.GetHeadshot LDA #0 ; Set (SC+1 A) = (0 picturePattern) STA SC+1 ; = picturePattern LDA picturePattern ASL A ; Set SC(1 0) = (SC+1 A) * 8 ROL SC+1 ; = picturePattern * 8 ASL A ROL SC+1 ASL A ROL SC+1 STA SC STA SC2 ; Set SC2(1 0) = pattBuffer1 + SC(1 0) LDA SC+1 ; = pattBuffer1 + picturePattern * 8 ADC #HI(pattBuffer1) STA SC2+1 LDA SC+1 ; Set SC(1 0) = pattBuffer0 + SC(1 0) ADC #HI(pattBuffer0) ; = pattBuffer0 + picturePattern * 8 STA SC+1 LDA imageSentToPPU ; The value of imageSentToPPU was set in the STATUS ASL A ; routine to %1000xxxx, where %xxxx is the headshot TAX ; number (in the range 0 to 13), so set X to this ; number * 2, so we can use it as an index into the ; headOffset table, which has two bytes per entry LDA headOffset,X ; Set V(1 0) = headOffset for image X + headCount CLC ; ADC #LO(headCount) ; So V(1 0) points to headImage0 when X = 0, headImage1 STA V ; when X = 1, and so on up to headImage13 when X = 13 LDA headOffset+1,X ADC #HI(headCount) STA V+1 JSR UnpackToRAM ; Unpack the data at V(1 0) into SC(1 0), updating ; V(1 0) as we go ; ; SC(1 0) is pattBuffer0 + picturePattern * 8, so this ; unpacks the headshot pattern data into pattern buffer ; 0, starting from pattern picturePattern LDA SC2 ; Set SC(1 0) = SC2(1 0) STA SC ; = pattBuffer1 + picturePattern * 8 LDA SC2+1 STA SC+1 JSR UnpackToRAM ; Unpack the data at V(1 0) into SC(1 0), updating ; V(1 0) as we go ; ; SC(1 0) is pattBuffer1 + picturePattern * 8, so this ; unpacks the headshot pattern data into pattern buffer ; 1, starting from pattern picturePattern RTS ; Return from the subroutineName: GetHeadshot [Show more] Type: Subroutine Category: Status Summary: Fetch the headshot image for the commander and store it in the pattern buffers, starting at pattern number picturePatternContext: See this subroutine in context in the source code References: This subroutine is called as follows: * GetCmdrImage calls GetHeadshot * GetHeadshot_b4 calls GetHeadshot
Subroutine UnpackToRAM (category: Utility routines)
Unpack compressed image data to RAM
Variable headCount (category: Status)
The number of commander headshot images in the headOffset table
Variable headOffset (category: Status)
Offset to the data for each of the 14 commander headshot images
Variable imageSentToPPU in workspace WP
Records when images have been sent to the PPU or unpacked into the buffers, so we don't repeat the process unnecessarily
Variable pattBuffer0 in workspace Cartridge WRAM
The pattern buffer for bitplane 0 (1 bit per pixel) that gets sent to the PPU during VBlank
Variable pattBuffer1 in workspace Cartridge WRAM
The pattern buffer for bitplane 1 (1 bit per pixel) that gets sent to the PPU during VBlank
Variable picturePattern in workspace WP
The number of the first free pattern where commander and system images can be stored in the buffers