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Drawing lines: HLOIN (Part 1 of 5)

[NES version, Bank 7]

Name: HLOIN (Part 1 of 5) [Show more] Type: Subroutine Category: Drawing lines Summary: Draw a horizontal line from (X1, Y) to (X2, Y) using EOR logic Deep dive: Drawing lines in the NES version
Context: See this subroutine in context in the source code References: This subroutine is called as follows: * DrawLaunchBox calls HLOIN * DrawSunEdgeLeft calls HLOIN * DrawSunEdgeRight calls HLOIN * LL164 calls HLOIN * SUN (Part 2 of 2) calls HLOIN

Arguments: X1 The screen x-coordinate of the start of the line X2 The screen x-coordinate of the end of the line Y The screen y-coordinate of the line
Returns: Y Y is preserved X2 X2 is decremented
.hlin1 JMP hlin23 ; Jump to hlin23 to draw the line when it's all within ; one character block LDY YSAV ; Restore Y from YSAV, so that it's preserved .hlin2 RTS ; Return from the subroutine .HLOIN SETUP_PPU_FOR_ICON_BAR ; If the PPU has started drawing the icon bar, configure ; the PPU to use nametable 0 and pattern table 0 STY YSAV ; Store Y into YSAV, so we can preserve it across the ; call to this subroutine LDX X1 ; Set X = X1 CPX X2 ; If X1 = X2 then the start and end points are the same, BEQ hlin2 ; so return from the subroutine (as hlin2 contains ; an RTS) BCC hlin3 ; If X1 < X2, jump to hlin3 to skip the following code, ; as (X1, Y) is already the left point LDA X2 ; Swap the values of X1 and X2, so we know that (X1, Y) STA X1 ; is on the left and (X2, Y) is on the right STX X2 TAX ; Set X = X1 once again .hlin3 DEC X2 ; Decrement X2 so we do not draw a pixel at the end ; point TXA ; Set SC2(1 0) = (nameBufferHi 0) + yLookup(Y) + X1 / 8 LSR A ; LSR A ; where yLookup(Y) uses the (yLookupHi yLookupLo) table LSR A ; to convert the pixel y-coordinate in Y into the number CLC ; of the first tile on the row containing the pixel ADC yLookupLo,Y ; STA SC2 ; Adding nameBufferHi and X1 / 8 therefore sets SC2(1 0) LDA nameBufferHi ; to the address of the entry in the nametable buffer ADC yLookupHi,Y ; that contains the tile number for the tile containing STA SC2+1 ; the pixel at (X1, Y), i.e. the line we are drawing TYA ; Set Y = Y mod 8, which is the pixel row within the AND #7 ; character block at which we want to draw the start of TAY ; our line (as each character block has 8 rows) ; ; As we are drawing a horizontal line, we do not need to ; vary the value of Y, as we will always want to draw on ; the same pixel row within each character block TXA ; Set T = X1 with bits 0-2 cleared AND #%11111000 ; STA T ; Each character block contains 8 pixel rows, so to get ; the address of the first byte in the character block ; that we need to draw into, as an offset from the start ; of the row, we clear bits 0-2 ; ; T is therefore the offset within the row of the start ; of the line at x-coordinate X1 LDA X2 ; Set A = X2 with bits 0-2 cleared AND #%11111000 ; SEC ; A is therefore the offset within the row of the end ; of the line at x-coordinate X2 SBC T ; Set A = A - T ; ; So A contains the width of the line in terms of pixel ; bytes (which is the same as the number of character ; blocks that the line spans, less 1 and multiplied by ; 8) BEQ hlin1 ; If the line starts and ends in the same character ; block then A will be zero, so jump to hlin23 via hlin1 ; to draw the line when it's all within one character ; block LSR A ; Otherwise set R = A / 8 LSR A ; LSR A ; So R contains the number of character blocks that the STA R ; line spans, less 1 (so R = 0 means it spans one block, ; R = 1 means it spans two blocks, and so on)