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Version analysis of cmn

This code appears in the following versions (click to see it in the source code):

Code variations between these versions are shown below.

Name: cmn Type: Subroutine Category: Status Summary: Print the commander's name
Print control code 4 (the commander's name).
Other entry points: cmn-1 Contains an RTS

Code variation 1 of 2Specific to an individual platform

This variation is blank in the Cassette, Disc (flight), 6502 Second Processor, Master and Electron versions.

JSR MT19 \ Call MT19 to capitalise the next letter (i.e. set \ Sentence Case for this word only)
 LDY #0                 \ Set up a counter in Y, starting from 0


Code variation 2 of 2Specific to an individual platform

Tap on a block to expand it, and tap it again to revert.

LDA NA%,Y \ The commander's name is stored at NA%, so load the \ Y-th character from NA%
LDA NAME,Y \ The commander's name is stored at NAME, so load the \ Y-th character from NAME
 CMP #13                \ If we have reached the end of the name, return from
 BEQ ypl-1              \ the subroutine (ypl-1 points to the RTS below)

 JSR TT26               \ Print the character we just loaded

 INY                    \ Increment the loop counter

 BNE QUL4               \ Loop back for the next character

 RTS                    \ Return from the subroutine