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Drawing the screen: TTX66

[Acorn Electron version]

Name: TTX66 [Show more] Type: Subroutine Category: Drawing the screen Summary: Clear the top part of the screen, draw a border box and configure the specified view
Context: See this subroutine in context in the source code Variations: See code variations for this subroutine in the different versions References: This subroutine is called as follows: * BR1 (Part 1 of 2) calls TTX66 * HFS2 calls TTX66 * TT18 calls TTX66 * TT26 calls TTX66 * DEATH calls via BOX * CLYNS calls via BORDER

Clear the top part of the screen (the space view) and draw a border box along the top and sides.
Other entry points: BOX Just draw the border and (if this is a space view) the view name. This can be used to remove the border and view name, as it is drawn using EOR logic BORDER Just draw the border
.TTX66 LDA #%10000000 \ Set bit 7 of QQ17 to switch to Sentence Case STA QQ17 ASL A \ Set LAS2 to 0, as 128 << 1 = %10000000 << 1 = 0. This STA LAS2 \ stops any laser pulsing STA DLY \ Set the delay in DLY to 0, to indicate that we are \ no longer showing an in-flight message, so any new \ in-flight messages will be shown instantly STA de \ Clear de, the flag that appends " DESTROYED" to the \ end of the next text token, so that it doesn't LDX #&58 \ Call LYN with X = &58 to clear the screen from page JSR LYN \ &58 to page &75, which clears the whole screen (as \ screen memory starts at &5800) LDX QQ22+1 \ Fetch into X the number that's shown on-screen during \ the hyperspace countdown BEQ BOX \ If the counter is zero then we are not counting down \ to hyperspace, so jump to BOX to skip the next \ instruction JSR ee3 \ Print the 8-bit number in X at text location (0, 1), \ i.e. print the hyperspace countdown in the top-left \ corner .BOX LDY #1 \ Move the text cursor to row 1 STY YC LDA QQ11 \ If this is not a space view, jump to tt66 to skip BNE tt66 \ displaying the view name LDY #11 \ Move the text cursor to row 11 STY XC LDA VIEW \ Load the current view into A: \ \ 0 = front \ 1 = rear \ 2 = left \ 3 = right ORA #&60 \ OR with &60 so we get a value of &60 to &63 (96 to 99) JSR TT27 \ Print recursive token 96 to 99, which will be in the \ range "FRONT" to "RIGHT" JSR TT162 \ Print a space LDA #175 \ Print recursive token 15 ("VIEW ") JSR TT27 .tt66 LDX #0 \ Set QQ17 = 0 to switch to ALL CAPS STX QQ17 .BORDER LDX #0 \ Set (X1, Y1) to (0, 0) STX X1 STX Y1 DEX \ Set X2 = 255 STX X2 JSR HLOIN \ Draw a horizontal line from (X1, Y1) to (X2, Y1), so \ that's (0, 0) to (255, 0), along the very top of the \ screen LDA #2 \ Set X1 = X2 = 2 STA X1 STA X2 JSR BOS2 \ Call BOS2 below, which will call BOS1 twice, and then \ fall through into BOS2 again, so we effectively do \ BOS1 four times, decrementing X1 and X2 each time \ before calling LOIN, so this whole loop-within-a-loop \ mind-bender ends up drawing these four lines: \ \ (1, 0) to (1, 191) \ (0, 0) to (0, 191) \ (255, 0) to (255, 191) \ (254, 0) to (254, 191) \ \ So that's a two-pixel wide vertical border along the \ left edge of the upper part of the screen, and a \ two-pixel wide vertical border along the right edge .BOS2 JSR BOS1 \ Call BOS1 below and then fall through into it, which \ ends up running BOS1 twice. This is all part of the \ loop-the-loop border-drawing mind-bender explained \ above .BOS1 LDA #0 \ Set Y1 = 0 STA Y1 LDA #2*Y-1 \ Set Y2 = 2 * #Y - 1. The constant #Y is 96, the STA Y2 \ y-coordinate of the mid-point of the space view, so \ this sets Y2 to 191, the y-coordinate of the bottom \ pixel row of the space view DEC X1 \ Decrement X1 and X2 DEC X2 JMP LOIN \ Draw a line from (X1, Y1) to (X2, Y2), and return from \ the subroutine using a tail call