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Status: headShotsByRank

[NES version, Bank 4]

Name: headShotsByRank [Show more] Type: Variable Category: Status Summary: Lookup table for headshots by rank and status condition
Context: See this variable in context in the source code References: This variable is used as follows: * GetHeadshotType uses headShotsByRank
.headShotsByRank EQUB 0, 1, 2 ; Harmless (docked/green, yellow, red) EQUB 3, 4, 5 ; Mostly Harmless (docked/green, yellow, red) EQUB 6, 6, 7 ; Poor (docked/green, yellow, red) EQUB 8, 8, 8 ; Average EQUB 9, 9, 9 ; Above Average EQUB 10, 10, 10 ; Competent EQUB 11, 11, 11 ; Dangerous EQUB 12, 12, 12 ; Deadly EQUB 13, 13, 13 ; Elite EQUB 14, 14, 14 ; Unused