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Save and load: ResetSaveBuffer

[NES version, Bank 6]

Name: ResetSaveBuffer [Show more] Type: Subroutine Category: Save and load Summary: Reset the commander file buffer at BUF to the default commander
Context: See this subroutine in context in the source code References: This subroutine is called as follows: * CopyCommanderToBuf calls ResetSaveBuffer * CopyCommanderToBuf calls via ResetSaveBuffer+1

Returns: A A is preserved
Other entry points: ResetSaveBuffer+1 Omit the initial PHA (so we can jump here if the value of the preserved A is already on the stack from another routine)
.ResetSaveBuffer PHA ; Store the value of A on the stack so we can restore it ; at the end of the subroutine LDX #78 ; We are going to copy 79 bytes, so set a counter in X .resb1 LDA NA2%,X ; Copy the X-th byte of the default commander in NA2% to STA BUF,X ; the X-th byte of BUF DEX ; Decrement the byte counter BPL resb1 ; Loop back until we have copied all 79 bytes PLA ; Restore the value of A that we stored on the stack, so ; A is preserved RTS ; Return from the subroutine