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PPU: SendOtherBitplane

[NES version, Bank 7]

Name: SendOtherBitplane [Show more] Type: Subroutine Category: PPU Summary: Check whether we should send another bitplane to the PPU Deep dive: Drawing vector graphics using NES tiles
Context: See this subroutine in context in the source code References: This subroutine is called as follows: * SendNametableToPPU calls SendOtherBitplane
.SendOtherBitplane LDX nmiBitplane ; Set X to the current NMI bitplane (i.e. the bitplane ; for which we have been sending data to the PPU) LDA #%00100000 ; Set the NMI bitplane flags as follows: STA bitplaneFlags,X ; ; * Bit 2 clear = send tiles up to configured numbers ; * Bit 3 clear = don't clear buffers after sending ; * Bit 4 clear = we've not started sending data yet ; * Bit 5 set = we have already sent all the data ; * Bit 6 clear = only send pattern data to the PPU ; * Bit 7 clear = do not send data to the PPU ; ; Bits 0 and 1 are ignored and are always clear ; ; So this indicates that we have finished sending data ; to the PPU for this bitplane SUBTRACT_CYCLES 227 ; Subtract 227 from the cycle count BMI obit1 ; If the result is negative, jump to obit1 to stop ; sending PPU data in this VBlank, as we have run out of ; cycles (we will pick up where we left off in the next ; VBlank) JMP obit2 ; The result is positive, so we have enough cycles to ; keep sending PPU data in this VBlank, so jump to obit2 ; to check whether we should send this bitplane to the ; PPU .obit1 ADD_CYCLES 176 ; Add 176 to the cycle count JMP RTS1 ; Return from the subroutine (as RTS1 contains an RTS) .obit2 TXA ; Flip the NMI bitplane between 0 and 1, to it's the EOR #1 ; opposite bitplane to the one we just sent STA nmiBitplane CMP hiddenBitplane ; If the NMI bitplane is now different to the hidden BNE obit4 ; bitplane, jump to obit4 to update the cycle count ; and return from the subroutine, as we already sent ; the bitplane that's hidden (we only want to update ; the hidden bitplane, to avoid messing up the screen) ; If we get here then the new NMI bitplane is the same ; as the bitplane that's hidden, so we should send it ; to the PPU (this might happen if the value of ; hiddenBitplane changes while we are still sending ; data to the PPU across multiple calls to the NMI ; handler) TAX ; Set X to the newly flipped NMI bitplane LDA bitplaneFlags,X ; Set A to the bitplane flags for the newly flipped NMI ; bitplane AND #%10100000 ; This jumps to obit3 if both of the following are true CMP #%10000000 ; for bitplane 1: BEQ obit3 ; ; * Bit 5 is clear (we have not already sent all the ; data to the PPU for the bitplane) ; ; * Bit 7 is set (send data to the PPU for the ; bitplane) ; ; If both of these are true then jump to obit3 to update ; the cycle count and return from the subroutine without ; sending any more tile data to the PPU in this VBlank ; If we get here then the new bitplane is not configured ; to be sent to the PPU, so we send it now JMP SendTilesToPPU ; Jump to SendTilesToPPU to set up the variables for ; sending tile data to the PPU, and then send them .obit3 ADD_CYCLES_CLC 151 ; Add 151 to the cycle count RTS ; Return from the subroutine .obit4 ADD_CYCLES_CLC 163 ; Add 163 to the cycle count RTS ; Return from the subroutine