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Start and end: ResetScreen

[NES version, Bank 3]

Name: ResetScreen [Show more] Type: Subroutine Category: Start and end Summary: Reset the screen by clearing down the PPU, setting all colours to black, and resetting the screen-related variables
Context: See this subroutine in context in the source code References: This subroutine is called as follows: * ResetScreen_b3 calls ResetScreen
.ResetScreen JSR WaitFor3xVBlank ; Wait for three VBlanks to pass LDA #HI(20*32) ; Set iconBarRow(1 0) = 20*32 STA iconBarRow+1 ; LDA #LO(20*32) ; So the icon bar is on row 20 STA iconBarRow ; We now want to set all the colours in all the palettes ; to black, to hide anything that's on-screen LDA #$3F ; Set PPU_ADDR = $3F00, so it points to the background STA PPU_ADDR ; colour palette entry in the PPU LDA #$00 STA PPU_ADDR LDA #$0F ; Set A to $0F, which is the HSV value for black LDX #31 ; There are 32 bytes in the background and sprite ; palettes in the PPU, so set a loop counter in X to ; count through them all .rscr1 STA PPU_DATA ; Send A to the PPU to set palette entry X to black DEX ; Decrement the loop counter BPL rscr1 ; Loop back until we have set all the palette entries to ; black ; We now want to reset both PPU nametables to show blank ; tiles (i.e. tile 0), so nothing is shown on-screen ; ; The two nametables and associated attribute tables are ; structured like this in the PPU: ; ; * PPU_NAME_0 ($2000 to $23BF) ; * PPU_ATTR_0 ($23C0 to $23FF) ; * PPU_NAME_1 ($2400 to $27BF) ; * PPU_ATTR_1 ($27C0 to $27FF) ; ; Each nametable/attribute table consists of 1024 bytes ; (i.e. four pages of 256 bytes), and because the tables ; are consecutive in PPU memory, we can zero the whole ; lot by sending eight pages of zeroes to the PPU, ; tarting at the start of nametable 0 at PPU_NAME_0 LDA #HI(PPU_NAME_0) ; Set PPU_ADDR to PPU_NAME_0, so it points to nametable STA PPU_ADDR ; 0 in the PPU LDA #LO(PPU_NAME_0) STA PPU_ADDR LDA #0 ; Set A = 0 so we can send it to the PPU to fill both ; PPU nametables with blank tiles LDX #8 ; We want to zero 8 pages of 256 bytes, so set a page ; counter in X LDY #0 ; Set Y as a byte counter to count through each of the ; 256 bytes in a page of memory .rscr2 STA PPU_DATA ; Zero the next entry in the nametable DEY ; Decrement the byte counter BNE rscr2 ; Loop back until we have zeroed a whole page JSR WaitFor3xVBlank ; Wait for three VBlanks to pass LDA #0 ; Set A = 0 again, as it gets changed by WaitFor3xVBlank DEX ; Decrement the page counter BNE rscr2 ; Loop back until we have zeroed 8 pages of nametable in ; the PPU LDA #245 ; Set screenReset = 245, though this is not used STA screenReset ; anywhere, so this has no effect on anything STA imageSentToPPU ; Set imageSentToPPU = 245 to denote that we have sent ; the inventory icon image to the PPU ; We now send patterns 0 to 4 to the PPU, to set up the ; blank tile (pattern 0), the three box edges (patterns ; 1 to 3) and the top-left corner of the icon bar ; (pattern 4) ; ; We do this for both pattern tables LDA #HI(PPU_PATT_0) ; Set PPU_ADDR to PPU_PATT_0, so it points to pattern STA PPU_ADDR ; table 0 in the PPU LDA #LO(PPU_PATT_0) STA PPU_ADDR LDY #0 ; Set Y to use as an index counter as we work through ; the boxEdgeImages table and send its data to the PPU LDX #80 ; The boxEdgeImages table contains five patterns with 16 ; bytes per pattern, so that's a total of 80 bytes to ; send to the PPU, so set X as a byte counter .rscr3 LDA boxEdgeImages,Y ; Send the Y-th entry from the boxEdgeImages table to STA PPU_DATA ; the PPU INY ; Increment the index into the boxEdgeImages table to ; point at the next byte DEX ; Decrement the byte counter BNE rscr3 ; Loop back until we have sent all 80 bytes to the PPU LDA #HI(PPU_PATT_1) ; Set PPU_ADDR to PPU_PATT_1, so it points to pattern STA PPU_ADDR ; table 1 in the PPU LDA #LO(PPU_PATT_1) STA PPU_ADDR LDY #0 ; Set Y to use as an index counter as we work through ; the boxEdgeImages table and send its data to the PPU LDX #80 ; The boxEdgeImages table contains five patterns with 16 ; bytes per pattern, so that's a total of 80 bytes to ; send to the PPU, so set X as a byte counter .rscr4 LDA boxEdgeImages,Y ; Send the Y-th entry from the boxEdgeImages table to STA PPU_DATA ; the PPU INY ; Increment the index into the boxEdgeImages table to ; point at the next byte DEX ; Decrement the byte counter BNE rscr4 ; Loop back until we have sent all 80 bytes to the PPU ; We now reset the sprite buffer by setting all 64 ; sprites as follows: ; ; * Set the coordinates to (0, 240), which is just ; below the bottom of the screen, so the sprite is ; hidden from view ; ; * Set the pattern number to 254 (this value seems to ; be arbitrary, but is possibly 254 so that sprite 0 ; keeps using pattern 254 throughout the reset) ; ; * Set the attributes so the sprite uses palette 3, ; is shown in front of the background, and is not ; flipped in either direction LDY #0 ; We are about to loop through the sprite buffer, so set ; a byte index in Y .rscr5 LDA #240 ; Set the y-coordinate for this sprite to 240, to move STA ySprite0,Y ; it off the bottom of the screen INY ; Increment Y to point to the second byte for this ; sprite, i.e. pattSprite0,Y LDA #254 ; Set the pattern number for this sprite to 254 STA ySprite0,Y INY ; Increment Y to point to the third byte for this ; sprite, i.e. attrSprite0,Y LDA #%00000011 ; Set the attributes for this sprite as follows: STA ySprite0,Y ; ; * Bits 0-1 = sprite palette 3 ; * Bit 5 clear = show in front of background ; * Bit 6 clear = do not flip horizontally ; * Bit 7 clear = do not flip vertically INY ; Increment Y to point to the fourth byte for this ; sprite, i.e. xSprite0,Y LDA #0 ; Set the x-coordinate for this sprite to 0 STA ySprite0,Y INY ; Increment Y to point to the first byte for the next ; sprite BNE rscr5 JSR SendDashImageToPPU ; Unpack the dashboard image and send it to patterns 69 ; to 255 in pattern table 0 in the PPU ; We now set up sprite 0, which is used to detect when ; the PPU starts drawing the icon bar, so this places ; the sprite at the right side of the screen, just ; above the icon bar, so when the PPU gets to this part ; of the screen, it will set the sprite 0 collision flag ; which we can then detect LDA #157+YPAL ; Set sprite 0 as follows: STA ySprite0 ; LDA #254 ; * Set the coordinates to (248, 157) STA pattSprite0 ; LDA #248 ; * Set the pattern number to 254 STA xSprite0 ; LDA #%00100011 ; * Set the attributes as follows: STA attrSprite0 ; ; * Bits 0-1 = sprite palette 3 ; * Bit 5 set = show behind background ; * Bit 6 clear = do not flip horizontally ; * Bit 7 clear = do not flip vertically ; We now set sprites 1 to 4 so they contain the four ; corners of the icon bar pointer: ; ; * Sprite 1 = top-left corner ; * Sprite 2 = top-right corner ; * Sprite 3 = bottom-left corner ; * Sprite 4 = bottom-right corner LDA #251 ; Set sprites 1 and 2 to use pattern 251 STA pattSprite1 STA pattSprite2 LDA #253 ; Set sprites 3 and 4 to use pattern 253 STA pattSprite3 STA pattSprite4 LDA #%00000011 ; Set the attributes for sprite 1 as follows: STA attrSprite1 ; ; * Bits 0-1 = sprite palette 3 ; * Bit 5 clear = show in front of background ; * Bit 6 clear = do not flip horizontally ; * Bit 7 clear = do not flip vertically LDA #%01000011 ; Set the attributes for sprite 2 as follows: STA attrSprite2 ; ; * Bits 0-1 = sprite palette 3 ; * Bit 