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Text: DTW3

[BBC Master version]

Name: DTW3 [Show more] Type: Variable Category: Text Summary: A flag for switching between standard and extended text tokens Deep dive: Extended text tokens
Context: See this variable in context in the source code References: This variable is used as follows: * DETOK2 uses DTW3 * MT5 uses DTW3

This variable is used to indicate whether standard or extended text tokens should be printed by calls to DETOK. It allows us to mix standard tokens in with extended tokens. It has two values: * %00000000 = print extended tokens (i.e. those in TKN1 and RUTOK) * %11111111 = print standard tokens (i.e. those in QQ18) The default value is %00000000 (extended tokens). Standard tokens are set by jump token {6}, which calls routine MT6 to change the value of DTW3 to %11111111. Extended tokens are set by jump token {5}, which calls routine MT5 to change the value of DTW3 to %00000000.
.DTW3 EQUB %00000000