.saveSlotAddr3 EQUW saveSlotPart3 + 0 * 73 EQUW saveSlotPart3 + 1 * 73 EQUW saveSlotPart3 + 2 * 73 EQUW saveSlotPart3 + 3 * 73 EQUW saveSlotPart3 + 4 * 73 EQUW saveSlotPart3 + 5 * 73 EQUW saveSlotPart3 + 6 * 73 EQUW saveSlotPart3 + 7 * 73Name: saveSlotAddr3 [Show more] Type: Variable Category: Save and load Summary: The address of the third saved part for each save slotContext: See this variable in context in the source code References: This variable is used as follows: * GetSaveAddresses uses saveSlotAddr3
Variable saveSlotPart3 in workspace Cartridge WRAM
The third part of each of the eight save slots, which are split into three for checksum purposes