3 ; The next two comparisons aren't necessary as both $C4 ; and $8D have bit 4 clear, so they would be caught by ; the AND #%00010000 below anyway, but there's no harm ; in being explicit, I guess LDA QQ11 ; If the view type in QQ11 is $C4 (Game Over screen), CMP #$C4 ; jump to scrn4 to set up attribute buffer 0 and BEQ scrn4 ; return from the subroutine LDA QQ11 ; If the view type in QQ11 is $8D (Long-range Chart), CMP #$8D ; jump to scrn6 to skip loading the font into pattern BEQ scrn6 ; buffer 0 CMP #$CF ; If the view type in QQ11 is $CF (Start screen with BEQ scrn6 ; no fonts loaded), jump to scrn6 to skip loading ; the font into pattern buffer 0 AND #%00010000 ; If bit 4 of the new view in QQ11 is clear, jump to BEQ scrn6 ; scrn6 to skip loading the font into pattern buffer 0 ; If we get here then the new view we are setting up is ; not the Game Over screen, the Long-range Chart or the ; Start screen, and bit 4 of QQ11 is set LDA #66 ; Load the font into pattern buffer 0, and a set of JSR LoadNormalFont_b3 ; filled blocks into pattern buffer 1, from pattern 66 ; to 160 ; ; If the view type in QQ11 is $BB (Save and load with ; the normal and highlight fonts loaded), then this also ; loads an inverted font into pattern buffer 1, from ; pattern 66 to 160 .scrn6 LDA QQ11 ; If bit 5 of the new view in QQ11 is clear, jump to AND #%00100000 ; scrn7 to skip loading the normal font BEQ scrn7 JSR LoadHighFont_b3 ; Load the font into pattern buffer 1, and a set of ; filled blocks into pattern buffer 0, from pattern 161 ; to 255 .scrn7 ; The new view doesn't have a dashboard, so now we draw ; the left and right edges of the box on the rows where ; the dashboard would be, overwriting the edges of the ; dashboard from the old view (if it had one) LDA #1 ; Draw the left edge of the box on rows 20 to 26 STA nameBuffer0+20*32+1 STA nameBuffer0+21*32+1 STA nameBuffer0+22*32+1 STA nameBuffer0+23*32+1 STA nameBuffer0+24*32+1 STA nameBuffer0+25*32+1 STA nameBuffer0+26*32+1 LDA #2 ; Draw the right edge of the box on rows 20 to 26 STA nameBuffer0+20*32 STA nameBuffer0+21*32 STA nameBuffer0+22*32 STA nameBuffer0+23*32 STA nameBuffer0+24*32 STA nameBuffer0+25*32 STA nameBuffer0+26*32 LDA QQ11 ; If bit 6 of the new view in QQ11 is set, then there is AND #%01000000 ; no icon bar, so jump to scrn8... which has no effect, BNE scrn8 ; as that's the next instruction anyway, so presumably ; this was left behind after deleting the code that ; would be skipped .scrn8 JSR SetViewAttrs_b3 ; Set up attribute buffer 0 for the chosen view ; The six instructions between here and scrn9 have no ; effect, as we always end up at scrn9 and don't take ; any notice of the flags LDA demoInProgress ; If bit 7 of demoInProgress is set then we are BMI scrn9 ; initialising the demo, so jump to scrn9 LDA QQ11 ; If bit 7 of the new view in QQ11 is clear, jump to BPL scrn9 ; scrn9 CMP QQ11a ; If the view we are switching from in QQ11a is 0 (the BEQ scrn9 ; space view), jump to scrn9... which has no effect, ; as that's the next instruction anyway, so presumably ; this was left behind after deleting the code that ; would be skipped .scrn9 JSR DrawBoxTop ; Draw the top edge of the box along the top of the ; screen in nametable buffer 0 LDX languageIndex ; Set X to the index of the chosen language LDA QQ11 ; If this is the space view (QQ11 = 0), jump to scrn10 BEQ scrn10 ; to print the view name at the top of the screen CMP #1 ; If this is not the title screen (QQ11 = 1), jump to BNE scrn12 ; scrn12 to skip printing a title at the top of the ; screen ; If we get here then the new view is the title screen LDA #0 ; Move the text cursor to row 0 STA YC LDX languageIndex ; Move the text cursor to the correct column for the LDA xTitleScreen,X ; title screen in the chosen language STA XC LDA #30 ; Set A = 30 so we print recursive token 144 when we ; jump to scrn11 ("--- E L I T E ---") BNE scrn11 ; Jump to scrn11 to print ("--- E L I T E ---") at the ; top of the screen (this BNE is effectively a JMP as ; A is never zero) .scrn10 ; If we get here then the new view is the space view ; and we jumped here with A = 0 STA YC ; Move the text cursor to row 0 LDA xSpaceView,X ; Move the text cursor to the correct column for the STA XC ; space view name in the chosen language LDA languageNumber ; If bit 1 of languageNumber is set, then the chosen AND #%00000010 ; language is German, so jump to scrn13 to print the BNE scrn13 ; view name after the view noun (so we print "ANSICHT ; VORN" and "ANSICHT HINTEN" instead of "FRONT VIEW" ; and "REAR VIEW", for example) JSR PrintSpaceViewName ; Print the name of the current space view (i.e. ; "FRONT", "REAR", "LEFT" or "RIGHT") JSR TT162 ; Print a space LDA #175 ; Set A = 175 so the next instruction prints recursive ; token 15 ("VIEW ") .scrn11 JSR TT27_b2 ; Print the text token in A .scrn12 LDX #1 ; Move the text cursor to column 1 on row 1 STX XC STX YC DEX ; Set QQ17 = 0 to switch to ALL CAPS STX QQ17 RTS ; Return from the subroutine .scrn13 ; If we get here then we want to print the view name ; after the view noun LDA #175 ; Print recursive token 15 ("VIEW ") followed by a space JSR spc JSR PrintSpaceViewName ; Print the name of the current space view (i.e. ; "FRONT", "REAR", "LEFT" or "RIGHT") JMP scrn12 ; Jump back to scrn12 to finish off