5 clear = show in front of background ; * Bit 6 set = flip horizontally ; * Bit 7 clear = do not flip vertically LDA #%01000011 ; Set the attributes for sprite 3 as follows: STA attrSprite3 ; ; * Bits 0-1 = sprite palette 3 ; * Bit 5 clear = show in front of background ; * Bit 6 set = flip horizontally ; * Bit 7 clear = do not flip vertically LDA #%00000011 ; Set the attributes for sprite 4 as follows: STA attrSprite4 ; ; * Bits 0-1 = sprite palette 3 ; * Bit 5 clear = show in front of background ; * Bit 6 clear = do not flip horizontally ; * Bit 7 clear = do not flip vertically JSR WaitFor3xVBlank ; Wait for three VBlanks to pass LDA #0 ; Write 0 to OAM_ADDR so we can use OAM_DMA to send STA OAM_ADDR ; sprite data to the PPU LDA #$02 ; Write $02 to OAM_DMA to upload 256 bytes of sprite STA OAM_DMA ; data from the sprite buffer at $02xx into the PPU LDA #0 ; Reset all the bitplanes to 0 STA nmiBitplane STA drawingBitplane STA hiddenBitplane LDA #HI(PPU_PATT_1) ; Set ppuPatternTableHi to the high byte of PPU pattern STA ppuPatternTableHi ; table 1, which is the table we use for drawing dynamic ; tiles LDA #0 ; Set nmiBitplane8 to 8 * nmiBitplane, which is 0 STA nmiBitplane8 LDA #HI(PPU_NAME_0) ; Set ppuNametableAddr(1 0) to the address of pattern STA ppuNametableAddr+1 ; table 0 in the PPU LDA #LO(PPU_NAME_0) STA ppuNametableAddr LDA #%00101000 ; Set both bitplane flags as follows: STA bitplaneFlags ; STA bitplaneFlags+1 ; * Bit 2 clear = send tiles up to configured numbers ; * Bit 3 set = clear buffers after sending data ; * Bit 4 clear = we've not started sending data yet ; * Bit 5 set = we have already sent all the data ; * Bit 6 clear = only send pattern data to the PPU ; * Bit 7 clear = do not send data to the PPU ; ; Bits 0 and 1 are ignored and are always clear ; ; The NMI handler will now start sending data to the PPU ; according to the above configuration, splitting the ; process across multiple VBlanks if necessary LDA #4 ; Set the number of the first and last tiles to send STA clearingPattern ; from the PPU to 4, which is the first tile after the STA clearingPattern+1 ; blank tile (tile 0) and the box edges (tiles 1 to 3), STA clearingNameTile ; which are the only fixed tiles in both bitplanes STA clearingNameTile+1 ; STA sendingPattern ; This ensures that both buffers are almost entirely STA sendingPattern+1 ; cleared out by the NMI, as we set bit 3 in the STA sendingNameTile ; bitplane flags above STA sendingNameTile+1 LDA #$0F ; Set the hidden and visible colours to $0F, which is STA hiddenColour ; the HSV value for black, and do the same for the STA visibleColour ; colours to use for palette entries 2 and 3 in the STA paletteColour2 ; non-space views STA paletteColour3 LDA #0 ; Configure the NMI handler not to send palette data to STA updatePaletteInNMI ; the PPU STA QQ11a ; Set the old view type in QQ11a to $00 (Space view with ; no fonts loaded) LDA #$FF ; Set bit 7 of screenFadedToBlack to indicate that we STA screenFadedToBlack ; have faded the screen to black JSR WaitFor3xVBlank ; Wait for three VBlanks to pass LDA #%10010000 ; Set A to use as the new value for PPU_CTRL below STA ppuCtrlCopy ; Store the new value of PPU_CTRL in ppuCtrlCopy so we ; can check its value without having to access the PPU STA PPU_CTRL ; Configure the PPU by setting PPU_CTRL as follows: ; ; * Bits 0-1 = base nametable address %00 ($2000) ; * Bit 2 clear = increment PPU_ADDR by 1 each time ; * Bit 3 clear = sprite pattern table is at $0000 ; * Bit 4 set = background pattern table is at $1000 ; * Bit 5 clear = sprites are 8x8 pixels ; * Bit 6 clear = use PPU 0 (the only option on a NES) ; * Bit 7 set = enable VBlank NMI generation RTS ; Return from the subroutine