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Drawing the screen: SetPaletteForView

[NES version, Bank 7]

Name: SetPaletteForView [Show more] Type: Subroutine Category: Drawing the screen Summary: Send palette 0 for the current view to the PPU Deep dive: Bitplanes in NES Elite Drawing vector graphics using NES tiles
Context: See this subroutine in context in the source code References: This subroutine is called as follows: * SendBuffersToPPU (Part 2 of 3) calls SetPaletteForView * SendBuffersToPPU (Part 3 of 3) calls SetPaletteForView
.SetPaletteForView LDA QQ11a ; Set A to the current view (or the old view that is ; still being shown, if we are in the process of ; changing view) BNE palv2 ; If this is not the space view, jump to palv2 ; If we get here then this is the space view LDY visibleColour ; Set Y to the colour to use for visible pixels LDA hiddenBitplane ; If hiddenBitplane is non-zero (i.e. 1), jump to palv1 BNE palv1 ; to hide pixels in bitplane 1 ; If we get here then hiddenBitplane = 0, so now we hide ; pixels in bitplane 0 and show pixels in bitplane 1 LDA #$3F ; Set PPU_ADDR = $3F01, so it points to background STA PPU_ADDR ; palette 0 in the PPU LDA #$01 STA PPU_ADDR LDA hiddenColour ; Set A to the colour to use for hidden pixels STA PPU_DATA ; Set palette 0 to the following: STY PPU_DATA ; STY PPU_DATA ; * Colour 0 = background (black) ; ; * Colour 1 = hidden colour (bitplane 0) ; ; * Colour 2 = visible colour (bitplane 1) ; ; * Colour 3 = visible colour ; ; So pixels in bitplane 0 will be hidden, while ; pixels in bitplane 1 will be visible ; ; i.e. pixels in the hiddenBitplane will be hidden LDA #$00 ; Change the PPU address away from the palette entries STA PPU_ADDR ; to prevent the palette being corrupted LDA #$00 STA PPU_ADDR RTS ; Return from the subroutine .palv1 ; If we get here then hiddenBitplane = 1, so now we hide ; pixels in bitplane 1 and show pixels in bitplane 0 LDA #$3F ; Set PPU_ADDR = $3F01, so it points to background STA PPU_ADDR ; palette 0 in the PPU LDA #$01 STA PPU_ADDR LDA hiddenColour ; Set A to the colour to use for hidden pixels STY PPU_DATA ; Set palette 0 to the following: STA PPU_DATA ; STY PPU_DATA ; * Colour 0 = background (black) ; ; * Colour 1 = visible colour (bitplane 0) ; ; * Colour 2 = hidden colour (bitplane 1) ; ; * Colour 3 = visible colour ; ; So pixels in bitplane 0 will be visible, while ; pixels in bitplane 1 will be hidden ; ; i.e. pixels in the hiddenBitplane will be hidden LDA #$00 ; Change the PPU address away from the palette entries STA PPU_ADDR ; to prevent the palette being corrupted LDA #$00 STA PPU_ADDR RTS ; Return from the subroutine .palv2 ; If we get here then this is not the space view CMP #$98 ; If this is the Status Mode screen, jump to palv3 BEQ palv3 ; If we get here then this is not the space view or the ; Status Mode screen LDA #$3F ; Set PPU_ADDR = $3F15, so it points to sprite palette 1 STA PPU_ADDR ; in the PPU LDA #$15 STA PPU_ADDR LDA visibleColour ; Set palette 0 to the following: STA PPU_DATA ; LDA paletteColour2 ; * Colour 0 = background (black) STA PPU_DATA ; LDA paletteColour3 ; * Colour 1 = visible colour STA PPU_DATA ; ; * Colour 2 = paletteColour2 ; ; * Colour 3 = paletteColour3 LDA #$00 ; Change the PPU address away from the palette entries STA PPU_ADDR ; to prevent the palette being corrupted LDA #$00 STA PPU_ADDR RTS ; Return from the subroutine .palv3 ; If we get here then this is the Status Mode screen LDA #$3F ; Set PPU_ADDR = $3F01, so it points to background STA PPU_ADDR ; palette 0 in the PPU LDA #$01 STA PPU_ADDR LDA visibleColour ; Set palette 0 to the following: STA PPU_DATA ; LDA paletteColour2 ; * Colour 0 = background (black) STA PPU_DATA ; LDA paletteColour3 ; * Colour 1 = visible colour STA PPU_DATA ; ; * Colour 2 = paletteColour2 ; ; * Colour 3 = paletteColour3 LDA #$00 ; Change the PPU address away from the palette entries STA PPU_ADDR ; to prevent the palette being corrupted LDA #$00 STA PPU_ADDR RTS ; Return from the subroutine