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PPU: SendBuffersToPPU (Part 3 of 3)

[NES version, Bank 7]

Name: SendBuffersToPPU (Part 3 of 3) [Show more] Type: Subroutine Category: PPU Summary: If we need to send tile nametable and pattern data to the PPU for either bitplane, start doing just that Deep dive: Drawing vector graphics using NES tiles
Context: See this subroutine in context in the source code References: No direct references to this subroutine in this source file
.sbuf7 ; If we get here then we are not currently sending tile ; data to the PPU, so now we check which bitplane is ; configured to be sent, configure the NMI handler to ; send data for that bitplane to the PPU (over multiple ; calls to the NMI handler, if required), and we also ; hide the bitplane we are updating from the screen, so ; we don't corrupt the screen while updating it SUBTRACT_CYCLES 298 ; Subtract 298 from the cycle count LDA bitplaneFlags ; Set A to the bitplane flags for bitplane 0 AND #%10100000 ; This jumps to sbuf8 if any of the following are true CMP #%10000000 ; for bitplane 0: BNE sbuf8 ; ; * Bit 5 is set (we have already sent all the data ; to the PPU for bitplane 0) ; ; * Bit 7 is clear (do not send data to the PPU for ; bitplane 0) ; ; If any of these are true, we jump to sbuf8 to consider ; sending bitplane 1 instead ; If we get here then we have not already send all the ; data to the PPU for bitplane 0, and bitplane 0 is ; configured to be sent, so we start sending data for ; bitplane 0 to the PPU NOP ; This looks like code that has been removed NOP NOP NOP NOP LDX #0 ; Set X = 0 and jump to sbuf11 to start sending tile JMP sbuf11 ; data to the PPU for bitplane 0 .sbuf8 LDA bitplaneFlags+1 ; Set A to the bitplane flags for bitplane 1 AND #%10100000 ; This jumps to sbuf10 if both of the following are true CMP #%10000000 ; for bitplane 1: BEQ sbuf10 ; ; * Bit 5 is clear (we have not already sent all the ; data to the PPU for bitplane 1) ; ; * Bit 7 is set (send data to the PPU for bitplane 1) ; ; If both of these are true then jump to sbuf10 to start ; sending data for bitplane 1 to the PPU ; If we get here then we don't need to send either ; bitplane to the PPU, so we update the cycle count and ; return from the subroutine ADD_CYCLES_CLC 223 ; Add 223 to the cycle count RTS ; Return from the subroutine .sbuf9 ADD_CYCLES_CLC 45 ; Add 45 to the cycle count JMP SendTilesToPPU ; Jump to SendTilesToPPU to set up the variables for ; sending tile data to the PPU, and then send them .sbuf10 LDX #1 ; Set X = 1 so we start sending tile data to the PPU ; for bitplane 1 .sbuf11 ; If we get here then we are about to start sending tile ; data to the PPU for bitplane X, so we set nmiBitplane ; to X (so the NMI handler sends data to the PPU for ; that bitplane), and we also set hiddenBitplane to X, ; so that the bitplane we are updating is hidden from ; view (and the other bitplane is shown on-screen) ; ; So this is the part of the code that swaps animation ; frames when drawing the space view STX nmiBitplane ; Set the NMI bitplane to the value in X, which will ; be 0 or 1 depending on the value of the bitplane flags ; we tested above LDA enableBitplanes ; If enableBitplanes = 0 then bitplanes are not enabled BEQ sbuf9 ; (we must be on the Start screen), so jump to sbuf9 to ; update the cycle count and skip the following two ; instructions STX hiddenBitplane ; Set the hidden bitplane to be the same as the NMI ; bitplane, so the rest of the NMI handler update the ; hidden bitplane (we only want to update the hidden ; bitplane, to avoid messing up the screen) JSR SetPaletteForView ; Send palette 0 for the current view to the PPU ; Fall through into SendTilesToPPU to set up the ; variables for sending tile data to the PPU, and then ; send them