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Version analysis of DKS3

This code appears in the following versions (click to see it in the source code):

Code variations between these versions are shown below.

Name: DKS3 Type: Subroutine Category: Keyboard Summary: Toggle a configuration setting and emit a beep
This is called when the game is paused and a key is pressed that changes the game's configuration. Specifically, this routine toggles the configuration settings for the following keys:

Code variation 1 of 6A variation in the comments only

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* CAPS LOCK toggles keyboard flight damping (&40) * A toggles keyboard auto-recentre (&41) * X toggles author names on start-up screen (&42) * F toggles flashing console bars (&43) * Y toggles reverse joystick Y channel (&44) * J toggles reverse both joystick channels (&45) * K toggles keyboard and joystick (&46) The numbers in brackets are the internal key numbers (see p.142 of the Advanced User Guide for a list of internal key numbers). We pass the key that has been pressed in X, and the configuration option to check it against in Y, so this routine is typically called in a loop that loops through the various configuration options.
* CAPS LOCK toggles keyboard flight damping (0) * A toggles keyboard auto-recentre (1) * X toggles author names on start-up screen (2) * F toggles flashing console bars (3) * Y toggles reverse joystick Y channel (4) * J toggles reverse both joystick channels (5) * K toggles keyboard and joystick (6) The numbers in brackets are the configuration options that we pass in Y. We pass the ASCII code of the key that has been pressed in X, and the option to check it against in Y, so this routine is typically called in a loop that loops through the various configuration option.
* CAPS LOCK toggles keyboard flight damping (&40) * A toggles keyboard auto-recentre (&41) * X toggles author names on start-up screen (&42) * F toggles flashing console bars (&43) * Y toggles reverse joystick Y channel (&44) * J toggles reverse both joystick channels (&45) * K toggles keyboard and joystick (&46) The Executive version supports two additional configuration options: * @ toggles infinite jump range and fuel (&47) * : toggles speech (&48) The numbers in brackets are the internal key numbers (see p.142 of the Advanced User Guide for a list of internal key numbers). We pass the key that has been pressed in X, and the configuration option to check it against in Y, so this routine is typically called in a loop that loops through the various configuration options.
* CAPS LOCK toggles keyboard flight damping (&40) * A toggles keyboard auto-recentre (&41) * X toggles author names on start-up screen (&42) * F toggles flashing console bars (&43) * Y toggles reverse joystick Y channel (&44) * J toggles reverse both joystick channels (&45) * K toggles keyboard and joystick (&46) The numbers in brackets are the internal key numbers (see p.40 of the Electron Advanced User Guide for a list of internal key numbers). We pass the key that has been pressed in X, and the configuration option to check it against in Y, so this routine is typically called in a loop that loops through the various configuration options. Note that the Electron version doesn't support joysticks, but you can still configure them (though this does break the chart views, as they still call the joystick routines that are still present in the Electron's codebase).


Code variation 2 of 6A variation in the comments only

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X The internal number of the key that's been pressed Y The internal number of the configuration key to check against, from the list above (i.e. Y must be from &40 to &46)
X The ASCII code of the key that's been pressed Y The number of the configuration option to check against from the list above (i.e. Y must be from 0 to 6)

Code variation 3 of 6Specific to an individual platform

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STY T \ Store the configuration key argument in T CPX T \ If X <> Y, jump to Dk3 to return from the subroutine BNE Dk3
TXA \ Copy the ASCII code of the key that has been pressed \ into A CMP TGINT,Y \ If the pressed key doesn't match the configuration key BNE Dk3 \ for option Y (as listed in the TGINT table), then jump \ to Dk3 to return from the subroutine

Code variation 4 of 6Related to the Master version

When toggling a configuration option in the Master version, we get two beeps when we turn the option on (which sounds like one long beep) and one beep when we turn it off (which sounds like a short beep), whereas the other versions beep when we turn it on and remain silent when we turn it off.

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\ We have a match between X and Y, so now to toggle \ the relevant configuration byte. CAPS LOCK has a key \ value of &40 and has its configuration byte at \ location DAMP, A has a value of &41 and has its byte \ at location DJD, which is DAMP+1, and so on. So we \ can toggle the configuration byte by changing the \ byte at DAMP + (X - &40), or to put it in indexing \ terms, DAMP-&40,X. It's no coincidence that the \ game's configuration bytes are set up in this order \ and with these keys (and this is also why the sound \ on/off keys are dealt with elsewhere, as the internal \ key for S and Q are &51 and &10, which don't fit \ nicely into this approach) LDA DAMP-&40,X \ Fetch the byte from DAMP + (X - &40), invert it and EOR #&FF \ put it back (0 means no and &FF means yes in the STA DAMP-&40,X \ configuration bytes, so this toggles the setting)
LDA DAMP,Y \ The configuration keys listed in TGINT correspond to EOR #&FF \ the configuration option settings from DAMP onwards, STA DAMP,Y \ so to toggle a setting, we fetch the existing byte \ from DAMP+Y, invert it and put it back (0 means no \ and &FF means yes in the configuration bytes, so \ this toggles the setting) BPL P%+5 \ If the result has a clear bit 7 (i.e. we just turned \ the option off), skip the following instruction JSR BELL \ We just turned the option on, so make a standard \ system beep, so in all we make two beeps
 JSR BELL               \ Make a beep sound so we know something has happened

Code variation 5 of 6Specific to an individual platform

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JSR DELAY \ Wait for Y/50 seconds (Y is between 64 and 70, so this \ is always a bit longer than a second)
TYA \ Store Y and A on the stack so we can retrieve them PHA \ below LDY #20 \ Wait for 20/50 of a second (0.4 seconds) JSR DELAY
JSR DELAY \ Wait for Y delay loops (Y is between 64 and 70)

Code variation 6 of 6Specific to an individual platform

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LDY T \ Restore the configuration key argument into Y
PLA \ Restore A and Y from the stack TAY

 RTS                    \ Return from the subroutine