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Status: GetCmdrImage

[NES version, Bank 4]

Name: GetCmdrImage [Show more] Type: Subroutine Category: Status Summary: Fetch the headshot image for the commander and store it in the pattern buffers, and send the face and glasses images to the PPU
Context: See this subroutine in context in the source code References: This subroutine is called as follows: * GetCmdrImage_b4 calls GetCmdrImage
.GetCmdrImage JSR GetHeadshot ; Fetch the headshot image for the commander and store ; it in the pattern buffers, starting at pattern number ; picturePattern LDA imageSentToPPU ; The value of imageSentToPPU was set in the STATUS ASL A ; routine to %1000xxxx, where %xxxx is the headshot TAX ; number (in the range 0 to 13), so set X to this ; number * 2, so we can use it as an index into the ; faceOffset table, which has two bytes per entry CLC ; Set V(1 0) = faceOffset for image X + faceCount LDA faceOffset,X ; ADC #LO(faceCount) ; So V(1 0) points to faceImage0 when X = 0, faceImage1 STA V ; when X = 1, and so on up to faceImage13 when X = 13 LDA faceOffset+1,X ADC #HI(faceCount) STA V+1 LDA #HI(16*69) ; Set PPU_ADDR to the address of pattern 69 in pattern STA PPU_ADDR ; table 0 LDA #LO(16*69) ; STA PPU_ADDR ; So we can unpack the image data for the relevant face ; image into pattern 69 onwards in pattern table 0 JSR UnpackToPPU ; Unpack the image data to the PPU LDA #HI(glassesImage) ; Set V(1 0) = glassesImage STA V+1 ; LDA #LO(glassesImage) ; So we can unpack the image data for the glasses into STA V ; the next few pattern bytes in pattern table 0 JMP UnpackToPPU ; Unpack the image data to the PPU, returning from the ; subroutine using a tail call