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[6502 Second Processor version, I/O processor]

Name: STARTUP [Show more] Type: Subroutine Category: Loader Summary: Set the various vectors, interrupts and timers, and terminate the loading process so the vector handlers can take over
Context: See this subroutine in context in the source code Variations: See code variations for this subroutine in the different versions References: No direct references to this subroutine in this source file
.STARTUP LDA RDCHV \ Store the current RDCHV vector in newosrdch(2 1), STA newosrdch+1 \ which modifies the address portion of the JSR &FFFF LDA RDCHV+1 \ instruction at the start of the newosrdch routine and STA newosrdch+2 \ changes it to a JSR to the existing RDCHV address LDA #LO(newosrdch) \ Disable interrupts and set WRCHV to newosrdch, so SEI \ calls to OSRDCH are now handled by newosrdch, which STA RDCHV \ lets us implement all our custom OSRDCH commands LDA #HI(newosrdch) STA RDCHV+1 LDA #%00111001 \ Set 6522 System VIA interrupt enable register IER STA VIA+&4E \ (SHEILA &4E) bits 0 and 3-5 (i.e. disable the Timer1, \ CB1, CB2 and CA2 interrupts from the System VIA) IF _SNG45 OR _SOURCE_DISC LDA #%01111111 \ Set 6522 User VIA interrupt enable register IER STA &FE6E \ (SHEILA &6E) bits 0-7 (i.e. disable all hardware \ interrupts from the User VIA) ELIF _EXECUTIVE LDA #%01111111 \ At this point, the other 6502SP versions set the 6522 \ User VIA interrupt enable register IER to this value \ to disable all hardware interrupts from the User VIA, \ but the Executive version is missing the STA &FE6E \ instruction, so it doesn't disable all the interrupts. \ This is because the Watford Electronics Beeb Speech \ Synthesiser that the Executive version supports plugs \ into the user port, which is controlled by the 6522 \ User VIA, so this ensures we don't disable the speech \ synthesiser if one is fitted ENDIF LDA IRQ1V \ Store the current IRQ1V vector in VEC, so VEC(1 0) now STA VEC \ contains the original address of the IRQ1 handler LDA IRQ1V+1 STA VEC+1 LDA #LO(IRQ1) \ Set the IRQ1V vector to IRQ1, so IRQ1 is now the STA IRQ1V \ interrupt handler LDA #HI(IRQ1) STA IRQ1V+1 LDA #VSCAN \ Set 6522 System VIA T1C-L timer 1 high-order counter STA VIA+&45 \ (SHEILA &45) to VSCAN (57) to start the T1 counter \ counting down from 14592 at a rate of 1 MHz (this is \ a different value to the main game code and to the \ loader's IRQ1 routine in the cassette version) CLI \ Enable interrupts again .NOINT LDA WORDV \ Store the current WORDV vector in notours(2 1) STA notours+1 LDA WORDV+1 STA notours+2 LDA #LO(NWOSWD) \ Disable interrupts and set WORDV to NWOSWD, so calls SEI \ to OSWORD are now handled by NWOSWD, which lets us STA WORDV \ implement all our custom OSWORD commands LDA #HI(NWOSWD) STA WORDV+1 CLI \ Enable interrupts again LDA #&FF \ Set the text and graphics colour to cyan STA COL LDA TINA \ If the contents of locations TINA to TINA+3 are "TINA" CMP #'T' \ then keep going, otherwise jump to PUTBACK to point BNE PUTBACK \ WRCHV to USOSWRCH, and then end the program, as from LDA TINA+1 \ now on the handlers pointed to by the vectors will CMP #'I' \ handle everything BNE PUTBACK LDA TINA+2 CMP #'N' BNE PUTBACK LDA TINA+3 CMP #'A' BNE PUTBACK JSR TINA+4 \ TINA to TINA+3 contains the string "TINA", so call the \ subroutine at TINA+4 \ \ This allows us to add a code hook into the start-up \ process by populating the TINW workspace at &0B00 with \ "TINA" followed by the code for a subroutine, and it \ will be called just before the setup code terminates \ on the I/O processor \ Fall through into PUTBACK to point WRCHV to USOSWRCH, \ and then end the program, as from now on the handlers \ pointed to by the vectors will handle everything